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 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-31 17:09  ·  浙江 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


After the end of World War II,

The world was split into two - East and West.

This marked the beginning of the era called the Cold War.


(shot of a large plane flying through the clouds)

5:30 AM August 24, 1964  Pakistani airspace
1964年 8月24日凌晨5:30,巴基斯坦领空

Pilot: Flying over Pakistan, altitude 30,000 feet. Approaching Soviet airspace.

(shot of Jack in a flight suit smoking a cigar in the cargo hold)

Pilot: Twenty minutes to dropoff... Commencing internal depressurization.

(shot of Major Zero and Para-Medic on the bridge)

Pilot: Equipment check... arm main parachute.

Zero: All right. You ready to go?
Zero: 很好,你准备好了么?

Pilot: Drop zone still showing a high pressure mass. CAVOK. (Cloud and Visibility OK)

Zero: Good, we've got high visibility.
Zero: 好,视野清晰。

Pilot (to Jack): Put out that cigar. (Jack does not respond) Connecting oxygen hose to interior connector. Put on your mask. (Jack does not respond) Does this pantywaist know what he's doing?

(shot of the plane's ***pit)

Pilot: Approaching release point... Ten minutes to dropoff. (Jack does not respond) Hey! Are you deaf?

Zero: He said put out the cigar and put on your mask. (Jack does so)
Zero: 他说扔掉雪茄戴上头盔。(Jack多少有点不情愿的照做了)

Pilot: Depressurization complete. Checking oxygen supply. Six minutes to dropoff. Opening rear hatch. (the hatch opens and Jack looks out) Sunrise... External temperature minus 46 degrees Celsius. Two minutes to dropoff. Stand up. (Jack stands up and moves to the open hatch)

Zero: You'll be falling at 130 miles per hour. Try not to get frostbite from the wind chill.
Zero: 你会以时速130英里下落。注意别被寒风冻伤了。

Pilot: One minute to dropoff. Move to the rear. Activate bailout bottle.

Zero: This is one for the history books; the world's first HALO jump.
Zero: 历史会记载这史上第一次HALO(高跳低开式)跳伞。

(Jack steps on his cigar as he moves into position)

Pilot: Ten seconds to dropoff. Standby... Status OK, all green. Prepare for dropoff... Countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Zero: Spread your wings and fly! God be with you!
Zero: 展翅飞翔吧!上帝与你同在!

(Jack jumps out of the hatch and plummets to the ground below)


(the scene switches to a short flashback in which Major Zero briefs Jack on the current situation)

Zero: Jack, I've got some important news. The head of the CIA has finally given us the green light for the Virtuous mission.
Zero: Jack,有些重要情报。CIA的头头们终于给我们的“贞节任务”开了绿灯。

Jack: Virtual mission?
Jack: 虚拟任务?

Zero: No, the Virtuous mission. The future of our FOX unit depends on it. If it succeeds, we'll be officially organized into a unit.
Zero: 不,是“贞节任务”。我们FOX小组的未来就靠它了。如果任务成功完成,我们就能正式成为一支部队了。

Jack: Virtuous mission? Sounds like some kind initiation ritual.
Jack: “贞节任务”?听起来好像是某种开场仪式。

Zero: Don't get ***y. This isn't a training a op.
Zero: 别小瞧它,这可不是训练演习。

Jack: Right. So what exactly is this wonderful mission?
Jack: 那好吧,这个了不起的任务到底是什么?

Zero: Well... About two years ago, a certain Soviet scientist requested asylum in the West through one of our moles. His name is Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov. He's head of the OKB-754 Design Bureau, one of the Soviet's top-secret weapon research facilities, and the East's foremost expert on weapons development.
Zero: 大约两年前,一个苏联科学家通过我们的一个间谍向西方要求庇护。他叫Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov,是苏联绝密武器研究机构OKB-754设计局的领导者,也是东方武器发展研究方面的老大。

Jack: Sokolov... isn't he that famous rocket scientist?
Jack: Sokolov...那个著名的火箭专家?

Zero: The very same. On April 12, 1961, the Soviets achieved the first manned space flight in history.
Zero: 正是。1961年4月12日,苏联实现了史上第一次载人航天飞行。

Jack: The Earth was blue, but there was no God.
Jack: 见证了地球美丽的蔚蓝和神的虚无。

Zero: Well spoken. The rocket that carried Yuri Gagarin into orbit was the A1, known as the Vostok rocket. Sokolov is said to be the man most responsible for the multi-engine cluster used in that rocket. After Gagarin's flight, Sokolov left rocket development to become the head of the newly established Design Bureau.
Zero: 不错,把Yuri Gagarin(尤里-加加林)送入轨道的是A1火箭,也就是被命名为Vostok(东方号)的那个,其多引擎火箭发动机组据说就是由Sokolov主要负责的。Gagarin上天后,Sokolov便离开了火箭开发部门,成了一个新成立的设计局的领导。

Jack: From a lowly technician to the head of a Design Bureau, that's quite a success story. So why'd he want to defect?
Jack: 从一个低级技术员到设计局头头?好一个成功典范。那么他为什么要变节呢?

Zero: It seems he'd become afraid of his own creations.
Zero: 看起来他是被自己的研究成果吓着了。

Jack: Afraid?
Jack: 吓着?

Zero: Call it a crisis of conscience.
Zero: 可以称作良心发现吧。

Jack: And for that, he left his country and his family behind and went over the fence?
Jack: 就为这个抛家弃国,背井离乡?

Zero: Not exactly. One of his conditions was that his family was also to be taken safely to the West. We used a mole to get the family out first and succeeded in sneaking Sokolov over the Berlin Wall shortly afterwards. I was the one who conducted the operation.
Zero: 并非完全如此。他的条件之一就是把家人也安全弄到西方,我们首先利用一个间谍把他的家人弄了出来,然后马上帮助Sokolov 成功越过柏林墙。当时的行动就是由我指挥的。

Jack: The security on the Eastern side was still full of holes back then. Then what?
Jack: 东方阵营的安全措施那时候真是千疮百孔。然后呢?

Zero: We got Sokolov over in one piece but the whole ordeal had left him exhausted, and we checked him into a hospital in West Berlin. It took him two weeks and over 600 miles to get from the research facility in the Soviet Union to Berlin. He was in no condition to say anything coherent. And it was only a week later that we had something much bigger on our hands.
Zero: 我们将Sokolov平安弄了出来,不过他所受的折磨也让他筋疲力尽。我们将他送到西柏林的一家医院中去检查。从苏联的研究所到柏林,600英里长的路程花了他2周时间,他累得连一句完整的话也说不上来。一周之后,我们就遇到了***烦。

Jack: The Cuban Missile Crisis.
Jack: 古巴导弹危机。

Zero: October 16, 1962. President Kennedy received word that the Soviets were in the process of deploying intermediate-range ballistic missiles in Cuba. The president demanded that the Soviets dismantle and remove the missiles. At the same time, he announced a naval blockade to prevent further missile shipments from reaching Cuba. But the Soviets didn't back down, instead placing their armed forces on secondary alert. Soviet transport ships carrying missiles continued on course toward Cuba. US and Soviet forces went on alert for an all-out nuclear war. Frantic negotiations were conducted through the UN's Emergency Security Council and unofficial channels to end the hair-trigger standoff. Finally, on October 28, the Soviet Union agreed to remove its missiles from Cuba. And so the world avoided a nuclear holocaust. But in order to get the Soviets to pull their missiles out, we had to make a deal.
Zero: 1962年10月16号,肯尼迪总统收到情报,苏联正在古巴布置中程弹道导弹。总统要求苏联将导弹拆除并撤走。与此同时,他还命令海军实行海上封锁,以防止有更多运输导弹的船只进入古巴。但是苏联并不妥协,相反却将武装力量提升到二级警戒状态,并继续向古巴运送导弹。两国军队都对可能全面爆发的核战争做好了准备。为了解决一触即发的危机,双方通过***紧急安全顾问和非官方的渠道进行了紧急磋商。最终,在10月28号,苏联同意将导弹撤出古巴,全世界躲过一次核危机。但作为苏联撤出导弹的交换,双方达成了一项协议。

Jack: You mean the one where the US agreed to remove its IRBMs from Turkey?
Jack: 你指的是美国同意移除部署在土耳其的IRBMs(中程弹道导弹)?

Zero: No. The Jupiter IRBMs deployed in Turkey were obsolete and we were going to get rid of them anyway. They had no strategic value whatsoever to either the US or the Russians. The Turkey deal was a ruse - a cover story that was fed to the other intelligence agencies around the world.
Zero: 不!部署在土耳其的Jupiter中程导弹早已过时,迟早要处理掉。它们早就不再具备战略价值,无论对美国还是苏联。土耳其协议不过是一个幌子,用来糊弄其他国家的情报机构。

Jack: So what did the Russians really want?
Jack: 那么苏联到底要什么?

Zero: Sokolov. They wanted us to return Sokolov.
Zero: Sokolov。他们想要回Sokolov。

Jack: You mean the Soviets pulled out of Cuba just to get their hands on Sokolov?
Jack: 你是说苏联答应撤出古巴的缘由就是为了弄回Sokolov?

Zero: That's right.
Zero: 没错。

Jack: What the hell was he working on?
Jack: 他到底鼓捣出了什么鬼东西?

Zero: At the time we had no idea. We were running out of time. It was either give up Sokolov or risk full-scale nuclear war. In the end, we had no choice. President Kennedy gave into Khrushchev's demand. The next day, I got Sokolov out of the hospital and handed him over to agents on the eastern side. Sokolov kept on screaming "Save me!" until he disappeared from my sight. Then, a month ago, we received some new information from one of our moles.
Zero: 那时我们还不知道,形式迫在眉睫,无论是放弃Sokolov还是冒险发动全面核战。最后我们没得选择,肯尼迪总统答应了***的要求。第二天,我将Sokolov接出了医院,并把它交给对方派来的特工。Sokolov不断叫 “救命”,直到消失在我的视野中。此后,一个月前,一个间谍提供了一些新的信息。

Jack: About Sokolov?
Jack: 有关Sokolov的?

Zero: Yes. He was taken back to the research facility and forced to continue working on the weapon in question under KGB supervision. What's more, it's on the verge of completion.
Zero: 是的,他被带回了研究所,在KGB(克格勃)的监视下继续进行不明武器的研发,而且已经接近完成了。

Jack: So? What kind of weapon is it? Something to do with space rockets?
Jack: 这武器到底是什么?和太空火箭有关?

Zero: No, missiles.
Zero: 是导弹。

Jack: Same technology.
Jack: 技术都是一样的嘛。

Zero: I guess you're right. We don't know the details but it appears to be a new kind of nuclear device. For a year now the Soviets have been conducting frequent nuclear tests at Semipaiatinsk.

Zero: 应该是吧。虽然不知道详细资料,但看起来是一种新型核装置。近半年来,苏联在Semipaiatinsk(哈萨克斯坦某地区名)地区进行了频繁的核试验。

Jack: Something to do with the weapon I assume.
Jack: 核试验肯定跟那种武器有关。

Zero: We're talking about a secret weapon so big that Khrushchev was ready to pull out of Cuba to get it back.
Zero: ***宁愿放弃古巴也要夺回它,可见我们讨论的这个秘密武器有多少重要了。

Jack: Is Sokolov still in the facility?
Jack: Sokolov还在研究部门里面么?

Zero: According to our intelligence, he's in Tselinoyarsk, a place in the mountains about 3 miles to the west that's known as the Virgin Cliffs.
Zero: 根据我们的情报,他现在是在Tselinoyarsk(哈萨克斯坦某地区,小岛杜撰的),一个叫贞女崖的地方以西3英里的山区内。

Jack: The Virgin Cliffs. Nice name for a Virtuous mission.
Jack: 贞女崖?这名字跟“贞节行动”倒很配。

Zero: They moved him there just recently.
Zero: 他们最近才把他弄到那里。

Jack: Why?
Jack: 为什么?

Zero: Apparently they're conducting a field test of the weapon. But it's our best chance to get him back. This mission would never have been possible if he were still in the research facility. This is our last chance. Sokolov must have know that, too, when he contacted us.
Zero: 很显然,他们准备在那里做实战实验,这给了我们带回他的最好机会。如果他仍留在研究所的话,就没有这次任务了。这是我们最后的机会,当Sokolov联络我们时,他一定也知道这一点。


(scene switches back to Jack in his HALO jump)

Zero: Listen up, Jack. Your mission is to infiltrate Tselinoyarsk in the Soviet mountains, ensure the safety of Sokolov, and bring him back to the West. If we don't get Sokolov back before that weapon is complete, we'll be facing a major crisis. The clock is ticking.
Zero: 听着,Jack,你的任务是潜入苏联山区的Tselinoyarsk,确保Sokolov的安全并把他带回到我方阵营。如果不能赶在武器完成之前把Sokolov带回来的话,我们将面临巨大的危机。时间紧迫。

(Jack pulls the cord and the parachute opens up)

Zero: Once we've confirmed the rescue of Sokolov, stand by at the recovery point. A recovery balloon will be dropped at that point. Helium will be pumped into the balloon to inflate it. The process takes about 20 minutes. Once it's complete, the gunship's arm will latch onto the balloon and pull it up.
(此处甚为不解,从下文可以知道,此前运送Jack的飞机是“战爪”运输机(Combat Talon)),而gunship是美国俚语里武装直升机的意思,Zero在之后也多次提到这个单词,难道是他们在Jack跳伞之后换乘了直升机?或者是gunship也可指代大型飞机?为了逻辑上的方便,在本文中一律将gunship含糊地翻译为飞机)

Jack: The Fulton Surface-to-Air Recovery System. I'm familiar with the theory.
Jack: 福尔顿地对空回收系统,这理论我可够熟悉了。

Zero: Take it easy, it has been combat-proven.
Zero: 悠着点,这在实战中可都验证过了。

Jack: Do you think Sokolov's up to it?
Jack: 你觉得Sokolov能扛得住吗?

Zero: The shock will be less than during a parachute jump. And the arm can handle up to 500 pounds.
Zero: 总比跳伞带来的冲击小一些。再说吊臂可以承受500磅的重量。
(从Do you think Sokolov's up to it开始,总觉得这几句翻译起来怪怪的)

Jack: So you're planning to go over the border in a single Combat Talon?
Jack: 所以你打算只用一架“战爪”运输机来越过边境?

Zero: She's equipped with two 6-barrel 20 millimeter Vulcan cannons as well as two 40 millimeter machine guns.
Zero: 它装备有两门20毫米口径6管火神加农炮以及两挺40毫米口径的机枪。

Jack: Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of ***s.
Jack: 听上去好像足以应付一整支***装甲师。

Zero: Even with the fuel in the reserve ***, we're facing a 4-hour time limit. If all goes well, it shouldn't take more than a few hours.
Zero: 算上备用舱的油料,我们有4小时的时间。当然一切顺利的话,用不了这么长。

Jack: Home in time for dinner.
Jack: 还可以赶回家吃晚饭。

Zero: But if anything goes wrong, you'll be eating dinner, breakfast, and all the rest of your meals in the jungle.
Zero: 不过要是出了差错,你下半辈子的吃饭问题就都在丛林里解决吧!


(Jack falls into the forest canopy. His backpack snags on a branch as he falls to the ground. He releases his parachute just in time to avoid going over the edge of a cliff. Jack then begins to remove some of the equipment from his flight suit. If you chose "I like MGS2" at the beginning of the game, Jack takes off his flight mask to reveal that he looks almost exactly like Raiden from MGS2. If not, we see Jack's real face and he immediately calls Major Zero.)

Zero: Do you copy? You're already in enemy territory, and somebody might be listening in. From here on out, we'll be using codenames to refer to each other. Your codename for this mission will be Naked S***. I'll be referring to you as S*** from now on. You are not to mention your real name.
Zero: 能收到吗?你已深处敌区,也许已经有人监听。从现在起我们用代号互相称呼。此次任务中你的代号为Naked S***(裸蛇),我会称你为S***。禁止提及你的真名。

S***: "S***"?
S***: "S***"?

Zero: You don't like s***s?
Zero: 你不喜欢蛇么?

S***: What do you mean?
S***: 什么意思?

Zero: You've eaten on before, haven't you?
Zero: 你吃过蛇,不是吗?

S***: In survival training.
S***: 在生存训练中。

Zero: I'm glad to hear that.
Zero: 我很高兴你承认这一点。

S***: I don't know if I'd ever order one in a restaurant, but...
S***: 我不知道是否会在餐厅里点这么一道菜,但是...

Zero: Be careful, you might not have a choice.
Zero: 看开点,你没得选择。

S***: What about you, Major? What should I call you?
S***: 你呢,少校?该怎么称呼?

Zero: Hmm, let's see... I'll be... I'll be Tom. Call me Major Tom.
Zero: 嗯,想想看...就叫我Tom少校吧。

(this next section only occurs if you chose "I like MGS2")
(如果你选择了“I like MGS2”,将出现以下对话)

Tom: Oh, and S***...
Tom: 哦,S***...

S***: Yeah?
S***: 怎么?

Tom: The crew isn't watching anymore. You can take off the disguise now.
Tom: 现在没人了,可以把你的面具拿掉了。

S***: Good idea. This isn't right. Time for the s*** to shed his skin.
S***: 好主意。戴着它可一点不舒服,现在是蛇蜕皮的时候了。

(S*** removes a face mask and reveals his real face. He then calls Major Tom)

S***: Can you hear me, Major Tom? This is S***. Kept you waiting, huh?
S***: Tom少校,能听到吗?我是S***,让你久等了。


Tom: This will be a sneaking mission. You must not be seen by the enemy. You must leave no trace of your presence. Is that clear? This kind of infiltration is the FOX unit's specialty. In other words, weapons and equipment are procure on-site... that goes for food as well. You're completely ***d, just as your name implies.
Tom: 这是一次潜入行动。你不能被敌人发现,经过的地方不要留下任何痕迹,明白么?这种潜入是FOX小队的专长,换句话说,武器和装备要就地取得,食物也是一样。你一无所有,正如你的名字所暗示的一般。

S***: Great. Now I see why you asked me if I like s***s. I suppose calling me "s***" was your idea of a joke, too?
S***: 好极了,现在我明白你为什么问我喜不喜欢S***,叫我S***也是你想出来的鬼主意吧?

Tom: No, there's a good reason for that. I'll tell you later, when the time is right.
Tom: 不,有更充分的理由。迟点我会跟你说的,合适的时候。

S***: Gotcha. Getting back to the subject, how exactly am I supposed to feed myself?
S***: 好吧,回到正题,我怎么喂饱自己?

Tom: You've been issued a knife and a tranquilizer gun. Use them to hunt for food. You'll also find some medical supplies in your backpack.
Tom: 不是发给你一把***和一只***吗,用它们猎食吧。在你的背包里还能找到些医疗用品。

S***: Yeah, about the backpack... I lost it in a tree on the way down.
S***: 那个背包吗,降落的时候挂在树上了。

Tom: I see. Well, you'd better go back and get it, then. Do you know where it is?
Tom: 我知道,你最好拿回来,知道它在哪里吗?

S***: No problem, I can see it from here. It's stuck on a branch.
S***: 没问题,从这里就能看到,挂在一只树枝上。

Tom: To climb a tree, stand in front of a tree that's covered in ivy and press the action button. I'll be monitoring your progress over the radio. We can't risk violating Soviet airspace, but I'll be in the gunship. My frequency is 140.85. I'll give you a CALL if I need to talk to you. If you need to talk to me, use the SEND function. OK, S***, go get your backpack.
Tom: 站在表皮有常青藤覆盖的树前,按动作键就能攀爬了。我会通过通讯机监视你的行动。我们不能冒险侵犯苏联领空,不过我会在飞机里的。我的频率是140.85,有事时会CALL你的。如果你要跟我说话,就用SEND功能。OK,S***,现在去拿回你的背包。


(after S*** gets his backpack, Tom calls him)

Tom: I see you've retrieved your backpack, S***. To equip a weapon, it is necessary to take it out of your backpack. In the Survival Viewer, choose "WEAPON" from the "BACKPACK." Your available weapons will be displayed in a window in the upper-left. From that list, choose the weapon you want to equip and press the Enter button. For other equipped items, just do the same thing from "ITEM."
Tom: S***,看来你拿回背包了。要装备武器,你必须先打开背包。在“Survival”界面,从“BACKPACK”里选择武器,可用的武器将显示在左上方的窗口,从菜单中选择要装备的武器并按确定键。要装备物品,在“ITEM”里进行同样的步骤即可。

S***: Got it! Use the Survival Viewer, "BACKPACK."

Tom: Yep, that's right. Survival is fundamental to this mission. After you've been out in the field for a while, your stamina will start to drop. If your stamina gets too low, it'll affect your performance. You won't be able to shoot accurately, for example, or your wounds won't heal as smoothly. Keep an eye on your stamina so you don't run out. To recover lost stamina, you can hunt for local flora and fauna. You can use either your tranquilizer gun or your knife to hunt.
Tom: 没错。生存是这个任务的第一要义。你在野外呆一阵后,体力会开始下降,如果体力太低,会影响你的行动。比如说,你将不能准确的射击,伤口也不会慢慢愈合,所以注意不要耗尽你的体力。要回复体力,你可以用***或***猎取当地的动植物。

S***: My only weapon is an Mk22 Hush Puppy tranquilizer gun?
S***: 我唯一的武器只是这把乖小的MK22***?

Tom: That's right. It's been fitted with it's own suppressor. However, the suppressor will deteriorate every time you fire. Once its durability reaches zero, the noise suppression effect will be gone. So don't get too trigger happy with it. The suppressor's durability is shown in the icon. Any weapons and equipment beyond what you're carrying now, you'll have to find as you go.
Tom: 对,上面还有消声器,不过这玩意会随着你每次开火而损耗。一旦耐久度到零,消声功能就起不了作用了,所以扣扳机的时候别太陶醉了。消声器的耐久度会显示在武器图标上。你现在的武器和装备就这些了,自己边走边找吧。

S***: I have to find my own weapons and equipment? Whose crazy idea was this
S***: 自己找?这又是谁的疯主意?

Tom: Solo covert actions are standard FOX operating procedure. You can't leave any traces of your presence. No weapons, equipment, footprints, sweat, or bodily fluids - the same goes for bullets and cartridges, too. Your presence in enemy territory is already a violation of international conventions of warfare. There aren't supposed to be any American soldiers in Russia. It could spark an international incident. You can't let the enemy see you. You can't let the enemy know you're there. This is a stealth mission. You're a ghost, S***, in every sense of the word. There'll be no rescue if you're captured. The military and the US government will deny any involvement in the affair.
Tom: 单兵潜入行动是标准的FOX作战程序。你一路上不能留下任何痕迹,武器、装备、足迹、汗渍以及粪便,当然也包括子弹和弹壳。你在敌区的出现已经违反了国际作战协议——苏联境内出现美国士兵是难以想象的,这会引发国际争端。所以不能让敌人发现你,也不能让他们知道你在哪。这是个秘密行动,总而言之你就是一个幽灵,如果你被捕,将没有任何营救。军方和美国政府将会否认与此事有任何牵连。

S***: Then I'll just have to take care of myself, huh.
S***: 意思是只有我自己照顾自己了。

Tom: I'm afraid so. You've been given a "fake death" pill for that purpose. SIS guidelines stipulate that soldiers on covert ops like this one be issued a potassium cyanide capsule. Tape it to your body so you can take it when you need to.
Tom: 我想是这样。你还领到了一颗“假死”药丸,秘密情报局的指导方针规定,进行类似这种隐秘行动的士兵必须配备***药丸,植入身体以便所需时使用。

S***: How generous of you.
S***: 您真慷慨。

Tom: Use it if you're taken prisoner by the enemy. It'll send you into a state of false death for a short time.
Tom: 在被敌人俘虏后使用,它会让你进入一小段时间的假死状态。

S***: ...fooling them into thinking I'm really dead. So how do I come back to life again?
S***: 让他们以为我已经嗝屁了。那么我该如何活过来?

Tom: Just take the revival pill.
Tom: 使用复活药丸。

S***: You mean that thing they put in my tooth before the mission?
S***: 你是指在任务开始前他们在我牙齿里放进去的那个玩意?

Tom: That's the one. But be careful. If you remain in a state of false death for too long, nothing will be able to bring you back. Remember that.
Tom: 正是。不过要小心,如果你保持假死状态太久,就神仙也救不了你了,谨记。

S***: I'll keep it in mind. You said this was a solo mission, right?
S***: 我会铭记在心的。对了,你说过这是一个单兵任务是吧?

Tom: Right.
Tom: 是的。

S***: I guess that means I can't count on any reinforcements.
S***: 我想这意味着我得不到任何增援了。

Tom: Correct. The mission rests entirely in your hands.
Tom: 是的,任务就全靠你了。

S***: A real one-man army.
S***: 真正的单人部队啊。

Tom: Relax, there's a support team ready to back you up over the radio.
Tom: 放松点,会有一支后援小组通过通讯机给你支援的。

S***: Who?
S***: 都有谁?

Tom: I'll introduce them to you. This time, survival is of the utmost importance. The first member of the support team will be in charge of monitoring your physical condition - acting a medic, so to speak - as well as recording your mission data. She's a member of FOX as well and she's here on the gunship with me.
Tom: 我会介绍的。这次任务,生存是最重要的。后援小组的第一个成员负责监控你的身体状况——算是个医生吧——同时记录有关你的任务数据。她也是FOX队员,现在就和我一起在飞机上。

S***: "She"?

Para-Medic: Hello, S***. I'm Para-Medic. Nice to meet you.
Para-Medic: 你好,S***。我是空降医生,很高兴认识你。

S***: Para...Medic?
S***: 空降...医生?

Para-Medic: As in a medic who comes in by parachute.
Para-Medic: 也就是从天而降的医护人员。

S***: Aren't you going to tell me your real name?
S***: 不打算告诉我你的真名?

Para-Medic: Are you going to tell me yours, Mr. S***?
Para-Medic: 那可以先告诉我你的吗?S***先生。

S***: My name, huh... It's John Doe.
S***: 我叫...张三(John Doe,英语中等同于某人的意思)。

Para-Medic: And they call you Jack for short? You're a regular Captain Nemo.
Para-Medic: 他们简称你为Jack?你可真是个标准的尼莫船长。

S***: A name means nothing on the battlefield. After a week, no one has a name. What's your name?
S***: 在战场上名字是没有任何意义的。也许一周之后,谁都没有名字了。那么你叫什么?

Para-Medic: Jane Doe.
Para-Medic: 张三。

S***: Very funny.
S***: 有意思。

Para-Medic: I wasn't joking,but I'll tell you my name only if you manage to make it back alive. My frequency is 145.73.
Para-Medic: 我可没有开玩笑哦,不过如果你能活着回来,我会告诉你我的真名。我的频率是145.73。

Tom: She's also in charge of recording your mission data. Whenever you want to SAVE, SEND a message over the reserved SAVE frequency, 140.96.
Tom: 她也负责记录你的作战数据。要记录时只需发送信息到记录专用的频率——140.96就行了。

S***: So saving lets me record my mission data?
S***: 记录能保存我的作战数据?

Para-Medic: That's right. It also records your state of health.
Para-Medic: 是的,同时也会保存你的健康状况。

S***: Good to know.
S***: 很好。

Tom: There's one more person I want to introduce you to, S***.
Tom: 我还要向你介绍一个人,S***。

S***: ?
S***: ?

Tom: Speaking of s***s, you remember The Boss, don't you? A legendary soldier and your mentor. Actually, it was The Boss that got the DCI's authorization in the first place. She's going to be serving as FOX's mission advisor.
Tom: 说起蛇,你一定记得The Boss吧?一个传奇战士,也是你的***。事实上,她已经获得DCI(国防情报局)的授权,马上要成为FOX小组的作战顾问。

S***: The Boss is?
S***: 是The Boss?

Tom: She also helped me plan this mission. She and I were at SAS together.
Tom: 她还帮我策划了这个任务,我们曾在SAS(英国空军特别部队)共事过。

Boss: Jack, is that you? How many years has it been?
Boss: 是你吗Jack?我们多久没见了?

S***: Boss??
S***: Boss??

Boss: That's right, it's me.
Boss: 没错,是我。

S***: ...
S***: ...

Boss: Talk to me. Let me hear your voice.
Boss: 说话,让我听听你的声音。

S***: It's been 5 years, 72 days, and 18 hours.
S***: 已经有5年72天18小时了。

Boss: You've lost weight.
Boss: 你瘦了。

S***: You can tell just by the sound of my voice?
S***: 从我的声音你就能听出来?

Boss: Of course I can. I know all about you.
Boss: 当然,我对你太了解了。

S***: Really. Well, I don't know anything about you.
S***: 是吗?可我对你一无所知。

Boss: What's that supposed to mean?
Boss: 什么意思?

S***: ...Why'd you disappear on me all of a sudden?
S***: 你为什么突然消失了?

Boss: I was on a top-secret mission.
Boss: 我当时要执行绝密任务。

S***: ...
S***: ...

Boss: You didn't need me anymore.
Boss: 而且你也不再需要我了。

S***: But there were still so many things I wanted you to teach me.
S***: 但是我还有很多东西需要你教。

Boss: No. I taught you everything you needed to know about fighting techniques. I taught you all I could. The rest you needed to learn on your own.
Boss: 不,我教会了你所需的一切战斗技能,已经倾囊相授了,剩下的需要你自己去领悟。

S***: Techniques, sure. But what about how to think like a soldier?
S***: 技能,是的。可什么才是一个军人的思维方式呢?

