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*** 叛逆连队1的3个成就好困难啊!求总共有120个奖项:30通配符,48块,42奖杯。的

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-1 16:37  ·  云南 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-1 16:42  ·  云南 | 显示全部楼层
Big "***s" for Maka who did most of the wildcards in the guide.

Super-Organized-Interactive-Downloadable-Guide here now! Check the first post of the second page for a full description.

Also check this post for help with a few of the wild cards and other miscellaneous awards.

If you see anything wrong in the guide or anything that could be added go ahead and say it, I'll be happy to fix is. Also, as a quick note before we start, IAR means in a round and global means you can work towards them over the course of your *** career.

Wildcards: 30
The most diffi*** of the awards are in this group. Many of them are cumulative which will just take a while but others are extremely luck based or just plain diffi***. This is the category you should focus on early.

Ω 1 on 1 Air
IAR: Destroy an air vehicle of the same kind without assistance

Similar to “1 on 1 Land” but with the helicopter. You may have to fly it around for a while until another one spawns for an enemy. Map: Oasis or End of the Line.

Ω 1 on 1 Land
IAR: Destroy one land vehicle of the same kind without assistance

Simply, get into a ***, and blow another *** of the same kind. This can be iffy, since sometimes ***s look similar but are actually different (ie. The way they shoot or the base they are from). Map: Oasis or Harvest Day

Ω 1 on 1 Sea
IAR: Destroy 1 sea vehicle of the same kind without assistance

Similar to “1 on 1 Land” but with a boat. Use the mounted guns while a teammate drives you around until you find an enemy boat that looks the same and destroy it. Map: Oasis and End of the Line.

Ω Airtime
IAR: 2 seconds air time in a land vehicle

Easiest in a Humvee or Buggy. You will most likely get this accidentally, but if you can’t manage it, drive off the mountain side on Oasis.

Ω Armor Buster
IAR: Kill 5 Armored Vehicles

The easier part is getting 25 armoured vehicle kills. Firstly, an armored vehicle is a vehicle… with armour. Basically an Humvee or small *** counts as one. Get 25 kills (easy) inside of these. For the other part, you will have to blow up 5 vehicles. Choose the demolition class and use the RPG or the Recon class using the Laser Designator to make it easier.

Ω Avenger
Global: 50x Avenger Trophies

Unlike what the name suggests you'll have to get an avenger bonus for killing an enemy who recently killed a friend 50 times. Just follow a friend around and wait for him to die and then try to get a kill on the enemy who killed him (within 10 seconds) or follow an enemy around and wait for him to kill someone before you kill him.

Ω Beat the House
IAR: 15 Grenade Kills

A very hard one actually. The best strategy is to make your way into an opponent’s base while attacking. Sit near a ammo refill near a window and lob grenades at crates or others buildings. Have a sniper radar watch your back, it’s useful, so you don’t get knifed.

Ω Cab Driver
IAR: 5 min as driver in a vehicle with passengers

You can rack up time spent driving as long as you are in a vehicle, you are driving, and the vehicle is moving. You could do this on levels like Oasis or End of the Line by driving a vehicle any time you can and picking up a person before leaving but I find it’s best to go support and do your best to grab a helicopter. Once in one allow a passenger to get in too before flying off. Focus solely on flying to avoid fire, stay away from or destroy AA guns, and don’t try using your rockets but just allow your gunner to fire at the enemy. Repair when necessary and make sure that the passenger doesn’t leave and you are constantly moving.

Ω Chopper Chopper Kills
IAR: Kill 5 Air vehicles

The tactic for taking down choppers is a little different in multiplayer then land vehicles. The easiest ways to take these down are with mounted guns (like turrets) or with a support class weapon, like the XM8 LMG. You can try to use the RPG but a got helicopter driver won’t get hit that easily, and the Laser Designator is out of the question. Just spray the Heli with bullets. 25 chopper kills will come with time, just get inside whenever you see one. I recommend first person view (click ) since it is much easier to aim. I recommend Oasis and End of the Line as maps.

Ω Dead Eye
Global: Get 100 Headshots with any sniper rifle

Get comfortable with a Sniper. I would personally use the SVU for this award since you can fire many bullets without unscoping, and one headshot kills anyway. Just keep at it, and it’ll come.

Ω Destruction Site
Global: Destroy 1000 Objects

Objects are sand bags, gold crates, boxes, hay stacks, barriers, and basically everything else except for walls and trees. I recommend going as a assault class and using your grenade launcher to destroy any thing you can. I recommend the level Harvest Day and destroying everything you can inside every barn in the level as well as the hay and carts outside.

Ω Deuces are Wild
IAR: Kill 2 Enemies of each class

There are 5 classes total. This award comes down to luck and a bit of skill. You need to face a team using various classes. And kill 2 enemies that are using the 5 various classes.

