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发表于 2009-2-16 18:27 · 上海
下面是引用so4于2009-02-16 17:11发表的:
XB的质量不错 我一度认为老美的机子质量就是好 哪知道360这样搞···
What follows is an email sent to Microsoft XBOX 360 and XBOX Live directly, and now posted, by request, on this site.
To Microsoft XBOX 360 and XBOX Live,
I want to share my feelings about the five XBOX 360s I have in my home.
I have four boys and we all enjoy video games. I spend about $100 to $200 a month on video games and video game products. (I hope this letter gets to someone (important) who understands how much I influence friends and others on what they should buy).
We own an original Atari 2600, NES, SNES, N64, Wii, two DS Lites, two Sony PSPs and five XBOX 360s. We used to have a 60GB PS3, too.
We love playing and having fun together.
We fell in love with Halo over at a friend’s house about three or four years ago. I hated the original XBOX and swore I would never own one. After playing Halo with my boys at our friends’ house for five or six months, we decided to get an original XBOX. We then purchased 2 more later in the year. We loved playing Halo and Halo 2. We didn’t even have any other games for the XBOX for a long time.
When they announced the 360 I held off for two years before I bought one because of the quality issues. I ended up buying one when I read that the internals had changed. Halo 3 was coming out the next day, so I bought an XBOX 360 Elite. The next week I bought two more. Then in April of 2008, I bought one more. Then, last month I bought another one. So now I have five XBOX 360s.
So far, I’ve had two sent back for repair. Now I do nothing but worry about when the next one is going to break and now most of them are out of warranty.
We really liked the PS3 and the only–and I mean only reason–we went with the 360 was because of Halo 3. Guess what? I don’t like Halo 3. I have been playing it for 17 months and I just don’t like it, I really tried because I love Halo 1 and 2 so much. Guess what else? My boys play Halo 3 once in a while with their friends in Forge but overall they don’t like it either. I know I need to take up why I don’t like it with Bungie because the list is just too long, but I am telling you this because I don’t have any compelling reason to keep my 360s anymore.
Here is a list of why I am unhappy below (not in any particular order):
1. Microsoft wireless batteries are crap and stop working way before they should. I have read on the internet where thousands of people are having the same problems as we are with these batteries.
2. Wireless headset licensee crap. We have five XBOX 360s in one awesome TV room. So we all have headsets. We have to plug our headsets into the 360 controller to chat. This is just stupid. The technology is there, you just won’t license it to third parties, so you can sell your wireless headset for $60. Stupid.
3. Too much for Live. I pay $250/year so my family can be on Live. This is just insane. Guess what? PSN is FREE. FREE. FREE. FREE. FREE. I realize PSN isn’t as robust as XBOX Live, but I hate the New XBOX Experience (NXE). I don’t have control over it at all and it’s just there so you can sell more stuff. I pay you $50 a year and I don’t have any control? What the heck is up with that? You guys are just not getting it. The PSN gives me what I want–to be able to play online with friends. That’s it. I don’t want all that other crap.
4. My credit card info on Live forever. This is stupid. I have to call four or five levels of support to get my credit card removed from my account. I have four boys. They can, if they wanted to, buy and buy and buy because it isn’t easy to turn things off on XBOX Live without messing up other features I want my boys to access.
5. Halo 3 really sucks. Way too many things to say here. Basically they threw in too many items and things to do in the game. Forge and theater are cool but the gameplay is the part that sucks the most.
6. Quality of the 360 sucks. I don’t even need to address this one.
7. No wireless built into 360 (stupid) then you have to charge an arm and a leg for your wireless products (double stupid). PS3 and Wii both have it built in.
8. Online Achievements cause idiots to make matchmaking horrible. Achievements are cool but keep them offline.
9. Matchmaking sucks because way too many people are mean, filthy-mouthed and rude. This isn’t your fault but it makes me want to get offline even more. Especially when it costs me $250/year.
10. The 360 is noisy. If you want me to make this a center piece of my entertainment system make it whisper quiet.
11. No Blu-ray? I understand you hate Sony, but come on.
12. Why can’t I surf the internet with my 360? You own the biggest operating system with the most popular web-browser in the world! Your engineers can’t figure it out? Don’t think so. Maybe you were trying to figure out how to charge for it?
13. The NXE is not an improvement. The only thing improved is party chat. It takes way too long to get to where I want to get and to do what I want to do. You know how Amazon invented “One Click Shopping?” You need to count how many menus it takes to do something in NXE and cut it in half and then in half again.
I want to take a few lines and say what I do like about the 360 and Live.
1. I love party chat.
2. I…
Well I guess I ran out of things I like.
Here are some suggestions for you (XBOX 360) to dominate the console market, not just survive.
1. Build one machine (SKU), make it the 360 Pro for $199.00 and blow the competition out of the water. The Wii sucks and they know it but all the soccer moms and grandparents playing it don’t know it sucks. Making one SKU keeps all the confusion out. Why do you think the Wii is so popular? Duh.
2. Open up more products to third parties but have a quality testing facility and standards for them. I have four $130 headsets and one $60 headset for my 360s from third parties. Make it easier for them to get true wireless chat in the headset so I don’t have to have a wire running from my head to my hands. This is stupid. Let others build hard drives for the 360. Blu-ray add ons. If you really want people to have fun let more things be built for the 360.
3. Make a 360 laptop like Ben Heck. I would personally buy five right now if you did. Having the ability to take my 360 on the road and play wirelessly with my friends or my kids playing in the car would be so awesome. I want one. No–I want five.
4. Fix NXE. Make it simple and easy. Simple. Simple. Simple. FAST. FAST. FAST.
5. Charge $10/year for XBOX Live or make it FREE. You already get way too much for your games–$60. Each game says it can be played online, but you have to pay. Make gaming online FREE or almost FREE.
6. Redesign the 360 and make it super quiet, super reliable, smaller, and include wireless and Blu-ray. Also, look at the quality of everything that makes up the 360 and improve it (i.e. the power pack is larger than my vacuum cleaner). We don’t need a third generation XBOX we need the current one updated. Look at the success of the first Playstation when they went smaller. Look at the continued success of the PS2 since it went smaller. Just copy that idea.
7. Make achievements offline only. Too many kids ruin the online experience for others trying to get achievements the wrong way.
8. Be cool. The brand isn’t cool. SEGA used to be cool. No one in the market is cool right now. You could own the market with the only cool brand. Wii is not cool, Sony has no idea what cool is anymore. You need to be cool. Don’t get any of your Windows marketing guys on this because they don’t know what cool is at all. Hire someone from Apple, StrongBad or Valve.
9. Be honest. Trying to hide the fact the 360 sucks in quality doesn’t change the fact that EVERYONE already knows it is crap. Tell us what you are doing to fix it so we can rebuild our faith in you.
10. Lastly, if you would make Live FREE, build in wireless, maybe Blu-ray, give us a better NXE and a better quality box with only one SKU at a great price, we would give up our hope of Sony and Nintendo actually being better choices.
Thanks for reading. I wrote this in the true hope that the 360 will be the best experience for me, my four boys and my $100-$200 I spend each month. |