Boss: How to think like a soldier? I can't teach you that. A soldier needs to be strong in spirit, body, and technique - and the only thing you can learn from someone else is technique. In fact, technique doesn't even matter. What's most important is spirit. Spirit and body are like two sides of a single coin. They're the same thing. I can't teach you how to think. You'll just have to figure it out for yourself. Listen to me, Jack. Just because soldiers are on the same side right now doesn't mean they always will be. Having personal feelings about your comrades is one the worst sins you can commit. Politics determine who you face on the battlefield. And politics are a living thing. They change along with the times. Yesterday's good might be tomorrow's evil.
Boss: 军人的思维方式?这个我教不了你。军人需要在精神、体能、技巧三方面都出类拔萃,能从别人那里学来的只有技巧而已。但事实上,技巧还是次要的。最重要的是精神,精神和体能就如同硬币的两面密不可分。我无法教会你如何思考,你应该自己去领悟。听我说Jack,即使军人此刻站在同一立场,也不意味着永远如此。对战友产生私人感情是最致命的错误。***才决定了你在战场上的敌人,而***是活的,它随着时间不断的改变。昨日的正义也许就是明日的邪恶。

S***: Is that why you abandoned me?
S***: 那就是你舍我而去的原因吗

Boss: No. It had nothing to do with you. I already told you, Jack. I was on a top-secret mission. A soldier has to follow whatever orders he's given. It's not his place to question why. But you're looking for a reason to fight. You're a natural born fighter, but you're not quite a soldier. A solider is a political tool, nothing more. That's doubly true if he's a career soldier. Right and wrong have no place in his mission. He has no enemies and no friends. Only the mission. You follow the orders you're given. That's what being a soldier is.
Boss: 不,这和你毫无关系。我已经说了,我在执行绝密任务。军人必须无条件服从命令,无权问为什么。但是你却在为战斗寻找理由,你是一个天生的斗士,但绝不是个合格的军人。军人只是***的工具,对职业军人来说这就是真理。在任务里中没有是与非,也没有敌和友,只有任务本身。绝对服从命令,这就是军人。

S***: I do whatever I have to do to get the job done. I don't think about
S***: 我会尽全力完成任务,而不考虑***。

Boss: That's not the same thing. Sooner or later, your conscience is going to bother you. In the end, you have to choose whether you're going to live as a soldier, or just another man with a gun. There's a saying in the Orient; "Loyalty to the end." Do you know what it means?
Boss: 这是两码事。迟早,你的良心会困扰你。最后,你不得不选择,是做一名军人,还是单单只会开枪的人?东方有句谚语,“誓死效忠”。你明白其中的含义么?

S***: Being... Patriotic?
S***: 忠于祖国?

Boss: It means devoting yourself to your country.
Boss: 意思就是为祖国献身。

S***: I follow the President and the top brass. I'm ready to die for them if necessary.
S***: 我效忠总统和政府要员,必要时会献出自己的生命。

Boss: The President and the top brass won't be there forever. Once their terms are up, others will take their place.
Boss: 总统和政府要员并非永久不变的,一旦他们的任期已满,就会有人来取代他们。

S***:I follow the will of the leader, no matter who's in charge.

Boss: People aren't the ones who dictate the missions.
Boss: 决定任务的并不是人。

S***: Then who does?
S***: 是什么?

Boss: The times. People's values change over time. And so do the leaders of a country. So there's no such thing as an enemy in absolute terms. The enemies we fight are only in relative terms, constantly changing with the times.
Boss: 是时间。世人的价值观会随时间而变化,国家元首也不例外。所以世上没有绝对的敌人,我们面对的敌人仅仅是相对意义上的,因时而易。

S***: ...
S***: ...

Boss: As long as we have "loyalty to the end," there's no point in believing in anything... even in those we love.
Boss: 只要我们明白“誓死效忠”,我们就不能相信任何事情,即使是我们所爱的人。

S***: And that's the way a soldier is supposed to think?
S***: 这就是军人的思维方式?

Boss: The only thing we can believe in with absolute certainty is the mission, Jack.
Boss: 我们唯一可以绝对信任的只有任务,Jack。

S***: All right. But do me a favor.
S***: 好吧,帮我一个忙。

Boss: What is it?
Boss: 什么?

S***: Call me S***.
S***: 叫我S***。

Boss: S***? Oh, right, your codename is S***. It suits you well.
Boss: S***? 对了,你的代号是S***,很适合你嘛。

Tom: That's right. The legendary unit that The Boss put together during World War II was a s***. The Cobra Unit... a group of heroes that brought the war to an end and saved the world. As long as you've got a legendary hero backing you up, you'll be fine. Isn't that right, S***?
Tom: 是的,The Boss在二战中组建的传奇部队就是蛇——眼镜蛇部队,结束战争并拯救世界的群英。有这样一个传奇英雄做你的后盾,你就不用担心了,对吧,S***?

S***: Yeah, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have with me. Oh, and one more thing, Boss...
S***: 是的,我想不出还有更好的人选。还有件事,Boss...

Boss: Yes?
Boss: 嗯?

S***: It's good to hear your voice again.
S***: 很高兴能再次听到你的声音。

Boss: Same here. After all, who knows if either of us will make it out alive... S***, you were always best at urban warfare and infiltrating buildings. But this is the jungle. Survival is going to be key. Those CQC techniques I taught you are sure to come in handy.
Boss: 我也是。毕竟谁都不知道我们能否活着出来。(此话有深意啊,试想本来她只不过是在后面指导的,冲锋陷阵的只是S***,干吗要说“我们”呢,小岛留下了个伏笔,但显然S***当时没意识到)S***,巷战和潜入是你的强项,但这里是丛林,生存是关键。我教给你的CQC技巧应该要派上用场了。

S***: CQC - close quarters combat, huh. I've been in the Green Berets for the past few years. I'm probably pretty rusty.
S***: CQC -近身格斗术,前几年我在绿色贝雷服役,都荒废得差不多了。

Boss: Not to worry. I'll be here to help you remember. After all, this is your first actual survival mission. I'll be supporting you over the radio.
Boss: 别担心,我会帮你想起来的。毕竟,这是你第一次实地生存任务,我会通过通讯机指点你的。

S***: Where are you, Boss? Next to the Major?
S***: Boss,你在哪里,少校旁边?

Tom: The Boss is communicating with us by radio from aboard a Permit-class submarine in the Arctic Ocean.
Tom: The Boss正在位于北冰洋的一艘许可级潜艇中用通讯机和我们联系。

Boss: My frequency is 141.80. Call me if you need my advice on battle technique.
Boss: 我的频率是141.80,有战斗技巧方面的问题就问我吧。

S***: Gotcha.
S***: 收到。

Tom: Your mission is to retrieve Dr. Sokolov. Dr. Sokolov is being held in an abandoned factory located to the north of your current position. Avoid heavy combat and don't let anyone see you. Don't forget that this is a stealth mission.
Tom: 你的任务是救回Sokolov博士。Sokolov位于你现在位置以北的一个废旧工厂内。避免激烈战斗,别被敌人发现,不要忘了这是潜入任务。

Boss: S***, try to remember some of the basics of CQC.
Boss: S***,试着回忆一些CQC的基本技巧。

S***: Commencing operation Virtuous mission now.
S***: 贞节任务,开始!


(S*** enters Dremuchij North and spots an enemy sentry)
(S***进入Dremuchij North,发现了敌人的岗哨)

S***: Major, I've spotted two enemy soldiers.
S***: 少校,我发现了两个敌兵。

Tom: They're probably KGB troops sent to guard Sokolov
Tom: 可能是KGB(克格勃)派来看守Sokolov的。

S***s: AK-47's and grenades...
S***s: 配备有AK-47's和手榴弹。

(Tom calls S*** on the radio)

Tom: S***, your presence in Soviet territory is already a violation of international law. We can't let the Kremlin find out that the CIA and the American government are involved. Contact with the enemy is strictly prohibited. Don't engage them in battle either. This is a stealth mission. Got that?
Tom: S***,你在苏联境内的出现已经违反了国际法。我们不能让克林姆林宫抓住CIA和美国政府的任何把柄。严禁接触敌人,避免发生战斗,这是隐秘行动,明白了吗?

Boss: The Major is right. The point of this mission is to sneak through the jungle without being seen. The success of the mission depends on how well you use your camouflage. Change your camouflage by selecting "CAMOUFLAGE" from the Survival Viewer. The "UNIFORM" option lets you pick your uniform, while the "FACE" option lets you change your face paint. Choosing camouflage that blends in with your surroundings will help you conceal yourself more effectively. Also, don't forget that anything that moves will stand out in the jungle. If you just stand up and run around like an idiot, you're bound to be spotted. But if you crawl instead, you should be able to sneak by without being noticed. You can see how effective your camouflage is by looking at the Camo Index. The Camo Index shows how will your current camouflage blends in with the surrounding area. The higher the value, the harder you are to spot, and vice versa. The key is to make yourself one with nature. Keep that in mind as you go along, OK?
Boss: 少校说得没错。任务的重点是偷偷穿过丛林。任务成功与否要看你能否用好“伪装”,在生存界面里选择“伪装”可以改变伪装,选择“制服”选项能让你选择制服,“面部”则让你选择面部彩纹。选择与环境配合的伪装可以提高伪装的有效率。别忘了,在丛林里任何移动都可能暴露你自己。如果你像***般乱跑,肯定会被发现,相反爬行就可神不知鬼不觉。从伪装指标可以看出你的隐蔽效果,伪装指标可以显示你跟环境的配合程度。数值越高,你越难被发现,反之亦然。关键是要跟大自然融为一体,好好记住了。


(S*** enters Dolinovodno and spots another soldier, but uses his binoculars to find a hornet's nest hanging directly above the soldier. S*** smiles as he gets the idea to shoot it)
(S*** 进入Dolinovodno并发现了一个敌兵,用望远镜观察后,发现这个可怜人的头顶上方有个蜂巢,S***坏笑起来,显然对方要倒霉了)


(S*** enters Rassvet and surveys the area)

S***: Major, I've reached the abandoned factory where Sokolov is supposedly being held. This place is a dump. I can't see Sokolov from here... The security here is pretty tight. There are sentries posted around the perimeter... I wonder how many are inside.
S***: 少校,我已到达关押Sokolov的废旧工厂,这地方简直是个废墟,从这里我看不到Sokolov。戒备很森严,周围布满了哨兵,我不知道里面还有多少。

(Tom calls S***)

Tom: Your objective - Sokolov - is inside the factory... they should be holding him in a room in the northeast sector.
Tom: 你的目标- Sokolov –在工厂里面。他们应该把他关在东北区域的一个房间里。

S***: The northeast section. Got it.
S***: 东北区域,明白。

Tom: Be careful. Your mission is to bring Sokolov back alive. He must not be exposed to any kind of danger. Do not approach Sokolov while in the alert phase.
Tom: 小心,你的任务是把Sokolov安全救回,不能让他面临任何危险。警报状态下不要接近Sokolov。

S***: Right.
S***: 明白。

Tom: ...Oh, and one more thing, S***.
Tom: 哦,还有一件事,S***。

S***: You mean there's more?
S***: 还有任务?

Tom: No... it's just... when you get to Sokolov, I want you to tell him something from me.
Tom: 没有。你见到Sokolov后,替我传个话。

S***: And that is?
S***: 说什么?

Tom: "Sorry for being so late."

S***: Is that all?
S***: 就这样?

Tom: Yes.
Tom: 是的。

S***: Understood. Beginning my approach to the target.
S***: 明白了。开始接近目标。


(S*** enters Sokolov's room to find him burning some papers)

S***: You must be Sokolov.
S***: 你一定就是Sokolov。

Sokolov: Are you one of Volgin's men? (he throws the rest of the papers in the fire) You'll never get it from me!

S***: No. I'm a CIA agent. I've come to escort you back to the other side of the Iron Curtain.
S***: 不,我是CIA特工,护送你到铁幕的另一边去。

Sokolov: You're CIA?
Sokolov: 你是CIA的?

S***: Yeah. I was sent by Major Zero, the man who got you out two years ago.
S***: 是的,我受命于Zero少校,那个两年前救过你的人。

Sokolov: Zero...
Sokolov: Zero...

S***: I have a message from him.
S***: 他叫我捎个口信给你。

Sokolov: What is it?
Sokolov: 说什么?

S***: He said to tell you "sorry for being so late."
S***: 他要我对你说,“很抱歉来迟了。”

Sokolov: Did he now?
Sokolov: 他现在做了?

S***: What does it mean?
S***: 什么意思?

Sokolov: It means he's a man of his word. But we've got no time for this. You have to get me out of here before they arrive.
Sokolov: 意思是他是个言而有信的人。不过我们没有时间谈这个了,在他们来之前你必须带我离开这里。

S***: Who's "they?"

Sokolov: Colonel Volgin of GRU. You in the West know him as Thunderbolt.
Sokolov: GRU(苏联军事情报局)的Volgin上校,你们西方人叫他雷电。

S***: Thunderbolt?... Never heard of him.
S***: 雷电?没听说过。

Sokolov: He's a member of the army's extremist faction. A man who seeks to seize control of the motherland. Ever since the Cuban Missile Crisis two years ago, Khrushchev has been pursuing a policy of peaceful coexistence with the West. Despite resistance and criticism from hawks in the army, and the provincial authorities, Khrushchev has managed to suppress the opposition so far. But the failure of his agri***ural policies has put him in a precarious position. And on top of that... the tragedy last November.
Sokolov: 他是军方的极端派系成员,妄图控制整个国家。自从两年前的古巴导弹危机以来,***不顾军中鹰派和地方势力的反对与批评,一直在寻求与西方的和平共存政策。他成功压制了反对派的意见,但是农业政策上的失败却让他摇摇欲坠,紧接着,是去年11月份发生的悲剧。

S***: President Kennedy's assassination.
S***: 肯尼迪总统遇刺。

Sokolov: Precisely. In a sense, Khrushchev has lost his biggest partner, and his power base is rapidly crumbling away. A certain group is plotting to use this opportunity to seize power by rallying the anti-government forces, overthrowing Khrushchev, and installing Brezhnev and Kosygin in his place. The mastermind behind this plot is Colonel Volgin of the GRU. He has control over another secret weapons research facility much like this one - OKB-812, known as the Granin Design Bureau - and is using it to further his plans. But that is not enough to satisfy him. Now he is plotting to seize the secret weapon I have been developing here and use it as leverage in his bid for power.
Sokolov: 是的,在某种意义上说,***失去了最大的盟友,他的权力基础土崩瓦解。某个组织乘机集结反政府力量,准备******夺取政权,并想让勃列日涅夫和柯锡金取代他的位置。这个阴谋的幕后主脑就是GRU的Volgin上校。他所掌控的一所叫做Granin Design Bureau(格兰宁设计局)的秘密武器研究机构——就像812设计局(OKB-812,前苏联武器设计部门)一样——在其中起了很大作用。但他并不感到满足,现在又看上了我正在研制的的秘密武器,以作为他的权力***。

Sokolov: The intelligence says that they are going to make their move during the test.
Sokolov: 有情报说,他们准备在这次试验过程中动手。

S***: Then the soldiers outside...
S***: 那些外面的士兵...

Sokolov: Exactly. They wouldn't need that many men just to keep me inside. Their orders were to prevent Colonel Volgin from capturing me. Even if it meant killing me in the process, or so it would see. Volgin will come, I'm sure of it. You must get me out of here before then.
Sokolov: 事实上,看管我根本用不了那么多人手,他们的任务是防止我被上校抓走,即使在此过程中杀掉我也在所不惜,or so it would see。(不知道该怎么翻)Volgin会来的,我确信这一点,你必须在此之前把我带走。

S***: Leave it to me.
S***: 交给我吧。

Sokolov: By the way, your Russian is superb. Where did you learn to speak it?
Sokolov: 对了,你的俄语真棒,在哪里学的?

S***: From my mentor.
S***: 我***教的。

Sokolov: Is that so? America is truly a frightening country.
Sokolov: 是吗?美国真是个疯狂的国家。

S***: Having second thoughts?
S***: 改主意了?

Sokolov: No. I have no love for this place. Let's go.
Sokolov: 不,我对这地方毫无留恋,快走吧。

(S*** calls Tom)

S***: Major, this is S***. Sokolov is safe with me. He's doing fine. No injuries.
S***: 少校,我是S***。Sokolov很安全,他和我在一起,没有受伤。

Tom: Good work, S***. Now hurry up and get Sokolov to the recovery point! We'll rendezvous with you there.
Tom: 干得好,S***,现在快带他到撤离地点去,我们在那里会合。

S***: Roger.
S***: 收到。

Tom: What about the sentries?
Tom: 哨兵呢?


(S***'s response to this question differs depending on your performance. If you killed the guards:)
S***: I had to kill them... there was no other way. But no one will know we were involved.
S***: 我杀了他们,没办法,不过没有人知道跟我们有关。

(If you were in Alert mode:)

S***: I managed to get past them.
S***: 我通过了。

(If you reached Sokolov undetected:)

S***: No one spotted me.
S***: 没人发觉。


Tom: I see.
Tom: 明白了。

S***: What about The Boss?
S***: Boss怎么样了?

Tom: We lost contact with The Boss some time ago.
Tom: 不久前失去联络。

S***: What happened?
S***: 怎么回事?

Tom: It's probably just a weak signal. Just hurry and get Sokolov out of there.
Tom: 可能信号有问题。快把Sokolov带出来吧。


(S*** and Sokolov begin to sneak out of the building. However, they are being watched by several enemy soldiers)

Soldier: Freeze!
士兵: 别动!

(The two are surrounded. Then, a young Major Ocelot walks up, twirling a Makarov pistol in his hand)

Ocelot: So this is the legendary Boss? We meet at last.
Ocelot: 你就是传说中的Boss?我们终于见面了。

Soldier: You... You're from the Ocelot unit of Spetsnaz! What's a GRU soldier doing here?
士兵:你,你是Spetsnaz(俄语“特种部队” Spetsialnoye Nazranie的缩写)山猫小队的人!一个GRU的士兵在这里干吗?

Ocelot: Soldier?
Ocelot: 士兵?

Soldier: He's the Ocelot commander!

Ocelot: That's Major Ocelot to you. And don't you forget it.
Ocelot: 你应该称我为Ocelot少校,别忘了。

Soldier: Sokolov is ours. Now get out of here.
Soldier: Sokolov是我们的,你还是请吧。

Ocelot: An ocelot never lets his prey escape.
Ocelot: 山猫从来不会让猎物溜掉的。

Soldier: What!?

(Ocelot proceeds to shoot all of the soldiers with some fancy gunplay. One soldier hiding on the roof tries to take cover, but Ocelot fires and ricochets a bullet off a beam to hit the soldier. Ocelot then kills another soldier writhing on the ground and retrieves his beret from underneath the corpse.)

Ocelot: I can't say it feels good to kill a comrade, even if it is for the GRU.
Ocelot: 即使是为了GRU,杀死自己同志的感觉也不太妙。

S***: Sokolov, take cover.
S***: Sokolov,快躲起来。

Ocelot: Hmm... You're not The Boss, are you?
Ocelot: 你不是The Boss,对吧?

(Ocelot makes some sort of wild cat noise and several soldiers clad in black arrive and surround S***. They are part of the Ocelot unit)

Sokolov: GRU operatives...
Sokolov: GRU开始行动了...

Ocelot: What is that stance? That gun?
Ocelot: 那是什么姿势?看那只枪。

(Ocelot starts laughing and the others join in)

Ocelot: If you're not The Boss, then die!
Ocelot: 既然你不是The Boss,那么受死吧!

(Ocelot tries to shoot S*** but his gun jams. S*** grabs Ocelot and throws him to the ground. Sokolov screams and runs off)

GRU Soldier: Major!

Ocelot: Leave him! Shoot the other one!
Ocelot: 别管他!先干掉这家伙!

(S*** uses his CQC techniques to defeat all of the other soldiers. Ocelot recovers his gun and tries to attack but S*** throws him to the ground again, causing Ocelot to lose his gun. The gun hits the ground and the jammed round is ejected)

Ocelot: Impossible...
Ocelot: 不可能...

S***: You ejected the first bullet by hand, didn't you? I see what you were trying to do. But testing a technique you only heard about in the middle of battle wasn't very smart. You were asking to have your gun jam on you. Besides, I don't think you're cut out for an automatic in the first place. You tend to twist your elbow to absorb the recoil. That's more of a revolver technique.
S***: 你用手弹出了第一颗子弹,对吧?我知道你想干什么,但是在战场上试验你仅仅听过的技巧是很不明智的,是你让你的枪卡壳的。另外,我认为你根本就不适合用自动***,你总是将手臂弯曲以减小后坐力,那更多的是用在左轮上的技巧。

Ocelot: You filthy American dog!
Ocelot: 你这个肮脏的美国狗!

(Ocelot draws a knife and attacks but S*** floors him again)

S***: But that was some fancy shooting... you're pretty good.
S***: 不过刚才那几枪还真是不赖,你很厉害。

Ocelot: Pretty good...
Ocelot: 厉害..

(Ocelot goes unconscious. S*** calls Tom)

S***: Major, do you read me?
S***: 少校,听得到吗?

Tom: I read you. S***, are you alright?
Tom: 听得到,S***,你还好吧?

S***: I've run into a few snags. These guys were after Sokolov, too. Apparently, they were taking orders from a GRU colonel named Volgin.
S***: 遇到一些小麻烦,这些家伙也是奔着Sokolov来的,很显然,他们听命于一个叫volgin的GRU上校。

Tom: A GRU colonel?
Tom: 一个GRU上校?

S***: Part of an internal Soviet power struggle, according to Sokolov. Something between the KGB and the GRU, between Khrushchev's supporters and Volgin's...
S***: 照Sokolov的说法,这是苏联内部斗争的一部分。在KGB和GRU之间,在***和Volgin的支持者之间显然发生了某些事情...

Tom: Sokolov was being guarded by the KGB and hunted by the GRU? S***, it sounds like this could be even hotter than Cuba.
Tom: KGB要保护Sokolov,GRU又要抓捕?S***,这看起来比古巴危机还要热闹。

S***: I don't like it. Something about this whole thing stinks.
S***: 我可不喜欢这样,事情开始变味了。

Tom: I agree. You'd better hurry.
Tom: 是的,你最好快点。

S***: Sokolov ran off by himself, but I'll catch up to him.
S***: Sokolov逃走了,我得赶上他。

Tom: We're counting on you.
Tom: 我们全靠你了。


(S*** enters Dolinovodno and finds Sokolov standing before the bridge)

S***: You OK?
S***: 没事吧?

Sokolov: Those men were from the Ocelot unit.
Sokolov: 那些人是山猫小队的。

S***: Spetsnaz?
S***: 特种部队?

Sokolov: Yes. The best GRU has to offer. They're coming for me. I'm finished!
Sokolov: 是的, GRU的精英出动了,他们是来抓我的,我完了!

S***: Calm down. I'll get you out of here. I promise. And we've got some of the best backup we could ask for.
S***: 冷静点,我会带你离开这里,我保证。我们有最强大的后盾。

(A cannon shell fires)

Sokolov: Look!
Sokolov: 看。

(S*** looks up to a cliff to see a large ***)

S***: That's what they were making you build?
S***: 那就是他们叫你做的东西么?

Sokolov: Yes. The Shagohod - "The Treading Behemoth" - a *** capable of launching nuclear IRBMs.
Sokolov: 是的。Shagohod——“步行巨兽”——一种可以发射中程弹道核弹的战车。

S***: It can launch nuclear missiles from that kind of terrain?
S***: 它能在那样的地形发射核弹吗?

Sokolov: Oh yes. And without support from friendly units.
Sokolov: 是的,而且不需要友军的支持。

S***: A nuclear-equipped *** capable of operating solo. Is that thing
S***: 能独立操作的核搭载战车。那玩意完成了么?

Sokolov: No. This is only the end of Phase 1. It won't be truly finished until we complete Phase 2.
Sokolov: 不,只完成了第一阶段。在第二阶段完成之前它还不算完美。

S***: Phase 2?
S***: 第二阶段?

Sokolov: The weapon's true form. If it is completed and the colonel gets his hands on it, it will mean the end of the Cold War.
Sokolov: 那才是武器的真实形态。一旦完成,又落在上校手中的话,那将意味着冷战的终结。                        
S***: The end of the Cold War?
S***: 冷战的终结?

Sokolov: Yes. And then the age of fear will truly begin...
Sokolov: 是的,真正的恐怖时代就要来临...

S***: A world war?
S***: 世界大战?

Sokolov: I had no choice but to cooperate! I didn't want to die. I wanted to see my wife and child again in America... Please, take me to America quickly. They cannot complete it without my help.
Sokolov: 我没得选择,我必须合作。我不想死!我想与在美国的妻子和孩子重聚,求你了,赶快带我去美国。没有我的话,他们完成不了的。

S***: Got it. Let's go!
S***: 知道了,走吧。


(S*** and Sokolov begin to cross the bridge. However, a woman comes from the other side, carrying two large cases)

S***: Boss?
S***: Boss?

(The Boss drops the cases, causing the bridge to go unstable)
(The Boss丢下箱子,桥剧烈摇晃起来)

Boss: Good work, Jack.
Boss: 干得好,Jack。

S***: What are you doing here?
S***: 你在这里干吗?

Boss: Sokolov comes with me.
Boss: Sokolov得跟我走。

(A swarm of hornets then appears)

S***: Hornets!?
S***: 黄蜂?

(In the confusion, The Fear descends down, grabs Sokolov, and pulls him up to a helicopter)
(The Fear从天而降,把Sokolov抓到了直升机上)

Boss: My friends... let us fight together again!
Boss: 朋友们,我们又并肩作战了。

Fear: I have waited long for this day.
Fear: 我等这一天已经很久了。

(The Pain and The End are also in the helicopter)
(The Pain和The End也在飞机里)

Pain: We will fight with you once more.
Pain: 我们会再次追随你的!

End: Welcome back, Boss.
End: 欢迎回来,Boss。

Boss: Now that the five of us are together, it's time we go to the depths of hell itself...
Boss: 我们五个人终于重聚了,是时候去地狱深渊闯一闯了。

(It begins raining)

Boss: It's raining blood...
Boss: 血雨。

(A ghost of The Sorrow walks up behind The Boss)
(The Sorrow的鬼魂出现在The Boss身后)

Boss: ...is he crying?
Boss: 是他在哭泣吗?

(Colonel Volgin walks up and joins The Boss)

Volgin: Kuwabara, Kuwabara... Ah... What a joyful scene.
Volgin: Kuwabara, Kuwabara(古时人们为了避雷念的咒语,给Volgin念出来,自然有了反讽的味道)... 好有趣的场面。

Boss: Colonel Volgin...
Boss: Volgin上校...

Volgin: Welcome to my country... and to my unit.
Volgin: 欢迎加入我的国家...我的军队。

S***: Boss? What is this?
S***: Boss,怎么回事?

Boss: I'm defecting to the Soviet Union. Sokolov is a little gift for my new hosts.
Boss: 我已经投靠了苏联,Sokolov是献给新东家的小礼物。

(Volgin picks up the two cases)

Volgin: Recoilless nuclear warheads... these will make a fine gift for me...
Volgin: 无后坐力核弹头,真是不错的礼物。

S***: This can't be happening!
S***: 这不可能!

Volgin: Who is he? Another one of your disciples? Are we taking him with us?
Volgin: 他是谁?你的另一个弟子?我们要带上他吗?

Boss: No. This is one is still just a child. Too pure for us Cobras. He has not yet found an emotion to carry into battle.
Boss: 不,他只是个孩子,对我们眼镜蛇来说太嫩了,他还不能全身心投入战斗。

S***: (aiming his gun) What are you talking about!?

Boss: Think you can pull the trigger?
Boss: 以为你扣得下扳机吗?

(The Boss grabs S***'s gun and dismantles it with her bare hands. S*** tries to attack but The Boss grabs him and breaks his arm)
(The Boss以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势夺下了S***的***,打断了他的手臂)

Volgin: He's seen my face. We can't let him live. If Khrushchev finds out about this, we're finished. He must die.
Volgin: 他看到了我的脸,我们不能留活口,***要是发现这一切,我们就完了。他必须死。

Boss: Wait. He's my apprentice. I'll take care of him. Jack, you can't come with us.
Boss: 等等,他是我的弟子,让我来吧。(对S***)Jack,你不能跟我们去。

(She holds out her hand. S*** takes it and The Boss rams her elbow into his ribs. S*** grabs hold of her bandana as The Boss throws him off the bridge into the river below)

Pain: The new blood has been rejected...
Pain: 新鲜血液落选了...

Volgin: Are we done here?
Volgin: 搞定了吗?

Boss: Now... on to Sokolov's research facility.
Boss: 现在,该去Sokolov的研究所了。

Volgin: Shagohod is ours!
Volgin: Shagohod是我们的!

Boss: Drift away. My place is with them now.
Boss(望着桥下): 随波逐流吧,我现在和他们在一起了。


(S*** washes up on a riverbank. He receives a call from Tom)

Tom: S***! Can you hear me?
Tom: S***,能听到吗?

S***: Yeah, just barely...
S***: 差一点就不能了。

Tom: S***, listen to me! You need emergency medical treatment. Can you move? You've got to get those wounds treated. Hang in there! All right, let's get you fixed up... Para-Medic?
Tom: S***,听我说,你需要紧急治疗。你能动吗?你必须处理伤口,坚持住!我们来帮你解决,Para-Medic?

Para-Medic: OK, S***. Just relax and it'll all be over before you know it.
Para-Medic: 好,S***,放轻松,这些都是你以前就知道的。

S***: ...
S***: ...

Para-Medic: Stay with me! I've seen people in worse shape before. Think you can handle it?
Para-Medic: 照我说的做,我见过比你伤得更重的人,你挺得住吧?

S***: Major? The Boss... she's defected.
S***: 少校,The Boss...她叛变了。

Tom: We'll talk about that later. First we've got to get you patched up.
Tom: 这个我们迟一些再说,先处理你的伤势。

Para-Medic: OK, here we go! First, open the Survival Viewer with the START button. If you select "CURE" you can start the treatment. Healing is divided into treatment using the medicine with the Item Window Button and surgical treatment using the Weapon Window Button. Your injuries include a fractured left elbow and rib bone, and lacerations on your upper arms, right elbow, and abdomen. They need to be fixed using surgical treatment. Move the healing cursor with the left analog stick to the affected part of your body. Once you've selected the affected area, hold the Weapon Window Button and use the left analog stick to select the medical item, and then press the Enter button. With this method, you can use items to help your recovery process. To treat a bone fracture, first secure the affected area with a fastener and then wrap it in bandages. That should do it. For lacerations, you'll need disinfectant to clean the wound, sutures to stitch it up, styptic to slow the flow of blood, and bandages to wrap the wound. If you do everything I mentioned, the wound should heal completely. Understood?
Para-Medic: 好了,我们开始吧。(以下略去)

S***: Yeah...
S***: 明白。

Para-Medic: Stay with me! Go into the Survival Viewer and treat those wounds!
Para-Medic: 照我说的做,进入Survival 界面治疗伤口。

(S*** treats his wounds and snaps his broken bone back into place)

Para-Medic: Good job, S***!
Para-Medic: 干得好, S***。

Tom: We're coming to get you now. Just stay where you are... we'll drop a recovery balloon. Can you set it up?
Tom: 我们这就去接你,在那里等着。我们会放下救生气球,你能行吧?