Ω Five of a Kind
IAR: destroy 5 vehicles of the same kind

The vehicles have to be “hot” and an enemy will have to be using them (or just left) for the kill to count. This is easiest done against ***s, I recommend being a recon with the unlockable laser designator or a specialist with the unlockable C4. As a defender sneak over to the enemy’s base when playing on a level where the attacker has vehicles (I recommend Oasis, End of the Line, or Valley Run) and then hide in a nearby bush. As a recon keep your distance and hide wherever possible and use your laser designator whenever an enemy starts heading for a ***. As a specialist plant your C4 and then detonate it whenever an enemy enters the vehicle.

Ω Full Deck
IAR: 52 total Kills

52 kills is a lot so stick to offensive classes like specialist or demolition and keep attacking as much as possible. Go out of your base for kills and don’t focus on the objective as much as on killing. Try to get behind the enemy and spawn camp them if possible. This one will take a lot of skill and even more luck.

Ω Full House
IAR: Destroy 3+2 vehicles of the same kind

You have to destroy 3 of one type of vehicle, and 2 of another (i.e. 3 land and 2 sea.) I recommend going recon as defense on the level Oasis or End of the Line and camping by the attackers base. Anytime someone enters a vehicle destroy it with your laser designator, don’t fire at anyone as they might spot you.

Ω Gunslinger
Global: 80 kills with Handgun

To have a handgun available, you must be the Recon (Sniper) class. To pull it out click the . The pistol is actually quite accurate, and a good substitute when you aren’t sniping. Use it whenever you get the opportunity, and you should be able to pull off anywhere from 3-10 kills with it a game.

Ω Headshots
IAR: 20 Kills from headshots

Get comfortable with the SVU Sniper Rifle and find a big open level you like, such as Oasis, End of the Line or Harvest Day. Now find a good spot where you can see the enemy base and you own base from. Snipe away. Works best as defenders.

Ω Fly-by
IAR: 4 Road Kills with any air vehicle

A roadkill is when you run someone over, indicated by tire marks when you actually kill them. This is one of the hardest awards in my opinion, as you must get very low to the ground in the chopper and then strike your opponent. While doing this you must evade fire (in a very delicate vehicle) and make sure you don’t crash. This can also be done with different choppers, in case you die. Your best bet is to get the chopper and be a support class (to repair the chopper in between kills) and find opponent snipers in fields further away from their main base to avoid other fire. If you get lucky, squad member may spawn on him and you may grab two for one.

Ω Santa's Little Helper
IAR: 10 Kill Assists Points

For this you need 10 kill assist points (4 assists) as well as a 2:1 assist to kill ratio.

This means for every kill you get you'll need another two assists.

This means you’ll have to rack up a few assists in a round, you’ll receive these for shooting an enemy for at least 20 damage before an enemy kills them. You receive 3 for an assist and 3 bonus points for a squad assist. Grab your SVU and try to shoot as many enemies just once as possible. The SVU will do enough damage with one shot to get you an assist if a friend kills the enemy.

Ω Savior
Global: 50 Savior Trophies

You have to unlock the trophy “Savior Trophy” 50 times. See the trophy for info on how to get it.

Ω S*** Eyes
IAR: Get 11 Kills as two different classes

Get comfortable with a class or two classes. The easiest way to keep track of your kills is using trophies. Start with your second best weapon and wait until you get “ Efficiency trophy” twice (12 Kills) and then switch weapons, and do it again. This way you don’t have to count, and you can still get near the number. After completing your first weapon, purposely die or suicide.

Ω Squad Avenger Card
Global: Get 100 Avenger Points Avenging Squad Members

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-1 16:42  ·  云南 | 显示全部楼层
You get 5 avenger points whenever you kill an enemy who has killed a friendly less than 10 seconds ago. This means that you’ll have to kill 20 people and get avenger kills. I recommend following someone around and waiting for them to kill an enemy before you kill them. If you follow friends a lot just allow them to go into rooms before you do and if they die you can kill the enemy for a quick 5 points.

Ω Squad Wild Card
IAR: 1 Squad member trophy per Squad Member

You have to unlock the trophy “Squad Member Trophy” 5 times per member. See the trophy for info on how to get it. There are between 2-4 members in your squad per squad member. Hope that you get only 1 other member and then spend your time following them around. You can either follow behind them and then if one is attacked quickly kill the attacker; you can also lead them and then shoot anyone you see and hope you get the assist when they kill him.

Ω Staying Dry
IAR: 50 kills with naval vehicles

I don’t know what’s up with this achievement. The in game description and the description on the main site disagree, some people say it’s 2 seconds of air time in a boat, and some people say you need 50 global road kills in a boat.

