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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-9 10:54  ·  江西 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-9 10:54  ·  四川 | 显示全部楼层
I posted this on the site ArkhamVerse.com a few days ago and have no decided to post it here to highlight and reference how WB and RS decide to treat what is becomming a growing industry standard when it comes to DLC

Here is a quote from CODA:

Q: Will there be more dlc in 2016? Or are ere any hidden skins we don't know of? Because I feel the allies don't have enough skins. Red hood, batgirl and Harley have zero skins which is very disappointing. There were hidden skins found in the PC files, so will those all be coming, for example the Damian Wayne Robin skin?
A: We’re focused on wrapping up the season pass for 2015 right now! By the end of the six month run we’ll have released 4 new Supervillains in Most Wanted Missions, 6 new Batmobiles, 18 FreeFlow Combat AR Challenges, 15 Invisible Predator AR Challenges, 14 Batmobile challenges, 42 Character Skins, 6 Arkham Episodes, 8 Selectable characters for AR Challenges, Big Head Mode, Photo Mode, and a selection of AR Gameplay tweaks chosen by the community.
With all that done, we’re not planning anything else for 2016

This above answer from Community Manager CODA in the official forums is what prompted me to do this. So sure are they of delivering exceptional content to fans that I had to further expand on such a claim.
Before I begin let me say that I was honestly surprised when compiling this analysis at the value Rocksteady has given the fans. Does that mean I think the season pass is worth the initial asking price? Well read and find out. (I hope you like the word “content”)

Let me also state that I am aware of many misconceptions that others purport to claim there is value where there is none and have addressed this below.
My goal is not to claim I have the final objective view on this subject but to outline my stance on whether the season pass delivers valuable content for its asking price.
I believe I have done this fairly.

Let’s start with what I think is some important context.
Arkham Knight had a considerable and lengthy development as well as some extensive delays. The game had a relatively large amount of pre-order exclusives split across different retailers, platforms and other promotions. Among the marketing and hype, WB announced a season pass for the game with a staggering price of $39.99.
Fans threw a fit at this unprecedented and seemingly-greedy move which is understandable given the growing trend in the industry to shortchange customers when it comes to delivering worthwhile. WB and RS responded by giving a vague and brief summary of the different categories of content that the season pass would contain which satisfied many.
The reason I think this context is important is because it gives perspective to the decisions and effort that went into providing the content we actually got.
Despite it’s lengthy development, AK released with omitted or lacking  staple gameplay features in terms of challenge maps, playable characters etc. The PC port was also in a disastrous state and I have no doubt changes were made to the DLC plans so  the team could focus on fixing it.
With that firmly fixed in our minds, let me outline my method of evaluating the content of the season pass and address some potential misconceptions.

1.My main goal is to determine the value of each piece of content in each category
In terms of evaluating this I look at:
-Unique content: story, gameplay mechanics, locations
-Extras: challenges, concept art, trophies
-Replay value
I DO NOT: apply an arbitrary rating such as 6/10. Such methods are akin to asking someone what playing card they are thinking of when simultaneously considering other content.

2.Because the content is priced and divided according to WB I look for consistency in how they market each individual ‘pack’ and compare it to similar content prices
What constitutes a ‘pack’? What is a reasonable price for one ‘pack’?
By looking at similar content and pricing patterns I hope to better formulate a consensus on what is acceptable and what is overpriced.

Common Misconceptions and flawed premises
1.Content is worth however much you are willing to pay for however many
2.Content value is determined by how much effort went into it
3.Value is proportional to quantity
4.The season pass price is less than the sum of all individual prices therefore it is worth it.

Note:When I say ‘unique’ in terms of a model or location I mean that it is not a re-used or retextured asset from the main game

Free Content
This is content that could have been used to buff up the season pass price but instead RS or WB decided it should be available to all fans at no charge. This should not be overlooked for this reason as well as the fact that it also gives context to the value applied to other DLC

New 52 skins ( 3 unique skins)
2008 Movie Batman
2016 BvS batman skin and batmobile
Original Arkham batman skin
Noel batman skin
RockSteady themed Batmobile
Community challenge map pack (assumed free, yet to be released)
Big Head Mode, Photo Mode, and a selection of AR Gameplay tweaks chosen by the community

Note: Free content can be given because of many reasons: an apology, appreciation, celebration or just because. Here we see that certain skins such as the RS batmobile are nothing more than a retexture while the BvS skins and batmobile are complete and unique models.

5 unique batman skins (not retextures)
1 unique batmobile
1 re-skinned batmobile
1 Robin and 1 nightwing skin, both slight variations on existing model
-Photo mode
-BH mode and selectable characters are features that have been restored to the franchise in my opinion and do not constitute new additions nor are they cause for praise.