(S*** is resting against a tree. He looks up and sees several helicopters airlifting the Shagohod. The Boss is on board one of the helicopters as it passes over the riverbank. She holds out her hand and S*** returns the gesture. On another helicopter, we see Volgin, Ocelot, and a young woman. Volgin opens the two cases to reveal a small nuclear missile and what appears to be a cannon)
(S***看到几架直升机吊着Shagohod飞过,The Boss伸出左手,似乎在与谁道别。另一架飞机上载着Volgin、Ocelot和Sokolov的情人,Volgin打开一个箱子,取出了一枚核弹)

Volgin: Excellent. A great success, thanks to The Boss and her Cobras. I have
both Sokolov and the Shagohod.
Volgin: 干得太棒了,感谢The Boss和她的眼镜蛇,Sokolov和Shagohod都在我手中了。

(Ocelot stands up and suspiciously eyes the woman)

Ocelot: What are we going to with the girl?
Ocelot: 我们拿这小妞怎么办?

Volgin: Who is she?
Volgin: 她是谁?

Ocelot: Apparently she's Sokolov's woman.
Ocelot: 显然是Sokolov的女人。

(Volgin approaches and looks into her face)

Volgin: She's a nice catch. I'll take her.
Volgin: 这猎物很美,我要她了。

(The woman beings to reach for something in her pocket. Volgin ***es away what she was trying to get; a tube of lipstick)

Volgin: Not so fast, my dear. (he inspects the tube) A Kiss of Death?
Volgin: 别着急,亲爱的。(他检查口红)死亡之吻?

Ocelot: Are you KGB?
Ocelot: 你是KGB的人?

Volgin: We might be able to use her. She has spunk. (he gives the lipstick back to her)
Volgin: 她对我们也许有用,有胆识。(他将口红还给她)

Ocelot: Shall we take her back to the base?
Ocelot: 我们把她带回基地吗?

Volgin: Perhaps we should... we have no further use for Sokolov's research facility.
Volgin: 也许吧。Sokolov的研究所对我们来说没有什么用处了。

(Volgin picks up the cannon, called a Davy Crockett, loaded with a nuclear missile)

Volgin: I think it's time I give this marvelous new toy a try. (he aims the Davy Crockett)
Volgin: 我想是时候试试这个神奇的新玩具了。(他瞄准了远处的研究所)

Ocelot: Colonel! Even if they are our enemies, they're still our countrymen!
Ocelot: 上校!即使他们是敌人,但毕竟还是我们的同胞啊!

Volgin: But it won't be me that pulls the trigger. It will be our friend, the American defector.
Volgin: 但扣动扳机的不是我,而是我们的朋友,那个美国叛徒。

Ocelot: You're going to nuke your fellow Russians!?
Ocelot: 难道你要用核弹攻击你的同胞?

Volgin: Remember the Alamo.
Volgin: 记得Alamo吧。(1836年春,墨西哥统治者安东尼奥·洛佩兹·德·圣塔安率领数千名精兵围攻德克萨斯的军事堡垒阿拉莫(Alamo)。面对这场不可能获胜的战争,人数不到200名的德克萨斯平民为了“家园的未来”自愿组织到了一起。参加战斗的这些斗士里甚至没有一名是军人,他们的地位、职业和身份也都五花八门,有的是银行家、农民、律师,有的是丈夫、兄弟、父亲,有的是流浪汉、梦想家和传奇人物。
  他们在“神圣三杰”:年轻气盛的威廉·特拉维斯少尉、热血男儿詹姆斯·鲍伊和拓荒西部的传奇人物大卫·克洛克特(Davy Crockett,Volgin手中的核弹携带和发射装置就是以此人命名,此人既是一名杰出的政客——曾两任田纳西州议员和三任美国国会议员,又是一名出色的猎手,传说中说他枪法如神,号称“西部雄狮”—The lion on the West)的指挥下顽强抵抗,死守13天后,孤立无援的城堡因弹尽粮绝,最终全军覆灭。这批英勇的德克萨斯男人为了信念,牺牲自己的生命,上演了一曲英勇抗暴的悲壮史诗。

Ocelot: Colonel!!!
Ocelot: 上校!

(Volgin fires the Davy Crockett and the missile streaks towards the facility. A blinding white light ensues. Back on the riverbank, S*** watches the recovery balloon fall, closely followed by a brilliant light and the familiar mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion)



(We first see the intro movie accompanied with the S*** Eater theme. Then cut to a shot of a futuristic-looking plane flying through the night sky)

One week later:
11:30 PM August 30, 1964 Arctic Ocean airspace

Pilot: Currently flying over the Arctic Ocean. Altitude 30,000 feet. Approaching Soviet airspace. Arriving at the designated drone launch point. Drone oil pressure and voltage are nominal. Payload oxygen supply is nominal. Power supply to payload antifreeze system shows no problems. No gusts. All systems go for drone detachment.
Pilot: 目前飞行在北冰洋上空,高度30000英尺,接近苏联领空,即将抵达副机(drone雄蜂,即无人驾驶飞机的意思,此处均译为副机)指定发射地点。副机油压电压正常,氧气有效荷载供给正常,防冻有效荷载系统电力供应显示正常。一切稳定,所有系统作好副机分离准备。

Zero: S***, we can't risk a HALO jump this time around. Airspace Security has gotten tighter since we were last here. We can't get as close to the ground as we did during the Virtuous mission. So instead we'll be using one of our newest weapons. S***, you're being given an honor on par with Alan Shepard. This is our last chance. Show your patriotism. If you fail, you'll be back in a hospital bed again waiting for the firing squad.
Zero: S***,这次我们不能冒险使用HALO式跳伞了。自从上次事件之后,这里的空中防御加强了很多,我们无法像贞节任务那样靠近地面了,取而代之的是我们将使用一种最新型的武器。S***,你会被授予与Alan Shepard(1961年5月5日, 美国国家航空与宇宙航行局航管人员用红石火箭将自由七号(Freedom 7)送入太空中。尽管落后苏联的航天员Yuri Gagrin所从事的人类第一次太空历险有一个多月,然而这次经由电视实况转播的自由七号太空飞行,可是美国的第一次。飞行自由七号的这一趟历史性飞行,虽然只在低轨道了大约十五分钟,可是却显示出人类操控太空舱的可能性。曾是海军飞行员的Alan Shepard,是从水星计画中的七个受训航天员中挑选出来的。他认为这是一项最具挑战性的任务,并主动请缨担任这项任务。Shepard的一生中,在人类太空探险的扉页中写下显赫的功绩,其中包括在1972年以阿波罗14号指挥官的身份在月球上漫步。这一位太空探险的先锋死于1998年,享年74岁)一样的荣誉,这是我们最后的机会,展现你的爱国精神吧。如果作战失败,你就回到医院的病床上等着被处决吧。


(The scene switches to a briefing section)

Zero: So, how does it feel to be a patient in one of the most advanced ICUs in the world?
Zero: 我说,当一名世界顶级ICUs(重点护理组)的病人的滋味如何?

S***: Would you do me a favor and tell the suits about visiting hours? I'll never get better with them assaulting me day and night with their questions.
S***: 帮帮忙告诉那些穿制服的注意一下探病时间好吗?他们整日整夜地用提问来骚扰我,我永远也好不了。

Zero: Must be part of the top brass' inquiry.
Zero: 那是官员们调查的一部分。

S***: More like an interrogation. According to them, I'm a traitor and an accomplice to The Boss' defection.
S***: 简直就像审问。照他们的说法,我也成了个叛国者,The Boss叛变的帮凶。

Zero: They're just looking for a scapegoat.
Zero: 他们不过是在找一只***。

S***: Does that mean they're after you too?
S***: 意思是他们也找你了?

Zero: Let's just say neither one of us is going to be made a national hero out of this.
Zero: 应该说因为这件事,我们都成不了国家英雄了。

S***: Does this mean FOX is going to die?
S***: 也就是说FOX要被解散了?

Zero: No. This fox is still one step ahead of the hounds. The reason I came to see you today... Jack, it's time for FOX to clear its name.
Zero: 不,狐狸还是要快猎犬一步的。Jack,这就是今天我来找你的原因,是FOX为它正名的时候了。

S***: What are you talking about?
S***: 什么意思?

Zero: The situation has changed. We've still got a chance to come out of this one alive.
Zero: 情况有变,我们还有借此重生的机会。

S***: Yeah? What kind of chance?
S***: 是吗?怎样的机会?

Zero: Don't get too excited. Here, have a cigar... it's Cuban. This morning I had a meeting with the CIA.
Zero: 别太激动,来只雪茄吧,古巴产的。今天早上, CIA叫我去开了个会。

S***: They decided when they're going to execute us?
S***: 他们决定了何时处理我们吗?

Zero: No. Something even bigger. Yesterday, the White House received an unexpected call.
Zero: 不,事情更严重,昨天,白宫接到了一个出人意料的电话。


Chairman: President Johnson?

Johnson: Yes, I hear you Mr. Chairman.
约翰逊: 是的,我听到了,***先生。

Zero: It was a hotline call from Khrushchev to President Johnson.
Zero: 是***打给约翰逊总统的专线。

S***: From the head of the Soviet Union?
S***: 苏联元首打来的?

Zero: That's right.
Zero: 是的。

Khrushchev: A few days ago one of our country's main Design Bureaus, OKB-754, was destroyed in a nuclear explosion. At about the same time our anti-aircraft radar picked up a signature that appeared to come from one of your military aircraft. Does any of this sound familiar to you? In retaliation, I have placed our armed forces on secondary alert. Depending on your response, I may be left with no choice but to order the military to maximum alert and unleash Armageddon. With the help of your predecessor I was able to survive the Cuban incident. But my power is not as great as it once was. If I am to survive this crisis, I must have your full cooperation.

Johnson: I should have contacted you myself. Did you know that one of our soldiers defected to your country a week ago?

Khrushchev: No.

Johnson: So you haven't heard then... The man who arranged the defection was a GRU colonel by the name of Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin.
约翰逊: 如此说来您也还没听说,安排这场叛国事件的是贵国一个名叫Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin的GRU上校。

Khrushchev: Volgin? Of the extremist faction? Go on. Who was this soldier?
***:Volgin? 极端派别的?那么…那名士兵是谁?

Johnson: Her name is The Boss. She's a living legend. During World War II, she was the one who led us to victory in that war. In Russia, you know her as
约翰逊:她叫The Boss,活着的传奇,是她引导我们取得了二战的胜利。在俄罗斯,她被称为Voyevoda(俄语的意思是司令官)。

Khrushchev: You mean... THE Boss? The mother of your Special Forces?
***:你是说THE Boss ? 贵国特种部队的创始者?

Johnson: Yes, that's the one. And she took two miniature nuclear shells along with her.

Khrushchev: The Boss took two miniature nuclear shells?
***:The Boss带了两枚微型核弹头?

Johnson: I'm afraid so... I believe they were a gift for her new hosts. The "Davy Crockett" Atomic Battle Group Delivery System was completed two years ago. But serious problems were found with the launcher's range and precision. Although they were mass-produced they've never been deployed in battle.

Khrushchev: But Sokolov's research facility was completely wiped out! The whole area is polluted!

Johnson: I can only offer you my deepest condolences over this terrible tragedy.

Khrushchev: So The Boss with Colonel Volgin's help stole two experimental nuclear shells and took them with her as a gift when she defected. Then, shortly thereafter, Sokolov's design lab, a top-secret military research facility, was destroyed by one of these weapons. Am I right so far?
***:The Boss借助Volgin的帮助偷走了两枚实验核弹头,并在叛国后将弹头送给他们当见面礼,此后不久,Sokolov的设计室,一个绝密的军事研究所就被其中一枚炸成了灰烬,我说得对吗?

Johnson: Yes, that's correct.

Khrushchev: And the American government denies any involvement in the affair, is that right as well?

Johnson: That's correct. We were not involved in any way.

Khrushchev: Then what was a US military aircraft doing on our radar screen? It was clearly in violation of our airspace. And yet you say it was not acting under your orders?

Johnson: That's correct.

Khrushchev: You expect me to believe that this was all the work of a single

Johnson: I don't know what else to tell you.
约翰逊: 我不知道还要跟您说什么。

Khrushchev: The army insists that this is all a ploy on your part.

Johnson: I've said it once and I'll say it again. Our government had nothing to do with it.

Khrushchev: And I would like dearly to believe you. However, I'm afraid my power over the military has weakened since the Cuban incident. I will need some kind of proof that was not the action of the American government. You have one week. You must catch The Boss yourselves and recover the remaining nuclear device. Then, you must find some way to prove your innocence.
***:我个人当然愿意相信你,不过,我的军权在古巴事件之后削弱了不少,我需要美国政府与此事无关的证据。你们只有一周的时间,亲自抓住The Boss,并回收剩下的核装置。你们必须想办法去证明自己的清白。

Johnson: Prove our innocence?

Khrushchev: Yes. Preferably with something... painful. Prove to me that this is not merely another one of your tricks.

Johnson: The Boss should be close to Colonel Volgin. How about a little coaction?
约翰逊:The Boss应该和Volgin在一起,来个小小的合作如何?

Khrushchev: I would not expect too much if I were you. The political situation here in unstable. And Colonel Volgin is a member of the Brezhnev faction which seeks to topple my government. One week. You have only one week... and if it is not too much to ask, do something about Volgin as well.

Johnson: What is that supposed to mean?

Khrushchev: Nothing... it means nothing. Call it a modest gentleman's agreement to ensure our continued relationship.

Johnson: What if we can't "prove our innocence?"

Khrushchev: Then I will be unable to restrain the military. I will be ousted and they will seek their revenge.

Johnson: A nuclear attack on the United States?

Khrushchev: I leave the disposal of this situation entirely to your discretion, Mr. President.

Johnson: Disposal, huh...

Khrushchev: If you fail, it will mean the beginning of a new world war.


Zero: To put it simply, in order to avoid a full-scale nuclear conflict, we have to prove that America was not involved in that explosion.
Zero: 简单地说,为了避免这场核危机,我们必须证明爆炸与美国政府无关。

S***: And eliminating The Boss ourselves will prove America's innocence?
S***: 我们亲手除掉The Boss就能证明美国的清白?

Zero: Right. The higher-ups have decided that you're the only one capable of pulling this off. You were her last apprentice. Screw this one up, and we'll both be six feet under. There's no choice.
Zero: 是的,上头已经确定你是唯一有能力完成此次任务的人,你是她的关门弟子。事情搞砸了(screw up在美语里是弄糟的意思,例如He screwed up at work,意思就是他工作老干不好),我们可都得进棺材了(原文为我们都将处在6尺地下,国外掩埋死者的坑都要挖6尺深度,以让死者安息),别无选择。


(scene returns to the jet plane)

S***: Are the Russians going to be helping us?
S***: 俄国人会协助我们么?

Zero: The KGB has promised to lend us one of their communications satellites so that you and I can talk to each other.
Zero:  KGB答应借给我们一个通信卫星,这样我们才能联络。

S***: That's it?
S***: 就这样?

Zero: They've also put us in touch with a couple of insiders.
Zero: 他们还为我们安插了两名内线。

S***: Insiders?
S***: 内线?

Zero: There was a defection in September 1960... do you remember it?
Zero: 1960年9月的叛逃事件,还记得吗?

S***: You mean the two NSA code breakers who went over to the Soviet Union?
S***: 你是指那两个投靠苏联的***破译员?

Zero: Precisely. Since then, they've apparently been training with the KGB for exactly this kind of situation. Their code names are ADAM and EVA. I've been told that ADAM has infiltrated Volgin's ranks.
Zero: 是的。之后他们一直在KGB接受训练,以应付类似现在这样的情况。他们的代号是ADAM和EVA。我被告知现在ADAM已经渗透到Volgin的内部。

(The jet flips upside-down and a delivery pod containing S*** is detached)

Zero: We've also arranged for him to provide you with an escape route. You'll need to rendezvous with him when you get there.
Zero: 我们已经叫他为你安排了撤退路线,你到达后需要和他接头。

(The jet shoots off. Two Russian jets detect it)

Russian pilot: Control,Unidentified aircraft detected. Altitude 30,000 feet. It's fast! Estimated air speed exceeding Mach 3. Bearing south... I'm about to lose it.
俄国飞行员:控制中心,发现不明飞机, 高度30000英尺。它太快了,飞行速度超过3马赫,方向向南,我跟不上它。

(The jets break off. S***'s pod descends to the ground and beings to slow. S*** is ejected from the pod; it crashes to the ground while S*** falls with a parachute. The parachute detaches and S*** hits the ground, rolling to a stop. He dusts himself off and calls Major Zero)

S***: This is S***. Do you read?
S***: 这里是S***,听得到吗?

Zero: Loud and clear. Glad to see you landed safely.
Zero: 清楚得很,很高兴你安全着陆。

S***: I got blown pretty far off target.
S***: 不过离预定着陆地点相去甚远。

Zero: S***, let's go over your mission objectives one more time. Rescue Sokolov. Find out what's happened to the Shagohod - then destroy it. And finally, eliminate The Boss.
Zero: S*** ,我们再来确认一下此次任务。救回Sokolov,搞清Shagohod的情况并毁了它。最后,除掉The Boss。

S***: Eliminate The Boss...
S***: 除掉The Boss...

Zero: This mission will be code-named "Operation S*** Eater."
Zero: 此次任务代号为——食蛇者。

S***: Because I'll be taking on The Boss and her COBRA unit, right?
S***: 是因为我要消灭掉The Boss和她的眼镜蛇部队,是吧?

Zero: Don't forget about Colonel Volgin.
Zero: 别忘了Volgin上校。

S***: I'm not a hired killer.
S***: 我可不是个***。

Zero: I know. But that was the Kremlin's demand.
Zero: 我知道,但是这是克林姆林宫的要求。

S***: Demand? You mean it wasn't just a request? What's it to us if the Khrushchev regime is threatened by the colonel and his faction?
S***: 要求?意思是这不是个请求?如果***的政权受到上校和他的派系的威胁,我们会怎么样?

Zero: If supporting the current regime helps us avoid a nuclear exchange, then that's what we'll do.
Zero: 如果支持现政权能帮助我们避开核危机,那就是我们要去做的。

S***: And what are the CIA's demands?
S***: 那CIA的要求是什么?

Zero: Our priorities are the rescue of Sokolov and the destruction of the Shagohod.
Zero: 我们要优先解救Sokolov并摧毁Shagohod。

S***: Roger that, Major Tom.
S***: 收到,TOM少校。

Zero: Hold on, S***.
Zero: 先别挂,S***。

S***: What now?
S***: 又怎么了?

Zero: I'm changing my code name. It turns out "Tom" wasn't the most auspicious choice.
Zero: 我更换了我的代号,Tom这代号取得不太吉利。

S***: What do you mean?
S***: 什么意思?

Zero: Well, the truth is, when I chose my code name... I picked the wrong one.
Zero: 事实上,当选择代号时,我选了错误的那个。

S***: The wrong one?
S***: 错误的那个?

Zero: Did you ever see the movie "The Great Escape?" It came out last year.
Zero: 去年有部电影叫《胜利大逃亡》你看过吗?

S***: Must have missed that one.
S***: 大概错过了吧。

Zero: Anyway, it's based on a true story about prisoners who escaped from a POW camp in Nazi Germany. The prisoners dig three tunnels as part of their plan. But the Nazis find two of the tunnels before they're finished. The prisoners succeeded in escaping by using the last remaining tunnel. The names of those three tunnels were Dick, Harry, and Tom.
Zero: 电影是根据一个真实的事件改编的,讲述一群战俘如何从******中逃出。战俘们计划挖三条地道,但在完成前,其中两条就被***发现。战俘们通过最后一条通道成功逃亡。这三条地道名为:Dick, Harry, 和Tom。

S***: I get it. You used the name of the tunnel they escaped in as your code
name because you thought it would bring you good luck.
S***: 我明白了,你一定使用了那个帮助战俘逃跑的地道作为你的代号,因为你认为那会给你带来好运。

Zero: Yes, that's exactly right. At least that was the plan...
Zero: 是的,非常正确,至少预想的是这样。

S***: ...But?
S***: ...但是?

Zero: But I got the name wrong. The one they escaped in was Harry. Tom was one of the unlucky tunnels - it was discovered by the Nazis before it was finished. I watched the movie again just to make sure. In fact, I even ordered the actual film from the movie company.
Zero: 但是我选了错误的名字,战俘们出逃的地道叫做Harry,Tom是不幸的地道之一,还没挖好就被***发现了。我又看了一遍电影以确认这一点,甚至还向电影公司定购了原版胶片。

S***: Yeah, it doesn't sound like the greatest name to use. So, what should I call you instead?
S***: 是啊,听起来也不像最好的名字。那么我该怎么称呼你?

Zero: Hmm. You know, let's just use Zero, like we've been doing all along.
Zero: 还是叫Zero吧,就像我们以前那样。

S***: All right, then, Major Zero it is. We'll start over from square one.
S***: 好吧,那么Zero少校,我们重新开始!(start over from square one意思是上次没有成功,必须回到起点从头做起)

Zero: From square zero. My frequency is 140.85. Oh, I almost forgot. Para-Medic is with is again on this mission.
Zero: 应该是从零开始。我的频率是140.85。哦,我差一点忘了,Para- Medic还会与我们一起参加此次行动。

S***: Is this her last chance, too?
S***: 这也是她最后的机会吧?

Zero: If we fail, she'll have her medical license revoked. It's more or less the same kind of fate... Her frequency is the same as during the Virtuous Mission, 145.73. She'll be recording your mission data, as well, just like last time. That frequency is also the same: 140.96. And there's one more person on your support team. His name is Mr. Sigint. He's an expert on the latest in weapons and equipment technology. You'll be going up against some the world's most advanced weaponry when you infiltrate the research facility. If you have any questions, just ask him. His frequency is 148.41.
Zero: 如果我们失败,她的行医执照将被吊销,我们的命运多少有些类似。她的频率与贞节任务一样,还是145.73。同上次一样,她也会记录你的任务数据,频率同样是140.96。后援小组中还有一个人,Sigint(情报之意)先生,他是最新武器及装备技术方面的专家,当你渗透到研究所时,你会面对世界上最尖端的武器。有什么问题的话问他好了,频率是148.41。

S***: Mr. Sigint. Got it.
S***: Sigint先生?知道了。

Zero: ADAM, your KGB contact, is waiting for you at the abandoned factory up
Zero: ADAM,你的KGB联络员,会在前面的废旧工厂等你。

S***: The same factory Sokolov was being held in last week?
S***: 是上周关押Sokolov的工厂么?

Zero: Yes. Meet up with ADAM first. He's cleared the way for you to rescue Sokolov.
Zero: 是的,先去和ADAM碰头吧,他会帮你指明营救Sokolov之路。

S***: How will I know this ADAM guy when I see him?
S***: 碰头后我怎么确认ADAM这家伙?

Zero: You'll know once you reach the factory. The whole area's been polluted by the fallout from that nuclear blast. No one else would dare come close. The password is... "Who are the Patriots?" and "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo."
Zero: 你到工厂后就知道了。整个地区都被核爆后的辐射污染了,不会有吃饱了嫌撑的人敢靠近那个地方。接头暗号是:“谁是爱国者?”答案是“La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo”。

S***: "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Gotcha.
S***: “La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo”,明白了。

Zero: You've been equipped with a .45 for this mission. Be careful... it's noisy.
Zero: 此次任务我们为你装备了点45式自动***,小心点,那家伙动静不小。

S***: I thought standard FOX procedure was procure on site weapons acquisition.
S***: 我还以为FOX的标准程序就是武器就地取得呢。

Zero: The circumstances are different this time. You're now on an official mission for the United States government. It will be necessary to make your presence known to a certain extent. To the Khrushchev regime at the very least. But remember - this is still a sneaking mission. S***, if you fail this mission, it will mean an all-out nuclear war. Keep that in mind and proceed with extreme caution.
Zero: 这次情况不同,你这次的任务是美国政府下达的官方行动,有必要在一定范围内为人所知,至少要给***政府知道。不过还是要记住,这仍然是一次潜入行动。S***,如果你搞砸了,将意味着一场全面核战争的来临,请牢记在心并谨慎行事。

S***: Understood. Commencing Operation S*** Eater.
S***: 明白了。食蛇者行动开始。


(S*** enters Dremujich north and finds a white horse.)
(S*** 在Dremujich north发现了一匹白马)

Boss: Looks like death wasn't ready for you yet.
Boss: 看起来你命不该绝啊。

(The Boss is standing behind S*** wearing a cloak. S*** draws his gun)
(The Boss披着斗篷站在身后,S***举枪)

S***: Boss?
S***: Boss?

Boss: That arm still hurt?
Boss: 胳膊还疼吗?

S***: What are you doing here?
S***: 你在这干什么?

(Before S*** can react, The Boss pulls off the cloak, revealing a white battle suit. She dashes forward and disarms S*** before breaking his gun into pieces with her bare hands)
(在S*** 作出反应前,The Boss又一次轻而易举的制服了他)

Boss: Go home!
Boss: 回去!

(S*** tries to attack, but The Boss flips him to the ground)

Boss: Go home! GRU and my sons are waiting up ahead. You don't have a prayer of finishing your mission - you're not even armed. (walks away)
Boss: 回去!GRU和我的孩子们就在前面等着,你现在连武器都没有,难道还祈求能完成任务吗。

S***: Boss!!
S***: Boss!!

(S*** tries to attack, but again, he is floored by The Boss' sup erior CQC technique)

Boss: I'm not your boss anymore. There's nothing for you here. Go home. Go back to your boss. (draws Patriot machine gun) There's no need to prove that you are virtuous here. This isn't America.
Boss: 我不再是你的boss了,你在这里什么也得不到。回家吧,回到你主子那里,不需要在这里证明你的贞节,这里不是美国!

(The Boss fires on the wreckage of S***'s landing pod, causing it to explode)
(The Boss向S***乘坐的副机开火,引发爆炸)

Boss: That should stir things up a bit. You'd better hurry. (it begins to rain) The Border is 60 miles south of here. You ought to be able to run that far.
Boss: 这会引起他们注意的,你最好快点,(又下雨了)往南60公里就是国境线,你应该还能跑到那里。

S***: Why'd you defect?
S***: 为什么要叛变?

Boss: I didn't. I'm loyal... to the "end." To my purpose. What about you, Jack? What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your mentor? Your mission, or your beliefs? Your duty to your unit? Or your personal feelings? You don't know the truth yet. But sooner or later, you'll have to choose. I don't expect you to forgive me. But you can't defeat me, either. You know me too well. Just look at that bandanna. If you can't put the past behind you, you won't survive long. If we meet again, I'll kill you.
Boss: 我没有。 我效忠...为了“结束”,为了自己的目标。你呢,Jack?你会怎么样?忠于你的国家还是忠于我,你的***?忠于你的任务还是忠于你的信念?忠于你的职责还是忠于你的感情?你还不知道真相,但是迟早你得做出选择。我不指望你原谅我,但你也打败不了我,你太了解我了。看那条头带,如果你不能抛开过去,那就命不久矣。再让我看到你,我就杀了你。

(the horse rears up and stomps S***'s hand)

Boss: Now, go home!
Boss: 回家去吧!

(The Boss rides off. S*** calls Zero)
(The Boss离开,S***呼叫Zero)

S***: This is S***. Major Zero?
S***: Zero少校,我是S***。

Zero: I read you, S***.
Zero: 听到了,S***。

S***: I was ambushed by The Boss.
S***: 我中了The Boss的埋伏。

Zero: You were what!?
Zero: 什么?

S***: The drone's been shot to hell. It's up in flames.
S***: 副机已经被轰至渣了,成了团火球。

Zero: That's not good. Enemy scouts are going to come looking for you.
Zero: 这可不妙,敌人会来搜寻你的。

S***: Yeah, I know. But what was The Boss doing here in the first place? There's got to be a leak somewhere.
S***: 我知道,但是为什么The Boss会出现在这里?一定是哪里出了漏子。

Zero: No, that's impossible. The man The Boss is working with, Colonel Volgin, isn't exactly on speaking terms with Khrushchev.
Zero: 那不可能。The Boss 那边的Volgin上校是断然不会与***来往的。

S***: I lost my gun... The Boss destroyed it.
S***: 我的枪没了,The Boss毁了它。

Zero: S***, I know how you're feeling. It's hard for me to believe, too - that a legendary hero like The Boss would go over to the Russians, that she'd double cross us like this... But that's how it is, and if you don't accept it, you'll never be able to bear her.
Zero: S*** ,我明白你的感受,其实我也很难去相信,像The Boss那样的传奇英雄会投靠俄国,她就这样欺骗了我们。但事实就是如此,如果你不去接受,就永远也不可能击败她。

S***: That's not the problem. In terms of sheer technique, I'll never be able to bear her. I know that all too well.
S***: 问题不在这里,就纯粹的技术而言,我不可能击败她,我太明白这一点了。

Zero: You've got to do it, S***. She's your enemy and your objective.
Zero: 你必须去做,S***,她是你的敌人,也是你的任务目标。

S***: Enemy!? We were together for 10 years. And now you tell me she's my enemy?
S***: 敌人!?我们在一起共处了10年,现在你跟我说她是我的敌人?

Zero: Enough. Hurry to the factory where ADAM is waiting. Scouts have probably already been sent out to investigate the explosion. You've lost your weapon, right? That means you've got no chance of winning in a battle situation. Whatever you do, don't let them see you.
Zero: 够了!赶快去废弃工厂与ADAM接头。敌人也许已经派出巡逻兵来查看这次爆炸了。你失去了你的武器是吗?那就意味着你不可能在战斗中获胜,无论如何别让他们发现你。


(After S*** leaves Sokolov's previous holding chamber, he heads out into the complex. A blinding light form a motorcycle issues from his left)

Woman: Sorry I'm late.
女人: 对不起我来晚了。

S***: Cut the engine, they'll hear us.
S***: 关掉引擎,他们会听到的。

Woman: Are you the agent they sent?
Woman: 你是他们派来的特工吗?

S***: Are you ADAM? I thought you were supposed to be a man.
S***: 你是ADAM?我一直以为你是个男的。

Woman: ADAM couldn't make it.
Woman: ADAM来不了了。

S***: All right, say the password. Who are the Patriots? (no answer) Who are the Patriots? (no answer) Answer me!
S***: 好了,说暗号,谁是爱国者?(没有回应)谁是爱国者?回答我!

