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- 2019-8-12
抓技分為普通抓 : 1 圈可以一直打 2 三角是虐殺終結技 3方塊可以把敵人拿來當盾 4叉可以拿怪來衝撞
除了終結技外 剩下三個都可以隨時切換
抓敵人撞牆可以把敵人釘在牆壁上 或者可以把敵人撞出懸崖外
combat抓技 : 不管敵人在空中 or地上 ,奎爺都可以把鍊刀丟出去 , 把敵人拉過來或是直接衝撞過去
鍊刀不再像前兩代只能甩而以 , 三代裡面鍊刀可以纏繞在敵人身上
敵人的攻擊將變得更有系統更多樣化 , 當其中一隻小狗對奎爺吼了以後 其他的會暫時停止攻擊 然後一起對著奎爺吼
之前GDC洩露出來的帶盾骷髏兵 在第一次碰到的時候只能用獨眼來破盾 拿到拳套以後就不需要了
不管敵人在空中還是地面 , 奎爺都可以把鍊刀丟向地面的敵人 , 把敵人拉到空中來 , 或是奎爺空中直接撞過去(會有慢動作鏡頭) , 或是可以直接摔出去 (空中直接摔出去想到就覺得爽)
戰神三的魔法將跟武器結合在一起 , 武器將會有屬於自己的魔法
(之前的preview有提到 三代的武器切換改成十字鍵 ) , 拳套可以發出扇型強大的衝擊波
-In the Hades boss fight. Hades tries to steal Kratos' soul (You have to tap R1+L1 to stop it) In return, Kratos rips Hades' organs in a "possible" kill animation. (Yes, He uses his hands to dig in his stomach ?)
boss戰裡面 , 冥王會想辦法偷走奎爺的靈魂 , L1+R1就可以擺脫 @@ (沒意思的情報)
作為回報 , 奎爺會賞冥王一個舒爽的"開腸破肚"
-The circular room you fight Hades in, the walls are covered with souls. Hades rips one out and throws them at you. Its will also be kind of annoying since ghostly hands will grab you.
冥王戰的關卡牆壁上將會佈滿靈魂 , 冥王會拿這些丟向奎爺 , 然後這些靈魂會抓著奎爺不放(也沒啥意思的情報)
-The room in which kratos is fighting a satyr is "called" the "hub". A room you have to go through again and again to get to new places. It is stated that the island of rhodes in god of war 2 could fit in this circular room.
跟Saytr開打的房間叫 "Hub" , 奎爺需要反複的進出這個房間才可以到新的場景去
二代的 island of rhodes大小剛好可以塞進去
-2 more weapons have been confirmed.
-Kratos fights Hades' rabid dogs (they have great detail...foaming mouths,half rotting skin etc.)
奎爺這次跟真正的地獄犬打了 (聽起來造型會很酷)
-Magic will now be important just like the combat system.
魔法的系統將會跟動作系統一樣重要 , 估計會有大改
-Stig confirmed that the player could "throw down the controller out of frustration" alot of times while playing the hardest diffi***y mode. This also goes with the complex puzzles.
-Kratos can pound the Cestus to unleash a massive wave of destruction in front of him.
-The graphics you see is NOT yet the final build.
Bruno在他的blog上的回文是 , 這個是一個月前的版本 , 不錯 有這樣的畫面我就已經很滿足了
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