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[资料]星之海洋4 全战斗收集 难点攻略(不断更新)[更新Lymle]


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-16 08:22  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





这个攻略是以你已经通关,可以进入Wandering Dungeon(WD)(一些战斗收集需要用到在Santa身上掉落的武器)



Edge Maveric(男主角/H)

018: Survive three ambushes in one battle(在一场战斗中击倒三队敌人)
041: Survive four ambushes in one battle(在一场战斗中击倒四队敌人)
064: Survive five ambushes in one battle(在一场战斗中击倒五队敌人)
073: Survive six ambushes in one battle(在一场战斗中击倒六队敌人)



a. 你必须在每个ambushes显示的时候控制的角色是Edge
b. 你必须刚好经过收集所需的次数.



Faize Sheifa Beleth(妃子/绿毛)

001: Defeat 10 types of enemies(击倒 10 种敌人)
021: Defeat 20 types of enemies(击倒 20 种敌人)
043: Defeat 40 types of enemies(击倒 40 种敌人)
064: Defeat 60 types of enemies(击倒 60 种敌人)
084: Defeat 100 types of enemies(击倒 100 种敌人)
092: Defeat 130 types of enemies(击倒 130 种敌人)



如果你已经二周目了,可以用faize把每个种类的敌人杀死至少1个,你应该可以在进入WD之前达成.(Faize不可以拿到Black Eagle,所以他需要杀死Gabriel或者更简单点,WD里面杀死一些单体敌人)

Arumat P. Thanatos(镰刀/死神男):

004: Win with 5 HP remaining (剩余5HP取胜)
025: Win with 4 HP remaining (剩余4HP取胜)
048: Win with 3 HP remaining (剩余3HP取胜)
068: Win with 2 HP remaining (剩余2HP取胜)
087: Win with 1 HP remaining (剩余1HP取胜)

[很容易错过,如果你的Auto Heal(自动回复)已经超过lv.1的话]

如果你的Auto heal(自动回复)已经不是LV.1了,那这个攻略就没作用了,这里需要用到一点算术,但你也可以自己解决.

你需要用到一下物品 - 4个Aquaberries(解毒用),4x Poison Cider(中毒用),一个可以给你加HP上限100的装备,1x Danger do not drink(战斗中自己使用会剩下1点血),Auto heal Skill lv.1(自动回复技能 1级)


1. 开始时先喝一个Danger,不要喝血,在1 HP的情况下结束战斗

2. 下一场战斗开始前,装备好+100 血的装备(怪物宝石炼成或者自己锻造),然后装备上Auto Heal(自动回复)

3. 等一次自动回复发动,然后把+100血的装备卸下,再等两次自动回复发动,然后把技能解除。

4. 使用poison cider让自己中毒,等待3次中毒效果,然后使用Aquaberries解毒

5. 结束战斗

如果你按好以上的顺序做,那你应该就会剩余2 HP结束战斗,战斗收集达成

重复 第2步 到 第5步,之后每次战斗结束你都会多1点HP,同时达成收集条件。



0 点
251 点
5 点
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-16 08:23  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层
Edge Maveric(男主角/H)

001: Defeat 100 enemies (杀死100个敌人)
011: Defeat 200 enemies [以下雷同]
021: Defeat 400 enemies
033: Defeat 700 enemies
043: Defeat 1000 enemies
055: Defeat 2000 enemies
065: Defeat 4000 enemies
072: Defeat 8000 enemies
084: Defeat 15,000 enemies
093: Defeat 30,000 enemies


009: Land 1,000 hits in total (总计打击1,000 次)
030: Land 3,000 hits in total (总计打击3,000 次)
049: Land 10,000 hits in total (总计打击10,000 次)
070: Land 30,000 hits in total (总计打击30,000 次)
090: Land a total of 99,999 hits (总计打击99,999 次)
051: Press 10,000 buttons (总计按键次数10,000 次)
091: Press 100,000 buttons (总计按键次数100,000 次)

打击次数取决于你的武器击中敌人导致伤害。按键次数是任何时候你按手柄按钮的次数。(只计算"A" 键),所以这两个收集不麻烦(也就是说如果你按了5次"A"键让Edge攻击1次,你就有1次打击计算和5次按键计算了.)

007: Pull off five Blindsides (使用 5 次Sight out)
017: Pull off 20 blindsides [以下雷同]
039: Pull off 50 blindsides
061: Pull off 200 blindsides
079: Pull off 1,000 blindsides

当你按住B键然后移动你的左摇杆时就会发动Sight out并移动到敌人背后。Sight out只会在你的距离为"short"(近距离)的时候才会计算。所以long range(远距离)不会算在内。


006: Deal at least 100 damage(打出至少100点伤害)
016: Deal at least 500 damage[以下雷同]
027: Deal at least 1,000 damage
038: Deal at least 4,000 damage
048: Deal at least 10,000 damage
060: Deal at least 30,000 damage
068: Deal at least 50,000 damage
078: Deal at least 70,000 damage
088: Deal at least 99,999 damage
099: Deal 99,999 damage without a weapon [不用武器打出99,999点伤害]

要达成收集你需要加满攻击力攻击一个血牛怪物,装备一串Reaper Strikes技能和 爆击 技能,并且自己附上3个加攻击的BUFF(状态)并使用Berserking(狂暴)技能,然后如此反复进行攻击,很快就能出到一个足够的爆击伤害了。


010: Deal exactly 55 damage(准确打出 55 点伤害)
025: Deal exactly 555 damage[以下雷同]
045: Deal exactly 5,555 damage
074: Deal exactly 55,555 damage

要打出5555点伤害,让Edge打出2745点伤害然后和Aeos的Gerel战斗,利用Sight out攻击,你就应该可以打出接近这个数字的伤害。

024: Stay in rush mode for 20 seconds(保持rush状态 20 秒)
067: Stay in rush mode for 30 seconds[以下雷同]
094: Stay in Rush mode for 60 seconds
012: Land 20 hits during Rush mode(在rush状态下打击20次)
056: Land 50 hits during rush mode[以下雷同]
086: Land 100 hits during Rush Mode


把BEAT:B升级到满,然后和Nox Obscurus(最后那个星球)的敌人战斗(最好是近战),不要装备武器然后尽量快速进行打击,需要点运气,因为敌人有时会防御...

058: Defeat 200 humanoid enemies (杀死 200 名 人类 敌人)
069: Defeat 500 humanoid enemies [以下雷同]
096: Defeat 999 humanoid enemies



032: Obtain 20 anthropology item drops(打出20个anthropology物品)
053: Obtain 50 anthropology item drops[以下雷同]
071: Obtain 100 Anthropology item drops
098: Obtain 255 anthropology item drops
092: Obtain two anthropology item drops in a row(连续打出2个anthropology物品)

Antoropology是一个只有Edge可以学的技能,可以增加被Edge所杀的 人类 种族的敌人物品掉落率。



注意 - 如果你要得到掉落物品,你必须保证你身上有足够的空间!


Intelligence Seeds(int+4), Aquaberries(解毒), Healing Card(回复卡), Poison Cider(毒酒), Frozen Cider(冰酒), Cloudy Cider(雾酒), Static Cider(麻痹酒)


018: Survive three ambushes in one battle(在一场战斗中击倒三队敌人)
041: Survive four ambushes in one battle(在一场战斗中击倒四队敌人)
064: Survive five ambushes in one battle(在一场战斗中击倒五队敌人)
073: Survive six ambushes in one battle(在一场战斗中击倒六队敌人)



a. 你必须在每个ambushes显示的时候控制的角色是Edge
b. 你必须刚好经过收集所需的次数.



8 波 战斗具体操作:

第 1 波:
--Ambush 1
第 2 波: 开始使用Edge直到整个战斗结束,得到073
--Ambush 2
第 3 波: 开始使用Edge直到整个战斗结束,得到064
--Ambush 3
第 4 波: 开始使用Edge直到整个战斗结束,得到041
--Ambush 4
第 5 波: 开始使用Edge直到整个战斗结束,得到018
--Ambush 5
第 6 波:
--Ambush 6
第 7 波:
--Ambush 7
第 8 波:

例子:在第 3 波开始使用Edge直到整个战斗结束,你就能得到064,在第 2 波开始就能得到073.如此类推。


019: Fight as leader for 60 mins(使用角色时间达到60分钟)
057: Fight as leader for 120 mins[以下雷同]
087: Fight as leader for 180 mins


042: Win 50 Colosseum solo battles(赢50场单人竞技场战斗)
034: Win 20 Colosseum solo battles(赢20场单人竞技场战斗)
063: Win 100 Colosseum battles solo(赢100场单人竞技场战斗)
080: Win 200 Colosseum solo battles(赢200场单人竞技场战斗)
089: Win 50 consecutive Colosseum solo battles(连续赢50场单人竞技场战斗)


002: Attack first five times in a row(连续5次首次攻击)
022: Attack first 10 times in a row[以下雷同]
044: Attack first 20 times in a row
066: Attack first 30 times in a row
085: Attack first 50 times in a row


014: Land 10 consecutive hits unassisted (单人打出10连击)
029: Land 10 consecutive hits from in front (正面打出10连击)
035: Land 20 consecutive hits unassisted[以下雷同]
046: Land 30 consecutive hits from in front
075: Land 30 consecutive hits unassisted
081: Land 50 consecutive hits from in front


082: Jump for a total height of 3,776 meters(总计跳起3,776米的高度)
095: Jump for a total height of 8,848 meters(总计跳起8,848米的高度)

高度计算是以Edge在战斗过程中离地的高度进行累计的。你可以用Aura Spark技能来达成,每使用一次得到3米的累计,每次技能使用间隔为 2 秒,所以理论上98分钟后可以达成。

005: Register 10 preemptive attacks(得到 10 次 优先攻击权)
015: Register 30 preemptive strikes[以下雷同]
026: Register 50 preemptive strikes
037: Register 100 preemptive attacks
047: Register 200 preemptive attacks
059: Register 300 preemptive attacks