(soldiers suddenly appear and surround S***)

S***: Trapped?
S***: 陷阱?

Woman: Get down!
Woman: 趴下!

(The woman pulls out a Chinese Mauser 17 pistol and lets loose, killing all of the soldiers)

Woman: There... is your answer.
Woman: 这…就是回答。

(She gets off the bike, removes her helmet, and approaches S***, unzipping the front part of her suit)

Eva: The name's EVA.
Eva: 我叫EVA。

(We next see S*** and Eva in Sokolov's room, S*** smoking a cigar)

S***: This wasn't part of the plan. What happened to ADAM?
S***: 这些不在计划内,ADAM怎么了?

Eva: What's your code name?
Eva: 你的代号是什么?

S***: It's... S***.
S***: S***。

Eva: S***, huh. Well, I'm EVA... are you here to tempt me?
Eva: S***,嗯,我是EVA,你是来诱惑我的吗?(圣经中,正是蛇引诱夏娃吃下了禁果)

(She sits next to S***, but he turns away)

S***: What happened to ADAM?
S***: ADAM怎么了?

Eva: Colonel Volgin is a very suspicious man. He decided ADAM wasn't the right person for this mission.
Eva: Volgin上校是一个疑心病很重的家伙,他认为ADAM并非是此次任务的合适人选。

S***: And you were?
S***: 难道你是?

Eva: Yes.
Eva: 是的。

S***: Why?
S***: 为什么?

Eva: Because I can do things he can't.
Eva: 因为我可以办到他办不到的事情。

S***: I heard you used to be a code breaker for the NSA.
S***: 听说你以前是***的破译员?

Eva: I was. 4 years ago I defected to the Soviet Union with ADAM.
Eva: 是的,4年前我和ADAM一起投靠了苏联。

S***: (eyeing Eva's gun) Mauser Military... the "Broomhandle."
S***:(看着Eva的枪)毛瑟枪... “扫帚柄”。

Eva: It packs quite a punch. Nice to have when you're on a bike.
Eva: It packs quite a punch,(不知道该怎么翻)尤其是当你骑在摩托车上的时候。

S***: You held it sideways, and used the muzzle jump to create a horizontal sweep; that was impressive.
S***: 你横握***,利用枪口的跳动来水平横扫,这一手真是令人印象深刻。

Eva: Bet you've never seen that technique in the West.
Eva: 我敢打赌你在西方从来没见过这种技术。

S***: It's imitation, isn't it?
S***: 那是仿制品吧?

Eva: Yeah. It's a Chinese Type 17 pistol. Around here, even that's hard to come by. Don't worry, though. The one I've got for you is American made. (hand S*** a gun)
Eva: 是的,这是中国17式***。在这种地方搞到这玩意可不容易。不过别担心,我给你的是美国货。(递给S***一只枪)

S***: .45, huh. (stomps out his cigar) Incredible...
S***: 点45式?难以置信...

Eva: Do you like it?
Eva: 喜欢么?

S***: The feeding ramp is polished to a mirror sheen. The slide's been reinforced. And the interlock with the frame is tightened for added precision. The sight system is original, too. The thumb safety is extended to make it easier on the finger. A long-type trigger with non-slip grooves. A ring hammer... The base of the trigger guard's been filed down for a higher grip. And not only that, nearly every part of this gun has been expertly crafted and customized. Where'd you get something like this?
S***: 上膛坡道磨光得像镜子一般,滑套加固过,枪身的连锁装置为了提高精度而加紧,瞄准系统也是原装的。保险栓加长到让手指更容易碰到,加长型扳机添加了防滑槽。还有环形的击锤,扳机护弓也为了提高握力而挫过。不止这些,几乎每个部位都被专业地加工定制过,你从哪里搞来这么个家伙?(感谢多边形的翻译,不然对兵器知识几乎为零的偶来说,这段实在是太难了)

Eva: I grabbed it from a Western munitions armory. It probably used to belong to one of your officers... and there are more where that came from. You had this with you, didn't you? (holds up S***'s Mk22) Better take this, too. (shows S*** the scientist outfit)
Eva: 从西方的一个军械库里搞来的,我猜本来应该是给你的某位长官用的吧,那里还有很多。你要带着这个是吧?(捧着M22和一套服装)最好也带上这个。

S***: What's this?
S***: 这是什么?

Eva: A disguise to make you look like a scientist.
Eva: 伪装,使你看起来像个科学家。

S***: A disguise?
S***: 伪装?

Eva: Yes. You're here to rescue Sokolov, right?
Eva: 是的,你是来解救Sokolov的吧?

S***: Sokolov's still safe, then.
S***: 那就是说Sokolov还活着。

Eva: Yes. He's being forced to continue his work on the Shagohod.
Eva: 是的,他还在被迫继续开发Shagohod。

S***: Where?
S***: 在哪?

Eva: At the lab. They've got a whole army of scientist there developing new weapons. Security is tight, but if you disguise yourself as a scientist you might be able to sneak in.
Eva: 试验室。他们弄了一大群科学家来开发新武器,看守很严密,但是如果你伪装成科学家,应该可以潜入进去。

S***: Can we get Sokolov out of there?
S***: 我们能从那里把Sokolov弄出来吗?

Eva: We'll see, won't we.
Eva: 得走着瞧,不是吗?

S***: Tell how to get to the lab. (begins whittling the grip of his .45 with his knife)
S***: 告诉我怎么到实验室?

Eva: The safest way in is from the rear. First, you'll have to head north through the jungle. You'll come to a heliport used for shipping materials. Pass the heliport and continue north, and there will be a large crevice. Descend into that area and you'll reach a cave. Move through the cave and you will arrive at a mangrove swamp. After the swamp, there'll be a warehouse. Make your way through the warehouse and you'll come out just south of the lab.
Eva: 最安全的就是从这后面走,首先你得向北穿过森林,来到运输物质的直升飞机场,穿过那里继续往北,就会有一条很大的山谷裂缝。从那里下去,你会发现一个洞。穿越洞穴就是红树林沼泽。过了沼泽就是仓库,当你穿过仓库后,就是实验室的南面了。

S***: Got it.
S***: 明白了。

Eva: And just what are you doing there?
Eva: 你在干吗?

S***: In close range combat, a knife can sometimes be more useful than a gun. By doing this, I'll be able to hold a knife at the same time and still keep the gun steady. That way, I can instantly switch between a gun battle and a knife fight. Right. Let's get going.
S***: 在近战中,刀子有时比枪更有用。这样做,我就可以在握刀的同时保持枪身的稳定。那样,我就可以快速地在枪战和肉搏战中切换。好了,我们开始行动吧。

Eva: Wait a minute.
Eva: 等等。

S***: What now?
S***: 怎么?

Eva: You must be tired. Why don't you take a little rest?
Eva: 你一定很累了,什么不休息一下呢?

S***: I'll be fine. (walks away but staggers)
S***: 我没事。(S***站起来但脚下发软)

Eva: You'll never make it in your condition. It's a jungle out there. There's still an hour before dawn. It's dangerous to be out in the jungle at night without a guide.
Eva: 你现在的状态可怎么都干不了。外面是丛林,离破晓还有一个小时,在没有向导的情况下夜里在丛林中乱闯可是很危险的。

S***: What about you?
S***: 那你呢?

Eva: I have to get back. I can't be gone for too long. They'll start to suspect something. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated over the radio.
Eva: 我得回去了,我不能离开太久,他们会起疑心的。放心,我会用通讯机向你通报最新讯息。

S***: That's it?
S***: 就这样?

Eva: My orders are to provide you with information. Nothing more... You look disappointed. All right then... I'll do something special for you. I'll stand watch until dawn. Now be a good boy and lie down. (S*** turns away) What's the matter?
Eva: 我的任务是为你提供信息,仅此而已... 你看起来好像很失望。好吧,我可以为你提供些特别服务。(Eva俯下身,S***正好可以看到她迷人的乳沟)在天亮前我会一直在这里放哨,现在做个好孩子,乖乖躺下。(S***没有理睬)怎么了?

S***: I don't know you well enough to trust you.
S***: 我对你还没有了解到能相信你的程度。

Eva: How well do you have to know me to trust me?
Eva: 要了解到什么程度才行呢?

S***: I don't know if I can trust anybody. (his radio beeps)
S***: 我不知道可以相信谁。(通讯机响了)

Eva: Gonna get that?
Eva: 不想接吗?

(Para-Medic calls S***)

Para-Medic: She's right S***. You should get some sleep. Although in your condition, you really ought to be back in the ICU... Whenever you save the game and quit, you'll go to sleep. Sleeping allows you to gain back stamina naturally. Depending on how long you sleep, you may also recover naturally from sickness and injury. When you're tired or hurt, the best thing to do is just get some sleep. So do yourself a favor and take a nap. Doctor's orders, OK?
Para-Medic:她是对的, S***。你必须休息一阵。照你现在的情况,其实应该回到重点护理组...只要你储存游戏并退出,你就可以休息了。睡眠可以恢复你的体力,足够的睡眠还可以恢复你的病情和伤势。当你疲劳或受伤的时候,最好就是睡觉。所以现在小小犒劳你自己一下,小睡片刻。这是医生的命令,明白吗?

S***: Yeah, OK.
S***: 好的。

(We next see a shot of Eva using a radio in briefcase while S*** is sleeping. An hour passes and dawn arrives. S*** wakes up to Eva dressing right in front of him. He hears a noise)

S***: !
S***: !

Eva: What's the matter?
Eva: 怎么了?

S***: We're surrounded. I see... 4 of them.
S***: 我们被包围了…我看见了其中的4个。

Eva: We've got company. It's the Ocelot unit. Let's get out of here. Hurry! Don't forget your gear. Here, give me a hand. (they move the bed away to reveal a trapdoor) We can use this to get to the basement. (she crawls down and peeks through the grating) Dammit! Ocelot! I'll get past them on my bike. I'll call you later.
Eva: 我们有伴了,他们是山猫小队。我们离开这里,快!别忘了你的装备。这里,帮我一把。(他们移开床,Eva打开了下面的密门)我们可以从这里下到地脚。见鬼!是Ocelot!我先骑摩托车躲过他们,稍后联系你。

S***: Okay, I'll keep them busy. (Eva kisses S*** on the cheek) !
S***: 好,我来拖延他们。(Eva亲了S***一下)

Eva: Don't go dying on me now.
Eva: 别送命哦。

(Eva crawls away. S*** closes the trapdoor and then draws his knife and gun)


(After defeating the Ocelot unit and heading north, S*** hears several gunshots back at the factory. He goes back to find Ocelot holding Eva hostage on a platform)

Ocelot: I've been waiting for this moment...
Ocelot: 我一直在等着这一刻。

Ocelot: That's it! That's the stance! (Eva tries to escape) I don't think so! (he fondles her chest) Wha...? A female spy? This bitch is wearing perfume... (to S***) Stay where you are! I've had enough of your judo!
Ocelot: 就是那个,那个姿势!(Eva企图挣脱)想跑吗?(摸到Eva的胸部)什么?一个女间谍?这***擦了香水...(对S***说)站着别动!我受够了你的柔道!

S***: I see you've got yourself a single action army.
S***: 我看到你换了支SAA连发左轮***(single action arm简称SAA,是美国柯尔特(COLT)公司在1873年制造的“杰出的回转式连发***”。这种左轮***虽然装弹数方面比现代***要少一半还要多,但连射时绝对不会出现卡壳等致命的故障,因此,颇受射击高手的喜爱)

Ocelot: That's right. There'll be no accidents this time.
Ocelot: 没错,这次不会再有什么意外了。

S***: You call that an accident? Well... it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been showing off.
S***: 你说那是意外?哼,如果你没有卖弄的话那就不会发生了。

Ocelot: What did you say!?
Ocelot: 你说什么?

S***: It's a nice gun, I'll give you that. But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever. Unless you were planning to auction it off as a collector's item. And you're forgetting one more very basic thing... You don't have what it takes to kill me.
S***: 那枪很不错,我会把它留给你的。但那些花纹可给不了你任何战斗上的帮助,除非你拿去当收藏品拍卖。并且,你忘记了非常基本的事情... 少了它你可就杀不了我了。

Ocelot: We'll see!! (he pulls the trigger but nothing happens. He is out of ammo) !
Ocelot: 我们来试试看吧!(他开枪了,但什么也没有发生,因为子弹用光了)

(Eva frees herself and roundhouse kicks him, sending him flying off the platform. She jumps off and lands on her motorcycle. Ocelot tries to stop her but Eva does a back flip on her bike, hitting Ocelot squarely in the face and flooring him. Eva catches his knife on its way down)

S***: 6 shots...
S***: 6发...

Ocelot: ?
Ocelot: ?

S***: That thing only carries 6 shots. The Makarov carries 8. You have to get a feel for how many you have left. (Ocelot recovers his gun) This is a high class weapon. It's not meant for shooting people.
S***: 那玩意只能装6发子弹,马科洛夫***才能装8发,枪膛中还剩多少子弹你得心中有数。这是个高档货,不过那并不意味着用来杀人会很顺手。

Ocelot: Damn! This isn't over yet! (he runs off)
Ocelot: ***!还不算完!(他跑了)

(Eva tries to shoot him but S*** stops her)

S***: Don't!
S***: 不要!

Eva: Why?
Eva: 为什么?

S***: He's still young.
S***: 他还年轻。

Eva: You'll regret stopping me. Dammit! I've got to get back before he does.
Eva: 阻止我你会后悔的。该死!我得在他之前赶回去。

(Eva revs up her bike and goes up the stairs. She ramps off and flies over the rooftop before landing and riding off through a gate)


(while traveling through Chynoryj Prud, Eva calls S***)
(通过Chynoryj Prud时, Eva呼叫了S***)

Eva: S***, are you there?
Eva: S***,你在吗?

S***: Eva?
S***: Eva?

Eva: Did you miss me?
Eva: 想我了没?

S***: Did you make it without any trouble?
S***: 没有遇到什么麻烦吧?

Eva: No one saw me.
Eva: 没人看见我。

S***: So you're back with Volgin?
S***: 你回到Volgin那里了吗?

Eva: In a matter of speaking.
Eva: 可以这么说吧。

S***: What about The Boss?
S***: The Boss情况如何?

Eva: Yeah, she's here too.
Eva: 她也在这里。

S***: Better be careful.
S***: 最好小心点。

Eva: Thanks, I will. The Boss and I get along pretty well, though. I guess we traitors have a lot in common.
Eva: 谢谢,我会的。The Boss和我相处很融洽,我想叛徒之间还是有不少共同语言的。

S***: Why would anyone want to defect? Betraying your country like that... I... I just don't get it.
S***: 为什么要叛变呢?像这样背叛自己的国家……我不理解。

Eva: Are you talking about The Boss?
Eva: 你是在说The Boss吧?

S***: Why'd you do it? Weren't you born and raised in America?
S***: 你为什么也要那么做?难道你不是在美国出生长大的吗?

Eva: Yes, in a small rural town. I never even knew there were other countries, other ***ures, other ways of thinking. Until I went to work for the NSA. Then, one day, I'd found I'd lost faith in the things I'd been taking for granted.
Eva: 是的,在一个田园小镇。我甚至不知道这世界上还有其他的国家、文化、思想……直到我去***工作。有一天,我突然发现我对一直以来深信不疑的事情失去了信任。

S***: What did you see? What was it that made you want to change sides?
S***: 你看到了什么?什么让你改变了立场?

Eva: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Eva: 我告诉你你也不会相信的。

S***: Try me.
S***: 说说看。

Eva: I saw the universe.
Eva: 我看见了宇宙。

S***: The universe?
S***: 宇宙?

Eva: Not the actual universe. The universe as the intelligence community sees it. I realized that the gravity in this universe was holding me back. That's all. People and their countries are both changed by the environment. And by the times.

S***: That sounds like what The Boss was saying.
S***: 听起来像The Boss说过的话。

Eva: There's a world of difference between this country and America. But it's only a difference of position. A difference of perspective. Coming here made me realize something. Half of what I'd been told was a complete and utter lie... the other half was a conveniently constructed lie.
Eva: 美国与苏联是两个截然不同的世界,但只是立场不同,观点不同罢了。来到这里让我明白一些事情,我被告知的事情里面有一半是彻头彻尾的谎言,the other half was a conveniently constructed lie。(这一半就不会翻了)

S***: Where's the truth then?
S***: 那么真相呢?

Eva: It's hidden in the lies.
Eva: 藏于谎言中。

S***: Are you lying, too?
S***: 你也在撒谎吗?

Eva: Who knows? I've been trained to make even the most severe falsehood sound like the honest truth. Weren't you?
Eva: 谁知道?我被训练成能把最恶劣的假话说成最诚实的真相,你不是这样吗?

S***: No. I... believe because I have to. Even if it is a lie. That's part of my mission.
S***: 不,我相信是因为我不得不这样做,即使是个谎言,那也是我任务的一部分。

Eva: I'll have to remember that. If you need to give me a call on the radio, my frequency is 142.52. See ya.
Eva: 我会记住的。如果需要,用通讯机联系我吧,频率是142.52,回见。


(S*** finds the Bolshaya Past Crevice and meets Ocelot)

Ocelot: Ah, you're here at last. Looks like The Boss' info was right. (draws gun) Twice now you've made me taste bitter defeat.
Ocelot: 啊,你最终还是来了。看来The Boss的信息是准确的。你已经两次让我尝到失败的滋味了。

(Ocelot gives that strange animal call and more Ocelot unit soldiers, as well as regular soldiers, appear behind S***)

Ocelot: I hate to disappoint the Cobras but you're mine now. All of you, leave us! (the others lower their weapons) It's just you and me. No one to get in our way. Ocelots are proud creatures. They prefer to hunt alone. (he shows off by twirling two revolvers) 12 shots... (twirls some more) This time, I've got 12 shots. Okay... Draw!
Ocelot: 我不想让眼镜蛇部队失望,不过现在你是我的了。你们所有人,全部撤下。(其他人放下了枪)这是你我之间的较量,现在没人打搅我们了。山猫是高傲的生物,喜欢独自捕猎。(耍弄着两把左轮)12发...这次我有12发。OK,拔枪吧!

(S*** and Ocelot hold each other at gunpoint after the battle. Before they can shoot, swarms of hornets appear)

Ocelot: Damn! He found us!!
Ocelot: 见鬼!他发现我们了!

(The hornets attack everyone in the area. Ocelot is able to fend them off by twirling his revolvers. The other soldiers are not so lucky; all are stung to death. Ocelot hides behind a tree)

Ocelot: You were lucky. We'll meet again! (the same line from MGS1)
Ocelot: 算你走运,我们还会再见面的!(跟MGS1一样的台词)

(Ocelot runs off. S*** cannot hold off the hornets, so he jumps down into crevice)
(Ocelot离开了, S***无奈之下跃下裂缝)


(S*** enters a cave and a swarm of hornets appear. S*** dives into the water to avoid the hornets and surfaces to find The Pain standing on a small island)  
(S***在山洞尽头碰到了The Pain)

Pain: I've caught you at last. We are the sons of The Boss. I am The Pain. I will guide you to a world of anguish beyond your imagination. Let's get started!
Pain:终于让我逮到你了!我们是The Boss之子,我是The Pain,我会领你到一个超越你想像的痛苦世界,开始吧!

(When The Pain dies, he falls to the floor. Hornets begin to swarm around him)
(击败The Pain)

The Pain: The pain... the pain... the pain! (he explodes) The pain!! (echoing)
The Pain:痛苦...痛苦...痛苦!痛苦!!


(S*** enters Ponizovje Warehouse Exterior and takes a look with his binoculars. A guard is pushing Sokolov around)

Sokolov: Get your hands off me! I'm not going anywhere!

(Volgin and the woman from before appear)

Volgin: Really now. How many times must I tell you?
Volgin: 不会吧,到底要我跟你说多少次?

(Volgin places a hand on the woman's shoulder and gives her an electric shock, sending her tumbling down the stairs)

Sokolov: Tanya!

Volgin: Each time you resist, your lover will suffer the consequences. Is that clear?
Volgin: 每次你抵抗,都会让你的情人受到惩罚,还不明白吗?

Sokolov: Volgin...!! (he tries to move forward but the guard pushes him back) Damn you!

(Volgin picks up Tanya and gives her another electric shock. The guard begins to push Sokolov into the warehouse when Ocelot shows up)

Ocelot: Hold it right there, traitor. Let's find out just how lucky you are.
Ocelot: 站着被动,叛徒。让我们来看看你运气如何。

(Ocelot reveals a bullet for his revolver. He loads the bullet)

Ocelot: Watch closely. (takes out three revolvers)
Ocelot: 看清楚了。(手里总共三把左轮)

Ocelot: One of these three guns has a single bullet in it. I'm going to pull the trigger six times in a row. Are you ready?
Ocelot: 三把枪里面只有一把装了一颗子弹。我会连着开六枪,准备好了吗?

(Ocelot juggles the three guns. Each time he pulls a trigger, Sokolov winces. The fifth time a trigger is pulled, Sokolov pisses his pants)

Ocelot: Looks like your luck hasn't run out yet.
Ocelot: 看起来你的运气还没有用光。

(Ocelot is about to pull a trigger the sixth time when The Boss intervenes and grabs the gun. She pulls the trigger and pull is fired into the water)
(Ocelot要开第六枪,但枪在空中被The Boss夺去,子弹击中了别处)

Boss: There's no such thing as luck on the battlefield.
Boss: 在战场上可没有运气这一说。

(Volgin signals to the guard and takes him into the warehouse)

Boss: You'd better stay in line from now on. The Cobras will take care of him.
Boss: 从现在起你最好守规矩点,眼镜蛇部队会好好照看他的。

(The Boss hands the gun back to Ocelot, but he is surprised to see that The Boss has dismantled it with her bare hands. He angrily stomps off)
(The Boss把枪还给他,不过已经被拆得七零八落,Ocelot灰溜溜地离开)

Volgin: Has the CIA dog been disposed of yet?
Volgin: 那条CIA的走狗还没有被解决掉吗?

Boss: The Pain is dead.
Boss: The Pain死了。

Volgin: What!? (he punches the wall several times) He may be a child but he's definitely one of yours! (several bullets wedged in between his knuckles fall to the ground) I fear Khrushchev may have a hand in this. We have no time to lose. You must eliminate him before the final test.
Volgin: 什么!?(一怒之下击破墙壁)他或许还是个孩子,但是他的实力明显和你们不相上下。我担心***已经插手此事,我们不能浪费时间了,你必须在最终试验之前将***掉。

Boss: Don't worry. They'll be bale to handle it.
Boss: 别担心,他们会处理的。

(An old man in a wheelchair comes out of the warehouse)

Boss: I'm leaving him to you, The Fear.
Boss: 我把他交给你了,The Fear。

(The Fear appears and runs across the water, jumping away from scene)
(The Fear出现在推车后面,几个起落消失不见)

Volgin: The old man is always sleeping. Is he all right?
Volgin: 这老头老在睡觉,没问题吧?

Boss: The End is saving what life he has left in him for battle. Normally, he's dead. But he'll wake up when the time is right. (it begins to rain) And when he does, it will The End for the boy.
Boss: The End在为战斗储存剩下的生命。平时,他是死的,但是当时机到了,他就会醒过来,那时就是那孩子的死期。

(Volgin goes to Tanya)

Volgin: Sokolov isn't worth your love. You can entertain me until the rain stops. (walking away) Kuwabara... Kuwabara...
Volgin: Sokolov不值得你爱。雨停之前,你可以让我快活快活。(离开)Kuwabara... Kuwabara...

(Tanya leaves. The Boss looks up into the sky)
(Tanya离开。The Boss看着天空)

Boss: The Sorrow? Is that you? (leaves)
Boss: The Sorrow?是你吗?(离开)


(S*** enters Granin's office in the Graniny Gorki Lab)

Granin: If you're looking for Sokolov, he's not here anymore.
Granin: 你是来找Sokolov的吧,他已经不在这里了。

S***: (draws gun) !

Granin: Put that thing away. You'll spoil my drink. So, you're the intruder everyone's talking about. Typical capitalist dog - no manners. (takes a swig form his flask)
Granin: 把这东西拿开,会坏了我的酒兴的。你就是他们说的那个入侵者吧,典型的资本***走狗,没有礼貌。

S***: And who are you?
S***: 你又是谁?

Granin: You mean you've never heard of me? And you call yourself an agent. Very well, then. Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin. A man of some importance if I do say so myself. I am the foremost weapons scientist in the Soviet Union and the head of the glorious Granin Design Bureau. This is the Order of Lenin. It is an honor of the greatest magnitude given along with the title of "hero of socialism," to only the finest workers. It was awarded to me in recognition of my brilliant contributions to society. Since the Great Patriotic War, I have created countless weapons in the service of our great communist society. It was thanks to me that we were able to stamp out the Nazi scum. It was I who created the basic design for the mobile ballistic system you know and fear as SS-1C. (takes another swig)
Granin: 你的意思是从来没听过我的大名?还是个特工呢。好吧,我是Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin,如果要我自己说的话,是一个重要人物。我是苏联首屈一指的武器科学家兼光荣的格兰宁设计局***。看看这枚***勋章,这是至高无上的荣誉,上面写着“社会***英雄”,只为最纯洁的工人阶级而设,以表彰我对社会所作的巨大贡献。自卫国战争以来,我设计了无数武器为我们伟大的******社会服务。扑灭***也要感谢我,是我进行了移动弹道导弹系统的基础设计,也就是你们熟知并畏惧的SS-1C式导弹。

S***: You're crocked, aren't you?
S***: 你是不是喝醉了?

Granin: I am merely drowning my sorrow. Because of him, I've got nothing to do
but sit here and drink this crap.
Granin: 我只是沉溺在悲伤之中而已。都是因为他,我才无所事事的坐在这里喝这些猫尿。

S***: Him?
S***: 他?

Granin: Sokolov! It's him you're looking for, isn't it? Because of him, I have been stripped of my authority. My research ahs come to nothing. Look! (pulls out some schematics and hands them to S***) It is a revolutionary mobile nuclear missile system, a bipedal ***.
Granin: Sokolov! 你要找的不就是他吗?因为他,我失去了权威,我的研究变得一文不值。看!(把一些图表递给S***)这是***性的移动核导弹系统,双足战车。

S***: A bipedal ***?
S***: 双足战车?

Granin: Yes, a walking *** - a robot! Are you familiar with the theory of the missing link between apes and humans? Well, this technology will be the missing link between infantry and artillery. A kind of metal gear, if you well. And this magnificent metal gear will make a revolutionary step forward in weapons development.
Granin: 是的,能行走的战车,也可以说是机器人!你对“人猿之间的缺失环节”理论熟悉吗?我的这项技术就是步兵与炮兵之间的缺失环节。你可以称它为连接两者的一种金属齿轮。这个牛逼的金属齿轮将是武器发展史上的***性一步。

S***: Metal Gear...
S***: 金属齿轮...
(关于Metal Gear的真正出处终于现身了,国内以前流传甚广的“合金装备”被证实是一个烂烂的译名,Metal Gear的原意就是Granin所说的金属齿轮,连接步兵与炮兵的齿轮。当然引申开来的含义要丰富得多,所以对这个名称,最好的办法就是不去翻译,保留英文原名好了)

Granin: But I won't be used so easily. No, no crying myself to sleep. For you see, I'm going to send these documents to my friend in the United States. (we see a picture of this person who looks a lot like Otacon from MGS1)
Granin: 但是我不会这样认输的,不,我可不甘心哭累了就睡。(这两句是这个意思吗)看,我会把这些文件送交我在美国的朋友。(照片中和Granin合影的那个人看起来像MGS1中的Otacon)

S***: What!?
S***: 什么?

Granin: These bastards will live to regret this. And when they themselves become the targets of my creation, they will know my true greatness. Yes! Sokolov's pathetic Shagohod pales in comparison to my work! What are you going to do with a rocket engine on a ***?
Granin: 这些混蛋将为此悔恨终生的,当他们成为我的发明的目标时,他们会认清我真正的伟大之处。是的!Sokolov的可怜的Shagohod相形之下会黯然失色!带有火箭引擎的战车能用来做什么?

S***: About Sokolov...
S***: 你是指Sokolov的?

Granin: A *** does not need a rocket! It needs something else. Look at these (motions to his legs).
Granin: 战车不需要火箭!它需要别的东西。看这里。(指着腿部)

S***: Nice shoes.
S***: 鞋子不错。

Granin: No. Legs!! Legs that allow it to go anywhere!! Just as when humans learned to walk upright! THAT is the real evolution in weaponry! Don't you agree? But... the fools in charge choose Sokolov.
Granin: 不,是腿!腿可以让它去任何地方!!就像人类学会直立行走!那才是武器的真正进化!你同意吧?然而,那群***却选择了Sokolov。

S***: And where is Sokolov?
S***: Sokolov在哪里?

Granin: My project has been terminated. The Philosopher's Legacy has been handed over to him.
Granin: 我的工程被终止了,“哲学家的遗产”也移交了给他。

S***: What the hell are you talking about?
S***: 见鬼,你在说什么?

Granin: The Philosopher's Legacy. Haven't you heard of the Philosophers? The colonel has inherited their immense legacy. Volgin's father was in charge of the Philosopher's money laundering activities. In the confusion of the war, he somehow ended up with their treasure. And Volgin inherited that treasure illegally. We never need to worry about the military budget. The development costs at our facility are all paid out of the colonel's deep pockets. The weapons born here will be the genes for creating an entirely new form of warfare! The funding for my research came out of that legacy. CAME out of it. Now, my money, my men - all have been diverted to the Shagohod project. Tomorrow they will be conducting the final test. While Sokolov is making the final preparations in the weapons factory, at Volgin's main base, the great fortress of Groznyj Grad, here I am playing host to an enemy spy and drinking myself into a stupor.
Granin: “哲学家的遗产”,你没有听说过“哲学家”吗?上校继承了他们的巨大遗产。Volgin的父亲负责为“哲学家”洗钱,战乱时期,他不知何故带着他们的财富死去,Volgin继承了这笔不法财产。我们从来不需要当心军费,研究所的发展经费全部由上校掏腰包,这里诞生的武器将成为全新战争形态的基因!我的研究资金都来自这笔遗产,现在,我的钱,我的人,都转移到Shagohod计划上了。明天他们将进行最后的试验,现在Sokolov正在Volgin主基地——巨大的Groznyj Grad要塞——里的武器工厂做最后的准备,我却在款待一个敌国间谍,让自己喝个酩酊大醉。

S***: That's where they moved Sokolov?
S***: 他们将Sokolov转移到了那里?

