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楼主 |
发表于 2010-9-30 11:12 · 日本
If Lords of Shadow hits the sweet spot for you, I've got good news: this is an incredibly long game. The 12 levels are each divided into as many as eight or nine stages and it will take you 15-20 hours to reach the end. Your first time through a stage you may encounter a roadblock that you can return to later after you've upgraded your skills, so revisiting areas is encouraged. Once you complete a stage you'll also unlock unique challenges that ask you to finish it under a certain time or defeat a boss without taking any damage. Lords of Shadow will be a great investment for those that enjoy it.
如果LOS让你喜欢,那么我有好消息告诉你,这是一个不可思议长度的游戏,12大关,每一关都有8-9个不同舞台,大概会花费你15-20个小时时间通关。第一次到达一个场景可能暂时不能通过,不过在你升级了技能以后,可以重返这里到达先前不能到达的地方。一旦你全部完成了场景,将会解锁独一无二的挑战,比如在一定的时间限制内完成或无伤击败BOSS等等。LOS有非常大的探索乐趣。 |