003: Attack first with a special art(使用技能进行首次攻击)
004: Defeat an enemy using a special art(使用技能杀死敌人)

Aeos打虫子时基本就能达成- -

008: Defeat an enemy using a wake-up attack(使用起身攻击杀死1名敌人)

需要在Edge倒在地上的时候你才可以按 "A" 出起身攻击,这是一个360度旋转切击,打击身边的敌人,只需要用这招杀死1名敌人就达成了。

020: Defeat an enemy with a knockdown attack(使用压击杀死一名敌人)


036: Defeat an enemy using only leg-based attacks(只用腿击杀死一名敌人)

当你接近敌人时,如果你向敌人的方向推动摇杆然后按"A" Edge就会用腿踢敌人,杀低级的虫很容易达成。

028: Defeat a poisoned enemy(杀死1名中毒的敌人)
077: Defeat 100 poisoned enemies(杀死100名中毒的敌人)

你需要用到Compact Posion Bombs(毒炸弹),把毒弹投向敌人,确认敌人中毒然后杀死他。推荐在Woodley(Loli那个星球的第二条村) 周边的敌人,他们有足够的血抵挡毒弹的原始伤害,而且很容易一击杀。

031: Defeat 100 enemies with aura spark(用Aura spark杀死100名敌人)
076: Defeat 100 enemies with Raging Strike(用Raging Strike杀死100名敌人)


040: Land a 5-hit rush combo(进行5 HIT rush连击)
050: Land a 6-hit rush combo(进行6 HIT rush连击)
062: Complete a perfect Rush Combo(进行完美的Rush连击)

需要两名角色的Chain Combo(连击)技能加满,而且需要每人装备至少4个技能,蓄满Rush然后用Edge使用Rush Combo(看好下方的提示进行按键,很容易达成),当你完成第6个Rush连击后,Edge会自动使出最后的第7个连击,屏幕出现Perfect Combo。062达成的同时前两个也会达成。

013: Win a battle with nothing equipped(不装备任何物品赢得战斗)


023: Recover HP to the exact max capacity(回复HP刚好到最大值)



Edge有20675 HP,40%回复数值就为8370.你需要降低Edge的HP至12305.最简单得到的方法是利用Poison ciders(毒酒),Auto healing(自动回复)的配合和Aeos的低级虫子。当你到差不多通关的时候,他们应该打你1到2点HP,如果是1点HP就更简单了。

让你自己在满血状态下中毒,也就是20675 HP,所以每一次毒效果会减少207HP,40次后就会减少12395HP。


052: Squat 200 times(蹲200次)


054: defeat a Grigori with a rush combo(用Rush连击杀死1个Grigori)


083: Defeat Ashlay(杀死Ashlay)
100: Defeat Ashlay within five minutes(5分钟内杀死Ashelay)

Ashlay会在竞技场的名叫 "The Wandering Swordsman" ***现,Rank 1.你必须先达到能打Rank 1的阶段,然后控制Edge打败他。不确认是否要Edge打最后一下。

097: Defeat own shadow(打败自己的影子)

这个战斗收集是每个角色都有的,其中有3个影子出现在Cave of the Seven Stars(7星),其余6个出现在Wandering Dungeon(WD),16-18层。你必须使用同样的角色去杀死影子才能达成收集。


0 点
251 点
5 点
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-16 08:24  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层
Reimi Saionji[女主角/蕾米]

006: Deal at least 100 damage.(打出至少100点伤害)
018: Deal at least 500 damage [以下雷同]
029: Deal at least 1000 damage
041: Deal at least 4,000 damage
052: Deal at least 10,000 damage
061: Deal at least 30,000 damage
071: Deal at least 50,000 damage
089: Deal at least 70,000 damage
098: Deal at least 99,999 damage

009: Deal exactly 111 damage (准确打出 111 点伤害值)
035: Deal exactly 1,111 damage [以下雷同]
056: Deal exactly 11,111 damage

008: Land 4 consecutive long-range attacks (连续进行4次远距离攻击)
020: Land 9 consecutive long-range attacks [以下雷同]
031: Land 15 consecutive long-ranged attacks
043: Land 22 consecutive long-range attacks
054: Land 30 consecutive long range attacks
062: Land 39 consecutive long-range attacks
073: Land 49 consecutive long-range attacks
082: Land 60 consecutive long-range attacks
092: Land 72 consecutive long-range attacks
099: Land 85 consecutive long-range attacks


026: Interrupt an enemy's casting (打断敌人施法)
037: Interrupt an enemy's casting 10 times(打断敌人施法10次)
049: Interrupt an enemy's casting 44 times [以下雷同]
058: Interrupt an enemy's casting 99 times
068: Interrupt an enemy's casting 144 times
077: Interrupt an enemy's casting 200 times
086: Interrupt an enemy's casting 255 times
096: Interrupt an enemy's casting 500 times


053: Absorb a total of 5,000 MP (吸取累计5,000点MP)
069: Absorb a total of 20,000 MP [以下雷同]
087: Absorb a total of 30,000 MP

014: Win 20 battles without using MP (不用MP赢20场战斗)
081: Win 100 battles without using MP [雷同]


007: Defeat an enemy using only jump attacks(只用跳跃射击杀死敌人)
027: Defeat 20 enemies using only jump attacks(只用跳跃射击杀死20名敌人)
080: Defeat 100 enemies using only jump attacks [雷同]



032: Obtain 20 botany item drops(获得20个botany物品)
055: Obtain 50 Botany item drops[以下雷同]
074: Obtain 100 Botany item drops
097: Obtain 255 Botany item drops
093: Obtain two Botany item drops in a row(在一场战斗中连续获得2个Botany物品)

Reimi可以在EN II的书店里学得Botany技能,可以有一定几率在植物系的敌人身上得到更好更多的物品。这个技能等级提升的同时几率也会增大。


在Lemuris(第二个行星)打Giant Fungus 和 Man-Eating Tree会较为容易,他们会掉落以下物品,所以必须确保你有足够的空间去拿取,不然就是浪费。

Tasty Mushroom, Tasty Mushroom?, Basil, Nectar, Wooden Stick, Aquaberries, Blackberries, Fire gem

024: Defeat 200 plant enemies(杀死200个植物系敌人)
045: Defeat 300 plant enemies[以下雷同]
072: Defeat 500 plant enemies
095: Defeat 999 plant enemies


011: Take no damage five times in a row(连续受到0伤害5次)
023: Take no damage 10 times in a row [以下雷同]
046: Take no damage 20 times in a row
064: Take no damage 30 times in a row
083: Take no damage 40 times in a row
094: Take no damage 50 times in a row

到Lemuris(第二个行星)和食人树战斗,使用Fainting potion能把伤害降到0.这些0伤害就是这个收集需要的。你必须确保你的队友不会插入搞和,只要断了一次你就不能得到连续50次的收集了。你可以使用Self-Destructors(自爆装置)去确保他们不会插手。

038: Win 20 Colosseum solo battles (赢20场单人竞技场战斗)
050: Win 50 Colosseum solo battles [以下雷同]
066: Win 100 Colosseum solo battles
084: Win 200 Colosseum solo battles
091: Win 50 consecutive Colosseum solo battles (连续赢50场单人竞技场战斗)

002: Land three critical hits in a row(在一场战斗中连续打出3次爆击)
013: Land four critical hits in a row(在一场战斗中连续打出4次爆击)
025: Land five critical hits in a row(在一场战斗中连续打出5次爆击)
036: Land six critical hits in a row(在一场战斗中连续打出6次爆击)
048: Land seven critical hits in a row(在一场战斗中连续打出7次爆击)

利用Sight out会是一个比较容易的方法,去Aeos行星打泥怪,卸下你的武器然后Sight out攻击,Sight out成功一次就攻击一次,反复如此,你应该可以在泥怪死光前达成连续7次爆击。如果他们贫死了,等他们先分身再打就可以了。

067: Get three status ailments at once(同时得到3个异常状态)
090: Get four status ailments at once(同时得到4个异常状态)


016: Land 20 hits during Rush Mode(Rush状态中打击20次)
059: Land 50 hits during Rush Mode [以下雷同]
088: Land 100 hits during Rush Mode

001: Win without being targeted (不被锁定的情况下赢得战斗)
076: Win without ever moving(不攻击不移动赢得战斗)

去Aeos行星并把队伍设定成Reimi / Edge / Meracle / Arumat. 战斗开始时控制Reimi就站着不动,让其他近战队员冲过去杀敌,只要不被敌人打到一下,就达成了。


005: Survive incap. via Fury(因incap. via Fury技能而生存)
017: Survive incap. via Fury 10 times(因incap. via Fury技能而生存10次)
028: Survive incap. via Fury 30 times[以下雷同]
039: Survive incap. via Fury 50 times
051: Survive incap. via Fury 5 times in a row(因incap. via Fury技能连续生存5次)
060: Survive incap. via Fury 10 times in a row[以下雷同]
070: Survive incap. via Fury 15 times in a row

装备上满级的Fury Boost技能,然后在保证Reimi的血量是满的情况下使用Self destructor(自爆装置),这里要看你的运气如何了,每成功一次Reimi会只剩下1点血,先回满再继续使用Self destructor。先达成50次再达成连续15次。


Self destructor(自爆装置)很好使,无论有多少血会瞬间清0,而且很高概率会发动Fury。

利用回复魔法回满自己 - 实验证明用回复魔法效果远比使用道具好,不用知道为什么,照着做就是了。

012: Defeat an enemy using a close-quarters attack(近身攻击杀死敌人)
021: Defeat an enemy using only leg-based attacks(脚部攻击杀死敌人)

到Aeos行星打低级虫子,跑到近身范围内向虫子方向推摇杆然后按 A 。这样Reimi会踢敌人,一下能杀死他们,要是不能,重复几次就好。

022: Recover from incap. three times in one battle(一场战斗中回复3次气绝状态)
063: Recover from incap. 10 times in one battle(一场战斗中回复10次气绝状态)