Granin: Yes.
Granin: 是的。

S***: And the Shagohod is there, too?
S***: Shagohod也在那里?

Granin: Of course. (S*** starts to leave) Hey! You're not thinking of going to Groznyj Grad? Are you mad? It's an impenetrable fortress!
Granin: 当然。(S***准备离开)嘿!你不想想怎么去Groznyj Grad吗?疯了吧你?那可是座不可能潜入的要塞。

S***: I'm sure it is.
S***: 我确信这一点。

Granin: You'll be killed!
Granin: 你会被杀的!

S***: I'll take my chances.
S***: 我会想办法。

Granin: Wait!
Granin: 等等!

S***: What?
S***: 怎么?

Granin: Listen to me, you fool! I want to help you.
Granin: 听我说,傻瓜!我是想帮你。

S***: Help me?
S***: 帮我?

Granin: To thank you for your compliment.
Granin: 为了谢谢你的恭维。

S***: What compliment?

Granin: My shoes. Tatyana gave them to me. I wanted to thank you for complimenting me on them. I'll tell you how to get into the fortress. In return, I ask only that you get that idiot out of there and destroy the Shagohod. There is an underground tunnel that runs around the perimeter of the base. You should be able to use it to sneak into the base. Head for the mountains. The entrance to the tunnel is located there. Take this. (hands over a keycard) You passed through a warehouse on your way here, didn't you?
Granin: 我的鞋子,Tatyana送给我的,我想谢谢你对它们的夸奖,我会告诉你如何进入那座基地。作为回报,我只要求你带走那个***并摧毁Shagohod。要塞的周围有一条地下隧道,你可以利用它进入基地。那山顶上去,隧道的入口就在那里。拿着这个。(递过一张钥匙卡)你是穿过了一个仓库到这里的吧?

S***: Yeah.
S***: 是的。

Granin: There should have been a locked door inside of it. Do you remember it?
Granin: 里面有一道锁住的的门,还记得吗?

S***: ...
S***: ...

Granin: This key... will open that door. Beyond that door lies a vast jungle. You climb up into the mountains from the far end of the jungle. Go back to the warehouse. Use the key to open the locked door and head for the mountains. Got it?
Granin: 这把钥匙,可以打开那到门。门后就是辽阔的丛林,你要从从林的尽头上山。回仓库,用钥匙开门,然后上山顶。清楚了吗?

S***: Why are you helping me?
S***: 你为什么要帮我?

Granin: Unlike Sokolov, the thought of defecting has never once crossed my mind. I love... my country. I love this land. I cannot even imagine living anywhere else. I wish to remain a hero... of the great motherland. I cannot bear the thought of being hounded into a corner and left to waste away. It is already dawn. You must hurry. I will remain here and nurse my troubles for a little longer. (S*** starts to leave) To capitalism! (takes another swig)
Granin: 我不像Sokolov,我从来没动过一丝一毫叛变的念头,我爱我的祖国,我爱这片土地。我无法想象生活在别的地方。我仍然想做伟大祖国的一名英雄,我不能忍受缩进墙角,日渐沉沦的想法(这一句也很勉强)。天已经破晓,你得赶紧了,我还要在这呆一小会,解决一些小麻烦。(S***离开)为资本***干一杯!


(S*** is walking through Graniny Gorki South but is ambushed by The Fear. A bolt from a crossbow flies down and hits S*** in the leg. He takes cover behind a tree as The Fear, clad is some sort of stealth camouflage uniform jumps down to the ground)
(S***被The Fear偷袭)

Fear: I am The Fear... That bolt is coated with the venom of the Brazilian Wandering Spider. Soon a most exquisite pain will engulf your entire body. Your limbs will be paralyzed, your lungs cease to draw breath, eventually your heart will stop beating. Ah, but what fun would that be? Not a fitting death at all. The Boss' apprentice... I will give you fear such as you've never experienced before. Come into my web... It is time... (he dislocated his arms) for you to feel the fear!
Fear: 我是The Fear...那只箭涂上了巴西毒蜘蛛的毒液,不久剧烈的痛苦将吞噬你的整个身体。你的四肢将麻痹,你的肺将停止呼吸,最后你的心脏将停止跳动。但那有什么乐趣呢?那根本不是得体的死亡。The Boss的弟子,我会让你尝尝你从未感受过的恐惧,来吧,入我网中,是让你感受恐惧的时刻了!

(S*** defeats The Fear. The Fear is suspended in the air by several ropes, like a spider web)
(S***击败The Fear)

Fear: The fear! The fear!! I see it! The fear!
Fear: 恐惧!恐惧!我看到了!恐惧!


(When S*** enters Svyatogornyj South, Eva calls him)
(S***进入Svyatogornyj South,收到Eva的呼叫)

Eva: S***, are you there?
Eva: S***,你在吗?

S***: Eva? Where are you?
S***: Eva?你在哪?

Eva: In the fortress - in Groznyj Grad. Dr. Sokolov is here, too.
Eva: 在Groznyj Grad要塞。Sokolov博士也在这里。

S***: Is he all right?
S***: 他没事吧?

Eva: He's fine. Right now he's busy putting the finishing touches on the Shagohod.
Eva: 没事。他正忙着Shagohod的最后测试。

S***: Good. That's means they haven't killed him.
S***: 很好,也就是说他们还没有杀掉他。

Eva: Not yet anyway. But you better hurry. They've already finished the Phase 2 tests. Once the final preparations are complete, they'll have no more use for him. The colonel won't have any qualms about killing him if he thinks the CIA is closing in.
Eva: 还没有,但是你最好快点,他们马上就要完成第二阶段的测试了。一旦最后的准备工作就绪,他就没有利用价值了。如果上校怀疑CIA的人就在附近,他会立即杀了Sokolov。

S***: Eva, you can't let Sokolov out of your sight.
S***: Eva, 你不能让Sokolov离开你的视野。

Eva: I know. S***, do you know where Groznyj Grad is?
Eva: 我明白。S***,你知道Groznyj Grad在哪里吗?

S***: Granin told me that I should be able to get there from the mountains to the north through an underground tunnel.
S***: Granin告诉我,穿过这座山北部的地下隧道就可以到那里。

Eva: Granin told you?
Eva: Granin告诉你的?

S***: Yeah. He even gave me the key to the warehouse.
S***: 是的,他甚至给了我打开仓库的钥匙。

Eva: Why?
Eva: 为什么?

S***: Because he was drunk, I guess.
S***: 我想他是喝醉了。

Eva: you've got to be kidding.
Eva: 你在开玩笑吧。

S***: Hell if I know.
S***: 鬼才知道是怎么回事。

Eva: S***, there's one problem with that route.
Eva: S***,那条通道出了点问题。

S***: What problem?
S***: 什么问题?

Eva: The mountain entrance to the underground tunnel that leads to the fortress is sealed. You need a key to get in.
Eva: 通往要塞的地下隧道的山洞入口被锁了,你需要钥匙才行。

S***: A key... what about the key Granin gave.
S***: 钥匙,Granin给我的如何?

Eva: That key won't work. But don't worry. I'll figure something out. I have an idea. There are some ruins at the top of the mountains. Meet me there.
Eva: 那把没用。别担心,我会想办法的。这样吧,山顶有几间废墟,我们在那里碰头好了。

S***: The top of the mountains. Got it.
S***: 山顶,明白了。

Eva: Wait. There's something else I've got to tell you.
Eva: 等等,还有件事要告诉你。

S***: Now what?
S***: 是什么?

Eva: I heard that one of the Cobras is waiting for you in the jungle at the foot of the mountains. He's a legendary sniper call The End.
Eva: 我听说有一名眼镜蛇队员在山脚下的丛林中等你,他是传说中的狙击手,名叫The End 。

S***: Yeah, I've seen him before. That ridiculously old guy, right?
S***: 嗯,我见过他,那个可笑的老家伙,对吗?

Eva: Don't underestimate him. He's known as the father of modern sniping.
Eva: 不要小瞧他,他可被誉为现代狙击之父。

S***: Is he alone? No spotter?
S***: 就他一个人?没有观察员?

Eva: None. He's all by himself. Apparently he doesn't need a spotter.
Eva: 没有,他总是一个人,很明显,他不需要观察员。

S***: You can't be serious.
S***: 你肯定不是说真的。

Eva: The entire forest is on his side.
Eva: 整个森林都站在他那一边。

S***: The forest...
S***: 森林...

Eva: Stay alert.
Eva: 千万小心。

S***: Yeah. I'd hate to have it be the end for me.
S***: 好的,我可不想这样被终结。


(S*** enters Sokrovenno South and hears a noise. From far away, The End lies motionless on the ground. His parrot wakes him up)
(S***进入Sokrovenno South, The End被他的鹦鹉叫醒)

End: I beg of you, grant me the strength to take this final prey. Let me linger in the world just a little longer. I have already slept enough for one lifetime... enough for an eternity. You have my thanks. I have to thank you for waking me. If you hadn't shown up... my sleep... would have been eternal. Do you hear me, S***? I am The End. I am here to send you to your ultimate fate. You'll make a fine quarry for my final hunt.
End: 我祈求您,赐予我力量捕杀这最后的猎物…让我在这世上多逗留片刻吧,我已经沉睡了一生...沉睡了永恒。请收允我的恩谢,感谢您将我从沉睡中唤醒。如果没有您的显现,我将永不醒来。S***,你听到了吗?我是The End,是来送你到归宿之所的。你就自掘坟墓成全我的最终猎杀吧。

(S*** takes cover and calls Eva)

S***: Eva, I found that sniper you were talking about.
S***: Eva,我发现你所说的狙击手了。

Eva: That's The End. He's a legend, known as the "Father of Sniping."
Eva: 那是The End,一个传奇,被誉为“狙击之父”。

S***: I've got experience sniping in urban and marine environments.
S***: 我有过在巷战和海战中的狙击经验。

Eva: What about the forest?
Eva: 森林中呢?

S***: Never.
S***: 没有。

Eva: I see... well, that forest is divided into three areas: a river, a plateau, and a clearing. He should be lying in wait for you in one of those places.
Eva: 明白了...这个森林由三部分组成,河流,高地与空旷地。他会在其中一个地带对你伏击。

S***: Sounds like this may take a while.
S***: 听起来要花些时间了。

Eva: It'll be a test of endurance. Be careful, though. From what I've heard, The End has an almost supernatural knack for camouflaging himself.
Eva: 这是一项耐力的考验。小心,我听说The End拥有神奇的伪装能力。

S***: So whoever moves first, loses... This guys' over a hundred years old, though, so I should have the advantage in terms of stamina.
S***: 那么就是说谁先动谁先死喽?这老家伙有100多岁了吧,在体力方面我应该有些优势。

Eva: I wouldn't be so sure if I were you.
Eva: 如果我是你就不会那么肯定了。

S***: Why's that?
S***: 那是为什么?

Eva: I've heard that his body is photosynthetic, like a plant.
Eva: 我听说他的身体可以像植物那样进行光合作用。

S***: What is he, some kind of monster?
S***: 他是什么东西,某种怪物吗?

Eva: On top of that, he can speak to the forest, too.
Eva: 不光如此,他还能同森林交谈。

S***: So in other words, he knows it inside out?
S***: 换句话说,他对这里了如指掌?

Eva: Uh huh. But he doesn't know you. I'm sure you can beat him.
Eva: 嗯,不过他不了解你,我相信你能击败他。

S***: Don't worry. I intend to.
S***: 别担心,我也这样想。


(If you save the game and quit, S*** will go to sleep. After 3-5 days, loading up the game will cause this scene to occur. S*** is resting against a tree. He wakes up but is shot in the head with a tranquilizer dart. The End has outwitted S***)
(如果你记录并退出游戏,S***将睡着。3-5天后再读取记录,S***将被The End活捉)

End: You disappoint me, young S***... The moment you close your eyes on the battlefield is the moment you never open them again. That's why I don't sleep here...
End: 你让我失望了,小S***...在战场上打盹之时也就是永眠之日,这就是我为什么不会在这里睡觉的原因。


(If you save, quit, and then load the game up after about a week, another scene will occur. S*** spots The End with his back turned and slowly sneaks up on him)
(如果你记录并退出游戏,一个星期后再读取记录,S***将出现在The End的身后)

S***: Drop your weapon. (no response) Drop your weapon!
S***: 放下武器。(没有反应)放下武器!

(The End topples forward. He is dead. S*** calls Zero)
(The End前倾,原来已经死了,S***呼叫Zero)

S***: Major, I found The End. He's dead. What the hell happened?
S***: 少校,我找到了The End,他死了,见鬼,发生什么事了。

Para-Medic: Maybe it was from old age.
Para-Medic: 可能是年龄大了。

Zero: You mean he kicked the bucket in the middle of a battle?
Zero: 你是说他在战斗中嗝屁?

Para-Medic: Maybe.
Para-Medic: 可能。

Zero: Well, S***, the victory is yours.
Zero: 好了,S***,你赢了。

S***: No, I don't think so.
S***: 我可不这么想。

Zero: What do you mean?
Zero: 什么意思?

S***: It was his dying wish to fight me. But I disappointed him.
S***: 他最后的愿望就是和我战斗,但我让他失望了。

Zero: S***, listen to yourself. This is a mission. It's not a game; it's not a sport. You think you're competing for the gold at Tokyo or something?
Zero: S***,听清楚了,这是任务,不是游戏,也不是运动。你以为你是在东京或别的什么地方争夺金牌吗(1964年10月正好是东京奥运会)?

S***: ...I guess you're right...
S***: ...我想你是对的...

Zero: Just focus on completing the mission.
Zero: 集中精力完成任务。

S***: Yes, sir...
S***: Yes, sir...


(S*** wins the battle and The End collapses to the ground)

End: Spirits of the forest... I thank you. The Boss would be proud of you. The time has come for a younger generation to rise. I've been wandering for more than a century and now my journey comes to a close. What a splendid way... to end it all. I have no regrets... I can return to the forest at last...
End: 森之精灵...我感谢你。The Boss一定会为你而自豪,年轻人崛起的时代来临了。我苟活了一个多世纪,现在苦旅终于结束了。终结之路是多么美好啊。我此生无憾..我终于要回到森林了……



(S*** walks into the ruins at the top of the mountains. He sneaks upstairs to find a half-***d Eva getting dressed)

Eva: Well, that was quick.
Eva: 嗯,来得挺快。

S***: You look like you could use some rest.
S***: 看起来你需要休息一下。

Eva: I'll be fine. It's just that playing these two roles hasn't left me much time to sleep.
Eva: 没事,只是扮演两种角色让我睡眠不足。

S***: Where'd you get those cuts?
S***: 你这些伤哪里来的?

Eva: The colonel.
Eva: 上校。

S***: He found out?
S***: 他发现了?

Eva: If he knew, I'd be dead already. No, this is his "hobby." He's a sadist. He gets pleasure out of making people suffer. He's scum... (S*** touches the scars on her back) Does it look that strange to you?
Eva: 如果他发现的话,我早就死了。这不过是他的嗜好而已,他是一个***狂,使别人痛苦能让他得到快感,他是人渣...(S***欲伸手触摸伤疤)这些让你觉得奇怪吗?

S***: No. I'm the same way, scars all over.
S***: 不,我也一样,浑身都是伤。

Eva: Can I see?
Eva: 我能看看吗?

S***: No. (indicates the scar on her abdomen) Where'd you get this one?
S***: 不。(指着她腹部的伤疤)这个又是哪里来的?

Eva: I got it after defecting to the Soviet Union.
Eva: 我投靠苏联之后受的伤。

S***: I don't think so. It's older than that. Code breaking is a desk job. Where'd you get this kind of scar?
S***: 我可不这么认为,这伤疤的时间应该比那更久一些。破译员只是文职工作,你从哪里受这种类型的伤?

Eva: You really want to know?.
Eva: 你真的想知道?

S***: ...
S***: ...

Eva: Well, too bad
Eva: 嗯,可惜。

S***: ...
S***: ...

Eva: A girls' got to have some secrets, you know. But enough about that. You've got to get going. The Phase 2 trial of the Shagohod is about to start. And it looks like someone might be coming to spoil the party.
Eva: 你知道女孩总有一些秘密。不说这些了,你得动身了。Shagohod的第二阶段测试马上就要开始了,好像有人要来搅乱这个派对。

S***: Khrushchev?
S***: ***?

Eva: His forces are on their way here. The colonel is gathering his troops together to meet them. If we don't get a move on the security will be even tighter than it is now. You'll need this key. (hands it to S***) It unlocks the door to the underground tunnel. Once you're in there, you can follow the tunnel to get inside Groznyj Grad. And take this, too. (pulls out two packages of instant noodles)
Eva: 他的军队已经在路上了,上校也在调兵遣将。如果我们不快一点的话,戒备将比现在森严很多。你会需要这把钥匙的,它可以打开地下通道的门。到那里后你可以沿着通道潜入Groznyj Grad。还有,带上这个。(拿出两袋方便面)

S***: What is it?
S***: 什么玩意?

Eva: The food of the future. A well-balanced meal for the space age. It's good to eat some real food once in a while. I'll bet if I kissed you, you'd taste like a wild animal.
Eva: 未来食品,太空时代的均衡营养餐,偶尔吃点真正的食品也不错。我打赌你吻起来的味道像野兽。

(we some shots of the Groznyj Grad)
(镜头转向Groznyj Grad)

S***: Do you know where exactly in Groznyj Grad Sokolov is located?
S***: 你知道Sokolov在Groznyj Grad的哪个地方吗?

Eva: He's in the heart of the fortress, the weapons lab. The weapons lab is divided into three wings. There's the east wing which houses the research facilities. Then there's the main wing where the weapons are assembled. That's where the Shagohod is. Finally, there's the west wing which is connected via a passageway to the main building. That's where Sokolov is. To get in, you'll have to enter the main wing from the east wing. Then, go through the passageway on the second floor of the main wing.
Eva: 他在要塞的中心——武器研究所。武器研究所分成三部分,东翼是研究设施,主楼为武器装配间,Shagohod就在那里,最后是通过一个走廊跟主楼连接的西翼,Sokolov在那里。要进入那里,你必须先从东翼进入主楼,然后通过主楼二层的走廊。

S***: The west wing of the weapons lab. Got it.
S***: 武器研究所的西翼,明白了。

Eva: There's just one problem.
Eva: 不过有个问题。

S***: Not again...
S***: 不会吧...

Eva: The west wing is protected by the highest level of security. You need to be colonel class to get in.
Eva: 西翼有顶级的安检措施,你必须有上校级别才能进去。

S***: Colonel class?
S***: 上校级别?

Eva: Here, look at this picture. (The picture is of Volgin and another man) Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov. Pretend you're him.
Eva: 看,这张照片。(Volgin和某人的合影)Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov少校,你就假扮成他。

S***: How do I do that?
S***: 怎么做?

(we see Raikov, who looks just like Raiden from MGS2, walking in the east wing)

Eva: Steal his clothes. You look similar from behind so they won't know the difference. Your face might be a problem so you'll just have to figure something out. He should be somewhere in the east wing.
Eva: 偷他的衣服,从背后看上去你们差不多,他们认不出来的。你的脸倒是个问题,你得自己想办法。他会在东翼的某处。

(the scene returns to S*** and Eva)

S***: All right. But how am I supposed to escape once I get Sokolov out of there? Command said you're supposed to have something ready for me.
S***: 好吧。但是我找到Sokolov后该如何脱身呢?上头说你已经为我安排好了。

Eva: And I do. There's a lake 30 miles north of here. I hid a WIG there.
Eva: 是的,此地向北30英里有一个湖,我在那里藏了一辆WIG。(wing in ground,地效翼船,利用船翼愈贴近水面升力愈大的表面效果原理,能够在水面上方3-5米处悬空下以最高时速600公里的速度飞驰,是介于船和飞机间的新型水上交通工具)

S***: A WIG?
S***: 一辆WIG?

Eva: It's a state-of-art ground effect vehicle.
Eva: 采用尖端技术的地效翼船。

S***: A ground effect vehicle. I can't fly one of those!
S***: 地效翼船,我可开不了那个!

Eva: That's okay. I happen to be an excellent pilot.
Eva: 没事,我碰巧是个优秀的飞行员。

S***: Taking off from a lake is trickier than it looks. It's not like riding a motorcycle. You've got to be delicate.
S***: 在湖上起飞可比看起来难很多,那可不是开摩托,需要更高超的技术。

Eva: Of course I will. You've seen how good I am with the bike, right?
Eva: 我当然可以,你没见我开摩托那么牛吗?

(S*** looks down and notices some dirt on one of Eva's boots)
(S*** 注意到Eva的一只靴子上有些污垢)

S***: Right. You handle the escape, then. I'll head for Groznyj Grad.
S***: 好吧。你负责撤退,我现在去Groznyj Grad。

Eva: Wait a minute. There's something I wanted to ask you.
Eva: 等一下.有些事情我想问你。

S***: What?
S***: 什么?

Eva: What's the story between you and The Boss?
Eva: 你和The Boss之间的故事。

S***: She was like a mother... and my master.
S***: 她就像我的母亲,也是我的恩师。

Eva: And your lover?
Eva: 也是你的爱人?

S***: It went deeper than that.
S***: 比那还要深。

Eva: Deeper?
Eva: 还深?

S***: Half of me belongs to The Boss.
S***: 我的一半属于The Boss。

Eva: Do you love her?
Eva: 你爱她?

S***: No, nothing like that.
S***: 不,不是这样。

Eva: Do you hate her?
Eva: 那你恨她?

S***: Does it have to be one or the other - love or hate?
S***: 爱或恨只能择一?

Eva: Between a man and a woman. You bet.
Eva: 在男女之间,当然。

S***: For ten years, we lived and died together. You couldn't possibly
S***: 10年了,我们在一起出生入死,你无法理解的。

Eva: And you think you can kill her now? That's your mission, isn't it? Assassinating The Boss.
Eva: 你认为你现在能杀她?那是你的任务,对吧,刺杀The Boss。

Eva: S***, is there anyone you like? Someone special?
Eva: S***,你有喜欢过谁吗?某个特别的人?

S***: I've never been interested in other people's lives. (These lines are an obvious reference to the same conversation S*** and Meryl had in MGS1)
S***: 我对别人的生活从不感兴趣。(MGS1中, S***和Meryl也有过这样的对白)

Eva: You were interested in The Boss.
Eva: 你对The Boss感兴趣。

S***: She was different.
S***: 她是不同的。

Eva: Really? How do you feel about me?
Eva: 真的吗?那你对我感觉如何?

S***: I should be asking you the same question.
S***: 我应该问你同样的问题。

Eva: Me? I can fall in love - if it's part of the mission. (unzips the front part of her suit) Even with you... (she kisses him several times, but he doesn't move) S***? What's wrong?
Eva: 我?我可以坠入爱河——如果那是任务的一部分。(拉下衣服的拉链)即使是和你...(她吻了S***,但他好像不为所动)S***?怎么了?

(S*** turns to leave but they hear a crashing noise. The two head outside to a cliff overlooking Groznyj Grad. Eva gets on her bike)

Eva: See you 'round, S***. Take care of yourself.
Eva: 呆会见,S***,小心点。

S***: What about you?
S***: 你要干吗?

Eva: I've got to hurry back and play my... other part.
Eva: 我得赶紧回去,扮演另一个我。

S***: Are you going to be OK?
S***: 不会有事吧?

Eva: Not sure... they're not stupid and they know there's a spy. There's no way you could have gotten this far all by yourself.
Eva: 不知道...他们不是笨蛋,而且他们已经知道有内奸,你一个人是走不了这么远的。

(Eva revs up the bike and flies off the cliff. S*** uses his binoculars and watches her go. Then, he focuses inside the base and sees Volgin punching a steel barrel. The barrel begins to leak blood. Volgin delivers a powerful punch and barrel flies into several more barrels. The charred body of Granin is ejected from the barrel.)

Ocelot: Colonel, did he talk?
Ocelot: 上校,他交代了吗?

Volgin: No. He died before I could get it out of him.
Volgin: 没有,在我挖出答案之前他就死翘翘了。

Ocelot: He wasn't the spy, then?
Ocelot: 那么说他不是内奸了?

(Volgin removes the sole of Granin's shoe and pulls out a small electronic device.)

Volgin: Look at this.
Volgin: 看这个。

Ocelot: A transmitter?
Ocelot: 发报机?

Volgin: Exactly. Planted to keep someone informed of his location. (he sends can electrical current through his and destroys the transmitter)
Volgin: 对,让人知道他的方位。(放出电流毁了发报机)

Ocelot: But... does this mean Granin was the spy?
Ocelot: 但...这就说明Granin是那个内奸?

Volgin: Perhaps he was being used by someone else.
Volgin: 也许他是被其他人利用了。

Ocelot: Perhaps? This man was our comrade!
Ocelot: 也许?这人可是我们的同志!

Volgin: Comrade or not, he is of no use to us now.
Volgin: 管他是不是,反正他现在对我们已经没用了。

Ocelot: I don't approve of your methods!
Ocelot: 我不同意你的观点!

Volgin: I don't need your approval. I'm in command here.
Volgin: 我不需要你的同意,我是这里的长官。

Ocelot: ...and that nuclear shell.
Ocelot: ...还有那枚核弹。

Volgin: Still feeling sore about that, are you? What are you going to do, report it to the authorities? This is war, Major. A Cold War, fought with information and espionage. We must root out spies wherever they hide. It is kill or be killed. Potential threats must be weeded out. Your feelings are a menace to the unity of our organization. Someone is guiding the enemy's hand. A single man can only accomplish so much. Make no mistake, there is a spy among us.
Volgin: 还对那个耿耿于怀,是吧?你想怎样,向政府当局报告吗?这是战争,少校,是冷战,靠的是信息和谍报。我们必须找出间谍,无论他们藏身何处。不是你死就是我亡,潜在的威胁必须清除,你的情绪对我们组织的团结是个威胁。有人在帮助我们的敌人,他一个人是办不成那么多事的。没错,我们中间有奸细。

Ocelot: But casting suspicion on our own comrades...
Ocelot: 但是怀疑我们的同志...

Volgin: The C3 explosives have been stolen.
Volgin: C3炸药已经被偷了。

Ocelot: You think it was the American?
Ocelot: 你认为是那个美国人?

Volgin: No. He could not have reached this fortress yet.
Volgin: 不,他还没有到要塞。

Ocelot: Then who?
Ocelot: 那么是谁?

Boss: I'd be careful about suspecting your own men.
Boss: 我怀疑是你们内部的人。

Volgin: Boss?
Volgin: Boss?

(Tatyana shows up as well)

Ocelot: Where have you been?
Ocelot: 你哪里去了?

Boss: The Fear and The End have fallen. (throws The Fear's crossbow on the ground. Ocelot picks it up)
Boss: The Fear和The End都失败了。(The Fear的弓弩被扔在地上,Ocelot捡起)

Volgin: (punching a barrel) Damn it! CIA dog! That leaves only The Fury. How can the legendary Cobras be beaten so easily?
Volgin: ***!CIA走狗!现在只剩下The Fury了,传说中的眼镜蛇部队怎么就这么不堪一击?

Ocelot: He's good...
Ocelot: 他很厉害啊...

Volgin: Fallen for him?
Volgin: 被他迷住了?

Boss: Don't worry. I'll take care of him.
Boss: 别担心,我会干掉他的。

Volgin: What is he after? It must be more than just Sokolov.
Volgin: 他到底要什么?肯定不仅仅只有Sokolov这么简单。

Boss: America is out to destroy the Shagohod and get its hands on your inheritance... the Philosopher's Legacy.
Boss: 美国是想摧毁Shagohod并且得到你所继承的东西——哲学家的遗产。

Volgin: Impossible! The Legacy... it...
Volgin: 不可能!遗产...它...

Boss: And they're out to kill me as well. Colonel, tighten the security on this place. He's coming here - I'm sure of it! I'm going to get the Davy Crockett.
Boss: 而且他们也想要我的命。上校,加强这里的戒备。他来了,我肯定。我现在去拿Davy Crockett。

(She leaves, as does Volgin. Ocelot is about to leave when he smells something)

Ocelot: Mm? Perfume? Hmm... (points the crossbow at Tatyana) Nice boots. (they are the same boots Eva was wearing) Make sure you polish them up properly.
Ocelot: 嗯?香水?(用弓弩指着Tatyana)鞋子不错,(明显跟Eva穿的是一样的)要注意保养哦。


(S*** walks through the underground tunnel and encounters The Fury)
(S***进入地下通道并遇上了The Fury)

Fury: I am The Fury! The flames of my rage will incinerate you! I came back form space. As I returned, I had one vision - the world set ablaze. And do you know what I saw there? Fury! (flies up in the air with jet pack) A great and terrible fury at being alive. Now - you're going to feel the scorching of that terrible blackness!
Fury: 我是The Fury!我愤怒的烈焰将把你烧成灰烬!我从太空中回来,当我回来时,一个烈焰冲天的世界呈现在我眼前。你知道我在那里看见了什么吗?怒火!巨大而恐怖的怒火在熊熊燃烧。现在,你好好感受那骇人黑暗的灼热吧!

(S*** defeats The Fury)
(S***击败The Fury)

Fury: Boss... this is the end of the Cobras. You've got to live on... you're the only one left. I'm off... to join The Sorrow. (he removes his helmet and begins to suck in all the flames) Behold the flames of fury! The fires of Hell will purge me clean! I can see it! Mission control, do you read me? (fires up jet pack) I'm coming home!! I can see the earth...
Fury: Boss.. 这是眼镜蛇部队的终结,你要活下去,你是唯一的生者。我要走了,去见The Sorrow。看这愤怒的火焰!这地狱的火焰将把我涤清!我看见了!指挥塔,你听到了吗?我回家了!!我看见了地球...

(He changes into a giant flaming face, flying around the room. S*** dodges some debris and barely manages to make it through a door before the face crashes and explodes)


(S*** enters Groznyj Grad. We see several shots of the base and the patrolling guards. S*** takes cover behind some boxes and prepares for the infiltration)
(After taking out Raikov, S*** drags his body to the locker room and removes his clothes. S*** stuffs the Major into a locker)
(S*** arrives at Sokolov's room and takes off his hat and mask. He is about to enter)

Sokolov: Here it is. (hands some film to Tatyana)
Sokolov: 给你。(把一个胶卷交给Tatyana)

Tatyana: You can count on me. What about the Philosopher's Legacy?
Tatyana: 你可以信任我。哲学家的遗产怎么样了?

