佐伯 is very fast (S) in double, all his staus will up one level in double...
and his ability " サポート " can help his partner (if he/she is weaker than 佐伯)
By ビンタ, ??can up his tension to Lv5...and his serve is very fast and powerful too...so it is useful if it is his serve round...
下面是引用dokoham于2004-10-17 2:45 PM发表的 :
佐伯 is very fast (S) in double, all his staus will up one level in double...
and his ability " サポート " can help his partner (if he/she is weaker than 佐伯)
By ビンタ, ??can up his tension to Lv5...and his serve is very fast and powerful too...so it is useful if it is his serve round...
六角 is really poor in single...v_v
they are suitable in double...
葵剣太郎 is not weak...
don't forget his ability - 本気、ピンチ
(when he is leading by opposite and vs the player who better than him overall)
His status can becomeフットワーク:B、パワー:B、スタミナ:C、メンタル:SS、テクニック:C
it is not poor...
although he has a bad ablility - てかげん...(like tachibana...)
it is not affect seriously...