***然后用复活魔法或者物品达成,用Self destructor(自爆装置)很容易实现。

033: Defeat an enemy in exactly one minute (刚好1分钟杀死1名敌人)
075: Defeat an enemy in exactly three minutes(刚好3分钟杀死1名敌人)





040: Defeat 100 enemies with Chaotic Blossoms(用Chaotic Blossoms杀死100名敌人)
085: Defeat 100 enemies with Heavenly Flight(用Heavenly Flight杀死100名敌人)

004: Recover from poison 10 times(解毒10次)
057: Recover from poison 99 times(解毒99次)
019: Recover from paralysis 10 times(解麻10次)
065: Recover from paralysis 99 times(解麻99次)
042: Recover from Cursed status 10 times(解诅咒10次)
078: Recover from Cursed status 99 times(解诅咒99次)

003: Avoid getting a status ailment(防止异常状态)
044: Avoid status ailments five times in a row(防止5次异常状态)

装备Anti-Poison Amulet(防毒项链)然后喝5个毒酒,如此雷同可以应用在所有异常状态上,如果你想有酒和对应的项链,毒是最容易实现的。

015: Strike two airborne enemies at once(一下打中两只空中敌人)

030: Defeat a paralyzed enemy(杀死一名麻痹状态的敌人)


034: Land a critical hit from behind(在敌人后方进行爆击)
047: Land a critical hit on an enemy's weak spot(在敌人弱点进行爆击)

打败Apostle of Creation(最终BOSS第一形态)后你会被传送到一个很多Grigori围绕你的空间,你可以向着一个水晶跑然后你会变成Manifest Armaros。战斗中用Reimi跑到敌人近战范围然后用Sight out,在敌人背后射击,要是射中弱点而且爆击的话,就达成了。

--在Wandering Dungeon(WD)里也有Manifest Armaros,要是你可以去了的话也可以在那完成。这只比起最终BOSS那些会稍微弱点,应该更加容易达成。

010: Win with the Rush Gauge maxed out(在Rush槽满的情况下赢得战斗)


079: Defeat 100 paralyzed enemies(杀死100名麻痹状态的敌人)

100: Defeat own shadow(杀死自己的影子)

这个战斗收集是每个角色都有的,其中有3个影子出现在Cave of the Seven Stars(7星),其余6个出现在Wandering Dungeon(WD),16-18层。你必须使用同样的角色去杀死影子才能达成收集。

Reimi的影子会出现在the Cave of the Seven Stars(七星)

0 点
251 点
5 点
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-16 08:24  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层
Faize Sheifa Beleth(妃子/绿毛)

002: Fight 50 battles(进行50场战斗)
012: Fight 100 battles[以下雷同]
022: Fight 200 battles
033: Fight 333 battles
044: Fight 500 battles
054: Fight 777 battles
065: Fight 1,000 battles
075: Fight 1,500 battles
085: Fight 2,000 battles
093: Fight 3,000 battles

04: Deal at least 100 damage(打出至少100点伤害)
14: Deal at least 500 damage[以下雷同]
24: Deal at least 1,000 damage
35: Deal at least 4,000 damage
46: Deal at least 10,000 damage
56: Deal at least 30,000 damage
67: Deal at least 50,000 damage
78: Deal at least 70,000 damage
96: Deal at least 99,999 damage

001: Defeat 10 types of enemies(杀死10个不同种类的敌人)
021: Defeat 20 types of enemies[以下雷同]
043: Defeat 40 types of enemies
064: Defeat 60 types of enemies
084: Defeat 100 types of enemies
092: Defeat 130 types of enemies



如果你已经二周目了,可以用faize把每个种类的敌人杀死至少1个,你应该可以在进入WD之前达成.(Faize不可以拿到Black Eagle,所以他需要杀死Gabriel或者更简单点,WD里面杀死一些单体敌人)

006: Defeat 100 insect enemies(杀死100只昆虫类敌人)
025: Defeat 200 insect enemies[以下雷同]
052: Defeat 300 insect enemies
079: Defeat 500 insect enemies
097: Defeat 999 insect enemies


008: Get three Bonus Board tiles in one battle(在一场战斗中得到3个额外奖励点)
038: Get four Bonus Board tiles in one battle(在一场战斗中得到4个额外奖励点)
068: Get five bonus board tiles in one battle(在一场战斗中得到5个额外奖励点)
090: Get eight Bonus Board tiles in one battle(在一场战斗中得到8个额外奖励点)

要先确保自己的Bonus Board(奖励格)是空的,然后你需要进行一场至少有4名敌人的战斗。Sight out 每个敌人然后施展Ice needles(施法速度快,所以他们会中),你就可以在每个敌人身上同时得到爆击和只用技能击杀2个奖励点.

同样你可以和泥怪战斗,打他至贫死状态,等他分身(制造新的满血的泥怪)然后把血少的用Sight out杀掉,这样还可以同时达成Sight out多名敌人的收集。只要你的BEAT:S级数够高。

011: Land 10 consecutive hits unassisted(单人完成10连击)
040: Land 20 consecutive hits unassisted[以下雷同]
082: Land 30 consecutive hits unassisted

009: Reduce an enemy's HP to 9(减少敌人HP到9)
023: Reduce an enemy's HP to 7[以下雷同]
031: Reduce an enemy's HP to 5
042: Reduce an enemy's HP to 4
051: Reduce an enemy's HP to 3
063: Reduce an enemy's HP to 2
071: Reduce an enemy's HP to 1

卸下你的武器,然后在Roak(沙漠行星)上战斗(如果你要我选一个怪,我会选海岸边的螃蟹),把螃蟹的血降到差不多(用Scan可以看到敌人的血量)然后用近身攻击解决。正常来说没有武器的情况下会打出1点伤害。如果伤害过高的话你可以在一把低级武器上用Static Cider,这个Cider可以减少你12点攻击力(大概。。。),所以你可以这样把伤害降到1.然后就不断攻击敌人达成收集。



017: Blindside two enemies at once(同时Sight out两名敌人)
030: Blindside three enemies at once(同时Sight out三名敌人)
050: Blindside four enemies at once(同时Sight out四名敌人)
062: Blindside five enemies at once(同时Sight out五名敌人)
094: Blindside six enemies at once(同时Sight out六名敌人)

将你的BEAT:S升级到17级以上,学会"freeze nearby enemies when blindsiding"(sight out的时候会将附近的敌人硬直),然后进入一场有6名敌人的战斗(好像只有The Cave of the Seven Stars[七星洞]第一层的蝙蝠/蜂会出现6只)

因为蝙蝠/蜂是很强的敌人,你也可以和泥怪战斗,降低他的血量,等他分身,然后再降低新泥怪的血量,直到分出6只为止,然后一次Sight out他们全部。

003: Defeat an enemy using only weapon attacks(只用武器攻击杀死一名敌人)
015: Defeat an enemy using a close-quarters attack(只用近身攻击杀死一名敌人)

007: Defeat an enemy using only symbols(只用魔法杀死一名敌人)
049: Defeat 100 enemies using only symbols(用魔法杀死100名敌人)
089: Defeat 255 enemies using only symbols(用魔法杀死255名敌人)

074: Defeat 100 enemies with Terra Hammer(用Terra Hammer杀死100名敌人)
088: Defeat 100 enemies with Reaping Spark(用Reaping Spark杀死100名敌人)

041: Stab 1,000 times with a rapier(用武器刺击1,000次)
072: Stab enemies 2,000 times with a rapier[以下雷同]
099: Stab enemies 3,000 times with a rapier

Faize的任何近战攻击都会累计,卸下武器在Palace of Creation(最终迷宫)内和泥怪战斗,一直攻击直到达成为止。因为攻击不高所以泥怪贫死时会分身,给你多一个敌人来达成收集。

039: Win while poisoned(中毒状态下赢得战斗)

喝一个Poison Cider(毒酒),然后赢得战斗

010: Cure a poisoned ally(帮一名同伴解毒)
018: Use Antidote within five seconds of poisoning(5秒内用Antidote解毒)
070: Use Antidote within one second of poisoning(1秒内用Antidote解毒)

你需要用Faize施展Antidote,然后另一名同伴喝下Poison Cider(毒酒)。用Faize对一名同伴施法,然后马上转到那名同伴身上,让他/她喝下Poison Cider(毒酒),然后马上转移回Faize上。如果你够快,那你就可以次达成以上3个收集。

005: Use an earth symbol on an enemy weak to earth(用地魔法攻击弱地属性的敌人)
060: Use a darkness symbol on an enemy weak to darkness(用暗魔法攻击弱暗属性的敌人)
045: Use a water symbol on an enemy weak to water(用水属性魔法攻击弱水属性的敌人)


用Earth Glaive攻击Aeos行星的Killer Wasp
用Shadow Needles攻击Wandering Dungeon(WD)的Ring Beast
用Ice Needles攻击Palace of Creation(最终BOSS迷宫)的Lava Golems

013: Get enraged 10 times(愤怒10次)
034: Get enraged 20 times[以下雷同]
055: Get enraged 30 times
076: Get enraged 40 times
095: Get enraged three times in one battle(一场战斗中连续愤怒3次)

027: Defeat an enemy while in Berserk status(在狂暴状态杀死敌人)
057: Stay in Berserk status for two minutes(保持2分钟狂暴状态)
087: Stay in Berserk status for five minutes(保持5分钟狂暴状态)

016: Stun two enemies in a row(连续眩晕两名敌人)
026: Stun three enemies in a row(连续眩晕三名敌人)
037: Stun five enemies in a row(连续眩晕五名敌人)
048: Stun seven enemies in a row(连续眩晕七名敌人)