Sokolov: I don't know anything about that. (Tatyana pulls out her tube of lipstick) What are you...! Are you trying to kill me?
Sokolov: 我对那个可一无所知。(Tatyana掏出口红)你干什么!要杀我吗?

Tatyana: What's the matter?
Tatyana: 是又怎样?

Sokolov: I know nothing. I swear it! No one but the colonel knows of the Legacy!
Sokolov: 我真的不知道,我发誓!除了上校没有人知道那遗产!

Tatyana: I see. (holding the tube in his face)
Tatyana: 我知道。

Sokolov: No, don't...!
Sokolov: 不,不要!

(Tatyana reveals that the tube really is just lipstick. She puts some on and leaves, not noticing S*** hiding behind some boxes. S*** enters the room)

Sokolov: Who's there? You're the man from the CIA. What are you doing here?
Sokolov: 谁在那里?你是CIA的那个人,你到这里干什么?

S***: I told you before, didn't I? I'm going to get you out of here.
S***: 以前我不是跟你说过吗?我要带你离开这里。

Sokolov: Hmph... a man of honor, just like your commander. But I'm afraid you're too late.
Sokolov: 嗯…诚信之人,像你的长官一样。不过恐怕你来得太晚了。

S***: Too late? Don't tell me... the Shagohod's...?
S***: 太晚了?别告诉我Shagohod已经…?

Sokolov: Exactly. The final preparations for Phase 2 are complete.
Sokolov: 是的,第二形态的最终准备工作已经完成了。

S***: Sokolov, what exactly is Phase 2?
S***: Sokolov,究竟什么是第二形态?

Sokolov: To put it in technical terms, it is a composite range extension system for medium-range ballistic missiles. The Shagohod was originally designed as a *** that could launch nuclear missiles from any type of terrain. There was just one problem we couldn't figure out how to solve. ICBMs we have today are simply too big for the Shagohod to carry. But the military would not hear of it. They demanded a weapon that could launch a nuclear missile directly into the American homeland. That is when I came up with the idea for Phase 2.
Sokolov: 用专业术语来说,就是中程弹道导弹的复合射程扩展系统。Shagohod最初被设计为在任何地形上都可以发射核弹的战车,只是有一个问题我们没能想出怎么解决,那就是目前的洲际弹道导弹对于来说Shagohod实在是太大了。但是军方听不进去,他们要求一种可以用核弹直接攻击美国本土的武器,当时我便有了第二阶段的念头。

S***: But there's no way you could load an ICBM onto the Shagohod. So how'd you do it?
S***: 但不是没有办法将洲际弹道导弹安放在Shagohod上面吗?那么你怎么办?

Sokolov: By accelerating the Shagohod itself.
Sokolov: 通过Shagohod自身的加速。

S***: Accelerating it?
S***: 加速?

Sokolov: In Phase 2, a rocket booster engine is attached to the frame of the Shagohod. The unit incorporates the same technology used the Vostok rocket that sent Major Gagarin into space. Using this booster, the Shagohod can achieve a land speed of over 300 miles per hour.
Sokolov: 在第二阶段,将一个火箭推进器安装在Shagohod的架构上,这个技术同样用于将加加林少校送上太空的东方号火箭上。利用这个推进器,Shagohod可以达到300英里以上的陆地时速。

S***: That monster can go more than 300 miles per hour?
S***: 那鬼东西能跑到时速300英里以上?

Sokolov: Yes. And from this state of accelerated motion, it launches a nuclear missile.
Sokolov: 是的。然后在这种加速运动的状态中发射核弹。

S***: So the Shagohod acts like the first stage of a rocket.
S***: 也就是说Shagohod 起到了初级助推火箭的作用。

Sokolov: Yes, precisely. The range of the missile launched by the Shagohod thus increases from 2500 miles to 6000 miles.
Sokolov: 完全正确。通过Shagohod,导弹的射程将从2500英里提升到6000英里。

S***: 6000 miles... that's enough to strike anywhere in the United States.
S***: 6000英里...足够攻击美国的任何地方了。

Sokolov: Not only that, with the Shagohod there is no need to construct giant silos like the ones used to house ICBMs. All you need is a runway about 3 miles in length, or its equivalent, and you can launch a thermonuclear strike against any location in the United States from anywhere in the Soviet Union. It cannot be detected by spy planes or satellites. It's a mobile fortress, capable of deploying in secret and launching its payload at any time.
Sokolov: 不仅如此,使用Shagohod不需要像装载洲际弹道导弹那样去建造巨大的发射井,你只需一条3英里长的飞机跑道或差不多的玩意,就能让它在苏联的任何地方向美国的任一位置发动核打击,而不会被间谍飞机或卫星侦查到。它是一座移动堡垒,能随时隐秘部署并发射它荷载的武器。

S***: A weapon from hell...
S***: 来自地狱的武器...

Sokolov: A completed prototype now sits in the hangar. At present, it is the only one of its kind. But Volgin is planning to mass-produce them based on that prototype.
Sokolov: 完成形态现在就在飞机库中。目前这种型号只有一架,但是Volgin西计划要依据原型机进行量产。

S***: And deploy them all over the Soviet Union?
S***: 要在苏联全境部署它们吗?

Sokolov: Yes. And that's not the end of it. He's going to ship them to Eastern Europe, to Asia... to all the countries of the Eastern bloc. Even worse, he intends to use the Shagohod as bait to foment armed uprisings against dictators, ethnic insurgents, and revolutionary groups throughout the Third World. His funds are nearly limitless. He could start mass production tomorrow if he wanted. The reason that tensions between the East and West have settled into a Cold War is because each side fears the other's power. "Deterrence" - the idea of using threats to keep one's enemy in check - is the perfect word to sum up the state of affairs. But the Shagohod goes far beyond the level of "threat." It will render the concept of "deterrence" utterly meaningless. If such a weapon is unleashed on the world, it will not be long before all nations are engulfed in conflict. The Cold War will end and the entire planet will be consumed by the fires of war. Volgin and Shagohod will be the center of it all. So you see, it is already too late.
Sokolov: 是的。但那还没有完,他想把它们运到东欧,亚洲,所有的东部阵营国家。更糟糕的是,他打算用Shagohod作为诱饵,来煽动反***的武装***、种族***和遍及第三世界的***团体的兴起。他的资金接近无限,如果他愿意,明天就能进行量产。东西方之所以形成冷战僵局,是因为他们彼此忌惮对方。“威慑”——即用威胁来牵制敌人的想法——是对这种事态的最好概括。但是Shagohod远远超过了“威胁”的程度,它将使“威慑”的概念彻底无意义。如果这种武器出现在世界上的话,所有国家都被卷入战争的的日子就不会遥远了。冷战将会结束,整个星球将被战火毁灭。Volgin和Shagohod将会成为一切的中心。所以说,已经太晚了。

S***: No, it's not too late.
S***: 不,还不算晚。

Sokolov: What do you mean?
Sokolov: 什么意思?

S***: We've still got a chance. All we have to do is destroy the prototype and the whole facility before they can mass-produce it.
S***: 我们还有机会,我们要做的就是在它们能量产之前摧毁原型机和整个研究所。

Sokolov: But...
Sokolov: 但是...

S***: Just tell me what I need to do to destroy this place.
S***: 只需告诉我我怎样才能毁了这个地方。

Sokolov: All right. The liquid fuel used in the rocket engine is stored in a ***. If you can blow it up somehow. Some C3 ought to be enough to blow the entire hangar to smithereens.
Sokolov: 好吧,用于火箭推进器的液体燃料储存在一个油箱里,如果你能想办法炸掉它的话。一些C3应该足够把飞机棚轰成渣了。

S***: C3? You mean that cutting-edge plastic explosive?
S***: C3? 你是说那种最新型的可塑性炸药?(cutting是用刀来切东西的意思,edge就是一样东西的边缘。Cutting edge就是类似刀或斧头那种工具的锐利边缘,也就是刀口。作为习惯用语,它的意思就是:最先进的技术)

Sokolov: It can be molded into any shape. The bomb of the future.
Sokolov: 它可以被捏成任何形状,一种未来的炸药。

S***: Where can I get it?
S***: 哪里能找到它?

Sokolov: There was some in the armory here but now it's gone. It was stolen by a females spy who here a minute ago.
Sokolov: 这里的军械库有一些,但是现在没了,被几分钟前在这里的一个女间谍偷走了。

S***: Eva?
S***: Eva?

Sokolov: No, that's not her name. Her name is Tatyana. She made her way in here by becoming Volgin's lover.
Sokolov: 不,那不是她的名字,她叫Tatyana。靠着做Volgin的情人,她在这儿站稳了脚跟。

S***: I though she was your lover.
S***: 我以为她是你的情人。

Sokolov: Mine? Oh, no, she is Volgin's lover. This is my lover. (hands over a picture)
Sokolov: 我的?哦不,她是Volgin的情人,这才是我的爱人。(掏出一张照片)

S***: Who are they?
S***: 他们是谁?

Sokolov: My wife and daughter. They're in America.
Sokolov: 我的妻子女儿,他们在美国。

S***: Now I remember. Your family is the custody of the CIA. How long has Tatyana been here?
S***: 现在我想起来了,你的家人在CIA的监护之下。Tatyana在这里呆多久了?

Sokolov: Only a few weeks.
Sokolov: 只有几个星期。

S***: A few days before the Virtuous Mission, then.
S***: 也就是在贞节任务前一段时间。

Sokolov: She said that Khrushchev sent her.
Sokolov: 她说是***派来的。

S***: What did you just give her?
S***: 你起先给了她什么东西?

Sokolov: All of the experimental data for the Shagohod. Please, it is essential that you destroy the Shagohod.
Sokolov: Shagohod的所有实验数据。求你了,摧毁Shagohod是关键。

S***: I will. But first, I've got to get you to safety.
S***: 我会的,不过首先我要带你到安全的地方去。

Sokolov: No... I'm not going.
Sokolov: 不,我不去。

S***: My mission is to rescue you!
S***: 我的任务是救你!

Sokolov: Leave me.
Sokolov: 别管我。

S***: Sokolov!
S***: Sokolov!

Sokolov: Khrushchev has abandoned me. I cannot return to my country. I would most certainly be sent to the gulags.
Sokolov: ***抛弃了我,我不能回到我的祖国了,我肯定会被送到gulag(******,和***的***、柬埔寨的杀人场同样臭名昭著,具体可上网搜索)。

S***: What about the US?
S***: 去美国如何?

Sokolov: Yes. I once thought of that. My family is waiting for me there. But even if I fled to the United States, I would once again find myself creating weapons of mass murder. In the end, it doesn't matter where I go. I am still a weapons scientist. To be honest with you, I am tired. Every day, I help create things that should never be used - things that should never have existed in the first place. Every day, without sleep. Without a word of praise from others. And my creations do not even benefit mankind. They are merely the tools of politicians. All I wanted to do was build space rockets. But it was not to be. The space race between America and Russia became the prey the of politicians. The space race and the arms race are one and the same. Missiles, rockets... what's the difference? Scientists are always being used. Please watch over my family.
Sokolov: 是的,我想过的,我的家人还在那里等我。但是即使我逃到美国去,我还是会去制造大规模杀伤性武器。最后,我到哪里已经不重要了,我只是一个武器科学家,老实跟你说,我累了。每天,我都在制造不应该被使用的东西——那些东西根本就不应该存在。每天夜不能寐。没有别人哪怕一个字的称赞,我的创造给人类带来不了任何好处,它们不过是政客的工具。我想制造的只是太空火箭,但可惜也不成,美国和苏联的太空竞赛成了政客们的***。太空竞赛和军备竞赛是一样的,导弹,火箭,哪里不同?科学家们总是被利用。请照料好我的家人。

(S*** and Sokolov hear Volgin coming. S*** quickly dons his disguise as Volgin walks in)

Volgin: Major, what are you doing here? I've been waiting for you in my room.
Volgin: 少校,你在这里干什么?我在房间里等你很久了。

(S*** does not respond. Volgin suddenly grabs S***'s groin. S*** pushes him away but Volgin does it again. He senses something isn't quite right)

Volgin: Who are you!? Don't play dumb with me. If you think you can fool me, you are sorely mistaken. I know the major better than anyone else. I come here looking for Tatyana, and what should I find... but a greasy freebooter!
Volgin: 你是谁!?别跟我装聋作哑,如果你以为能骗我,就大错特错了。我比任何人都更了解少校。我原本是来找Tatyana,没想却找到了...一个肮脏的海盗!

(Volgin pulls a gun and aims it at S***. He then targets Sokolov and shoots both of his kneecaps. Volgin aims back at S***, but S*** turns the tables and throws Volgin to the ground with lightning speed. S*** is now aiming Volgin's gun at him but The Boss walks in. S*** and The Boss fight each other but as always, The Boss manages to subdue S***)
(S*** 轻易打倒了Volgin,但最终不敌随后进来的The Boss)

Boss: What is this fairy disguise? It's gonna rub off on you. And then you'll lose sight of who you really are.
Boss: 这漂亮的伪装是什么?它会感染你,然后你就会看不见真正的自己。

(The Boss pulls off the mask. Volgin recovers his gun and is about to shoot S***)
(The Boss撕下了面具,Volgin举枪)

Boss: Stay out of this! (throws Volgin to the ground)
Boss: 你别插手!(将Volgin摔倒在地)

Volgin: I see why they call you The Boss. What was that, some kind of judo?
Volgin: 我明白他们为什么叫你The Boss了。那是什么?某种柔道吗?

Boss: No, it's called CQC, a basic form of close-quarters combat. He and I developed it together.
Boss: 不,这叫CQC,近身格斗的基本招数,他和我一起创造的。

Volgin: Splendid! I will take it from here.
Volgin: 真华丽!下面我来接手吧。

Boss: Are you going to kill him?
Boss: 你要杀了他?

Volgin: Of course. But first, I will make him pay for hurting Ivan!
Volgin: 当然,但是首先,我要让他为伤害Ivan付出代价!

(The Boss leaves, passing by Ocelot in the corridor. Volgin proceeds to beat the crap out of S***, who is too weak to fight back. Volgin sends a final punch, which knocks S*** cold)
(The Boss离开了,Volgin开始猛殴S***)


(S*** awakens in the Groznyj Grad torture room. There is a bag over his head, so he cannot see anything. However, he can hear Sokolov undergoing an interrogation)

Volgin: Tell me!!
Volgin: 快说!!

Tatyana: Stop it!
Tatyana: 住手!

Volgin: Who have you been talking to!?
Volgin: 你起先和谁在说话!?

Tatyana: He doesn't know what you're talking about!
Tatyana: 他不知道你在说什么!

Volgin: You'd better start talking!!
Volgin: 你最好给我开口!!

Tatyana: Please, stop this!
Tatyana: 求你了,住手!

Volgin: Who is Khrushchev's lapdog!?
Volgin: 谁是***的哈巴狗!?

Tatyana: How can you do this to him?
Tatyana: 你怎么能这样对他?

Volgin: I know you gave the data to someone!!
Volgin: 我知道你把数据给了某人!!

Tatyana: He'd never do a thing like! You monster.
Tatyana: 他从未做过这种事情!你这魔鬼。

(we hear a loud crashing noise)

Volgin: ...I guess he's dead. (goes to S***) Now then... I hope you'll prove more entertaining then he was. But first, let's take a look at your body, shall we?
Volgin: ...我猜他是嗝屁了。(走向S***)那么现在,我希望你能证明你比他更有趣些。不过首先,让我们来看看你的体格,好吗?


(Volgin's comments are base don how many serious wounds you've had. If you've had a lot:)

Volgin: You're a tough one my friend, a lesser man would be dead by now.
Volgin: 你很强壮我的朋友,弱一点的人到现在应该翘辫子了。

(If you've had not quite as many:)

Volgin: Hmm... you've certainly seen your share of battles.
Volgin: 嗯,你的确是久经战场的。(是这个意思吗)

(If you've had very little:)

Volgin: Your skin is fresh, like that of an infant, but we're going to change that.
Volgin: 你的皮肤很嫩,像个婴儿,不过我们现在要改改。


Volgin: Consider yourself lucky. I am about to show you what hell is really like. (he starts hitting S*** while asking questions) Well, then, let's get started. What is your target? Is it the Shagohod!? Or Sokolov!? Or maybe it's the Legacy!? Answer me! Who is helping you!? Who let you in here!? You're a tough one. But even you must have your limits. And I am a patient man.
Volgin: 你很幸运,让我来给你看看什么是真正的地狱。(之后每问一个问题便殴S***一拳)那么,现在开始吧。你的目标是什么?Shagohod吗!?或者是Sokolov!?还是那笔遗产!?回答我!你的同伙是谁!?谁领你进来的!?你的确有够顽强,但是你总有极限的,我可是很有耐心的人呢。

(We see S*** hanging in a torture room. Volgin throws some water on S***. Ocelot is silently watching)

Volgin: Where is where the fun really begins! My body carries an electric charge of 10 million volts. Let's see how you like this! (he begins to electrocute S***) Now, answer me! How much does the CIA know? They're after my Legacy, aren't they? Your real target is the Philosopher's Legacy, isn't it? Yes, yes! Let yourself go! That is what I want to see.
Volgin: 好戏正式开演!我的身体带有一千万伏特的电压,我们来看看你对此有多么喜欢吧!(开始放电)现在回答我!CIA知道多少?他们盯着我的遗产,对吧?你真正的目标是哲学家的遗产是不是?是的,是的!投降吧!那才是我想看到的。

(The Boss and Tatyana enter)
(The Boss和Tatyana进来了)

Boss: It's no use. He's not going to talk. He's been trained not to break. Trained by me.
Boss: 没用的,他不会说的。他被训练成不会招供,是我训练的。

Volgin: Admit it! You're after the location of the Legacy! The secret fund established by the three Great Powers during the two World Wars. That's what you're looking for isn't it? One hundred billion dollars. Divided up and hidden all over the world. And you're looking for a record of where all that money is hidden, right? No matter. The Philosopher's Legacy is safely in my possession, in the underground vault of Groznyj Grad. You will never lay a finger on it! (he punches S*** again and small object falls to the floor) What's this? A transmitter. Who is responsible for this?
Volgin: 承认吧!你在寻找遗产的位置!在二战中由三方强大势力设立的秘密基金,那就是你要找的,对吗?一千亿美元,被分散藏在世界各地,你是在寻找所有资金隐藏何处的记录,对吧?不管怎样,哲学家的遗产现在安全地在我手中,在Groznyj Grad的地下拱顶里,你一个指头都别想碰!(他又蹂躏了S***一下,一个发报机掉了出来)这是什么?发报机,谁要对此负责啊?

Boss: I am. I planted it on him to keep track of his movements.
Boss: 是我,我将这东西植入他体内来跟踪他的行动。

Volgin: Why?
Volgin: 为什么?

Boss: So the Cobras could ambush him.
Boss: 这样眼镜蛇才能伏击他。

Volgin: If they knew where he was going to be they wouldn't have gotten themselves slaughtered. It pains me to do this, Boss, but under the circumstances I'm afraid I must ask you to show me some proof. That you and he were not in collusion.
Volgin: 如果他们知道他的行动的话,就不会让自己被宰了。这么做我也很痛苦,Boss,但是在这种情况下,恐怕你必须向我证明你和他不是一伙的。

Boss: You don't trust me, is that it?
Boss: 你不相信我,是吗?

Volgin: Not that... But he is your apprentice.
Volgin: 不是的...但是他是你的弟子。

Boss: What do you want me to do?
Boss: 你想我怎么做?

Volgin: Let's see... Cut out his eyes! I don't like those blue eyes of his. There is nothing more important to a soldier than his eyes. You made him a soldier... and now you will unmake him! Yes, it will make for a touching display. He's all yours. Do it! Ruin him. Just as he did the Cobras.
Volgin: 我看看…把他的眼睛挖出来!我不喜欢他那双蓝眼睛。对一个战士来说,没有什么比他的眼睛更重要的了。你把他培养成战士,那么现在就由你来毁灭吧!是的,那将是动人的一幕,他完全属于你,来吧!灭了他,就像他对眼镜蛇做的一样。

(The Boss draws a knife and approaches S***. She removes the bag and is poised to cut out his left eye, when Tatyana intervenes)
(The Boss有些不忍下手,她扯掉了S***的头罩,刀尖对准了他的左眼。Tatyana看不下去了)

Tatyana: Stop!
Tatyana: 住手!

Volgin: What is it, Tatyana?
Volgin: 怎么了,Tatyana?

Tatyana: He's suffered enough.
Tatyana: 他遭的罪够多了。

Ocelot: Well, well... why are you protecting him? (smells something) That smell... Tatyana! You're the spy!
Ocelot: 哎呀呀...为什么你要保护他?那气味... Tatyana!你就是那个内奸!

Tatyana: What are you talking about?
Tatyana: 你在说什么?

Ocelot: I know that smell. (he grabs her chest)
Ocelot: 我熟悉这个气味。(袭胸)

Tatyana: Stop it! (slaps him)
Tatyana: 住手!(打了他一耳光)

Volgin: Taken a fancy to her, eh, Ocelot?
Volgin: 对她有意思,Ocelot?

Ocelot: No, I have no interest in this woman. I want to test her. (pulls out a revolver and loads it with a single bullet) I'll let this be the judge.
Ocelot: 不!我对这女人才不感兴趣,我只想试试她,(掏出左轮)就让左轮来判断吧。

Volgin: Do as you like.
Volgin: 想做就做吧。

Ocelot: Here we go.
Ocelot: 开始了。

(Ocelot begins to juggle three revolvers, one of them loaded with one bullet. Each time he pulls the trigger, Tatyana winces. However, S*** has kept an eye on which revolver is loaded. When he sees it come down into Ocelot's hand, he backs up and swings into Ocelot. Ocelot's aim is thrown off and the revolver fires, the bullet grazing S***'s right eye. The Boss grabs the revolver from
Ocelot and slaps him)
(Ocelot故伎重演, Tatyana不断后退, S***奋力向Ocelot撞去,子弹击瞎了他的右眼,愤怒的Boss一巴掌打向Ocelot)

Boss: There. Satisfied now?
Boss: 现在满意了吧?

Volgin: Well, that was refreshing. Come... we're going to my room.
Volgin: 嗯,真是让人神清气爽。来,我们去我的房间。

(Volgin leaves. Ocelot takes the transmitter and jams into a wound on S***'s right shoulder blade)

Ocelot: So you survived the colonel's torture, eh? (he applauds) Watching this has made me realize something... it's really not that bad. It's the ultimate form of expression. (retrieves his revolver) You got lucky this time, Tatyana.
Ocelot: 你从上校的拷问下捡回一条命了。这一幕让我看清了某些事情...还真不坏,是最后的表达方式了。(这句话是什么意思)这次算你走运,Tatyana。

(The Boss picks up the third revolver and loads it with a single bullet. She shoots S*** in the leg and then places the revolver in his belt.)
(The Boss用左轮将假死药丸射进S***的腿部,并把左轮别在他的腰带上。S***看到The Sorrow出现在她身后,手里拿着块牌子,上面有一串数字)

Boss: Run!
Boss: 逃吧!

(She leaves. Tatyana, who is really Eva, approaches S***)

Eva: I've prepared an escape route for us. Go out and head west. Pass underneath the connect passageway and go north. You'll find an open manhole there.
Eva: 我已经为我们准备了一条脱逃路线,出去往西,在连结通道的下面向北,那里你会找到一个打开的检修孔。

S***: You're...
S***: 你是...

Eva: Quiet. (several guards approach) Go through the manhole down into the sewers. The door at the north end of the sewers is unlocked - you can use it to get outside the fortress. I've got your equipment. We'll meet up later.
Eva: 别出声。通过检修孔到下水道,下水道北部尽头的门没锁——你可以利用它到要塞的外面。我已经拿到了你的装备,呆会见。

S***: Eva...
S***: Eva...

Eva: But I can't get too close to your cell. You'll have to figure a way out of there yourself... I'll be in touch.
Eva: 但是我不能太靠近你的牢房,你得自己想办法出去了...我会联络你的。

(She leaves. The guards enter the room and drag S*** away to his cell)


(While in the cell, a hidden cut scene will be triggered if you throw the food given to you back out of the cell three times)

Guard: Hey, you're not such a bad guy after all. I... I guess not all
Americans are dogs.
守卫: 嘿,看来你还不算太坏啊.我想不是所有的***都是狗吧.

S***: You mean it?
S***: 你这么想?

Guard: Yeah. You know, before the war started, I used to live in America. I even had a wife and a kid.
守卫: 是的,在战争开始前,我生活在美国,还有妻儿.

S***: You must be pretty lonely.
S***: 你一定很孤独.

Guard: Yeah. I am pretty lonely... REALLY lonely.
守卫: 是的,我很孤独,太孤独了.

S***: What's your kid's name?
S***: 你儿子叫什么?

Guard: Johnny.
守卫: Johnny.

S***: Johnny, nice ring to it.
S***: Johnny, 很好听.

Guard: Really? You like it? Well, if you say so, I'll believe you. Actually, my name is Johnny, too. (This guard is Johnny Sasaki's father. He pulls out a picture) All the first-born sons in my family are called Johnny. My dad's a Johnny, and my son's son will probably be a Johnny, too. (S*** looks on the back side of the photo and sees the frequency to open the door)
守卫: 真的?你喜欢?不过既然你这么说,我相信你。事实上我也叫Johnny。(这家伙是Johnny Sasaki的父亲,他拿出一张照片)我们家族里第一个出生的男孩都叫Johnny ,我爸爸叫Johnny,我的孙子也会叫Johnny的。(S***在照片的背后看到了一串数字)

S***: A whole clan of Johnnies.
S***: Johnny一族啊。

Johnny: Why do we have a Cold War anyway...? Our two countries used to be such good friends.
Johnny: 为什么我们要冷战呢?两国过去可是好兄弟啊。

S***: Yeah, I hear ya.
S***: 是的,我听说过。

Johnny: I just want to see my family again.
Johnny: 我只想再见到我的家人。

S***: Must be rough.
S***: 那一定很艰苦。

Johnny: Yeah... but not as rough as you have it, though. Here. (hands over what he thinks is a pack of cigars. It is really the Cigar-Gas Spray) I filched them from your equipment when the colonel wasn't looking. It's least I can do. (S*** beckons Johnny closer) ?
Johnny: 是啊,但是还比不***受的苦。拿去吧,(递过迷雾剂)这是我趁上校不注意时从你的装备里拿的,我只能做这些了。(S***示意Johnny靠近)?

S***: Don't suppose you could let me out of here?
S***: 没想过把我弄出来吗?

Johnny: Huh? I can't do that. Hey, don't you go getting any funny ideas. If you try to escape, I'll have to shoot you. I've said too much. I gotta go.
Johnny: 啊?我不能那样做。嘿,别有这种可笑的想法,如果你想跑,我会开枪的。我说得太多了,现在该走了。

(Johnny leaves. S*** snaps his fingers in dismay)


(After leaving the cell, Zero calls S***)

Zero: Did you manage to escape?
Zero: 你设法逃出来了?

S***: Yeah, I'm out.
S***: 是的,我出来了。

Zero: Be careful. In your present state, you're practically ***d. You don't have a single decent weapon and you'll never survive in a battle. Take some time and pull yourself together. Eva says she's recovered your equipment, so rendezvous with her as soon as possible to get your gear back. Use the escape route Eva set up for you. Go down into the sewers through the manhole in the northwest section of Groznyj Grad. Start out by exiting the holding cells and heading northwest.
Zero: 小心,你现在的情况相当于赤条条,没有一件像样的武器,决无可能在战斗中生存。花点时间振作起来。Eva说她拿到了你的装备,所以尽快跟她会合并拿回装备。用Eva设计的路线逃生吧,从Groznyj Grad西北区域的检修孔下到下水道,现在从牢房的出口动身前往西北角。


(S*** enters the Groznyj Grad sewers and gets a call from Eva)

Eva: S***? You're already in the sewers?
Eva: S***? 你已经在下水道了?

S***: Eva? Yeah, I just got down here.
S***: Eva?是的,我刚刚下来。

Eva: ...
Eva: ...

S***: I'm coming to meet you now. The door at the north end is open, right?
S***: 我现在去找你,北面尽头的门开了,对吧?

Eva: Uh, S***...
Eva: 嗯,S***...

S***: Let me guess - there's a problem.
S***: 我猜——出问题了。

Eva: Yeah.
Eva: 是的。

S***: What is it this time?
S***: 这次又是什么?

Eva: The colonel found out you escaped.
Eva: 上校发现你逃跑了。

S***: He did, huh. Figured as much.
S***: 发现了,哼,不出所料。

Eva: Yeah. And now all of Groznyj Grad is on red alert.
Eva: 是的,现在Groznyj Grad已经全部进入红色警戒状态了。

S***: Just my luck. But once I'm out of the fortress...
S***: 我真走运,不过一旦我从要塞里面逃出来...

Eva: You can't get out.
Eva: 你出不去了。

S***: I can't?
S***: 出不去?

Eva: When the fortress went on red alert, they sealed off the sewers.
Eva: 当要塞进入红色警戒状态,他们就会封锁下水道。

S***: You've got to be kidding me.
S***: 你在跟我开玩笑。

Eva: I'm serious. And that means the escape route I laid out...
Eva: 我是说真的,也就是说我安排的那条逃跑路线...

S***: ...is sealed off, too.
S***: 也被封了。

Eva: Right. And they just sent a unit out looking for you.
Eva: 是的,而且他们刚刚派出一个小分队去找你。

S***: Down here?
S***: 就在这下面吗?

Eva: Uh huh. They'll be there any minute. You've got to get out, quick!
Eva: 嗯,他们马上就到了,你最好快点出去!

S***: But isn't the exit sealed off?
S***: 出口不是被封锁了吗?

Eva: You should be able to get out by heading straight north. Book it S***! If they find you, you're dead!
Eva: 径直向北跑应该能出去的,记住S***!一旦他们找到你,你就死定了!


(S*** is running through the sewers, pursued by several soldiers and hounds. He reaches the end, only to find a waterfall. He is trapped. Ocelot shows up)

Ocelot: I've been waiting for this! Nobody interfere! (he takes the bullet from his necklace and loads it into a revolver and spins the chamber) This is where it ends...
Ocelot: 我一直在等着这一刻!任何人不得插手!(掏出了左轮)这里就是结束之地。

(Ocelot pulls the trigger but nothing happens; the bullet is in the wrong chamber. S*** takes the opportunity to jump off ledge to the water below. Ocelot tries to fire again, but he gets nothing when he pulls the trigger.)