I'm going to go with the 50 road kills in the boat. It's pretty much all luck as far as I can tell. Get into a boat on the level End of the Line or Oasis and hope for the best. If you spot someone in the water they're pretty much a sitting duck as they can't fire back and are incredibly slow so just rush at them.

Ω Straight Flush
IAR: Destroy 1 vehicle of each kind

There are 4 main types of vehicles. You will need to destroy a boat, chopper, *** and armored vehicles (Humvee/Buggy). I recommend using the Demolition class on End of the Line. If you're playing as an attacker on End of the Line try to get into the gunner seat of the helicopter and find a reliable pilot. Have the pilot fly really slow and high, both be support so you can heal yourself, and don't be afraid to run away in the event of taking damage.
After a few goes you'll get the hang of it.

Ω Strike
IAR: kill 5 enemies within 2 seconds

5 enemies is a lot of the enemies team. The best way I can see to get this would be by using either the artillery the attackers receive on some level or by using the support class's mortar strike. Try to aim for hot spots (objectives and such) on the map with either. You could also try setting up C4 on 5 separate campers and detonating them all at the same time.

Ω Tank Buster
IAR: Kill 5 Tanks

See “Armor Buster” but now use the heavy duty ***s.

Ω Three of a Kind
IAR: destroy 3 vehicles of the same kind

Easiest against ***s while using the demolition class’ rocket launcher on a map with plenty of vehicles. I personally took the hard way out and used C4, but I found that effective as long as you play sneaky.

Ω Top Squad
IAR: be the best squad

Finish the round in the squad that has the highest combined total points of all squads in the round. Has to be higher than friends and foe alike.

Ω Two Pair
IAR: get 2 of any 2 trophies

Easiest way to get this is to achieve 12 kills with the SVU, UMP or M16 in one game. Get some practice on, and this will be one of the easiest ones you get.

Patches: 48
Patches are the awards require you to unlock other trophies as well as the previous patch. Each one has a simple IAR objective to go along with the unlocking of other trophies and patches. The IAR is usually easy but can only be completed after finishing all other objectives (this is so you don’t unlock all three patches simultaneously.) Each non-class patch has the same requirements as its previous level except with more collection of the same trophy.

Ω Bronze Artillery Patch
IAR: 1 kill with artillery
3 Big Guns Trophies

Simply go to the level Oasis, Harvest Day, or Valley Run, each level has the artillery under the attackers control. Use it to get one kill ez-pz.

Ω Silver Artillery Patch
IAR: 1 kill with artillery
The Bronze Artillery Patch
5 Big Guns Trophies

Ω Gold Artillery Patch
IAR: 1 kill with artillery
The Silver Artillery Patch
7 Big Guns Trophies
Ω Bronze Assault Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Assault
1 Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy
1 Grenade Efficiency Trophy
1 Grenade Launcher Efficiency Trophy

Simply pick the assault kit and score two kills.

Ω Silver Assault Patch
IAR: 2 kills as assault
The Bronze Assault Patch
1 M16 Efficiency Trophy

Ω Gold Assault Patch
IAR: 2 kills as assault
The Silver Assault Patch
1 Melee Combat Trophy
Ω Bronze Attack Patch
IAR: destroy one objective
1 Objective Destroyer Trophy
1 Objective Attack Trophy

Objectives are considered simply to be the gold crates on the map. You can only do this as an attacker. Destroy a crate by shooting it enough or planting a charge on it.

Ω Silver Attack Patch
IAR: destroy one objective
3 Objective Destroyer Trophy
3 Objective Attack Trophy

Ω Gold Attack Patch
IAR: destroy one objective
6 Objective Destroyer Trophy
6 Objective Attack Trophy
Ω Bronze Avenger Patch
IAR: 10 Avenger Points
3 Avenger Trophies

You are awarded 5 points every time you kill an enemy within 10 seconds of them killing one of your allies. Either follow a friend and then and wait for him to die and then kill the enemy or follow an enemy and wait for them to kill a friend and then kill them. You’ll obviously have to do this twice in a round.

Ω Silver Avenger Patch
IAR: 10 Avenger Points
The Bronze Avenger Patch
5 Avenger Trophies

Ω Gold Avenger Patch
IAR: 10 Avenger Points
The Silver Avenger Patch
7 Avenger Trophies
Ω Bronze Combat Aviator Patch
IAR: Destroy 2 helicopters in helicopter combat
3 Combat Aviator Trophies

This is actually a diffi*** one; you’ll have to get into a helicopter and destroy another helicopter that’s being used. On the map Oasis or End of the Line the attackers will have a helicopter at their first base and the defenders will get one at their second base. As either side get the helicopter and then try to find the enemies helicopter if it’s in flight. If it isn’t wait at its spawn until it does spawn and someone gets into it. Once someone does try your best to shoot them down before they can get too far. You can be in the turret for this one so try to get your pilot to fly above the enemy helicopter to take it down easily.