036: Win 20 Colosseum solo battles(赢20场单人竞技场战斗)
047: Win 50 Colosseum solo battles(赢50场单人竞技场战斗)
066: Win 100 Colosseum solo battles(赢100场单人竞技场战斗)
086: Win 200 Colosseum solo battles(赢200场单人竞技场战斗)
091: Win 50 consecutive Colosseum solo battles(连续赢50场单人竞技场战斗)
081: Defeat 50 consecutive enemies of the same type(连续杀死50个同样的敌人)



020: Land 10 critical hits during Rush Mode(在Rush状态下打出10次爆击)
090: Land 50 critical hits in Rush Mode(在Rush状态下打出50次爆击)

073: Absorb an earth-based attack(吸收地属性攻击)
077: Absorb a water-based attack(吸收水属性攻击)
083: Absorb a darkness-based attack(吸收暗属性攻击)

地属性,用Gnomestone做护盾然后去Roak行星打Albero Di Anima(树型)。他们会在远距离使用Stone Rain。
水属性,用Nereidstone做护盾然后和Astral Caves的Ice Corpse(冰丧尸)战斗。
暗属性,用Shadestone做护盾然后和En II Sanctuary/Old Road(通往圣域之前的路)去打Cursed Horror(镰刀)

019: Scan 10 enemies(Scan 10名敌人)

028: Freeze an enemy with Ice Needles(用Ice Needles冰冻敌人)
032: Defeat a frozen enemy(杀死一名冰冻的敌人)

把Ice Needles升满,然后在战斗中尽量不断使用Ice Needles,等敌人冰冻之后再施法或者近身解决。

058: Fail to recover stolen Fol(没有拿回被偷的金钱)


059: Win without ever moving(不攻击不移动赢得战斗)

053: Land a hit on an enemy's weak point(击中敌人的弱点)

061: Land eight hits with Stone Rain(用Stone Rain打出8连击)

到Cave of the Seven Stars(七星洞)第一层打蝙蝠/蜂,利用Bacchus的Black Hole Shpere技能把他们吸引一起然后用Faize施展Stone Rain。

069: Cast Enlighten on one character four times(对一名角色施展4次Enlighten)

029: Spend a total of 30 minutes airborne(在空中累计达30分钟)


098: Defeat own Shadow(打败自己的影子)

这个战斗收集是每个角色都有的,其中有3个影子出现在Cave of the Seven Stars(7星),其余6个出现在Wandering Dungeon(WD),16-18层。你必须使用同样的角色去杀死影子才能达成收集。

Faize的影子出现在Wandering Dungeon(WD)

100: Defeat 55 Grigori(杀死55只Grigori)

0 点
251 点
5 点
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-16 08:24  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层
Lymle Lemuri Phi (小LOLI)

011: Deal at least 100 damage (打出至少100伤害)
022: Deal at least 500 damage [以下雷同]
032: Deal at least 1,000 damage
043: Deal at least 4,000 damage
054: Deal at least 10,000 damage
063: Deal at least 30,000 damage
072: Deal at least 50,000 damage
079: Deal at least 70,000 damage
091: Deal at least 99,999 damage
099: Deal at least 99,999 damage with Fire Bolt (用火球术打出99,999伤害)

017: Deal exactly 123 damage (准确打出123伤害)
040: Deal exactly 1,234 damage [以下雷同]
061: Deal exactly 12,345 damage

038: Win 20 Colosseum solo battles (赢20场单人竞技场战斗)
051: Win 50 Colosseum solo battles [以下雷同]
067: Win 100 Colosseum solo battles
087: Win 200 Colosseum solo battles
094: Win 50 consecutive Colosseum solo battles (连续赢50场单人竞技场战斗)

003: Defeat 10 enemies with Cerberus (用Cerberus[召唤兽]打死10名敌人)
013: Defeat 30 enemies with Cerberus [以下雷同]
024: Defeat 80 enemies with Cerberus
035: Defeat 100 enemies with Cerberus
041: Defeat 200 enemies with Cerberus


058: Summon Cerberus 10 times in one battle (一次战斗中召唤10次Cerberus)
045: Defeat 10 consecutive enemies with Cerberus (用Cerberus连续杀死10名敌人)
055: Defeat 20 consecutive enemies with Cerberus [以下雷同]
064: Defeat 30 consecutive enemies with Cerberus
073: Defeat 40 consecutive enemies with Cerberus
083: Defeat 50 consecutive enemies with Cerberus
093: Defeat 60 consecutive enemies with Cerberus

020: Hide 20 times (使用Hide 20次)
044: Hide 50 times [以下雷同]
074: Hide 100 times

Lymle可以在EN II的书店里学习“Hide”这个技能,在战斗中使用就可以了。

026: Use a wind symbol on an enemy weak to wind (对弱风属性的敌人使用风魔法)
012: Use a thunder symbol on an enemy weak to thunder (对弱雷属性的敌人使用雷魔法)
001: Use a fire symbol on an enemy weak to fire (对弱火属性的敌人使用火魔法)


对Aeos行星的Adephaga Drus使用风魔法

027: Use Energy Shield twice in a row(战斗中连续使用两次Energy Shield[能量护盾])
049: Use energy shield three times in a row (战斗中连续使用三次Energy Shield[能量护盾])
076: Use Energy Shield four times in a row(战斗中连续使用四次Energy Shield[能量护盾])

042: Defeat 100 "Scumbag" enemies (杀死 100 只 "Scumbag"[人型盗贼])
062: Defeat 300 "Scumbag" enemies [以下雷同]
080: Defeat 999 "Scumbag" enemies
098: Defeat 99 Metal Scumbags

019: Earn a total of 10,000 Fol (一共获得10,000 Fol[金钱])
068: Earn a total of 100,000 Fol [以下雷同]
092: Earn a total of 1,000,000 Fol

014: Win with 0 MP remaining (只剩下0MP时胜利)
086: Win with 1 MP remaining (只剩下1MP时胜利)


031: Obtain 20 Parapsychology item drops (获得20个parapsychology物品)
053: Obtain 50 Parapsychology item drops [以下雷同]
071: Obtain 100 Parapsychology item drops
090: Obtain 255 Parapsychology item drops
077: Obtain two Parapsychology item drops in a row (一次战斗连续获得2个parapsychology物品)

034: Defeat 100 undead enemies (杀死100只不死怪)
052: Defeat 300 undead enemies [以下雷同]
075: Defeat 500 undead enemies
095: Defeat 999 undead enemies

021: Defeat a Silenced enemy (杀死一个在沉默效果中的敌人)
085: Defeat 100 silenced enemies (杀死100个在沉默效果中的敌人)
015: Silence three enemies in a row (连续沉默3名敌人)
037: Silence five enemies in a row (连续沉默5名敌人)
060: Silence 10 enemies in a row (连续沉默10名敌人)


089: Defeat 100 enemies with Trinity Blaze (用Trinity Blaze杀死100名敌人)

047: Defeat 100 enemies with Scorching Star (用Scorching Star杀死100名敌人)
082: Land 12 hits with Scorching Star (用Scroching Star 打出12连击)
096: Land 16 hits with Scorching Star (用Scroching Star 打出16连击)

004: Become incapacitated 10 times (战斗不能 10 次)
025: Become incapacitated 30 times [以下雷同]
046: Become incapacitated 50 times
065: Become incapacitated 70 times
084: Become incapacitated 100 times

最快捷的方法是自己使用Self Destructor 3000(自爆装置),然后复活,重复以上动作。



023: Run one kilometer in battle (在战斗中跑1公里)


029: Roll forward a total of 10km (一共滚动距离10km)
057: Roll forward 123 times (前滚123次)
081: Roll forward 456 times (前滚456次)


036: Absorb a fire-based attack (吸收火属性攻击)
048: Absorb a thunder-based attack (吸收雷属性攻击)
056: Absorb a wind-based attack (吸收风属性攻击)

要达成火属性,到Roak行星打Unicorn Wolves(独角狼),使用Salamanderstone。
要达成雷属性,到圣域打Early Psynards(圣鸟),使用Thorstone。
要达成风属性,到Roak打Axe Beaks,使用Sylphstone。

005: Defeat an enemy using a close-quarters attack (近身攻击杀死一名敌人)
006: Defeat an enemy using only fire bolt (只用火球术杀死一名敌人)
016: Defeat an enemy using only Wind Blade (只用风刃杀死一名敌人)

007: Get knocked down 40 times (被击倒40次)
028: Get knocked down 100 times [以下雷同]
039: Get knocked down 200 times
050: Get knocked down 333 times
033: Get knocked down 20 times in one battle (一场战斗中被击倒20次)
066: Get knocked down 40 times in a one battle (一场战斗中被击倒40次)

在Lemuris行星打食人树,走近他们,他们就会把你击倒,你可以装备自动恢复然后干其他事- -!

030: Strike three enemies with Lightning Blast (用Lightning Blast击中3名敌人)

进入一场至少有3名敌人的战斗,等3名敌人集中一起,然后用Lightning Blast。

078: Land 10 hits with Explosion (用Explosion打出10连击)


069: Get turned into a pumpkin in battle (中了Pumpkin效果)
070: Win while pumpkined(在Pumpkin效果下赢得战斗)


008: Win without being targeted(不成为目标的情况下赢得战斗)
059: Win without ever moving(不移动的情况下赢得战斗)


088: Defeat the Ethereal Queen(杀死昂翼女王)
100: Defeat the Ethereal Queen within 10 minutes (10分钟内杀死昂翼女王)

002: Obtain a Bonus Board Tile (得到奖励点)

009: Keep the Rush Gauge maxed out for one minute (保持Rush槽100的状态 1分钟)

用B键储满Rush槽,然后保持100状态 1分钟就行。每次不要畜得太久,晕倒就失败了。

010: Allow all enemies to escape from battle (让敌人全部逃跑)


018: Make a mandragora cry (让Mandragora尝苦楚)

用Lymle杀死或Sight out Mandragora就行。
Killing / Blindsiding a Mandragora with Lymle should unlock this.