Ocelot: S***!
Ocelot: S***!

Ocelot: Don't die on me yet...
Ocelot: 别这样死在我面前啊...


(S*** is walking through a waist-deep river. The trees around him are ablaze but it begins to rain. A figure emerges from the water)
(S***穿过一条齐腰深的河流,The Sorrow出现了)

S***: Are you one of the Cobras?
S***: 你是眼镜蛇的成员?

Sorrow: Sad... so sad... a host of sorrows. And you are one of them. I am The Sorrow. Like you, I, too, am filled with sadness. This world is one of sadness. Battle brings death. Death brings sorrow. The living... may not hear them. Their voices... may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake... the dead... are not silent. Now you will know the sorrow of those whose lives you have ended. (he begins to cry blood)
Sorrow: 悲伤...多么悲伤...悲伤的主人,你是其中的一员。我是The Sorrow,像你一样,也充满了悲伤。这个世界就是一种悲伤,战争带来了死亡,死亡带来了悲伤。活着的人...听不到他们,他们的声音..落在失聪的耳朵里。但是别搞错了...死者...并不沉默。现在,你将体会到被你终结的死者的悲伤。

(S*** is floating underwater, hearing the voices of The Boss and The Sorrow)
(S***漂浮在水里,听到The Boss和The Sorrow的对话)

Sorrow: Boss, you have to shoot me.
Sorrow: Boss,你必须杀了我。

Boss: I can't!
Boss: 我不能!

Sorrow: Shoot me! You want to finish your mission, don't you? Then... you'll have to shoot me. The spirit of the warrior... will always be with you. Don't be sad... we'll meet again someday.
Sorrow: 开枪吧!难道你不想完成你的任务吗?那么..你必须杀了我。战者之魂...与你永存。不要悲伤…...我们终会再见面的。

(S*** wakes up and realizes he is drowning. He quickly surfaces and climbs out on a riverbank. He calls Major Zero)

Zero: S***, are you all right? That was a close call!
Zero: S***,你还好吧?刚才真是好险!

S***: What the hell happened to me?
S***: 见鬼,发生了什么?

Zero: You were halfway drowned at the bottom of the river. Almost crossed over to the other side...
Zero: 你几乎沉到河底了。差一点就到另一个世界里去了...

S***: Other side... so that really was...
S***: 另一个世界,...这么说是真的了...

Zero: Something on your mind, S***?
Zero: 脑子秀豆了,S***?

S***: Major, was there a man in the Cobra unit called The Sorrow?
S***: 少校,眼镜蛇部队里面有一个叫The Sorrow的吗?

Zero: Yes, I've heard of him. He was an uncanny soldier who fought alongside The Boss.
Zero: 是的,听说过,他是一个与The Boss并肩作战的神奇战士。

S***: What kind of man was he?
S***: 他是一个怎样的人?

Zero: The Sorrow was a man with, well... special powers. He had ESP, which was the subject of extensive research in the Soviet Union at the time. He was especially gifted as a medium.
Zero: The Sorrow是一个拥有特殊能力的人。他拥有ESP,(Extra Sensory Perception,超感觉知觉,通常用做心灵感应、透视力、触知力、预知力等的总称。ESP 能力等于是右脑的五感,正如左脑有五感一样,右脑也有五感。一般认为只是少数特异人士才拥有的神奇力量,但也有观点认为其实每一个人都具备这种能力,只不过人类因为压抑潜在意识的大脑新皮质过于发达,使得ESP被封存起来,相反的动物的大脑组织几乎都是由旧皮质组成,因此能够发挥此种能力)那时苏联曾将这种能力作为广泛研究的课题。他在通灵方面有特殊的才能。

S***: A medium?
S***: 一个通灵者?

Zero: Someone who can communicate with the spirit world, and evoke the spirits of the dead. In other words, he could talk to ghosts. They say he could find out what was going on in a battle by talking to dead soldiers.
Zero: 他们可以与灵魂世界沟通,甚至可以召唤亡灵。换言之,他可以与鬼魂交谈,传说他可以通过和死亡士兵对话来了解战斗的状况。

S***: What about him and The Boss? What was the story between them?
S***: 他与The Boss之间呢?他们之间发生过什么?

Zero: I don't know the details. Why don't we ask Sigint?
Zero: 具体情况我也不知道,为什么我们不问问Sigint呢?

Sigint: Yo. I finished checking up on this Sorrow guy a while ago. Thought you guys already knew, though.
Sigint: 我刚才把这家伙查了个底朝天,不过我想都是你们已经知道的。

S***: Knew what?
S***: 知道什么?

Sigint: That he's dead. He's been dead for two years now.
Sigint: 他死了,两年前就升天了。

S***: He died two years ago?
S***: 两年前就死了?

Sigint: At Tselinoyarsk... you know, those cliffs you were at. And The Boss was the one who did him in.
Sigint: 在Tselinoyarsk...你曾去过的那个悬崖,而且还是The Boss干的。

S***: The Boss?
S***: The Boss?

Sigint: Yup. Two years ago, The Boss was sent by the CIA on a secret mission to Tselinoyarsk. That's when she met The Sorrow, who'd gone back to the Soviet Union after the Cobras broke up at the end of the war. Except this time, they were enemies.
Sigint: 是的,两年前, The Boss被CIA派到Tselinoyarsk去执行一项秘密任务。在那里她遇见了The Sorrow,二战后眼镜蛇部队解散,他回到了苏联。只是这一次,他们成了敌人。

S***: And then what?
S***: 之后呢?

Sigint: The Boss killed The Sorrow herself and accomplished her mission. At least, that's what the records say.
Sigint: The Boss亲手杀了The Sorrow,完成了她的任务,至少档案里是这么说的。

S***: So he was never there in the first place... he just couldn't let go of The Boss...
S***: 所以他根本没离开,他放不下The Boss...

Sigint: You OK, S***?
Sigint: 你还好吧,S***?

S***: Yeah, I'm fine. It looks like it's not time for me to die yet.
S***: 是的,我没事,还没有到我死的时候。

Sigint: I sure hope not. Otherwise the whole mission is shot. We're counting on you, pal.
Sigint: 我也希望不是。任务所剩时间不多,我们全靠你了,活计。

S***: Roger that.
S***: 明白。

(S*** calls Eva)

S***: Eva?
S***: Eva?

Eva: S***!? You didn't call... I was worried! Are you all right?
Eva: S***!? 你没有呼叫我,我很担心。你还好吗?

S***: Yeah. I took a pretty freaky detour.
S***: 是的,只不过走了一段阴阳路。

Eva: What are you talking about?
Eva: 你说什么?

S***: Nothing, forget it. Let's just say I'm back.
S***: 没什么,别放心上,我只是说,我回来了。

Eva: Good. But how did you escape from the sewers?
Eva: 好,但是你是怎么从下水道逃出来的?

S***: I jumped into the river.
S***: 我跳进了河里。

Eva: From all the way up there? You're out of control.
Eva: 从那么高的地方?你简直是疯了。

S***: Yeah. I got carried away by the current and almost drowned.
S***: 是的,被水流冲走,差一点淹死。

Eva: Great! That's perfect!
Eva: 很好!真是完美!

S***: What do you mean, that's perfect?
S***: 什么意思,很完美?

Eva: I mean, if you ended up in the river, then I know a good spot nearby. Let's meet up there.
Eva: 我的意思是,如果你在河里,那么我知道附近有一个好地方,我们在那里回合。

S***: Where is it?
S***: 在哪里?

Eva: Keep going upstream until you get to a waterfall.
Eva: 往上游走直到你看到个瀑布。

S***: A waterfall, huh.
S***: 嗯,瀑布。

Eva: Right. Behind that waterfall there's a cave. We'll meet in there.
Eva: 是的,瀑布后面有一个洞,我们在那里见。

S***: The cave behind the waterfall upstream. Got it.
S***: 上游瀑布后的山洞,明白了。

Eva: See you there.
Eva: 那里见吧。


(S*** enters the cave behind the waterfall and find signs of a camp. Suddenly, he hears gunfire behind him and Eva, on her motorcycle, jumps through the water)

Eva: Nice to meet you, S***. I'm Tatyana. Here's your equipment.
Eva: 很高兴见到你,S***,我是Tatyana。这里是你的装备。

S***: Eva, you could use a towel.
S***: Eva,你得用毛巾擦一擦。

Eva: So could you.
Eva: 你也是。

(Later, a fire is roaring, and S*** is eating some animals. He is now wearing a patch over his right eye. He bites into a s*** when he notices Eva watching him)

S***: Want some?
S***: 要点什么?

Eva: No thanks...
Eva: 不,谢了...

S***: Don't like s***s?
S***: 不喜欢蛇吗?

Eva: Not for dinner.
Eva: 吃饭的话就不要了。

S***: Didn't you have to eat them at the KGB?
S***: 你在KGB的时候没有吃过它们吗?

Eva: In my training we always got the good stuff. French, Italian... that kind of thing...
Eva: 我训练时一向吃好东西的,法国菜,意大利菜...诸如此类的...

S***: A regular Mata Hari.
S***: 一个标准的Mata Hari。(一战期间,玛塔哈丽是巴黎红得发紫的脱衣舞女,但更是一位周旋在法、德两国之间的“美女双料间谍”,跻身历史上“最著名的10大超级间谍”之列)

Eva: The least you could do is call me Cynthia.
Eva: 至少你应该称我为Cynthia。(西方谍报专家公认,女间谍中首屈一指的当属辛西娅。她最大的功绩是在二战中获得了法国维希-法国城市,二战时为法国傀儡政府的首都-政府的海军密码)

S***: Tell me something. How does it feel to spy on your own country?
S***: 跟我说说,在你的祖国做间谍,感觉如何?

Eva: I can't say it feels good. But it's my job.
Eva: 不能说感觉好,但那是我的工作。

S***: Can't even eat a s*** during a mission, huh.
S***: 但不能在任务中吃蛇,对吧。

Eva: I wouldn't mind eating you. (she crawls over to S***) When this mission is over, you'll have to treat me to a nice dinner.
Eva: 我不介意吃你。(性感地爬到S***旁边)任务结束后,你的好好的款待我一顿才行。

S***: What do you want to eat?
S***: 你想吃什么?

Eva: Let's see... how about sushi?
Eva: 我想想...寿司如何?

S***: Sushi?
S***: 寿司?

Eva: It's Japanese. I hear it's all the rage now. Supposedly, it's made from raw fish.
Eva: 日本菜,据说最近很流行,用生鱼做的。

S***: Raw fish? Just the place for my survival techniques.
S***: 生鱼?我的生存技能可以派上用场了。

Eva: (puts her arms around S***) S***? Thank you, S***. I'll be your eyes from now on. (kisses him) Thank you, S***...
Eva: S***? 谢谢你, S***,现在起我就是你的眼睛。(亲吻)谢谢你,S***。

(Eva kisses him passionately but S*** pushes her away)

S***: Don't worry about it.
S***: 别担心。

Eva: Are you all right?
Eva: 你怎么了?

S***: It's not like I can't see. I've still got one good eye, and can still fire a gun.
S***: 我不是看不见,我还有一只眼睛,仍可以开枪。

Eva: Really? Good.
Eva: 是吗?那很好。


(This is a hidden scene that only triggers if you didn't remove the transmitter)

Eva: S***, come here for a minute. (inspects his back) There's something in here. It's so hard.
Eva: S***,过来一下。(检查他的背)有个东西在这里,很硬。

(During the scene, we see the shadows of Eva and S*** on the wall engaged in a wrestling match)

S***: When did it get like that?
S***: 这玩意什么时候搞进去的?

Eva: Hold still. Let me do it.
Eva: 忍耐一下,让我来。

S***: You know, I've been trained to do this kind of thing myself.
S***: 我受训过,可以自己来做这种事情。

Eva: Just relax and lat me handle it.
Eva: 放轻松,让我来。

S***: OK...
S***: OK...

Eva: I can't believe how small it is.
Eva: 没想到它这么小。

S***: Yeah, but it gets the job done.
S***: 是的,可它干得不错。

Eva: Really? Here, lift up your hips.
Eva: 是吗?这里,抬一下你的屁股。

S***: Like this?
S***: 这样?

Eva: Yeah. (a sickening crunching noise) How's that?
Eva: 是的,感觉如何?

S***: You're pretty good at that.
S***: 你对这个很在行。

Eva: Yeah, everybody tells me that. Hold steady. I'm not done yet. There! A transmitter!
Eva: 是的,每个人都这么说,再坚持一下,还没好。在这里!是个发报机!

S***: Is that how they do it in the KGB?
S***: 在KGB他们都是这么做的吗?

Eva: Sometimes. Would you rather I do it American style?
Eva: 有时,你是不是更喜欢我用美国式的做法?

S***: Mmm... but how did you know there was a transmitter lodged in there? That's some female intuition you've got. (throws the transmitter in the fire)
S***: 嗯...但你怎么知道那里会有个发报机?你有某种女性的直觉吧。(扔到了火中)


(S*** is now dressed in a battle fatigue and he has all of his equipment)

S***: Eva, didn't you steal some explosives out of the fortress?
S***: Eva,你是不是从要塞里偷走了一些炸药?

Eva: (holds up a block of C3) C3, a highly potent explosive from the West. It can be molded into any shape, like clay. With just this much, you could blow up the Shagohod and the lab along with it.
Eva: C3,从西方弄过来的高强度炸药,可以像粘土一样被捏成任何形状,只要这么多,你就能把Shagohod和实验室统统炸成灰了。

S***: Is that right?
S***: 真的?

Eva: Yeah, but there's a trick to using it.
Eva: 是的,不过使用它需要一点技巧。

S***: Tell me about it.
S***: 告诉我。

(Eva divided the block in half and gives one half to S***. She molds some of her own into the shape of a heart and gives it to S***)

Eva: Well, what do you think? The Shagohod's booster unit uses liquid fuel. The fuel ***s are in the main wing of the weapons lab, in the hangar housing the Shagohod itself.
Eva: 你看这个怎么样?(S***收下来)Shagohod的火箭推进器用的是液体燃料。燃料箱就在武器研究所的主楼,在停放Shagohod的飞机棚中。

S***: So I should blow up the ***s?
S***: 所以我该炸掉燃料箱?

Eva: That's the basic idea. It should be enough to blow up the entire hangar. There are four fuel ***s. In order to destroy the hangar, you'll have to set explosives on each of those ***s.
Eva: 基本想法是这样,这样应该足以把整座飞机棚炸掉。一共有四个燃料箱,为了炸掉机棚,你必须在每个燃料箱上都设置炸药。

S***: All four of them?
S***: 四个全要?

Eva: It should be no sweat for you. Besides, the scientists have the day off
Eva: 对你来说应该没问题吧。另外,科学家们今天是放假的。

S***: So the hangar's completely deserted?
S***: 这么说机棚没人了?

Eva: Not quite. They've still got guards posted there.
Eva: 不完全是,他们还会派卫兵在那里看守的。

S***: Hmm... so what do I do after I set the C3?
S***: 嗯... 那么当我设置完C3之后应该怎么做?

Eva: The bombs run off a timer. Once the timer has been set the countdown will begin. When the timer reaches zero the bombs will all go off at once.
Eva: 炸弹设有计时器。时间设定好后,倒计时就会开始。计时为0的时候,炸弹就会爆炸。

S***: How long do I have?
S***: 我有多长时间?

Eva: 20 minutes. Once the Phase 2 trials are finished I wouldn't be surprised if they kill all the scientists to prevent them from talking. So you've got to act fast!
Eva: 20分钟。一旦第二阶段测试完成,为了灭口,他们会杀死所有的科学家也就不奇怪了。所以你得快一点!

S***: I'll take care of it. Eva, did you get the data on the Shagohod from Sokolov?
S***: 我会的。Eva,你是不是从Sokolov手上拿到了Shagohod的数据?

Eva: Yeah. That's the mission I was given.
Eva: 是的,那就是我的任务。

S***: By Khrushchev?
S***: ***下的?

Eva: Uh huh. American doesn't have any use for it, does it? But I haven't forgotten my other mission, either. Helping you out. Follow this cave and go up the ladder at the end. You'll come out inside Groznyj Grad, just southwest of the weapons lab. Do you remember when you went to rescue Sokolov? Remember there was a locked door when you entered the main wing from the 2nd floor of the east wing?
Eva: 嗯,对于美国来说它毫无价值,对吧?但我也没忘记我的另一个任务,帮你撤离。从这个山洞的尽头处顺着梯子爬上去,你会进入Groznyj Grad,就在武器研究所的西南处。还记得你去解救Sokolov那时候吗?从东翼的二楼往主楼去的那里有一扇紧锁的门?

S***: Yeah.
S***: 是的。

Eva: That's the entrance to the Shagohod's hangar. Use this key to open that door. (hands over a key)
Eva: 那就是Shagohod所在机棚的入口,用这把钥匙打开。

S***: The door right when I entered the main wing. Got it. What about you?
S***: 进入主楼后的那道门,明白了。那么你呢?

Eva; I'll get things ready for our escape. There's a rail bridge to the north. I'm going to set a bomb there, so I'm taking half of the C3 with me.
Eva: 我去准备撤退事宜,有一条铁轨桥通往北面,我去那里安放炸药,所以我得拿走一半C3。

S***: Right. I'll set off the weapons lab, then. Try not to be in the neighborhood when it happens.
S***: 好,我去炸掉武器研究所,那时你最好离那里远一些。

Eva: Gotcha.
Eva: 知道了。

S***: And watch out for Ocelot. He suspects you're not who you say you are.
S***: 还有,要留意Ocelot,他已经开始怀疑你的身份了。

Eva: Don't worry. The Colonel still trusts me. And I have my ways. There's not a man alive who can resist my charms. Besides you, of course.
Eva: 别担心,上校依然是信任我的。何况,我有我自己的一套,还没有哪个活着的男人能抗拒我的魔力,当然,除了你。

S***: I'm just warning you, Eva, that's all.
S***: 我只是提醒你而已,Eva,没别的意思。

Eva: I know. OK, let's go. (gets on motorcycle)
Eva: 我知道,好了,我们走吧。

S***: You seem like you were born on one of those.
S***: 看起来你就像是在那上面出生的一样。

Eva: If I don't ride everyday I couldn't go on living.
Eva: 如果我没有每天都骑,简直就活不下去。

S***: ?
S***: ?

Eva: When I'm riding, the wind hits me so hard that it hurts. That pain keeps my mind off the pain of having to be someone else. It's not easy always fooling myself like this. It's only when I'm on the bike... that I'm free to be the real me. I only get off my bike when I fall in love... or fall dead.
Eva: 当我疾驰的时候,风打得我好痛,这种痛苦使我忘掉了扮演另一个人的痛苦,毕竟老这样欺骗自己并非那么容易。只有当我骑在摩托上的时候,才能解放成为真正的自己,只有两种情况下我才会从车上下来,恋爱...或死去。

S***: What's your name?
S***: 你叫什么?

Eva: Tatyana.
Eva: Tatyana。

S***: No, your real name.
S***: 不,你的真名。

Eva: What's wrong with Tanya?
Eva: Tanya没问题吧?

S***: OK, Tanya. Don't let anyone see you. (sees something on Eva's shirt) ?
S***: OK, Tanya。别让人发现你。(看着Eva衣服上的某处)?

Eva: Oh, this? It's a button camera. (snaps a picture of S***)
Eva: 哦,这个吗?这个纽扣照相机。(给S***拍了一张)

S***: What did you do that for?
S***: 你拍这个干什么?

Eva: Insurance. TO make sure you don't double cross me. (she prepares to leave)
Eva: 保险起见,以确保你不会欺骗我。(准备离开)

S***: Hey!
S***: 嘿!

Eva: What!?
Eva: 怎么?

S***: You're gonna get wet again!
S***: 你会再次被淋湿的!

(She revs up and blasts out from behind the waterfall)


(S*** returns to Groznyj Grad through a manhole. However, he takes cover and truck drive sup and parks with its back wheel covering the manhole. The front gates are also closed. S*** sighs as he realizes he's trapped inside the fortress.)
(S*** enters the hangar and receives a call from Major Zero)

Zero: S***, I see you've managed to sneak into the hangar.
Zero: S***,看来你要潜入机棚了。

S***: Yeah, the Shagohod's in here.
S***: 是的,Shagohod就在里面。

Zero: The completed Phase 2 Shagohod represents as grave threat to the West. We can't allow it to be mass-produced. You've got to destroy it.

S***: Eva's got the data on the Shagohod. Do you think that's safe?
S***: Eva 得到了Shgohod的数据,你觉得那样安全吗?

Zero: I wouldn't exactly say it's safe. But Khrushchev is a shrewd leader. I can't imagine he'd use it for anything other than deterrence. Volgin, however, is a different story. He's planning to use the Shagohod to turn the Cold War into a blazing hot one. We can't let him have it.
Zero: 很难说,但是***是个精明的领导人,我无法想像除了用于威慑外他还会拿它派其他用场。不过Volgin就完全不同了,他计划用Shagohod把冷战变成白热化的战争,可不能让他这么干。

S***: Agreed.
S***: 我同意。

Zero: That leaves just one more mission for you to carry out...
Zero: 此外还有一个任务要你去完成...

S***: The Boss...?
S***: The Boss...?

Zero: Exactly.
Zero: 正确。

S***: ...
S***: ...

Zero: For now, just focus on destroying the Shagohod.
Zero: 现在,先集中精力毁掉Shagohod。

S***: ...Yes, sir.
S***: ...Yes, sir。

Zero: I'll let Sigint fill you in on how to destroy it.
Zero: 我让Sigint来教你怎么毁了它。

Sigint: Yo. Like Eva was saying, if you're looking to blow the whole place sky high, the best way it to take out those fuel ***s with the C3. You know there's four ***s in there, right? You have to put C3 on all four of them. To plant a C3 charge, all you gotta do is equip the C3 and press the weapon button while standing in front of a ***.
Sigint: 就像Eva说的,如果你想把整个地方炸上天,最好的办法就是用C3搞掉那些燃料罐,你知道里面有四个燃料罐对吧,你必须把它们全部装上C3。安放C3时,你只需装备C3并站在燃料罐前按武器键。

S***: Just like TNT.
S***: 就像TNT。

Sigint: But, uh, make sure you don't plant it in the wrong place. You've barely got enough C3 as it is, right?
Sigint: 不过得确定别放错了地方,你手里的C3刚刚好,知道吗?

S***: Good point. I'll make sure not to plant it anywhere else.
S***: 提醒得好,我会确保不会放错位置的。

Sigint: Good man. And be careful, liquid fuel has a nasty habit of going off at the slightest shock. So don't go using any heavy firepower near the ***s unless you're aiming to get yourself barbecued.
Sigint: 好活计,另外要当心,液体燃料有个很讨厌的特性,一点点震动就会引发爆炸,所以不要在燃料罐附近用重武器,除非你想让自己变成烤肉。

S***: I'll keep that in mind.
S***: 我会记得很牢的。

Sigint: The C3 charges all have to go off at once if you want to bring down the hangar in one fell swoop. So if I were you, I'd wait until after you plant the last charge to start the timer mechanism.
Sigint: 如果你想一下子把整个机棚炸掉,就得让所有的C3同时起爆。所以如果我是你,就会等到放好最后一个才启动计时装置。

S***: All right. I'll make sure I finish planting all 4 charges before I start the timer.
S***: 很好,我会在启动计时器前放好所有的4个C3。

Sigint: Once the timer's set, you've got 20 minutes until it explodes, right? So make sure you get your ass out that place by then. I think that's about all I've got. The rest up to you. Good luck, pal.
Sigint: 一旦计时启动,离爆炸就只有20分钟时间对吧?所以到点后要确保老兄您的尊臀已经挪到机棚外面了,我想我能帮得上忙的也就是这些了,其他就靠你了,祝好运,活计。

Zero: We're counting on you, S***.
Zero: 就看你的了,S***


(After planting the second C3 charge, Eva calls S***)

Eva: S***?
Eva: S***?

S***: Eva...
S***: Eva...

Eva: I've finished planting the bomb on the rail bridge. If we get rid of the bridge, the enemy won't be able to follow us. That should at least buy us some time. I've also set up the escape route. How are things on your end?
Eva: 我已经把炸药放置在铁轨桥上了,如果炸了这桥,敌人就不能跟来了。这至少能给我们赢得一点时间,我也已经安排好了逃跑路线。你那边怎么样了?

S***: I just finished planting the second charge. Give me a little more time.
S***: 我刚刚放好第二个炸药,再给我点时间。

Eva: OK, I'll be waiting for you at the bridge.
Eva: OK,我会在桥那边等你。


(S*** plants the last C3 charge. He takes out the heart-shaped piece of C3.Eva gave him and sculpts it into a butterfly. He tosses it in the air a couple of times before mashing it to the side of the fuel ***)

S***: Gotcha this time.
S***: 这回搞定了。

(S*** calls Major Zero)

S***: Major, I've finished planting the C3. I'm on my way out now.
S***: 少校,我已经放好了C3,现在要出来了。

Zero: Hurry S***! Is Eva taking care of the escape route?
Zero: 抓紧S***!Eva正在准备撤离路线?

S***: Yeah.
S***: 是的。

Zero: Are you sure?
Zero: 你肯定?

S***: She can handle it.
S***: 她能搞定的。

Zero: All right, then. Well, hurry up and get out of there.
Zero: 很好,那么赶紧离开那里。


(S*** is leaving the hangar)

Volgin: S***!!
Volgin: S***!!

(S*** sees Eva lying on the ground next to Volgin and Ocelot. Out of no where, The Boss shows up and disarms S***. As usual, S*** is schooled in the art of CQC but he seems to fair better against The Boss this time.)
(Volgin和Ocelot出现,Eva被捕。The Boss再次打倒了他)

Boss: Why'd you come back?
Boss: 你为什么要回来?

Volgin: This woman was found snooping around my underground vault. When she was captured, look what we found on her. (takes out some film) The Philosopher's Legacy. This microfilm contains all of the information regarding the Legacy. You might say that this film itself is the Philosopher's Legacy.
Volgin: 这女人被发现在我的地下拱顶里鬼鬼祟祟,看看被抓时我们在她身上找到了什么,哲学家的遗产,这微缩胶片囊括了所有关于遗产的信息,你可以说这个胶片本身就是哲学家的遗产。

Ocelot: It was the smell that gave her away. No, not the perfume. It was gasoline... Motorcycle gasoline. She reeked of it.
Ocelot: 是这味道出卖了她,不,不是香水,是汽油...摩托车汽油,她身上全是那种味道。

Volgin: To think that lovely Tatyana was a spy. We found this radio along with her, too. (destroys it with an electric shock) Such a fine woman, she was. It almost pains me to have to kill her. Yes, she was an obedient one. My precious little pet. (kicks her) Isn't that right? (Eva says something under her breath) What was that? Do you have something to say to me?
Volgin: 可爱的Tatyana原来是个间谍,我们还找到了这台无线电。(放电摧毁)她可真是个尤物,杀了她简直让我痛苦。是的,她很温顺,是我珍爱的小宠物。(踢她)对吧?(Eva骂混蛋)什么?你有什么要对我说的吗?

(Eva is readying her tube of lipstick behind her back. She swings it forward)

Eva: Go to hell!!
Eva: ***吧!!

(Volgin catches her hand and lifts her up)

Volgin: You dirty whore! (throws her on the ground) I've had enough kisses form you! (kicks her) I should have known. Sokolov wasn't man enough to have a lover like that. Just like the KGB to send something so beautiful, yet so deadly.
Volgin: 你这臭***!老子已经玩腻了!我早该知道,Sokolov是不配拥有这样的情人的,

S***: What is the Philosopher's Legacy?
S***: 什么是哲学家的遗产?

Volgin: Very well. I'll explain it before I kill you. During the last Great War, the most powerful men in America, China, and the Soviet Union had a secret pact. The pact was a blueprint for defeating the Axis Powers and creating a new world order. To secure victory in the war, the three countries pooled their resources to conduct the most covert types of operations and research - the atomic bomb, rocket technology, and the Cobra unit... And they amassed and enormous sum of money to fund these projects. Enough to fight the war five times over. That wealth is the Philosopher's Legacy. After the war was won, the three countries were to divide the Philosopher's Legacy amongst themselves. This explains why the United States and the Soviet Union were able to steal away the best scientific minds in Germany as soon as the war ended.
But our great Motherland has far surpassed its pathetic rivals. We possess enormous wealth, the most advanced technology, and overwhelming power. Assets fitting of our great country. My father was one of the men in charge of managing the Philosopher's Legacy. In the confusion that ensued after the war ended he devised a series of ingenious plots to ensure that the Soviet Union would have total control over the Legacy. The money was divided up and laundered through banks all over the world - Switzerland, Australia, and Hong Kong... This microfilm contains a record of all those transactions. After my father's death, I learned of this secret and obtained the microfilm. With this money and the support of Brezhnev and his allies I built this fortress of Groznyj Grad and Granin's research facility. But that worthless fool Granin failed to produce results and I was forced to turn to Khrushchev's dog Sokolov and his invention - the Shagohod. My position in GRU made it too troublesome to attack Sokolov's facility directly. But the spy network established by the secret pact still existed. I used it to contact The Boss and suggested she defect. The Boss was conniving enough to see things my way. The world was once one but the conflict between the Philosophers has torn it in two. We will use the Legacy to heal that rift and make the world whole again. To do this, we need strength. An unstoppable trump card with enough power to bring order to the world. That trump card was to be the Shagohod... and the Cobra unit. I have lost the Cobras but I still have the Shagohod and the Legacy. There is nothing America can do to stop us! Boss, take this someplace safe. (hesitantly hands over the microfilm) Take good care of it.
Volgin: 好吧,就让你死个明白。上次世界大战期间,美国、中国和苏联的最有权势的人物达成了一个秘密协定,计划灭掉轴心国并建立世界新秩序。为了确保战争的胜利,三国集中了他们的资源来进行绝秘的行动和研究——原子弹、火箭技术和眼镜蛇部队...并且汇集了巨额资金来资助这个计划,这些钱足够进行五次这样的战争,这笔财富就是哲学家的遗产。战争胜利后,这三个国家开始瓜分这笔财产,这就解释了为什么美苏能在战争一结束就将德国最好的科技技术偷走。但是我们伟大的祖国远远超越了它可怜的对手,我们拥有巨大的财富、最尖端的科技以及压倒性的力量,这样的资产很符合我伟大祖国的身份。我父亲是负责管理哲学家的遗产的人之一,在战后的混乱局势下,他巧施连串妙计让苏联掌握了对遗产的绝对控制权,这些财富被分散到世界各地的银行进行“洗钱”——瑞士、澳大利亚和香港...这个微缩胶片包含了所有交易的记录。父亲死后,我继承了这个秘密和微缩胶片,有了这笔钱和勃列日涅夫及他的拥护者的支持,我创建了这个Groznyj Grad要塞和Granin研究所。但是Granin那个蠢货什么都没搞出来,我被迫将目标转向***的狗腿子Sokolov和他的发明——Shagohod。我在GRU的地位决定了我如果直接袭击Sokolov的研究所的话就会有***烦,不过那个秘密协定建立的间谍网依旧存在,我通过它联系了The Boss并策动她叛变,The Boss很赞同我的看法,世界曾经是一体的,但是哲学家们的争斗让它一分为二,我们会利用遗产来填补裂痕并让世界合为一体。为此我们需要力量,一张能为世界带来新秩序的无法阻挡的王牌,这张王牌就是Shagohod...和眼镜蛇特种部队。现在我失去了眼镜蛇部队,但是我依旧有Shagohod和遗产,美国想阻止我们是徒劳的!Boss,把它放在安全的地方,好好保管。(把胶片交给Boss)

Boss: (talking about S***) He wouldn't have come waltzing back in here unless he had a reason. The C3's been stolen. He must be planning some sort of sabotage. I'll go see if there are any surprises waiting for us. I'll dispose of her as well. (picks up Eva and whispers) Leave everything to me. Fight like a warrior, Volgin.
Boss: (谈及S***)他不可能无来由的回来。C3被偷了,他一定在计划什么破坏活动。我去看看哪儿有什么惊喜等着我们。她就由我处理好了。(在Eva耳边细语)一切都交给我。像个战士一样战斗,Volgin。

Volgin: But of course.
Volgin: 这是当然。

(The Boss and Eva leave. Ocelot trains his gun on S***)
(The Boss和Eva,Ocelot举枪)

Ocelot: Let me face him. I've been waiting for this moment... time to get even! (twirls revolvers and aims at S***. S*** goes into a fighting stance) Ah ah ah... No more judo and no more field strips. (twirls revolvers)
Ocelot: 让我来对付他,我一直在等着这一刻...是该报仇的时候了!唉呀呀...别再耍柔道,也别再耍花招。

Volgin: Enough of this! (removes gloves) He's mine! You will stand right there and watch. Got it?
Volgin: 够了!他是我的!你给我站到一边仔细看着!明白了吗?