Ω Silver Combat Aviator Patch
IAR: Destroy 2 helicopters in helicopter combat
Bronze Combat Aviator Patch
5 Combat Aviator Trophies

Ω Gold Combat Aviator Patch
IAR: Destroy 2 helicopters in helicopter combat
Silver Combat Aviator Patch
7 Combat Aviator Trophies
Ω Bronze Defend Patch
IAR: 3 kills as a defender
3 Objective Defender Trophies

Killing as a defender isn’t all that diffi***, all you have to do is be close enough to the gold crates (as a defender) and then get a kill. You’ll get a +3 point bonus for getting a defender kill and be one closer to this patch.

Ω Silver Defend Patch
IAR: 3 kills as a defender
6 Objective Defender Trophies

Ω Gold Defend Patch
IAR: 3 kills as a defender
10 Objective Defender Trophies
Ω Bronze Demolition Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Demolition
1 Rocket Launcher Efficiency Trophy
1 Shotgun Efficiency Trophy
1 Frag Out Efficiency Trophy

Simply pick the demolition class and get two kills with it.

Ω Silver Demolition Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Demolition
Bronze Demolition Patch
1 Mine Placement Efficiency Trophy

Ω Gold Demolition Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Demolition
Silver Demolition Patch
1 Avenger Trophy

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-1 16:43  ·  云南 | 显示全部楼层
Ω Bronze Emplacement Patch
IAR: destroy 3 enemy vehicles with stationary guns
IAR: kill 3 enemy soldiers with stationary guns
3 Emplacement Trophies

Stationary guns are either the turrets with the shields on them, the rocket launchers you can control after firing, the AA guns, or the grenade launchers. I recommend the level Oasis as a defender. All the camps have good weapons to destroy vehicles and enemies and there isn’t a shortage of vehicles to destroy.

Ω Silver Emplacement Patch
IAR: destroy 3 enemy vehicles with stationary guns
IAR: kill 3 enemy soldiers with stationary guns
Bronze Emplacement Patch
5 Emplacement Trophies

Ω Gold Emplacement Patch
IAR: destroy 3 enemy vehicles with stationary guns
IAR: kill 3 enemy soldiers with stationary guns
Bronze Emplacement Patch
5 Emplacement Trophies
Ω Bronze Naval Surface Warfare Patch
IAR: destroy 2 naval vehicles
3 Naval Warfare Trophies

Best done on the level End of the Line since that’s the only level they’re really used on. If you get defense go demolition and head over to the dock on the western side of the base. Head up to the attic of the nearby white house, look out the northern window, and take out your rocket launcher. Hopefully you’ll be able to spot at least one boat coming along the river in your direction. Try to lead your shot and shoot it. If the defense gets to the second checkpoint try using a *** to kill boats that come in along the northern side.

Ω Silver Naval Surface Warfare Patch
IAR: destroy 2 naval vehicles
Bronze Naval Surface Warfare Patch
5 Naval Warfare Trophies

Ω Gold Naval Surface Warfare Patch
IAR: destroy 2 naval vehicles
Silver Naval Surface Warfare Patch
7 Naval Warfare Trophies
Ω Bronze Recon Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Recon
1 Marksman Trophy
1 Firearm Efficiency Trophy
1 Laser Designating Efficiency Trophy

Pick the recon class and go out and score two kills.

Ω Silver Recon Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Recon
Bronze Recon Patch
1 SVU Efficiency Trophy

Ω Gold Recon Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Recon
Bronze Recon Patch
1 Combat Efficiency Trophy
Ω Bronze Savior Patch
IAR: 10 Savior Points
3 Savior Trophies

Savior points are scored when you kill someone who had dealt 20% or more damage to a friend. Simply follow a friend around and allow how to get a good bit in front of you; when an enemy starts shooting him just shoot the enemy and hopefully you’ll kill him before he has the chance to kill your buddy. You’ll get +5 points for every successful savior kill so you’ll need at least two.

Ω Silver Savior Patch
IAR: 10 Savior Points
Bronze Savior Patch
5 Savior Trophies

Ω Gold Savior Patch
IAR: 10 Savior Points
Bronze Savior Patch
7 Savior Trophies
Ω Bronze Specialist Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Specialist
1 Compact Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy
1 Target Tagging Efficiency Trophy
1 Demo Pack Efficiency Trophy

Simply pick the specialist class and run out to get two kills.

Ω Silver Specialist Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Specialist
The Bronze Specialist Patch
1 UMP Trophy

Ω Gold Specialist Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Specialist
The Silver Specialist Patch
1 UMP Trophy
Explosive Efficiency Trophy
Ω Bronze Squad Patch
IAR: 10 Squad Points
1 Squad Member Trophy
1 Squad Medication Trophy

Firstly you'll need a top squad trophy on each level.