097: Defeat own shadow (杀死自己的影子)

这个战斗收集是每个角色都有的,其中有3个影子出现在Cave of the Seven Stars(7星),其余6个出现在Wandering Dungeon(WD),16-18层。你必须使用同样的角色去杀死影子才能达成收集。


0 点
251 点
5 点
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-16 08:24  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层
Bacchus D-79

001: Land 4 consecutive long-range attacks(进行连续4次远距离攻击)
017: Land 8 consecutive long-range attacks
029: Land 12 consecutive long-range attacks
044: Land 16 consecutive long-range attacks
056: Land 30 consecutive long-range attacks
068: Land 50 consecutive long-range attacks
088: Land 80 consecutive long-range attacks


007: Defeat 10 enemies using jump attacks(使用跳跃攻击杀死10名敌人)
023: Defeat 55 enemies using jump attacks
040: Defeat 255 enemies using jump attacks


004: Land the battle-winning blow 10 times (赢得10场战斗)
014: Land the battle-winning blow 30 times
025: Land the battle-winning blow 60 times
035: Land the battle-winning blow 100 times

006: Deal at least 500 damage (打出至少500点伤害)
016: Deal at least 1,000 damage
027: Deal at least 4,000 damage
037: Deal at least 10,000 damage
047: Deal at least 30,000 damage
066: Deal at least 50,000 damage
075: Deal at least 70,000 damage
086: Deal at least 99,999 damage

015: Deal exactly 512 damage(准确打出512点伤害)
024: Deal exactly 1,024 damage
032: Deal exactly 4,096 damage
043: Deal exactly 16,384 damage
050: Deal exactly 32,768 damage
074: Deal exactly 65,536 damage

For 1024 damage, Give Bacchus 532 attack and fight Sydonaist Alpha's on planet Roak, Use your normal A attack and you should be hitting for close to this damage range. Keep going until you get the BT. Adjust your attack as needed if damage is too far off.

For 4096 damage, Give Bacchus 1415 attack and fight Gerel's on planet Aeos, blindside them and attack, you should be hitting for close to this damage range. Keep going until you get the BT. Adjust your attack as needed if damage is too far off.

022: Take no damage 15 times in a row
062: Take no damage 25 times in a row
087: Take no damage 35 times in a row

Travel to planet Lemuris and enter a battle with the Tree's there, drink a fainting potion to cause any damage received to show up as 0's, these 0 damage hits are the pre-req for these BT's. You'll need to make sure that your allies do not interfear in this, as losing hits can cause you to not get the 50 in a row. Kill them off with Self-Destructors to make sure they don't get in your way before hand.

005: Win in 90 seconds or less
026: Win in 70 seconds or less
046: Win in 50 seconds or less
065: Win in 30 seconds or less
085: Win in 20 seconds or less
095: Win in 10 seconds or less

Enter a battle with the low level mobs in Aeos (regular battle, don't Pre-emptive) then cast Black Hole Sphere, it should clip and kill all of them in under 10 seconds, giving you all 6 BT's.

011: Win a battle in exactly one minute
036: Win a battle in exactly two minutes
061: Win a battle in exactly three minutes
080: Win a battle in exactly five minutes

You'll need a stopwatch for this one to get it accurate. You need to land the final killing blow right at the 1/3 minute mark. Timers for battles start as soon as you gain control of your units, so start it there. You'll also need to count how many seconds it takes for Reimi to fire, so you can add that into your time:

Aiming for 1 minute, Bacchus' attack takes 2 seconds to use (guess) fire at 58 seconds to kill it at 1 minute.

Best mobs to do this on are the bugs in the starting area of Aeos, as they can usually die from 1 shot.

If you have a character with 'Pride' start the battle with them as the Leader. when the 'pride' skill appears on screen that is when the timer for the battle starts.

020: Defeat 30 enemies without being knocked down
041: Defeat 100 enemies without being knocked down
060: Defeat 32 consecutive enemies without being knocked down
079: Defeat 64 consecutive enemies without being knocked down
099: Defeat 128 consecutive enemies without being knocked down

Simple enough, defeat the amount of enemies listed. Defeated enemies MUST have been killed by Bacchus (Killing blow landed, does not matter if computer helps, as long as Bacchus gets the final shot)

The twist is Bacchus cannot be knocked down during the kill chain for the last 3, best place to do all of these is the Colosseum, against the first ranked match.

042: Stay in Rush Mode for 15 seconds
067: Stay in Rush Mode for 20 seconds
081: Stay in Rush Mode for 30 seconds
100: Stay in Rush Mode for 120 seconds

Bacchus D-79 Cont.

018: Activate Rush Mode 30 times
039: Activate Rush Mode 60 times
058: Activate Rush Mode 99 times
077: Activate Rush Mode 150 times
097: Activate Rush Mode 255 times

008: Defeat 100 mechanical enemies
028: Defeat 300 Mechanical enemies
055: Defeat 500 Mechanical enemies
093: Defeat 999 Mechanical enemies

031: Obtain 20 Robotics item drops
051: Obtain 50 Robotics item drops
069: Obtain 100 Robotics item drops
096: Obtain 255 Robotics item drops
076: Obtain two Robotics item drops in a row

002: Guard against 5 consecutive attacks
012: Guard against 8 consecutive attacks
033: Guard against 11 consecutive attacks
052: Guard against 14 consecutive attacks
071: Guard against 17 consecutive attacks
092: Guard against 20 consecutive attacks

Travel to Planet Aeos and get in a fight with a low level bug. Face them and let them strike you, if you are a high enough level they won't be able to strike you, you'll just guard everything. Let him hit you 20 times for all 6 BT's

038: Win 20 colosseum solo battles
049: Win 50 colosseum solo battles
063: Win 100 colosseum solo battles
083: Win 200 colosseum solo battles
089: Win 50 consecutive colosseum solo battles
045: Land the battle-winning blow 10 times in a row
054: Land the battle-winning blow 15 times in a row
064: Land the battle-winning blow 20 times in a row
073: Land the battle-winning blow 30 times in a row
084: Land the battle-winning blow 40 times in a row
094: Land the battle-winning blow 50 times in a row

This can be done by fighting the first ranked fight in Colosseum. For the 50 consecutive you'll need to do them without stopping (saving and doing something else / turning off your console) other then that the other 4 are cumulative.

Fighting the first ranked battle is the easiest way for this. You'll also get the 50 Battle winning blows in a row this way, as Bacchus will be the only one in the fights, hence the only one to land the winning blow.

009: Use Emergency Repairs 16 times
030: Use Emergency Repairs 32 times
059: Use Emergency Repairs 64 times
078: Use Emergency Repairs 256 times

The Emergency Repairs skill book is gained at En II. Use it 256 times total, can only be used during a battle.

010: Defeat an enemy using a close-quarters attack
013: Defeat an enemy using only melee attack
057: Defeat an enemy using only support mechs

034: Defeat an enemy in one hit with exact damage
003: Defeat an enemy with exact damage
091: Defeat two enemies in a row with exact damage

Un-equip Bacchus' weapon and any items that enhance his ATK value. From there go into a fight with an enemy and use his jump attack, as it deals the lowest damage he can do. Mark down that damage value, from there you need to track down a monster with HP around that value. You can modify your attack up and down if needed to from there, but generaly speaking the lower your damage the less it will spike; a 10,000 damage hit can spike anywhere from 8500 to 11,500 damage, while a 100 damage attack can spike between 85 and 115, making it easier to predict.

You can use a scumbag slayer as well if your ATK is too high, as this reduces his ATK by 60%

Once you have achieved the first kill, run back and save your game, then go into a battle again. If you don't get an exact kill from that shot, reload your game. The game will track the single 1 shot kill for you, so you can effectively double your chances of completing this

019: Defeat an enemy while in fog status
072: Defeat 100 enemies while in fog status

098: Defeat 100 enemies with Godslayer

048: Strike three enemies with Black Hole Sphere

021: Land eight hits with Galvanic Shock

053: Land a long-range hit while in fog status

082: Win without any player-controlled actions

090: Defeat own shadow

This BT is available for each character. 3 of the Shadows will appear in Cave of the Seven Stars. The other 6 are located in the Wandering Dungeon, floors 16 and 18. You MUST land the killing blow on the shadow in question with the alter ego of the shadow, i.e. Sarah needs to kill Sarah. You also must be in control of the character at the time as well, so no computer assistance.

Bacchus' Shadow appears inside the Wandering Dungeon

070: Defeat 100 Kokabiel spawn

During the Kokabiel fight you will need to kill 100 of its spawns. Each time that Kokabiel uses its Rejuvenate Swarm ability it will summon 12 killable Spawns. The easiest way to kill these is spam Termination or Black Hole Sphere (Depening on which one you have / prefer to use) right as Kokabiel is nearing the end of its Rejuvenate Swarm spell. This will clip most if not all of the Swarms, killing them instantly. Wait until Kokabiel uses the spell again and repeat.

