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- 2012-12-5
在xboxlive上偶遇一老外高手,我用Ryu他用c.viper,被打得体无完肤,事后他特地给我写了一大篇邮件告诉我哪些地方应该注意,哪些地方还可以提高。其中还提到了我一直没有注意到的连击确认的问题。看得出来确实是对SF4很有研究的一个人。不敢独占,在征求他的意见后发出来跟大家共享。原件是用英文写的,英文好的可以看看,高手有兴趣的话可以翻译一下,本人打字很慢,这几天一直在打工,过几天还有一个面试,所以暂时不能为大家翻译,还请见谅。 面试结束后如果仍旧没有人翻译,我会为大家翻译的。
You have good general game sense but theres some specific things you should be aware of if you arent.
Let me just start quickly with all the ways ryu can link into ultra (note dp = dragon punch)
-lp dp, juggle into ultra (easiest way use this a lot)
-dp fadc (requires two ex bars to fa cancel the dp), juggle ultra, v good move, can use in opponent block strings if you see repetition, as anti air, or combo into dp and do it. The most common way to link into ultra for ryu as it requires any dp connecting once, and its safe if blocked (not if u miss dp)
-Ex tatsu, juggle ultra (corner only)
-Ex shoryu, juggle ultra (corner only)
-Mid screen far, combo into ex shoryu, fadc, ultra (requries 3 bars, 2 for cancel and one for ex shoryu)
-air to air: jump mp juggle to ultra (can also combo into any ex move)
-Trade dp, juggle ultra, very important if you connect a dp and it knocks the opponent high but it trades so you dont leave the ground and take dmg urself, u can juggle ultra. Test this in training mode (record an opponent jumping in and then slighlt mistime ur dp so it trades to see)
I think thats it.
Now hit confirming. You want to use safer combos and block strings, that let you see if you connect a combo and mixup, because when you're in the block string u have frame advatage. So start using 2 jabs after u jump in with ryu, as they are the only true safe block string (cant be reversaled shoryu'd unless u are slow on them), they also combo into almost all of ryus other normals. I saw the problem with you jumpign in and doing cr mk to tatsu is u dotn have time to see if it connects and a ducked tatsu is punishable, finish with a fb if you are two far to connect jabs or dont use anything after the cr mk at all. Even if you do get a hit to connect, the tatsu wont connect unless the opponent was standing when ur combo was started. Ryu can link his jabs into cr hp which stands the opponent up then cancel that to connect a tatsu. A standard combo u will see ryu players use is cr lp, cr lp, cr hp, tatsu but note the cr lp to cr hp link takes some practice in training mode. A safer way for you to combo is go cr lp, cr lp, cr mk (or cr mp if it will reach) to a fireball. Start with that.
Next mixing up. You did the same jump in stuff every time, u need to mixup high and low attacks and throws. For eg jump in, throw, or jump in jab, jab walk forward throw or jab, jab, overhead (f + mp, must be blocked standing as hits high). Also theres an important anti reversal technique you should know for throws. The reason i wasn't gettign hit by many dps and getting a throws off a lot is when i have a long konockdown ill get as close as possible, then as you're getting up hold back for a slight pause since if a dp comes out it will be blocked, but if not then i will hit throw, so its a good way to throw against shotos (characters with shoryukens, the fastest attacks in the game besides ultra). It doesnt work as well against other chars with slower startup eg boxer headbutt, but principle is useful against everyone.
So there you go some quick tips off the top of my head. Hope that helps.
Also ryus standard bread n butter combo (bnb) for dmg is cr lp, cr lp, hp shoryu, the jabs let you hit confirm the hp shoryu so if u see they dont connect u make ur decision waht to do next, finish a block string eg cr mk to fireball or mixup.. |