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楼主 |
发表于 2010-9-1 16:42 · 云南
Big "***s" for Maka who did most of the wildcards in the guide.
Super-Organized-Interactive-Downloadable-Guide here now! Check the first post of the second page for a full description.
Also check this post for help with a few of the wild cards and other miscellaneous awards.
If you see anything wrong in the guide or anything that could be added go ahead and say it, I'll be happy to fix is. Also, as a quick note before we start, IAR means in a round and global means you can work towards them over the course of your *** career.
Wildcards: 30
The most diffi*** of the awards are in this group. Many of them are cumulative which will just take a while but others are extremely luck based or just plain diffi***. This is the category you should focus on early.
Ω 1 on 1 Air
IAR: Destroy an air vehicle of the same kind without assistance
Similar to “1 on 1 Land” but with the helicopter. You may have to fly it around for a while until another one spawns for an enemy. Map: Oasis or End of the Line.
Ω 1 on 1 Land
IAR: Destroy one land vehicle of the same kind without assistance
Simply, get into a ***, and blow another *** of the same kind. This can be iffy, since sometimes ***s look similar but are actually different (ie. The way they shoot or the base they are from). Map: Oasis or Harvest Day
Ω 1 on 1 Sea
IAR: Destroy 1 sea vehicle of the same kind without assistance
Similar to “1 on 1 Land” but with a boat. Use the mounted guns while a teammate drives you around until you find an enemy boat that looks the same and destroy it. Map: Oasis and End of the Line.
Ω Airtime
IAR: 2 seconds air time in a land vehicle
Easiest in a Humvee or Buggy. You will most likely get this accidentally, but if you can’t manage it, drive off the mountain side on Oasis.
Ω Armor Buster
IAR: Kill 5 Armored Vehicles
The easier part is getting 25 armoured vehicle kills. Firstly, an armored vehicle is a vehicle… with armour. Basically an Humvee or small *** counts as one. Get 25 kills (easy) inside of these. For the other part, you will have to blow up 5 vehicles. Choose the demolition class and use the RPG or the Recon class using the Laser Designator to make it easier.
Ω Avenger
Global: 50x Avenger Trophies
Unlike what the name suggests you'll have to get an avenger bonus for killing an enemy who recently killed a friend 50 times. Just follow a friend around and wait for him to die and then try to get a kill on the enemy who killed him (within 10 seconds) or follow an enemy around and wait for him to kill someone before you kill him.
Ω Beat the House
IAR: 15 Grenade Kills
A very hard one actually. The best strategy is to make your way into an opponent’s base while attacking. Sit near a ammo refill near a window and lob grenades at crates or others buildings. Have a sniper radar watch your back, it’s useful, so you don’t get knifed.
Ω Cab Driver
IAR: 5 min as driver in a vehicle with passengers
You can rack up time spent driving as long as you are in a vehicle, you are driving, and the vehicle is moving. You could do this on levels like Oasis or End of the Line by driving a vehicle any time you can and picking up a person before leaving but I find it’s best to go support and do your best to grab a helicopter. Once in one allow a passenger to get in too before flying off. Focus solely on flying to avoid fire, stay away from or destroy AA guns, and don’t try using your rockets but just allow your gunner to fire at the enemy. Repair when necessary and make sure that the passenger doesn’t leave and you are constantly moving.
Ω Chopper Chopper Kills
IAR: Kill 5 Air vehicles
The tactic for taking down choppers is a little different in multiplayer then land vehicles. The easiest ways to take these down are with mounted guns (like turrets) or with a support class weapon, like the XM8 LMG. You can try to use the RPG but a got helicopter driver won’t get hit that easily, and the Laser Designator is out of the question. Just spray the Heli with bullets. 25 chopper kills will come with time, just get inside whenever you see one. I recommend first person view (click ) since it is much easier to aim. I recommend Oasis and End of the Line as maps.
Ω Dead Eye
Global: Get 100 Headshots with any sniper rifle
Get comfortable with a Sniper. I would personally use the SVU for this award since you can fire many bullets without unscoping, and one headshot kills anyway. Just keep at it, and it’ll come.