This will take approx. 11 casts of Rejuvenate Swarm to achieve. It is also advisable that you do this before you knock Kokabiel into the second phase, as you won't have to also deal with its Sword Attacks.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-16 08:25  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层
Myuria Tionysus

015: Deal at least 1,000 damage
027: Deal at least 4,000 damage
038: Deal at least 10,000 damage
048: Deal at least 30,000 damage
058: Deal at least 50,000 damage
070: Deal at least 70,000 damage
091: Deal at least 99,999 damage

004: Absorb a total of 200 MP
013: Absorb a total of 1,000 MP
025: Absorb a total of 5,000 MP
036: Absorb a total of 10,000 MP
046: Absorb a total of 30,000 MP
055: Absorb a total of 50,000 MP
066: Absorb a total of 70,000 MP
079: Absorb a total of 99,999 MP

007: Fight over 1 hour in total
017: Fight over 2 hours in total
029: Fight over 3 hours in total
040: Fight over 4 hours in total
051: Fight over 5 hours in total
060: Fight over 6 hours in total
072: Fight over 7 hours in total
084: Fight over 8 hours in total
092: Fight over 9 hours in total
099: Fight over 10 hours in total

009: Defeat 100 demon enemies
050: Defeat 300 demon enemies
081: Defeat 500 demon enemies
100: Defeat 999 demon enemies

032: Obtain 20 Demonology item drops
053: Obtain 50 Demonology item drops
074: Obtain 100 Demonology item drops
098: Obtain 255 Demonology item drops
080: Obtain two Demonology item drops in a row

022: Use MP in 10 consecutive victorious battles
049: Use MP in 30 consecutive victorious battles
067: Use MP in 50 consecutive victorious battles
097: Use MP in 100 consecutive victorious battles

014: Successfully cast a symbol 10 times in a row
033: Successfully cast a symbol 20 times in a row
045: Successfully cast a symbol 50 times in a row
090: Successfully cast a symbol 100 times in a row

012: Defeat an enemy using only symbols
026: Defeat 10 enemies using only symbols
056: Defeat 100 enemies using only symbols

044: Cast 200 symbols
096: Cast 999 symbols

031: Defeat an enemy using three elements
069: Defeat an enemy using four elements

Myuria can cast a total of 3 elements - Darkness, Frost & Lightning. In order to get the 4th element create a symbol card of another element (stone rain / aurora rings, anything that isn't darkness / frost / lightning) and use it on the enemy while in a battle to get the fourth element.

Myuria Tionysus Cont.

005: Defeat an enemy using only close-quarters attacks
010: Defeat an enemy using only items
018: Defeat an enemy while in Berserk status
020: Defeat an enemy over 20 meters away

For berserk status, use a Pickled Pepper Potion, this will cause Berserk on Myuira.

019: Defeat a frozen enemy
086: Defeat 100 frozen enemies

021: Defeat an enemy via damage from poison
075: Defeat an enemy via damage from poison only

You can sue a compact poison bomb for the first BT. The second is a bit trickier. You need to synthesize earth attack (gnomestone) and poison attack (poison cider?) to a weapon. Once you have that enter a battle with a Dryad unit. These units have full resist against earth attacks, so keep hitting them in melee. Every attack will hit for 0, but can still apply the poison effect.

Keep attacking until you apply poison, then wait until it dies from it.

063: Defeat 50 enemies using only items

042: Defeat 100 enemies with Shadow Needles
078: Defeat 100 enemies with Plasma Cyclone
085: Defeat 100 enemies with Dark Devourer

028: Win 20 Colosseum solo battles
041: Win 50 Colosseum solo battles
083: Win 200 Colosseum solo battles
088: Win 50 consecutive Colosseum solo battles

008: Activate Rush Mode 30 times
030: Activate Rush Mode 60 times
052: Activate Rush Mode 99 times
073: Activate Rush Mode 150 times
093: Activate Rush Mode 255 times

002: Use thunder symbol on an enemy weak to thunder
016: Use a water symbol on an enemy weak to water
039: Use a darkness symbol on an enemy weak to darkness

043: Absorb a thunder-based attack
062: Absorb a water-based attack
071: Absorb a darkness-based attack

For Thunder synth a Thorstone to armour and fight Early Psynards in En II Sanctuary
For Water synth a Nereidstone to armour and enter a battle with Ice Corpses in the Astral Caves.
For Darkness synth a Shadestone to armour and fight Cursed Horror's in En II Sanctuary / Old Road

024: Strike three enemies with Lightning Blast
054: Freeze two enemies with Deep Freeze
089: Freeze three enemies with Deep Freeze

011: Take no damage 5 times in a row
037: Take no damage 10 times in a row
047: Take no damage 20 times in a row
068: Take no damage 30 times in a row
082: Take no damage 40 times in a row
087: Take no damage 50 times in a row

006: Get enraged 10 times
035: Get enraged 20 times
061: Get enraged 30 times
077: Get enraged 40 times
064: Get enraged twice in one battle

001: Win without ever being targeted

003: Cast a symbol within close range of an enemy

023: Recover HP to the exact maximum capacity

This BT is easiest when Myuria's HP can be evenly divided by 100, but can be done at any time, just takes a lot of math.

You want Myuria's healing spell to be maxx level, so it heals 40% health.

Use a heal on Myuria, write down that number. You now need to make Myuria's health the remainder of that number from your max health. Example:

Myuria has 20675 Health, a 40% heal lands for 8370. You need to reduce Myuria's health to 12305. The easiest way to do this is a combination of poison ciders, auto healing and the low level bugs on planet Aeos, by the end of the game the bugs should be hitting you for 1 to 2 damage, if it's 1 then this will be easy, if 2 then it's a bit harder.

Poison yourself to just above 20675 Health, (poison would tick for 207, so it would take 40 ticks, reducing you to 12395 Health)

From that point antidote yourself, then let the bugs on Aeos hit you. Because of their low level you'll need to charge for blindsides, to negate your ability to block their hits. Keep going until you reach the desired HP, in the examples case 12305, or 45 hits of 2 damage a piece. Once at that level cast a healing spell on yourself to go to max health, and now you've got your BT.

034: Cast a symbol with no casting time

057: Cast Faerie Heal on an entire party with critical HP

065: Recover HP with first aid twice in a row

076: Survive incapacitation via Fury 10 times in a row

Equip a level 10 fury boost. From there make sure Myuria's health is at max then use a self destructor. Depending on your luck this will pop Fury, leaving Myuria at one health. From there heal her to full health and use another self destructor. Get 10 in a row for the BT.

Things to note:

Self destructors work best, anything that deals that much damage relative to your max health has a higher chance of proccing fury.

Heal yourself to full health with healing spells - There has been testing that shows that using healing spells works better then items, not sure why, just do it to be certain.

094: Defeat own shadow

This BT is available for each character. 3 of the Shadows will appear in Cave of the Seven Stars. The other 6 are located in the Wandering Dungeon, floors 16 and 18. You MUST land the killing blow on the shadow in question with the alter ego of the shadow, i.e. Sarah needs to kill Sarah. You also must be in control of the character at the time as well, so no computer assistance.

Myuria's Shadow appears inside the Wandering Dungeon

095: Get enraged three times in one battle

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-16 08:26  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层
Sarah Jerand

008: Deal at least 1,000 points of damage
018: Deal at least 4,000 points of damage
028: Deal at least 10,000 points of damage
040: Deal at least 30,000 points of damage
052: Deal at least 50,000 points of damage
062: Deal at least 70,000 points of damage
074: Deal at least 99,999 points of damage

006: Absorb a total of 3,000 HP
016: Absorb a total of 4,000 HP
029: Absorb a total of 6,000 HP
042: Absorb a total of 8,000 HP
053: Absorb a total of 12,000 HP
063: Absorb a total of 20,000 HP
075: Absorb a total of 30,000 HP
084: Absorb a total of 50,000 HP

You'll want around 30 HP Absorption Kits. Most of these will Absorb 1500 each time, keep using them and you'll get it.

032: Absorb a total of 200 MP
046: Absorb a total of 1,000 MP
056: Absorb a total of 5,000 MP
067: Absorb a total of 1,000 MP
078: Absorb a total of 30,000 MP
087: Absorb a total of 50,000 MP
095: Absorb a total of 99,999 MP

Use a Vile Goop or Edge's Symbolic Weapon on Sarah's weapon, then fight in melee range, each hit will absorb some MP. Keep going until you hit 99,999 MP

001: Recover exactly 777 HP

Character - Level 255 Sarah, BEAT B rank 20
Armor factor - HP-30% x2 (necklace drop by monster 076), HP+3% x1 (Silver Chalice)
Accessories factor - HP-20% x2 (necklace drop by monster 076 - Magick Emblem),
Wrist factor - HP+20x2 (NOT 20% here! Synth with a Healing Paint)
This makes her total HP 1933, get the art with Farie Heal level 10

044: Recover exactly 7,777 HP

Character - Level 255 Reimi, BEAT S rank 20
Weapon - HP-50% (Spriggan Monster Jewel)
Armor - HP+10% (seed), HP-300 (ruby)
Accessories - HP-20%
This makes her total HP 21934, get the art with Farie Heal level 10

086: Recover exactly 77,777 HP

Character - Level 255 Edge, BEAT B rank 20
Armor - HP+20%, HP-800 (Star ruby)
Accessories - HP-500 (star ruby)
This makes him total HP 95971, ExHealing level 10 will get the art.

014: Jump 300 times
024: Jump 500 times
035: Jump 777 times
048: Jump 1,000 times
058: Jump 1,500 times
069: Jump 2,000 times
080: Jump 3,333 times
089: Jump 4,444 times
097: Jump 5,555 times
045: Spend a total of 30 minutes airborne
066: Spend a total of 80 minutes airborne
092: Spend a total of 90 minutes airborne

Point Sarah into a corner, hold down the B button and jump into the wall, this will cause Sarah's jumps to take roughly half the time they normally do. You'll unlock the 5555 jumps (last one) at about 2.5 hours time.

015: Defeat 100 animal enemies
059: Defeat 300 animal enemies
079: Defeat 500 animal enemies
099: Defeat 999 animal enemies

011: Defeat 10 airborne enemies
031: Defeat 100 airborne enemies
055: Defeat 500 airborne enemies
077: Defeat 1,000 airborne enemies

030: Obtain 20 Zoology item drops
054: Obtained 50 Zoology item drops
076: Obtain 100 Zoology item drops
093: Obtain 255 Zoology item drops
082: Obtain two Zoology item drops in a row

Sarah Jerand Cont.

038: Revive an incapacitated ally 20 times
060: Revive an incapacitated ally 99 times
081: Revive an incapacitated ally 300 times
098: Revive in incapacitated ally 999 times

Cast any ressurection spell on a dead character. You need to be in control of Sarah when the Rezz goes off for it to count properly.