Exclusives/ Unobtainable as-of-yet through online stores:
Batman INC. Skin
Earth 2 batman skin
PS4 exclusive skins pack (JL3000, Adam West, 1966 themed batmobile)
Scarecrow Nightmare missions

Verdict: A big middle finger to dedicated fans who game on other systems, fans of batman or those who like having a complete product. One would hope that a season pass guarantees a complete product

Season Pass Benefits
Flashpoint skin
Early access for some pieces of content, free and premium
Summary: standard yet not sufficiently enticing or rewarding. I would put that it is discounted from the total cost of all DLC but that is what I am debating in this analysis

Playable characters

Dark Knight Returns skin               ($0.99)
Beyond                                        ($0.99)
Bat-family skins pack      ($1.99)
1st appearance                  ($0.99)

TOTAL : $4.96
Analysis: Not all skins are created equal we see as DKR, Beyond and 1st appearance sell for $1 while for double that price we get 6 other skins that are not as highly-valued. Amongst all the free content previously outlined we see that skins are often bundled with other content with a similar theme
Verdict: FILLER
these packs seem like a method to inflate the season pass price. Skins should be sold in packs or given as extras in story content packs. There is no reason the bat-family skins for catwoman, robin and nightwing could not have been attached to their story episode DLC.

Batmobile Skins

Prototype             ($1.99)                                overpriced
Riddler        ($0.99)                         reskin
1970’s theme     ($0.99)        reskin
Original Arkham                ($1.99)       unique, iconic              
Robin Pack          ($1.99)         Reskin batmobile and slight variation on haired Robin

TOTAL:  $7.95

Analysis: The prototype skin is not iconic and sells for double the price of many other more valuable skins. Riddler, 1970s and the robin batmobile are reskins that could have been free or bundled more appropriately. Instead they are sold individually to buff up the total price. The robin one is bundled with a slight variation on other robin character skins for double the price of the others. The original Arkham Batmobile is the only one iconic and valued enough to justify its price but while $2 doesn’t seem like much comparatively, consider that the original arkham batman skin is free yet this batmobile is not bundled with it like other themed bundles

Verdict: Filler and inconsistent pricing
The majority of these skins are not worth the price when considering similar content. BvS batman skin is bundled with the BvS batmobile yet here we see that the Arkham Batmobile is sold for $2 while the complimentary batman skin is free. Additionally, the robin skin in the robin pack boosts the price of its pack by $1 when a similar skin is part of a pack of six costing $.2

Skins category Total: $12.91
Skins Verdict:  Inconsistently priced and packaged. Not indicative of quality or quantity.
highlights arbitrary criteria for ‘packs’

Batmobile Race track Packs

Classic TV series                $1.99     2 race tracks, unique batmobile, robin and catwoman skin
1989                               $1.99             2 tracks, unique skin, unique batmobile
2008 tumbler             $1.99             2 tracks, unique batmobile
Waynetech Track             $1.99     2 tracks

TOTAL:  $7.96

Analysis: There is more value showcased here than in all the skin packs. Each pack contains two race tracks that have replay value, nostalgia value and aesthetics value. The unique batmobiles add new detail and the skins are an added bonus. Admittedly it is odd that the 2008 batman skin was not initially included in the 2008 pack and the omission of the Adam west skin from the classic TV pack is made worse by his inclusion in the  accompanying batmobile showcase and race track background.

Vedict: Worth every penny.
This further strengthens the view that the $12.91 total for all the skins is mostly filler


Individual pack cost: $1.99
Total cost: $9.95
The main game launched with a paltry 4 combat and 4 predator challenge maps.
Additionally, these AR challenges pale in comparison to the challenge maps of past games.
While RS has tried to restore past features these maps still pale in comparison to those of previous games so these maps really needed to bring some much needed value to the table.
I have divided all the challenges into 4 categories based on the value principles

Total challenges: 30
Batmobile challenges: 3
Re-used location and combat/predator context: 20
Random combat location from map: 3
Re-used/Iconic Location in different/unique context: 4

Things do not look good. It seems the initial main game offered very little challenges from the main game so that they could be offered to us later in DLC. Only 4 challenge maps offer scenarios that were not present in the main game. I ignored things such as dual play and selectable characters because those are supposed to be available regardless. Only 4 maps offer what I would call a unique experience from the main game. That doesn’t even fufill the 6 needed to make one challenge pack.

Verdict: Despicable and shameful Rip off
Witholding challenge maps to later sell as DLC or fill a season pass is not right. This still doesn’t change the fact that the selectable characters lack sufficient unique gameplay elements or that batgirl and Azrael do not suffice as unique characters.