Ω Destruction Site
Global: Destroy 1000 Objects
Objects are sand bags, gold crates, boxes, hay stacks, barriers, and basically everything else except for walls and trees. I recommend going as a assault class and using your grenade launcher to destroy any thing you can. I recommend the level Harvest Day and destroying everything you can inside every barn in the level as well as the hay and carts outside.
Ω Deuces are Wild
IAR: Kill 2 Enemies of each class
There are 5 classes total. This award comes down to luck and a bit of skill. You need to face a team using various classes. And kill 2 enemies that are using the 5 various classes.
Ω Five of a Kind
IAR: destroy 5 vehicles of the same kind
The vehicles have to be “hot” and an enemy will have to be using them (or just left) for the kill to count. This is easiest done against ***s, I recommend being a recon with the unlockable laser designator or a specialist with the unlockable C4. As a defender sneak over to the enemy’s base when playing on a level where the attacker has vehicles (I recommend Oasis, End of the Line, or Valley Run) and then hide in a nearby bush. As a recon keep your distance and hide wherever possible and use your laser designator whenever an enemy starts heading for a ***. As a specialist plant your C4 and then detonate it whenever an enemy enters the vehicle.
Ω Full Deck
IAR: 52 total Kills
52 kills is a lot so stick to offensive classes like specialist or demolition and keep attacking as much as possible. Go out of your base for kills and don’t focus on the objective as much as on killing. Try to get behind the enemy and spawn camp them if possible. This one will take a lot of skill and even more luck.
Ω Full House
IAR: Destroy 3+2 vehicles of the same kind
You have to destroy 3 of one type of vehicle, and 2 of another (i.e. 3 land and 2 sea.) I recommend going recon as defense on the level Oasis or End of the Line and camping by the attackers base. Anytime someone enters a vehicle destroy it with your laser designator, don’t fire at anyone as they might spot you.
Ω Gunslinger
Global: 80 kills with Handgun
To have a handgun available, you must be the Recon (Sniper) class. To pull it out click the . The pistol is actually quite accurate, and a good substitute when you aren’t sniping. Use it whenever you get the opportunity, and you should be able to pull off anywhere from 3-10 kills with it a game.
Ω Headshots
IAR: 20 Kills from headshots
Get comfortable with the SVU Sniper Rifle and find a big open level you like, such as Oasis, End of the Line or Harvest Day. Now find a good spot where you can see the enemy base and you own base from. Snipe away. Works best as defenders.
Ω Fly-by
IAR: 4 Road Kills with any air vehicle
A roadkill is when you run someone over, indicated by tire marks when you actually kill them. This is one of the hardest awards in my opinion, as you must get very low to the ground in the chopper and then strike your opponent. While doing this you must evade fire (in a very delicate vehicle) and make sure you don’t crash. This can also be done with different choppers, in case you die. Your best bet is to get the chopper and be a support class (to repair the chopper in between kills) and find opponent snipers in fields further away from their main base to avoid other fire. If you get lucky, squad member may spawn on him and you may grab two for one.
Ω Santa's Little Helper
IAR: 10 Kill Assists Points
For this you need 10 kill assist points (4 assists) as well as a 2:1 assist to kill ratio.
This means for every kill you get you'll need another two assists.
This means you’ll have to rack up a few assists in a round, you’ll receive these for shooting an enemy for at least 20 damage before an enemy kills them. You receive 3 for an assist and 3 bonus points for a squad assist. Grab your SVU and try to shoot as many enemies just once as possible. The SVU will do enough damage with one shot to get you an assist if a friend kills the enemy.
Ω Savior
Global: 50 Savior Trophies
You have to unlock the trophy “Savior Trophy” 50 times. See the trophy for info on how to get it.
Ω S*** Eyes
IAR: Get 11 Kills as two different classes
Get comfortable with a class or two classes. The easiest way to keep track of your kills is using trophies. Start with your second best weapon and wait until you get “ Efficiency trophy” twice (12 Kills) and then switch weapons, and do it again. This way you don’t have to count, and you can still get near the number. After completing your first weapon, purposely die or suicide.
Ω Squad Avenger Card
Global: Get 100 Avenger Points Avenging Squad Members |