When it says 10 squad points that means the bonus points you get for each action (so a squad assist is worth 3 squad points, giving a med pack is worth 5.)
There’s a few good ways to pick up quick squad points. Most of them involve doing stuff for/around your squad but by far the simplest way will be to simply give two med packs (as the support class) to wounded squad members and pick up a cool 5 squad points for each.

Ω Silver Squad Patch
IAR: 10 Squad Points
Bronze Squad Patch
3 Squad Member Trophy
3 Squad Medication Trophy

Ω Gold Squad Patch
IAR: 10 Squad Points
Silver Squad Patch
6 Squad Member Trophy
6 Squad Medication Trophy
Ω Bronze Support Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Support
1 Light Machinegun Efficiency Trophy
1 Medic Trophy
1 Combat Engineer Trophy

Pick the support class, run out, get two kills.

Ω Silver Support Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Support
The Bronze Support Badge
The Mortar Strike Efficiency Trophy

Ω Gold Support Patch
IAR: 2 kills as Support
Silver Support Patch
1 Savior Trophy
Ω Bronze Tank Warfare Patch
IAR: destroy 2 ***s in *** combat
3 Tank Warfare Trophies

Tank combat means you’re going to have to be in a *** when you destroy a *** with an enemy in it. I recommend the level Oasis on defense. Jump into the *** at your spawn and drive out to the small outpost just outside of your base. Most of the ***s the enemy drives will come through here so just try and shoot them as they come around the bend and you should have no trouble killing them. Be sure to repair your vehicle after battle with the power tool.

Ω Silver Tank Warfare Patch
IAR: destroy 2 ***s in *** combat
Bronze Tank Warfare Patch
5 Tank Warfare Trophies

Ω Gold Tank Warfare Patch
IAR: destroy 2 ***s in *** combat
Silver Tank Warfare Patch
7 Tank Warfare Trophies
Ω Bronze Transport Vehicle Patch
IAR: 2 roadkills
3 Transport Vehicle Trophies

The roadkills don’t have to be from a transport vehicle, you can crush someone with a *** and still get the credit. Just run over two people with any car or boat (I like jeeps myself.) Try to avoid demolition people, keep moving, and watch for AT mines.

Ω Silver Transport Vehicle Patch
IAR: 2 roadkills
Bronze Transport Vehicle Patch
5 Transport Vehicle Trophies

Ω Gold Transport Vehicle Patch
IAR: 2 roadkills
Bronze Transport Vehicle Patch
7 Transport Vehicle Trophies

Trophies: 42
Trophies are the simplest to get for the most part. The description will ask you to do something, you do it, and the trophy unlocks. You can unlock them multiple times and they are all fairly different but are all the “in a round” type.

Ω Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 6 Kills with Assault rifle
Pick the assault class and head out to get some kills. Each kill you get with the assault rifle itself (grenade launcher kills don’t count.) I find the assault was most effective when I used it against enemies who were far away from me and while using the iron sights. I also found the M16 was the best of all of them.

Ω Avenger Trophy
IAR: 30 Avenger Points

You get 5 avenger points whenever you kill an enemy who has killed a friendly less than 10 seconds ago. This means that you’ll have to kill 6 people and get avenger kills. I recommend following someone around and waiting for them to kill an enemy before you kill them. If you follow friends a lot just allow them to go into rooms before you do and if they die you can kill the enemy for a quick 5 points.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-1 16:44  ·  云南 | 显示全部楼层
Ω Best Squad Trophy
IAR: best squad of the round

Best squad is determined by overall point total of all your squad-mates and yourself put together. As long as this total is higher than that of every other squad you’re set fine for points. I find that being a support class and repairing/healing squad-mates is the best way to get a good squad score. You yourself are getting more points for doing things with your squad and the rest of the squad is benefiting from getting health and armor from you.

Ω Big Guns Trophy
IAR: 5 kills with artillery

Artillery is that giant cannon facing upwards at the attackers base on the levels Oasis, Harvest Day, and End of the Line. Do your best to get there at the very start of the game or else someone will take it. When using artillery aim for vehicles, buildings full of people, and people who are out in the open.

Ω Clear Skies Trophy
IAR: 5 kills with air defense

Air defense are the AA guns located on the levels Oasis and End of the Line on the defensive side. Although ineffective against normal vehicles they destroy helicopters. You’ll have to take down five helicopters before the end of the round. I recommend the level Oasis for doing this because I find the AA guns are more diffi*** to get away from since you have a much larger view of the battle from higher up. The first AA gun is located on top of a white house. You’ll have to climb one ladder to reach it. Once you get pushed back to the second base the AA gun can be found on the roof of a house that you can only reach by going up a few flights of stairs.
Allow a helicopter to get a close to you before you unleash hell on it as they can easily flee when you’re far away, keep the gun on it as much as possible and don’t bother leading the target, get to the AA quickly or else the helicopter might blow it up, play something that can heal itself.