RED HOOD Story Pack
price : $1.99

Analysis: Adds a playable character to challenge maps as well as a story episode.
The story contains unique locations, gameplay elements and enemies that can only be accessed in the arkham episode.
Red Hood is very limited as a playable character as Rocksteady does not seem as dedicated to other playable characters, doing the bare minimum of 3 gadgets, a couple new animations and no new special combat moves. The story is brief and segemented by loading screens and culminates in a mini-boss encounter. No challenge maps or extras
Value: Story, gameplay

Verdict: worth $2. Nothing exceptional


Price: $1.99

Analysis: Adds playable character Harley Quinn.
Like red hood, HQ receives 3 gadgets, some unique animations, few new gameplay mechanics
The story is relevant to the main game and culminates in a boss encounter. No extras outside the episode

Value: Story, gameplay
Verdict: Worth $2, wasted potential


Price: $1.99

Analysis: Short story episode utilizing a copy/paste character from arkham city. RS has done little work to expand playing as nightwing and even removed unique gameplay features. The story holds no value and detracts from the main game’s ending, the GCPD’s reputation and penguin’s character. 2 challenge maps are added as extras
Verdict: Worth $2 for the unique challenge maps alone. This Would have been a good DLC to sell the nightwing skins with instead of separately. Wasted potential

Catwoman’s Revenge
Price: $1.99

Analysis:  Another re-used arkham city character receiving very little new gameplay. Story does not detract from the main game and there are two challenges as extras.
Verdict: worth $2

Flip of a coin

Analysis: Re-used Arkham city character with little no new gameplay etc. Story detracts from Game’s ending and batman’s allies respect for anything he did. Adds two extra challenges and no hope that the GCPD will ever keep a villain locked up

Verdict: worth $2  for the extras and time sink. Wasted potential.

Note on Story DLC
You would think the core focus of story DLC would be on the story, and that the core focus on game DLC would be gameplay. The core focus with the Nightwing, Robin and Catwoman story DLC seems to have been to give the player more to do. There is very little that fufils the core value principles in terms of unique gameplay, meaningful story, extras, nostalgia etc. Most of the value comes from art, locations and challenge maps

Matter of Family
Price: $6.99

This is nothing more than a Batgirl character model and a mini-story segment with a unique mini-open world location. The extras and side quests are objectively filler. Batgirl is a reworked and dumbed down batman and her gameplay is limited as a result. The story is inconsequential and seems to be nothing more than a time sink.
This DLC only offers an open story mission with unique encounters as its primary meaningful offering. It also showcases a unique Harley Quinn skin which is now free for those who bought the HQ story pack.

Verdict: Bloated and overpriced.
all the filler in this DLC seems to be an attempt to cover up how little effort went into developing batgirl as a unique character or the story having no consequence. Honestly there is not a lot more to this than the other story DLC so why is the price so high?

Story pack Total: $16.94

Price: $9.99

Brief Analysis:
This DLC offers a sizable amount of new locations, characters, story, extras, art.
I won’t delve into each segment but I will say that for the price there seems to be lacking at least one villain. Each side mission essentially equates to the $2 worth of each of the smaller story packs. By that observation there is $8 worth of content. While I think each mission adds value to the main game they are incredibly short while owing much of their length to traversing the original game’s world.

Verdict: Worth $10

Season pass price:  $39.99
Skins:                          $12.91
BM race packs:        $7.96
Challenges:               $9.95
Story Packs:            $16.94
SOI:                           $9.99

TOTAL: $57.75
Perceived bargain:  $17.76
Questionable content price: $29.85

Final Verdict
There is a lot wrong with this season pass.
While it does deliver quality content in terms of the batmobile races and the Season of Infamy expansion, the bulk of its price is padded by smaller questionably priced offerings.
There is inconsistency in the pricing and packaging of different content while the story offerings seem to display a minimal effort in terms of offereing meaningful and unique gameplay scenarios.
Unsurprsingly it was the batmobile that seems to have gotten the most attention to detail and the most reasonably priced and packaged DLC

In terms of the series staple challenge maps there seems to be some highly suspect activity regarding reselling us encounters from the main game as challenges. This begs the question as to why we were given such a measly offering in the base game and what the development delays were spent on.
Despite Arkham Knights lengthy development, the game still lacked in terms of extra content to keep fans busy. Playable characters were another wasted opportunity that rocksteady took no effort in enhancing and the season pass seems to take advantage of that.
The result is not as fulfilling as most fans hoped.
Most content seems to excel in the aesthetics department, benefitting from new locations, skins, designs while gameplay is recycled and given minimal effort.
For $40, the fact that there is only one significant piece of content that is priced at $10 just highlights the fact that the majority of content is smaller filler meant to buff up the price.

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发表于 2016-1-11 21:20  ·  福建 | 显示全部楼层
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