036: Win 20 Colosseum solo battles
050: Win 50 Colosseum solo battles
073: Win 100 Colosseum solo battles
083: Win 200 Colosseum solo battles
090: Win 50 consecutive Colosseum solo battle

This can be done by fighting the first ranked fight in Colosseum. For the 50 consecutive you'll need to do them without stopping (saving and doing something else / turning off your console) other then that the other 4 are cumulative.

Fighting the first ranked battle is the easiest way for this as Sarah can easily one shot the first mob with most of her spells.

003: Escape from battle 20 times
013: Escape from battle 40 times
023: Escape from battle 60 times
033: Escape from battle 100 times
047: Escape from battles 10 times in a row
057: Escape from battle 20 times in a row
068: Escape from battle 30 times in a row

To make this go faster, fight the bugs in the Aeos starting area. The lower the level of the mobs to your party, the faster you can escape. Escape 100 times for the first 4, and do 30 one after another during that time for the last 3.

009: Cure a paralyzed ally
019: Cure a poisoned ally
027: Cure a silenced ally
039: Cure a cursed ally
051: Cure a pumpkined ally
061: Cure a frozen ally
072: Cure Stun Status with a symbol

Drink the related Cider on a random character, then have Sarah cast Cure Condition to get the particular BT. Sarah needs to be controlled by you when the Cure Condition goes off for it to count.

Looking for Idea's on Stun Status, Human Shadow Soldiers do a melee charge that has a high chance of stunning, they seem like the best idea. Also if someone remembers before I do, try using cure Condition on a Fainting Potion, but I believe that won't work as Fainting Potion is considered a buff, not a de-buff.

088: Defeat Satanail
100: Defeat Satanail within 5 minutes

At max level with maxxed ATK / INT (which you should have by the time you hit EQ) a party of 4 can take down Satanail in about 3 minutes (give or take a bit for diffi***y, 3 minutes at Universe) Let your characters smash Satanail's Orbs down as fast as possible. Once he switches to phase 2 turn all of your characters to Manual and spam Sunflare with Sarah. Satanail is weak to light so will take increased damage. This should kill him in a minute or 2.

007: Use a wind symbol on an enemy weak to wind
017: Use a light symbol on an enemy weak to light
026: Use a thunder symbol on an enemy weak to thunder

022: Absorb a wind-based attack
025: Absorb a light-based attack
037: Absorb a thunder-based attack

For Wind synth a Sylphstone to armour and fith Axe Beaks on Roak, they cast wind blade.
For Thunder synth a Thorstone to armour and fight Early Psynards in En II Sanctuary

For Light synth an Angelstone to armour - You'll need to pick a fight a boss for this.

Ring Beast in Wandering Dungeon's Tail attack (the ability that fires multiple tracking energy blasts) is light based, gain aggro with Sarah and run out of melee. It will eventually target you with it.

010: Strike three enemies with Wind Blade
064: Strike two enemies with Tornado
091: Strike three enemies with Aurora Rings

Enter a battle with a large number of enemies (larger the better for your chances) Then cast each of the above spells when they are grouped together (Use a character with taunt to gather them all, then have Sarah cast the spells. Max level Aurora Rings helps for striking multiple enemies, as it increases the number of Rings summoned from 3 to 5.

002: Defeat an enemy using only weapon attacks
012: Defeat an enemy using a close-quarters attacks
021: Defeat an enemy using only Radiant Lancer
085: Defeat 100 enemies with Blast Hurricane

Sarah has no ranged 'A' Attack, so target an enemy and Hit 'A' once to make Sarah go into melee range and strike it with her weapon. Repeat this to achieve the Weapon Attacks.

Close Quarters is Sarah's Analog stick & 'A' button when in melee range attack. She will swoop her wings towards the enemy, blowing them away while causing damage. Manually run into melee range then use this ability.

Kill an enemy while only using the Radiant Lancer spell

Kill 100 enemies while only using the Blast Hurricane spell

049: Get turned into a pumpkin in battle
094: Get turned into a pumpkin in battle 100 times

If you have access to 100 Pumpkin Ciders, you can do it that way. Drink a Pumpkin Cider, have another character cast Cure Condition, then drink another Cider and repeat until you run out. Will take 5 total trips to get all 100.

Likewise you can fight any Dark Bishop model character (Small humanoids with big maces, shout "Enemies of my Faith!" When they see you. One of their attacks is a melee smash that turns the target into a pumpkin.

You need to be in control of Sarah when she is turned into a pumpkin in order for it to be counted.

005: Land a hit on an enemy's weak point

There are 3 bosses inside the Wandering Dungeon that harbour Weak Points - Incomplete Armaros, Manifest Armaros II & Kokabiel. Incomplete Armaros is the easiest to achieve this with. Wait until Incomplete Armaros changes to its second form, then cast an AoE spell at it (Sunflare works perfectly for this) As long as a portion of the spell hits the weak point, which it should, you'll achieve the BT.

020: Win while in the middle of casting a symbol

Restoration is Sarah's longest spell to cast. Right before a battle ends start casting this. As long as the Symbology circle is visible when the battle ends it will count. Likewise you can also stage the end of a fight by putting everyone on manual, eliminating all units minus 1, which you leave in a 1 shot range. After that start to cast a Symbol, tab immediatley to another character, tell them to attack and immediatley tab back to Sarah. You need to be in control of Sarah when the battle ends for this to work.

034: Defeat a frozen enemy

While Sarah herself has no spells to cause frozen status, you can easily use a Compact Freezing Bomb on an enemy. Picking one weak to frost helps the Frozen status stick, so bring a few with you to a fight, incase the first one dosen't Freeze the target. (Suggested mob: Lava Golems in Palace of Creation)

041: Use 10 healing symbols in one battle

Cast 10 healing spells in a single battle, you need to be in control of Sarah when the spells actually land on the target (Group heal spells only count as a single spell, even though they hit 4 people)

043: Cast Faerie Heal on an entire party with critical HP

Have each character in your party use a Danger, Do Not Drink Potion to lower their health to 1 HP, then cast Faerie Heal (For refrence, Critical condition is when your characters Health # is Red)

Likewise you can also lose a battle in the colloseum, this will set each of your characters to 1 health after the battle is over.

065: Cast Enhance on one character four times

Cast Enhance 4 times on a character in a single battle. You need to be in control of Sarah when the Enhance actually casts to get credit for it.

070: Fail to survive incapacitation via Fury 10 times in a row

This BT can actually be achieved without any Fury Skill active (that or dumb luck on my part)

Make sure all of your Fury skills are off, go into a battle and use a Self-Destructor. Make sure you have Sarah targetted when she dies. Afterwards use another character to revive her, and repeat as neccessary.

(I personally got this BT during the EQ Fight, Sarah got trapped in a corner during a supernova and immediatley died, earnign her this BT. She did not have any Fury Skills on at the time so it might be a pre-req that a monster has to kill her for it to count. Looking for confirmation.)

071: Use Restoration within one second of incapacitation

You'll need both Sarah and another character on Manual, to make sure they don't disrupt your timing. A fully 10/10 Restoration takes roughly a second to cast. The trick is to have your second manual character use a Self-Destructor right before the res is supposed to land.

Start with Sarah and tell her to cast Restoration on your second character. The second Sarah's Symbology ring pops up enter your battle menu, tab to the second manual character and use a self Destructor. As soon as you confirm the Self-Destructor enter the battle menu again and tab back to Sarah.

If you tabbed back to Sarah fast enough you should control her just as the Restoration goes off, which should be right after the Self-Destructor kills your ally, rezzing them immediatley.

096: Defeat own shadow

This BT is available for each character. 3 of the Shadows will appear in Cave of the Seven Stars. The other 6 are located in the Wandering Dungeon, floors 16 and 18. You MUST land the killing blow on the shadow in question with the alter ego of the shadow, i.e. Sarah needs to kill Sarah. You also must be in control of the character at the time as well, so no computer assistance.

Sarah's Shadow appears inside the Cave of the Seven Stars.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-16 08:26  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层
Arumat P. Thanatos

003: Deal at least 1000 damage
013: Deal at least 4,000 damage
021: Deal at least 10,000 damage
024: Deal at least 20,000 damage
034: Deal at least 30,000 damage
044: Deal at least 50,000 damage
056: Deal at least 70,000 damage
064: Deal at least 99,999 damage

Raise Arumat's ATK to 9999 (max) then enter a battle with Manifest Armaros (either the one in Wandering Dungeon or after the Apostle of Creation, whichever you decide)

Give Arumat 3 Dragon's Roars on his combo list, then when in battle buff him 3 times with Enhance. Once that is done use Arumat's Berserk.

Blindside Manifest Armaros and start casting Dragon's Roar on its weak point. Since Manifest is Blindsided all of your attacks will be crits, and against the weak point deal massive damage. By the second Dragon's Roar you should get 99,999 Damage. Keep repeating if Manifest recovers before you get high enough damage.

065: Deal at least 30,000 overkill damage
090: Deal at least 90,000 overkill damage

You'll need an ability that can deal 90K damage in all of its hits (dragon's roar hits 4 times for 20K - 80K total for instance) then bring a mob down as low in health as you can. Initiate a rush combo, as long as the combo deals 90K damage more then the mobs current health, you'll unlock this.

Use Enhance / Berserking if neccessary to increase the damage output.

002: Deal exactly 999 damage
016: Deal exactly 4,444 damage
029: Deal exactly 9,999 damage
042: Deal exactly 44,444 damage

For 4444 damage, Give Arumat 2586 attack and fight Adephaga's on planet Aeos, blindside them and attack, you should be hitting for close to this damage range. Keep going until you get the BT. Adjust your attack as needed if damage is too far off.