Ω Combat Aviator Trophy
IAR: 5 kills with helicopters

You must be flying the helicopter for the kills to count. Steer the helicopter with the  and adjust height with the . The general strategy for the helicopter is to grab it, then quickly scramble to the enemy base to destroy its AA gun after doing that keep flying over the enemy base and firing your rockets as your do. If someone is out in the open or in a vehicle you might be able to grab a couple kills. You can also do this with gunner kills, just have your pilot position you above the enemy base and then unleash hell on them.

Ω Combat Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 6 kill streak

Get six kills without dying, isn’t too tough. Simply camp inside a house with a shotgun/SMG or get into a good position with a sniper. Being a helicopter’s gunner also is a good way to rack up kills.

Ω Combat Engineer Trophy
IAR: 30 Vehicle Repair Points

Any time a vehicles health is low you can (as a support class) repair it and give it back all of its missing health. These are shown as wrenches on your map and can be repaired with the power tool. You get credit for healing any vehicle with less than 50 health and get 10 points per repair. This means you’ll have to repair three vehicles.

Ω Compact Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 6 Kills with Compact Assault Rifle

Pick the specialist class and get six kills by using the SMG that comes with the class. Most people agree that the UMP is the best weapon of the SMGs so go ahead and unlock that. The SMG is best used as a close range weapon so try to stick to indoor spaces or camp gold crates as plenty of people will run through. Stick to the offensive and this is yours.

Ω Demo Pack Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 3 kills with C4

C4 is an unlockable and can be used by the specialist class. I recommend planting it on the gold crate and either A) arm the charge on the explosive and wait for someone to come disarm it or B) plant it on the crate and wait for someone to try to arm the charge. It’s also very useful if you can get it onto a vehicle. One will kill a vehicle completely.

Ω Emplacement Trophy
IAR: 5 kills with stationary weapons

Stationary guns are either the turrets with the shields on them, the rocket launchers you can control after firing, the AA guns, or the grenade launchers. I recommend the level Oasis as a defender. All the camps have good weapons to destroy vehicles and enemies.

Ω Explosive Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 10 kills with explosives

Explosives are grenades, grenade launchers, the AT mine, or C4. I recommend being a specialist with the C4 unlocked and camping near the gold crates. If an enemy comes to destroy one set the C4 off and kill him. If you're attacking plant the charge and then plant a C4 on the crate. Allow a defender to start disarming the charge and then detonate the C4.

Ω Firearm Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 3 Kills with Handgun

The handgun is the recon class’s primary gadget. Hit  to whip it out and then use it to kill three enemies. Don’t bother using the iron sights on it since it’s already pretty accurate just hip firing.

Ω Frag Out Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 3 Kills with grenade while playing Demolitionists

The best strategy is to make your way into an opponent’s base while attacking. Sit near a ammo refill near a window and lob grenades at crates or others buildings. Have a sniper radar watch your back, it’s useful, so you don’t get knifed. Be sure to pick the demolition class.

Ω Grenade Launcher Efficiency
IAR: 6 Kills with grenade Launcher

The best way to get this is to try to be sneaky and attack unsuspecting enemies. Go assault and start off using your assault rifle, try to sneak around behind the enemy and then pick off enemies who haven’t noticed you yet. Shoot them for a second or two with your assault rifle, then tap  to bring out the grenade launcher, and then fire it at or around their feet and hope for a kill.

Ω Grenadier Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 3 Kills with grenade playing Assault

Make your way into an opponent’s base while attacking. Sit near a ammo refill near a window and lob grenades at crates or others buildings. Have a sniper radar watch your back, it’s useful, so you don’t get knifed. Be sure to pick the assault class.

Ω High Card Trophy
IAR: get the best IAR Score

The best in a round score means that once the game has finished you’ve got more points than anyone on your team or your opponent’s team. You’ll unlock the achievement Be the best when you get this one so check out the achievement Be the best in the achievement guide for more tips.

Ω Kill Assists Trophy
IAR: 5 Kill Assists

You’ll have to rack up 5 total assists in one round, you’ll receive these for shooting an enemy for at least 20 damage before an enemy kills them. Squad assists and normal assists both count towards the achievement. Grab your SVU and try to shoot as many enemies just once as possible. The SVU will do enough damage with one shot to get you an assist if a friend kills the enemy.

Ω Laser Designating Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 3 Kills from Laser Designating

For this one you’ll have to go to the recon class. Once you've unlocked the Laser Designator gadget for the recon class equip it and then try to find a vehicle. When you lock onto it you'll take control of a missile and be expected to hit the vehicle with it. I found this easiest on the level Oasis as there's a lot of places to stay hidden and plenty of vehicles. I also found that you can lock onto an empty vehicle and try to hit people who are out in the open with the missile rather than the vehicle itself. You might want to also drop a motion sensor nearby to make sure no one is coming after you.

