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IOS51 & Updated all IOSes except IOS30, IOS31 and IOS37 (these were already updated, see below)
Released: 23rd October 2008
This blocks new installations of anything fakesigned, that is, Homebrew Channel (both new installs and updates), unofficial wads (legal and illegal), Starfall, cIOS, BootMii, anything that installs IOSes secretly like AnyRegion Changer or AnyTitle Deleter, xyzzy and DVDX (used for apps which have DVD support). However, if you already have cIOS installed, you can still install wads with WAD Manager. This list is not exhaustive, but please add to it if you think of anything else.
This also blocks access to /dev/flash in all IOSes but IOS30, IOS31 and IOS37. This means raw nand dumping utilities, for example Yet Another Wii NAND Dumper, no longer work, since by default homebrew uses IOS35
If something is already installed then it isn't affected, like Homebrew Channel, etc.
The homebrew developers are already planning how to work around this update.
You currently need this update to access the Wii Shop Channel, but this can now be worked around with Wii Shop and IOS51 installer.
If you already have the Homebrew Channel and DVDX, and aren't planning to install anything big that will affect your Wii, then you are most likely unaffected. Normal everyday apps such as Homebrew Browser are completely unaffected as long as you already have the Homebrew Channel.
It updates all IOSes with the fakesigning bug, and adds IOS51.
1. 将会阻止任何虚假签名的安装,包括 homebrew channel (包括新安装以及hbc本身的在线升级都不行) , 所有WAD文件( 无论是否patch过) , Starfall (一个自制的官方menu加强补丁) , cIOS, bootMii , 以及其它任何会偷偷安装IOS的软件比如 AnyRegion Changer or AnyTitle Deleter, xyzzy and DVDX。尽管如此,你如果安装过cIOS,wad manager 1.21仍然可以继续使用。注意,这个列表还不完全,正在完善中
(简单的说,就是对一切SAY NO,老任你够狠啊。。。)
2. 屏蔽了所以IOS对 /dev/flash 的访问权限,除了IOS30/IOS31/IOS37
这意味着NAND Dumper类的软件,例如Yet Another Wii NAND Dumper,
将无法再用于 dump NAND 中的本体系统 ( 因为一般自制程序都是使用IOS35 )
3. 已经安装的hbc等频道不受影响
4. hacks们已经开始商量对策了
5. 现在要上wii shop ,就必须做本次更新才行!但是hack目前已经有了对策,hack封装了一个只含有新版wiisop和IOS51的升级包,用了这个就可以既不升级,也可以使用wiishop了:
6. 如果你已经安装好了hbc, dvdx, cIOS 之类该装的东西,而且不准备再装什么东西折腾你的wii了,那么这个更新可能也没啥影响。 日常的一些软件例如 hb browser ,完全没事。
7. 本次更新将在所有IOS上打patch,防止虚假签名漏洞(也就是trucha signer).此外,新增了IOS51.
2008.10.24 20:20 追加最新的消息,最重要的是 bootMii 也无法使用了 ,汗啊。。。。
2008.10.25 23:30 追加最新的消息,今天的重点就是hack放出了一个升级包,可以在不升级的情况下继续使用wiishop. |