009: Defeat 108 enemies
028: Defeat 200 enemies
030: Defeat 400 enemies
041: Defeat 666 enemies
053: Defeat 1,000 enemies
060: Defeat 2,000 enemies
067: Defeat 4,444 enemies
079: Defeat 8,000 enemies
089: Defeat 15,000 enemies
098: Defeat 30,000 enemies

Simple enough, will just take an amazingly long time to execute. Defeat the amount of enemies listed. Defeated enemies MUST have been killed by Arumat (Killing blow landed, does not matter if computer helps, as long as Arumat gets the final shot)

007: Pull off 20 Blindsides
018: Pull off 50 Blindsides
038: Pull off 200 Blindsides
058: Pull off 1,000 Blindsides

A blindside is activated when you hold B and move the analog stick in a direction to slip behind an enemy. Blindsides are only counted when you are in 'Short' range to your target, so long range jumps do not count.

The bugs in Aeos are perfect targets to get Blindsides, as they are very quick to recover if you do not attack them, letting you Blindside around once every 5 seconds.

031: Obtain 20 Entomology item drops
051: Obtain 50 Entomology item drops
071: Obtain 100 Entomology item drops
096: Obtain 255 Entomology item drops
082: Obtain two Entomology item drops in a row

Arumat can learn a skill called Entomology from the book vendor in EN II, when this skill is learned any Insect that he kills has a higher chance of dropping a better item. When the skill is increased the chance of this happening increases.

You are unable to tell when you get an Entomology Drop though, so you'll need to keep killing enemies until you get the 255 trophy. Obtaining two in a row will come over time, as it is more random then the others.

006: Defeat 100 insect enemies
043: Defeat 300 insect enemies
069: Defeat 500 insect enemies
086: Defeat 999 insect enemies

The starting area of planet Aeos is almost entirely filled with Insects, minus the crabs along the beach and the slimes / bats inside the caves. If you stay outside the caves you should be fine though. Keep killing bugs with Arumat to get these BT's.

010: Attack first 30 times
035: Attack first 100 times
062: Attack first 200 times
076: Attack first 300 times
093: Attack first 500 times

Landing the first strike in the battle will net you a point towards these BT's. Using Arumat's long range A attack will usually give you a first strike.

023: Win 20 colosseum solo battles
039: Win 50 colosseum solo battles
061: Win 100 colosseum solo battles
073: Win 150 colosseum solo battles
081: Win 200 colosseum solo battles
091: Win 50 consecutive colosseum solo battles
057: Win 10 consecutive battles with no item drops
083: Win 20 consecutive battles with no item drops
080: Win 50 consecutive battles without healing
099: Win 100 consecutive battles without healing
032: Win 10 consecutive battles without taking damage
052: Win 20 consecutive battles without taking damage

This can be done by fighting the first ranked fight in Colosseum. For the 50 consecutive you'll need to do them without stopping (saving and doing something else / turning off your console) other then that the other 4 are cumulative.

Fighting the first ranked battle is the easiest way for this, it will also let you get the 50 consecutive enemies of the same type BT

Keep fighting the first ranked battle to also get the without healing, as you'll be able to easily 1 shot the monster with high ATK, eliminating the need to heal (make sure you don't have any pink bonus board tiles, that counts as a heal, same with auto heal / first aid) This is also advantageous for the 20 battles with no damage taken, as the second you start the fight just hit 'A' and Arumat will 1 shot the enemy before it can attack back.

As Colosseum battles drop no items, you can get the 20 battles in a row without item drops this way as well.

011: Win 30 Consecutive battles

Simple enough, all you need to do is win, so long as you don't retreat, or take a break from the game, (turning the console off) you'll get this. You need to be in control of Arumat, but he does not need to be the one to get the killing blow in the battles.

Arumat P. Thanatos Cont.

001: Use Taunt 20 times
033: Use Taunt 100 times
063: Use Taunt 200 times
092: Use Taunt 300 times
019: Stay in Berserk status for two minutes
049: Stay in Berserk status for five minutes
012: Defeat an enemy while in Berserk status

Enter a battle with the Bugs on Aeos, have Bacchus use taunt to get aggro on the bugs then run Arumat to the opposite side of the battle area. Cast Berserk once, then Taunt 10 times, then Berserk again. Keep doing this until you get the five minute Berserk BT, then just keep casting Taunt, you should have about half of the Taunt's done at the five minute mark for the Berserk BT.

Once you have all 300 Taunts, cast Berserk once more and kill the bugs that are left.

094: Use Taunt on Gabriel Celeste 10 times
097: Use Taunt on the Ethereal Queen 10 times

Use Taunt on each of the two end-game dungeon bosses. As long as you are within about 15 meters of the bosses the taunt will register as a hit, though the boss still may not target you, they will still register.

004: Win with 5 HP remaining
025: Win with 4 HP remaining
048: Win with 3 HP remaining
068: Win with 2 HP remaining
087: Win with 1 HP remaining

If your Auto Heal Skill is not level 1, this strategy will not work properly, it will take a bit of math, but you should be able to work it out, send me a PM with Arumat's Health / Auto Healing Skill / how much Auto Heal Heals for and I can help work it out.

You'll need the following things - 4x Aquaberries, 4x Posion Cider, Item that gives +100 Health, 1x Danger do not drink, Auto Heal Skill (level 1, refer to above if higher)

Also, make sure you have no pink bonus board tiles, that'll end your streak before it starts.

1. start by drinking a Danger, do not drink potion, win that battle for the 1 HP

2. on your next battle, have something equipped that gives +100 health (monster jewel or craftable, does not matter and equip your auto healing skill.

3. Wait for a single tick of Auto Heal, then take off the +100 health item. Wait 2 more auto healing ticks, then take that off as well.

4. Drink a poison cider, wait 3 ticks of poison, then use the Aquaberries.

5. win the battle

If you did it right you'll be at 2 HP for the second battle, and get the respective BT.

Repeat steps 2 through 5, each successive battle you'll go 1 HP higher and get the BT's for each HP value.

005: Defeat an enemy in one hit 10 times
015: Defeat an enemy in one hit 40 times
026: Defeat an enemy in one hit 100 times
036: Defeat an enemy in one hit 300 times.

Kill an enemy in a single attack, can be a normal strike of a special attack.

046: Defeat an enemy in one hit 10 times in a row
055: Defeat an enemy in one hit 20 times in a row
066: Defeat an enemy in one hit 30 times in a row
075: Defeat an enemy in one hit 40 times in a row
085: Defeat an enemy in one hit 50 times in a row
095: Defeat an enemy in one hit 60 times in a row

As before, but must be in a row, easiest for these is Aeos against the low level bugs, but can be done anywhere you can reliably kill the monsters in one shot.

054: Guard against 15 consecutive attacks
078: Guard against 20 consecutive attacks
084: Guard against 30 consecutive attacks

Head to Aeos, starting area. Kill off all but 1 bug then face it and let it attack, after 30 guards in a row (you should be guarding everything post-game these guys can throw at you) you'll get this.

022: Survive 30 surprise attacks
045: Survive 60 surprise attacks
072: Survive 100 surprise attacks

You trigger a suprise attack when an enemy on the field runs into the rear of Edge. Red text will appear at the start of the battle, saying 'Suprised.' Win the battle without Arumat dieing and end the battle with Arumat targeted to get credit for these BT's.

014: Bury a Scumbag with a single swipe
037: Bury a Scumbag with a single swipe 50 times
074: Bury a Scumbag with a single swipe 100 times

Create a Scumbag Slayer and go into battle against any type of Scumbag unit. Scumbag Slayer needs to procc on the first attack, or it does not count, (you can tell that Scumbag Slayer proccs when the Scumbag dies without any damage appearing)

Since Scumbag Slayer proccs only 20% of the time, it will take roughly 500 scumbags to attain this trophy, depending on your personal luck.

008: Defeat an enemy with a knockdown attack
017: Defeat an enemy using only symbols
020: Defeat an enemy in Rush Mode
040: Defeat an enemy from behind

All can be done in Aeos, starting area:

Knockdown attack: Your long range attack is considered a Knockdown, 1 shot something with that to get the BT (needs confirmation, either that or his long boot attack)

Only Symbols: Cast any type of symbol attack, this should one shot your target, if not keep casting until it is dead.

Rush Mode: Defeat an enemy when they are in rush mode to get this, if you are blocking too much for them to enter rush mode, charge your rush gauge, you lose the ability to guard during that time.

Enemy from Behind: Have an enemy targeted and put your back to it, when it gets in short range hit A. Arumat will spin around 360, clipping the mob. Killing the enemy with this 360 attack will get this trophy.

027: Defeat a cursed enemy
077: Defeat 100 cursed enemies

Throw a lesser demon's fetish at an enemy, then defeat it. To my knowledge no character can cast curse for you.

047: Allow all enemies to escape from battle

Enter a battle made entirely of scumbags (dosen't matter what type) and stand there until they run away, which they eventually will.

An easy way to get into a battle of enitre scumbags is to Pre-emptive strike them, they will almost always appear with only 1 type of enemy.

050: Land eight hits with Stone Rain

Enter a battle with the Bat's / Bee's on the first floor of the Cave of the Seven Stars, have Bacchus use his Black Hole Sphere then cast Stone Rain.

059: Deal the same amount of damage twice in a row

Requires a bit of luck, but can be done at any point in the game, just get the same # twice in a row. Diabolic edge works the best for this, as it seems to use static damage for its middle hits.

070: Fight as battle leader for 120 minutes

Have direct control of Arumat for 120 minutes.

088: Defeat own shadow

This BT is available for each character. 3 of the Shadows will appear in Cave of the Seven Stars. The other 6 are located in the Wandering Dungeon, floors 16 and 18. You MUST land the killing blow on the shadow in question with the alter ego of the shadow, i.e. Sarah needs to kill Sarah. You also must be in control of the character at the time as well, so no computer assistance.

Arumat's Shadow appears inside the Cave of the Seven Stars.

100: Defeat 100 enemies while HP is 5% or less

Drink a Danger Do Not Drink potion, equip auto healing, let it tick 4 times, then go kill off 100 enemies in the Aeos starting area.

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296 点
12 点
发表于 2009-6-16 10:50  ·  加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
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