Ω Light Machinegun Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 6 Kills with a light machinegun

Grab the support class and take any LMG in their arsenal to the fight. I prefer the XM8 LMG but they’re all pretty good. I recommend camping with the LMG and unloading as many bullets into an enemy as humanly possible whenever you spot one. You’ve got a 100+ bullet clip so don’t worry too much about reloading.

Ω Marksman Trophy
IAR: 5 Kills with Sniper Rifle

Select the recon class and take any sniper you want. I recommend the SVU but you may have different tastes. Throw motion sensors into enemy territory and then focus on whichever target seems the most likely to move out of cover and hold still long enough for you to decapitate them with a headshot. Try to stay far away from enemies and hide under trees rather than in buildings.

Ω Carbine Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 6 Kills with M16

The M16 is an unlockable assault weapon. Once you’ve unlocked it pick the assault class and head out to get some kills. Each kill you get with the M16 itself (grenade launcher kills don’t count) will count towards the goal. I find the M16 is most effective when I used it against enemies who were far away from me and while using the iron sights.

Ω Medic Trophy
IAR: 30 Heal Points from medkit

Healing a teammate will earn you 10 points, a squad member will grant you 15. You’ll have to play as a support to heal teammates as they’re the only ones who have the medkit. Watch your mini map for + signs as they indicate a friendly is hurt and needs medical assistance. You only get credit for healing people with 50 or less health so healing any person with anything more is a little pointless. If you find a sniper or someone who is camping go ahead and give them a few extra mekits before leaving. It’ll take two or three medkit heals before you get the trophy.

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Ω Melee Combat Trophy
IAR: 5 Melee Kills

You get a melee kill by using your knife which you can whip out by using . Only use the knife when the person you’re going after has no idea you’re there, otherwise you’ve got very little of a chance of reaching them. Try to sneak behind the enemy to flank them. The recon class is good for this because you can get the motion sensor and a ghillie suit, the assault class is also nice for its healing abilities.

Ω Mine Placement Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 3 Kills with AT Mines

The AT mine is the unlockable gadget for the demolition class. Simply drop it anywhere you think a vehicle will pass over it. If a vehicle happens to drive over it the vehicle and anyone inside will die. Hopefully you’ll be able to get a fully loaded vehicle and get all three kills at once but if not try planting lots of mines randomly scattered about or mines right in front of every vehicle at the enemies spawn.

Ω Mortar Strike Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 3 Kills with Mortar Strike

The mortar strike is the unlockable gadget for the support class. Hold the mortar to a specific location for a few seconds and a little later a hail of explosives will drop from the sky and kill everything nearby. I recommend using this on buildings filled with people as the strike is too weak to destroy armored vehicles and too slow to kill moving enemies.

Ω Naval Surface Warfare Trophy
IAR: 5 Kills with sea vehicle

Go to the level Oasis and grab a boat from the attackers base, unfortunately Oasis is the only level with boats close enough to the action to actually get a couple kills. Thankfully as the attackers move up so do the boats so you can continually use them. Since no one else will want to use the boats get into one and drive it to what you think will be a good camping position. Make the boats front face where you want to shoot and then switch to the grenade launcher. Now just randomly fire the grenade launcher as much as you can and wherever possible cross your fingers and hope a couple enemies will walk in the open where you can spot them and kill them with the turret.

Ω Objective Attack Trophy
IAR: Destroy the Last Objective

While you’re an attacker you’ll have to either plant the charge on the final gold crate and destroy it with that or destroy it using conventional weapons. I recommend going to whichever objective your team isn’t going for first (usually the further on) once you reached the final base and then either set up a lot of AT mines as a demolition or make sure no one else plants a charge on it. Once someone plants a charge on/destroys the other crate plant your charge/detonate your mines to destroy your crate.

Ω Objective Defender Trophy
IAR: 18 Defend Bonus Points

This is actually a very simple one. While playing defense all you have to do is be close enough to the gold crates and then get a kill. You’ll get a +3 point bonus. So you’ll have to get six defender kills in a round which is about as diffi*** as getting six kills in a round.

Ω Objective Destroyer Trophy
IAR: destroy 3 objectives

The objectives are gold crates if you didn’t know. While playing on the attacking side do your best to work you way over and behind the enemy and destroy the gold crate via planting a charge on it or shooting it to death. I find it’s best to play demolition and set up AT mines on the gold crate and then destroy those with a rocket. This will cause a lot of damage to the crate and no one will know the crate is in danger until it’s destroyed (plus you’ll get a sweet total of 60 points.) You may have to shoot the crate once or twice with your rockets after you set the AT mines to finish it off.

There are usually 10 crates per level so as long as you push all the way to the end of the level as an attacker you should be able to pick this one up.

Ω Rocket Launcher Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 3 Kills with Rocket Launcher

The rocket is used by the demolition class as the secondary weapon. The rocket is useful to take out vehicles or people who aren’t moving. Any time you spot a vehicle try to shoot it with your rocket launcher, hopefully it’ll have two or three people in it but if not simply destroy another one or two when possible. If you spot a sniper who isn’t moving simply whip out your rocket and take careful aim as a dead on shot will kill him.

Ω Savior Trophy
IAR: 30 Savior Points

Savior points are scored when you kill someone who had dealt 20% or more damage to a friend. Simply follow a friend around and allow how to get a good bit in front of you; when an enemy starts shooting him just shoot the enemy and hopefully you’ll kill him before he has the chance to kill your buddy. You’ll get +5 points for every successful savior kill so you’ll need at least six.

Ω Shotgun Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 5 kills with a Shotgun

Pick the demolition class and whip out your weapon. Shotguns are useful in close range quarters and can kill people in one or two shot depending on the weapon/range. I recommend using the USAS12 from the find all five weapons (just view your stats to get it) but all other shotguns are just fine too. Just stick to indoors and camp corners near the gold crates and enough people should come around for you to kill.

Ω Squad Medication Trophy
IAR: 80 Squad Member Heal Points

You’ll have to heal your squad members at least six times since you get 15 points per heal. Pick the support class and stick right next to your squad members, if you find one is a sniper then drop a few medkits near him. Your squad is indicated as the light blue dots on your map, so anytime you see a light blue + sign make a mad dash for them. Always squad spawn if possible as you might be nearer to the injured squad members.

Ω Squad Member Trophy
IAR: assist or save 5 squad members

I recommend following a squad member who’s running into the battle around (indicated by a light blue dot on your mini map) and then waiting for him to get shot. When he does get shot do your best to kill whomever did kill him. If you manage to kill the person you’ll receive the saving kill (kill someone who’s done more than 20 damage to a friendly) or if a squad member kills him you should be the assist (deal 20 or more damage to an enemy killed by a friendly.)

Ω SVU Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 5 kills with the SVU

The SVU is the unlockable sniper for the recon class. Once you’ve unlocked it head up to the top of a building or into some bushes. The SVU is a semi automatic silenced sniper (so no muzzle flash) so anytime you spot an enemy unleash your ten bullet clip into anywhere you can on the guy. If you’re a good sniper you could try going for headshots as those are a one-shot kill with the SVU (anywhere else is two shots.)

Ω Tank Warfare Trophy
IAR: 5 kills with ***s

I recommend Oasis or End of the Line, at the start of the level get into one of the nearby ***s and then go try to kill some people. Five kills shouldn’t be diffi*** as long as you spend most of the round inside of a ***.

Ω Target Tagging Efficiency Trophy
IAR: 2 kill assists from tracer dart tagging

The tracer gun is the specialist’s gadget. When you have it out you can shoot enemy vehicles and plant a small remote tracer on it that will cause any rocket fired to home in onto it. Simply shoot a vehicle with a tracer any time you can and if someone happens to kill it you’ll receive 5 points for assisting.

Ω Transport Vehicle Trophy
IAR: 5 kills with transport vehicle

Thankfully you can be in the passenger seat and the kills will count. A transport vehicle is one that has a driver who can’t fire and a turret mounted on the back of the car/boat. The jeep, humvee, the boat, and that other weird armored car are the main ones in the game. Jump into the back of one and hope you can find a driver. As the guy on the turret spray as many bullets as possible at as many enemies in the open. Hopefully you’ll get lucky and get five kills.

Ω UMP Trophy
IAR: 6 kills with UMP

The UMP is the unlockable weapon for the specialist class and is arguably the best of them. The UMP is best used for short range situations so try to stick to close quarters or indoor areas before you run out and try to get a kill with the UMP. This isn’t to say it isn’t good at long ranges either, the UMP can kill someone at practically any distance but it seems to be better as a close range weapon.

Ω Wheels of Hazard Trophy
IAR: 2 road kills

You’ll have to run over two unsuspecting enemies with a vehicle. It doesn’t matter which vehicle you use (could use a helicopter) but I recommend a jeep or humvee as they’re fast and easier to not notice. Try to run over people running out in the open and simply keep moving to avoid getting shot by a rocket. It might also pay off to be a support so you can repair your vehicle when need be.

Ω Winning Team Trophy
IAR: winning the round

Win the round, you should have no trouble with this trophy. Defenders win by preventing the attackers from destroying the gold crates for long enough; when the attackers run out of reinforcements (indicated by the large blue bar at the top of your screen) the defenders win. The attackers will have to destroy the gold crates by either arming a charge on them or using conventional weapons to destroy them; the gold crate’s health is indicated by the red bars on the top of the screen.
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