Ocelot: Please, Colonel, let me...!
Ocelot: 求你了,上校,让我...!

Volgin: Silence!
Volgin: 住嘴!

(Ocelot pulls out his revolvers and points one at S*** and one at Volgin. Volgin holds a bullet in his hand and uses an electrical charge to fire it. It strike the ground between Ocelot's feet. He backs off)

Volgin: Sorry for the delay. Let's get started, shall we? (sends an electrical charge to a control panel which causes the floor to descend) This is a once-in-a-lifetime battle! Let's make it a good one! (Volgin burns off his uniform and jumps down) It's just you and me now. And I'm going to enjoy this.
Volgin: 抱歉让你久等了,我们可以开始了吗?这是毕生难逢的战斗!让我们好好干吧!现在只有你跟我,我会好好享受的。

Ocelot: S***! (He looks a Volgin and nods. Ocelot tosses S*** his gun and knife)
Ocelot: S***!(扔下武器)

Volgin: You're mine! Son of The Boss!
Volgin: 你是我的!The Boss之子!

(After login half of his life or stamina, Volgin begins to visibly weaken. He looks up at Ocelot, who is standing with his arms folded)

Volgin: Shoot him! (no response) Do you hear me! I said shoot him!!
Volgin: 开枪!(没有反应)听到了没!我说开枪!!

Ocelot: Sorry Colonel. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Ocelot: 抱歉上校,恐怕我不能。

Volgin: What do you mean, you can't?
Volgin: 什么意思?

Ocelot: I made a promise to The Boss.
Ocelot: 我答应过The Boss。

Volgin: Silence! I am your commanding officer!
Volgin: 闭嘴!我是你的长官!

(Ocelot fires at Volgin, but Volgin creates an electromagnetic field, deflecting the bullets)

Volgin: Are you questioning my authority?
Volgin: 你要质疑我的权威吗?

Ocelot: Fight like a man, Volgin.
Ocelot: 像个男人一样的战斗,Volgin。

Volgin: Volgin...?
Volgin: Volgin...?

Announcer: Emergency! Explosives have been detected. All non-EOD personnel must evacuate immediately.

Volgin: Ocelot, find those bombs!
Volgin: Ocelot,把炸弹找出来!

Announcer: Repeat. Explosives have been detected. All non-EOD personnel must evacuate immediately.

Volgin: Move it!
Volgin: 快去!

(Ocelot leaves, giving S*** his signature two hand gesture)

Volgin: Ready for some more, S***!?
Volgin: 准备好再来吗,S***!?

(S*** defeats Volgin, leaving him behind.)

Announcer: All personnel evacuate! Repeat! All personnel evacuate!!

(The soldiers are in chaos, trying to get out of the hangar. Amid the confusion, Ocelot sees S*** escaping. S*** gets outside and Eva pulls up, a sidecar attached to her bike)

Eva: Hop in!
Eva: 跳上来!

S***: Step on it!
S***: 赶紧离开!

(They ride off as the hangar explodes. Eva stops a safe distance away)

S***: Eva... how did you?
S***: Eva...你怎么?

Eva: The Boss let me go.
Eva: The Boss放我走的。

S***: The Boss...? But why?
S***: The Boss...?不过为什么呢?

Eva: I'll tell you later. Right now we've got to get to the lake and escape!
Eva: 我迟些会告诉你的,现在我们必须赶到湖那里并撤离!

S***: We can't leave yet! I've still got one last job to do...
S***: 还不能离开,我还有最后的任务要完成...

Eva: The Boss is already at the lake.
Eva: The Boss已经在湖那里了。

S***: Huh?
S***: 嗯?

Eva: She's at the lake. She's waiting for you there.
Eva: 她在河那边,她在等你。

S***: Waiting for me?
S***: 等我?

Eva: I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you... I don't want you to fight her. But... I... I've come to realize that there's a special relationship between you two. Something I can't understand... something that goes beyond a man and woman. I envy you. Really, I do. But... I guess I just can't understand it. She asked me to tell you something. I've never seen someone with such clear eyes. There... I said it. Ready to go?
Eva: 我不知道要怎么跟你说...我不想你们两个拼命,但是...我...我明白你们两个之间有特殊关系,那是我不能理解的...超越了男女之情的东西。我羡慕你,真的,但是...我真是无法理解。她要说告诉你,“我从来没看过谁有如此清澈的眼睛。”就是这句,我讲完了。准备好走了吗?

S***: Yeah.
S***: 是的。

(The Shagohod crashes through the roof of the hangar and approaches. Volgin is at the controls)

Volgin: S***! It's not over yet!! There is no escape!!
Volgin: S***!还没完!!别想逃!!

Eva: We failed!
Eva: 我们失败了!

S***: Not good!
S***: 不好!

Eva: Hold on tight!
Eva: 坐稳了!

(They ride off with the Shagohod in pursuit)
(S*** and Eve are under fire form soldiers in the connecting passageway. The Shagohod begins to break through it)

Eva: I can't shake him!
Eva: 我根本动不了他!

S***: The RPG can't put a dent in that armor.
S***: RPG也动不了那装甲一根毫毛。

Eva: Let's head for the rail bridge!
Eva: 我们到桥那边去!

S***: The bridge? I thought you rigged it with C3.
S***: 桥?我想你已经装好C3了吧。

Eva: I did. We'll lure him onto the bridge...
Eva: 装好了,我们引他上桥...

S***: ...then blow him up along with it. Good plan.
S***: ...然后连他一起炸掉。好主意。

Eva: The bridge is on the other side of the runway. We'll have to cut through the middle of the base. You ready?
Eva: 桥在跑道的另一头,我们得横穿基地的中间,你准备好了吗?
S***: Step on it!! If he catches up to us, we're done for!
S***: 加油吧!如果被他追上,我们就完了!

(Two shots hit the ground near them. Ocelot is standing nearby, revolver in hand)

Eva: OK, here we go!
Eva: OK,我们走!

(They take off. Ocelot attaches an aiming module to his revolver. He takes aim and fires but misses. He gets on his own bike and gives chase, jumping over the barriers. He pulls up next to them and rams them. Eva and Ocelot pull out their guns but Eva gets the first shot, knocking Ocelot off balance. Eva takes a tight turn and Ocelot follows. He tries to shoot S*** and Eva from behind but misses. He pulls up again and swings his revolver, knocking Eva's gun from her hands. She turns again and enters the burning hangar. Ocelot follows them in)
(In the hangar, Ocelot pulls up to S*** and Eva and swings his revolver again. He misses and Eva pulls off to the left. Ocelot is not watching the road and some debris falls begins to fall. S*** uses his RPG-7 to blow up the debris before it hits the ground, saving Ocelot form certain death. S*** and Eva manage to ride right past Ocelot as he comes to stop_
(On the runway, a helicopter drops several soldiers to the ground, who open fire on S*** and Eva as they pass by. Meanwhile, the Shagohod busts out of the hangar in pursuit)

Volgin: Damn it!!
Volgin: ***!

(He fires his machine guns, killing the soldiers and destroying the helicopter as more soldiers on motorcycles begin to chase S*** and Eva. Volgin laughs maniacally as he activates the propulsion system on the Shagohod, causing it shoot down the runway)
(S*** and Eva drive by a plane getting ready for takeoff. Volgin rams the Shagohod right into it, flipping the plane over. Meanwhile, Ocelot is starting to catch up)

Volgin: I've got a surprise for you! You won't be getting away this time!
Volgin: 我会给你们惊喜的!这次别想溜掉!

(Ocelot pulls up next to the Shagohod just as Volgin activates a booster rocket. The force of the propulsion knocks Ocelot off balance and he is forced to stop)

Ocelot: Son of a BITCH!!!
Ocelot: ***养的!!!

(Volgin begins to catch up to Eva but she turns sharply to the right, aiming for the rail bridge. Volgin flies past them and stops to turn around)

Eva: S***, we've only got one chance. We'll try to lure him over towards the other side. When the Shagohod is on the bridge, shoot the explosives. The bomb is planted on the strut of the bridge.
Eva: S***,我们只有一次机会,我们将引诱他到桥的另一边去。当Shagohod驶到桥上时就开枪射击炸药,炸药已经安放在桥柱上了。

(Volgin has turned around and more soldiers are approaching)

Eva: Let's go!
Eva: 我们走!

(They ride off and cross the bridge. Volgin starts across just as S*** and Eva get into the position. S*** pulls out his SVD sniper rifle and prepares to shoot the explosives)
(S*** succeeds in the destroying the bridge. It collapses, sending the soldiers and the Shagohod into the water below. Ocelot reaches the bridge but stops just in time to avoid going over the edge)

Eva: We did it!
Eva: 我们成功了!

S***: It's over.
S***: 一切结束了。

Eva: Look!
Eva: 看!

(Somehow, the Shagohod comes shooting up out of the water, landing near S*** and Eva)

Volgin: I'm not finished yet!
Volgin: 还没完呢!

S***: Eva, you take care of the driving.
S***: Eva,你负责驾驶。

Eva: Yeah?
Eva: 嗯?

S***: Yeah, I trust you. On one condition, though. Leave the fighting to me.
S***: 是的,我相信你,条件就是,把战斗留给我。

Eva: You got it. I was getting tired of running away anyway.
Eva: 没问题,我对老是逃跑已经很厌烦了。

S***: Eva... let's do it.
S***: Eva...我们开始吧。

Eva: (kisses S***) For luck!
Eva: (亲吻S***)祝好运!

S***: (pulls out RPG-7) Here goes!
S***: (举起RPG-7)开始!

(They race towards the Shagohod)
(S*** has defeated Volgin. Eva pulls up and stands next to S***)

Volgin: S***!!
Volgin: S***!!

(It begins to storm)

Volgin: Who's afraid of a little thunder?
Volgin: 谁会怕这点小雷电?

(Before Volgin can act, he struck by a bolt of lightning. He catches fire as the bullets strapped around his body go off. He finally falls dead)

S***: Fired by a bolt of lightning... a fitting end. It's finally over.
S***: 被闪电劈死...真是合适的死法。终于结束了。

(S*** and Eva hug as Volgin's body continues to snap crackle. However, soldiers on those hovering vehicles show up as well as more soldier on motorcycles)

Eva: No time for this now. The escape craft is just up ahead. Let's get going.
Eva: 没多少时间了,出口就在前方,走吧。

(S*** jumps aboard the motorcycle and they take off)
(S*** and Eva are riding along a dirt path)

S***: Looks like they finally gave up.
S***: 看起来他们终于放弃了。

Eva: Don't start celebrating yet... We're leaking fuel.
Eva: 还没到庆祝的时候...我们的油箱漏了。

S***: Damn it! The ***'s shot up.
S***: ***!摩托被击中了。

(Eva checks out the ***. However, she isn't watching road and they ram into a log)

S***: Crap!
S***: 操!(Crap原意为排泄物,也就是shit)

(They both fly through the air as the motorcycle crashes and explodes. S*** is okay but Eva is no where to be seen)

S***: Eva!
S***: Eva!

Eva: I'm over here...
Eva: 我在这里...

(S*** goes over to Eva, who is sitting against a log. A sharp tree branch has gone right through the side of her abdomen)

Eva: S***... how's it look?
Eva: S***...我看起来如何?

S***: ...Pretty bad.
S***: ..很糟。

Eva: Not a sensitive bone in your body.

S***: Eva...
S***: Eva...

Eva: What about you, S***?
Eva: 你怎么样,S***?

S***: I'm fine.
S***: 我很好。

Eva: That's good to hear.
Eva: 好消息。

(S*** looks up and realizes the soldiers are still following them)

S***: We have to get away form here, Eva. Let's go.
S***: 我们必须离开这里,Eva,我们走吧。

Eva: Leave me.
Eva: 别管我。

S***: Eva!
S***: Eva!

Eva: The Boss is waiting for you. You have to go. Give me a gun...
Eva: The Boss在等你,你一定得去。给我一枪...

S***: No! We're getting out of here!
S***: 不!我们一起离开这里!

Eva: We're still far away from the lake. I'll never make it.
Eva: 我们离湖还很远,我无法到那里。

S***: I can't believe this.
S***: 真不敢相信。

Eva: Huh?
Eva: 嗯?

S***: I never thought I'd see you act this weak.
S***: 我从来没想过你也会这么软弱。

Eva: What do you mean?
Eva: 什么意思?

S***: Listen to me, Eva. We're doing this together.
S***: 听我说,Eva,我们一起走。

Eva: No, you...
Eva: 不,你...

S***: Eva... I need you.
S***: Eva...我需要你。

Eva: Say that one more time.
Eva: 再说一次。

S***: I need you. I can't fly the WIG by myself.
S***: 我需要你。我不会开那个WIG。

Eva: (laughing) All right, then. I guess I'd better help you out. (She stands up, pulling herself off of the branch) You're lucky to have me. (she faints)
Eva: (大笑)很好,我想我最好帮你离开这里,有我是你的运气。

(S*** calls Para-Medic)

Para-Medic: S***! Can you hear me?
Para-Medic: S***!听得到吗?

S***: Para-Medic!? Thank God. Eva's been hurt seriously!
S***: Para-Medic!?多谢上帝。Eva伤得很厉害!

Para-Medic: So have you!
Para-Medic: 所以得靠你了!

S***: Luckily, I think her organs are all intact, but...
S***: 还好,我想她的内脏没有损坏,不过...

Para-Medic: Calm down, S***.
Para-Medic: 冷静,S***。

S***: Calm down?
S***: 冷静?

Para-Medic: You'll both be fine as long as you get proper emergency treatment. But you're the only one who can do this. Understand? So you've got to calm down.
Para-Medic: 只要有恰当的治疗,你俩都会没事了。不过现在你是唯一能做这件事的人了,明白吗?所以你得冷静下来。

S***: Right. OK...
S***: 好的。

Para-Medic: OK. Now, let's open up the Survival Viewer and treat the injury. Do you have supplies with you?
Para-Medic: OK,现在打开生存界面开始治疗,你有药品吗?

S***: I'm running kind of short.
S***: 我用得比较省。

Para-Medic: Then, by switching the Survival Viewer over to Eva you can treat her wounds, too. Now get to work. Oh, and S***... I'm pretty sure you know this already but if you don't have enough supplies for the both of you, your wounds come first.
Para-Medic: 在生存界面里选择Eva就能给她疗伤。哦S***...我想你应该明白,但我还得提醒,如果药品不足以应付你们两个,你应该先给自己疗伤。

S***: ...
S***: ...

Para-Medic: Do you get my meaning, S***? You've still got a mission to complete.
Para-Medic: 你明白我的意思吗,S***?你还有任务要完成。

S***: Yeah, I know what I have to do.
S***: 是的,我知道我该怎么做。

Para-Medic: S***? Like this.
Para-Medic: S***?就像这样。

(S*** treats Eva's wounds. He helps her to her feet)

S***: Can you walk?
S***: 你能走吗?

Eva: Yeah. I think so... (takes a step and staggers)
Eva: 是的,我想可以...

S***: (taking out a revolver) Here. It's different from the Mauser. When you're using a two-hand grip, you have to be careful where you put your hands or your fingers will get burned by the exhaust gas from the cylinder gap.
S***: (掏出左轮)这个给你,它跟毛瑟枪不同,当你双手握把时,你得小心手的位置,不然手指会被从枪膛缝隙排出的热气灼伤。

(Major Zero calls S***)

Zero: S***, are you all right?
Zero: S***,你还好吧?

S***: I've been better.
S***: 好多了。

Para-Medic: What about Eva?
Para-Medic: Eva怎样了?

S***: I healed her up. She can manage.
S***: 替她疗伤了,她能应付。

Para-Medic: Good...
Para-Medic: 很好。

Zero: S***, you'll take the lead break through the enemy's line of defense. Eva will ordinarily be following behind you. If you lie on your belly, she will lie down as well. If you slip and fall off a cliff, she'll follow right behind you. You can call out to Eva by pressing the Action Button. Head to the lake along with Eva.
Zero: S***,你在前面突破敌兵的防线,Eva跟在你后面。如果你伏卧,她会照做,如果你失足落下悬崖,她也会跟着你。你可以用动作键来叫她。现在带Eva到湖边去。

(When you come to cliff that needs to be climbed over, Zero calls S***)

Zero: S***, the lake is just over that cliff. Eva should be able to climb it if you help her. Keep her close to you.
Zero: S***,湖就在断崖的上边,你帮忙的话Eva应该能爬上去。让她保持在你身边。


(S*** and Eva enter Rokovoj Bereg. Eva spots the WIG and runs forward)
(两人进入Rokovoj Bereg,Eva看到了停在那里的WIG)

Eva: Come on, S***! We made it. Over there!
Eva: 快来,S***!我们成功了,在那里!

(S*** looks away)

Eva: It's The Boss, isn't it? I'll go get the WIG ready to take off.
Eva: 还有The Boss对吧?那我去准备起飞。

S***: Right.
S***: 好的。

Eva: I'll leave you two alone. But come back in one piece, OK? (she runs off
but turns around) Promise me!
Eva: 我不会妨碍你们的,但是要活着回来,好吗?答应我!

(S*** heads toward a field of white flowers. Suddenly, a distant nuclear
blast goes off)

Boss: Life' end... (drops the Davy Crockett) Isn't beautiful? It's almost tragic. When life ends, it gives off a final lingering aroma. Light is but a farewell gift from the darkness to those on their way to die. I've been waiting, S***, for a long time. Waiting for your birth, your growth, and the finality of today.
Boss: 生命的尽头...不是很美吗?但这种美丽往往都是悲剧性的。当生命走到终点时,它会散发出最后的久久不散的芳香。光明对于那些即将死去的人来说仅仅只是黑暗赠与的最后礼物。我一直在等,S***,等了很久了。等你出生,等你长大,等待着今天的终结。

S***: Boss, why are you doing this?
S***: Boss你为什么要这么做?

Boss: Why? To make the world one again. The world used to be whole. But with the end of the Second World War, the Philosophers began to fight amongst themselves and the world was torn apart. The Cobras, my comrades who trained and fought alongside me, were torn apart as well. The foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes. Ridiculous, isn't it? Yesterday's ally becomes today's opposition. And this Cold War? Think back... When I was leading the Cobras, America and Russia were fighting together. Now consider whether America and Russia will still be enemies in the 21st century. Somehow, I doubt it. Enemies change along with the times, and the flow of the ages. And we soldiers are forced to play along. I didn't raise you and shape you into the man you are today just so we could face each other in battle. A soldier's skills aren't meant to be used to hurt friends. So then what is an enemy? Is there such thing as an absolute timeless enemy? There is no such thing and never has been. And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms. The world must be made whole again. The Philosophers must be reunited. I will devote my skills to that purpose. And with the Colonel's money, I will achieve that end. Just as I once created the Cobras. They are my family. I may no longer be able to bear children but I still have a family.
Boss: 为什么?为了让世界重新合为一体。世界本来是一个整体,但是二战结束后,“哲学家”们就开始相互争斗,这使得世界四分五裂。眼镜蛇部队,曾经和我一起训练和战斗的伙伴们也因此各奔东西。***的怪癖和时间的变迁会让朋友变成敌人,就像风改变它的方向那样简单。很荒谬,是不是?曾经的同盟变成今天的对手。还有这场冷战?想想过去...当我带领眼镜蛇的时候,美国和苏联在一起联手作战,,但我怀疑他们现在彼此都会认为对方是21世纪的敌人。

Boss: It was November 1st, 1951. I was in the Nevada desert participating in atomic testing. The name "Nevada" is derived from Spanish... "covered in snow"... "white as snow"...  And snow is exactly what I saw in the that Nevada desert. It froze my blood white. S***, you were an atomic test subject, weren't you? On Bikini Atoll. That's part of the reason I was drawn to you. You and I are alike. We're both slowly being eaten away by the karma of others. We'll never have the chance to die peacefully of old age. We have no tomorrow. But we can still have hope for the future. In 1960 I saw a vision of the ideal future from space. Three years earlier the Soviet Union had succeeded in launching Sputnik. The first manmade satellite in history, into orbit. This cam as a huge shock to the United States. In response, American threw everything it had into its own manned space flight project, the Mercury project. Even as the Soviets seemed poised to send their first man into space America was still experimenting with chimpanzees in rockets. The government wanted human data. So they secretly decided to send a human being into space. I was the one they chose. At the time they didn't have the technology to block out cosmic rays and whoever they sent up would inevitably be exposed to heavy radiation. That's why they chose me. After all, I had already been irradiated once. Of course, you won't find any of this in the history books. I could see the planet as it appeared from space. That's when it finally hit me. Space exploration is nothing but another game in the power struggle between the US and USSR. Politics, economics, the arms race - they're all just arenas for meaningless competition. I'm sure you can see that. But the Earth itself has no boundaries. No East, No West, No Cold War. And the irony of it is, The united States and the Soviet Union are spending billions on their space programs and the missile race only to arrive at the same conclusion. In the 21st century everyone will be able to see that we are all just inhabitants of a little celestial body called Earth. A world without communism and capitalism... that is the world I wanted to see. But reality continued to betray me.
Boss: 1951年11月1日,我参与了在内华达沙漠进行的核试验。“Nevada”这个名字源自西班牙语,意思是“被雪覆盖,如雪洁白”,我也真的在内华达沙漠中看到了“白雪”,那让我血液都凝固了。S***,你也参与在比基尼岛进行的核试验对吗?这也是我被你吸引的原因之一,你和我一样,我们都是被命运慢慢蚕食的人。我们绝无机会安详地老死,我们没有明天,但是我们仍可以对未来抱有希望。1960年,我从太空中看到了理想的未来景象。早在3年前苏联就成功的发射了Sputnik(史泼尼克号),世界上第一颗人造卫星进入轨道,美国对此非常震惊。作为回应,美国倾其所有来发展载人太空飞行计划——“水银计划”。不过直到苏联准备把他们的首位宇航员送上太空的时候,美国还在火箭里用大猩猩做试验。政府想要人类的数据,所以他们秘密准备将人送上太空。我就是他们选中的人,那时他们并不拥有能够阻挡宇宙射线的技术。无论谁被送上太空,都将受到强烈的辐射,这也是他们选择我的原因,毕竟我受过一次辐射。当然,你不可能找到有关这段历史的任何资料。我可以从太空中看到地球的全貌,当时我被深深的震撼了。太空探索只是美苏权力之争的另一场游戏,***,经济,军备竞赛,都在进行着毫无意义的斗争,我想你也都看到了。但是地球本身是没有边界的,没有东方,没有西方,没有冷战。讽刺的是,美苏在太空计划和导弹竞赛上耗费巨资,却是为了达到同一个目的。

Boss: In 1961, I was sent to Cuba to Bahia de Cochinos. It was part of a CIA-sponsored invasion under the guise of taking Cuban exiles back to their country. But the US government betrayed them. Our weak-kneed President held back their air support. Defenseless, the exiles were annihilated by the Cuban army. All I could do was watch in silence. I was set up by the very country I'd sacrificed to much for, by the very government I'd dedicated my life to defending. I was driven from the surface world and I went underground. Then two years ago, I faced The Sorrow -  my old comrade - in battle. He was my friend. But one of us had to die. I was left with no choice. The Sorrow gave his life for me. There is no enmity between us. One must die, and one must live. That was the mission. The ones who gave me that mission were the Philosophers. Early in the twentieth century the true holders of power in the United States, the Republic of China, and the newly-formed Soviet Union, gathered together in a secret meeting that would later be known as the Wiseman's Committee. The secret pact they formed there marked the beginning of the Philosophers. But the last of the original members died in the 1930's. After that, the organization began to run out of control and the Wiseman's Committee degenerated into a mere shell of its former self. The Philosophers of today have no sense of good or evil. Their influence extends to countries and organizations involved in every aspect of every war. They have become war itself. That's how they operate. The sacrifices of war cause a shift in the times. This shift leads to renewed conflict and in turn triggers the next war. Like a nuclear chain reaction, each conflict sparks countless others, forming an endless spiral of war that will continue on for eternity. Do you understand what I'm saying, "S***?" By consuming me and you the Philosophers intend to keep their cycle going forever. It was my father who explained all of this to me. He was one of them. You see, I am the last remaining child of the Philosophers. But after he revealed the truth my father was killed by that same shapeless, formless organization. And my father isn't the only thing the Philosophers have taken from me. In June of 1944, the Cobras and I took part in the landing at Normandy. We'd been given a top secret mission to locate and destroy enemy V2 rocket installations. I was pregnant at the time. The Sorrow was the father. I gave birth on the field of battle. A beautiful baby boy... but my child was ***ed away from me by the Philosophers.
Boss: 1961年,我被派往古巴的猪湾(Bahia de Cochinos),那是被CIA伪装成将古巴流犯送回祖国的入侵行动的一部分,可是美国政府出卖了他们,我们软弱的总统停止了对他们的支援,毫无防备的流犯被古巴军全部歼灭。我能做的只有默默的观望。我被这样一个为之牺牲太多的国家、这样一个为之用生命来捍卫的政府所欺骗,从此我便从幕前转到了幕后。

(The Boss pulls off her cloak and opens the front part of her suit)
(The Boss露出了胸前的蛇状伤疤)

Boss: Look at this scar. This is proof that I was once a mother. I gave up my body and my child for my country. There is nothing left inside me now. Nothing at all. No hatred, not even regret. And yet sometimes at night I can still feel the pain creeping up inside me. Slithering through my body like a s***. I've never talked this much about myself before. Thanks... thanks for listening to me. I feel... content. S***... (pulls out a radio) Commence the operation. (puts radio away) I raised you. I loved you. I've given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There is nothing more for me to give you. All that's left for you to take is my life, by your own hand. One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survive will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle. I'll give you 10 minutes. In 10 minutes, MiGs will come and bomb the hell out of this place. If you can beat me in less than 10 minutes, you'll be able to escape in time. (loads Patriot) Let's make this the greatest 10 minutes of our lives, Jack.
Boss: 看看这条伤疤,它可以证明我曾经是一位母亲。我为祖国献出了身体和孩子,现在我已经一无所有了,什么都没了。没有仇恨,甚至没有遗憾。但有时候在深夜,我仍能感觉到痛苦在我的体内游走,就像蛇一样爬过我的身体。我以前从没有说过这么多关于自己的事情,谢谢...谢谢你能听我诉说,我感觉...很好,S***...(掏出发报机)行动开始。我养育了你,我爱过你。我给你武器,传你本领,教你知识。我已经没有什么能给你了,唯一剩下能给你亲手拿去的,只有我的生命。一个必须生一个必须死,没有胜利,也没有失败,活下来的那个必须继续战斗,这是我们的宿命...活下来的人将继承 “Boss”的称号,而这个人将去面对永无止境的战斗。我会给你十分钟的时间,十分钟后这里将被米格战机夷为平地。如果你能在十分钟内打败我,你就可以及时逃生。让我们将这十分钟铸成我们生命中最伟大的时刻吧,Jack。

S***: Boss!
S***: Boss!

Boss: You're a soldier! Finish your mission! Prove your loyalty! Face me!
Boss: 你是一名军人!完成你的任务!证明你的忠诚!出手吧!

(S*** has beaten The Boss. He approaches her and she gives him the microfilm)
(击败The Boss,她给了S***微型胶卷)

Boss: Take this... keep it safe. It's our only hope. (hands him the Patriot)
Boss: 拿着这个.......好好保存,这是我们唯一的希望。(把她的枪给了S***)

S***: A Patriot... why are you giving me this?
S***: 一把爱国者...为什么要给我这个?

Boss: Jack... Or should I say... S***... You're a wonderful man. Kill me. Kill me now. Do it. There's only room for one Boss... and one S***...
Boss: Jack...或者我该叫... S***... 你是个了不起的人,杀了我,现在就杀了我,动手吧。世界上只能有一个Boss...也只能有一个S***...

(S*** shoots and kills her. The lowers turn red and The Boss' horse comes by. The scar on The Boss' body turns into a silvery white s*** and slithers away. One red petal falls into S***'s hand; he clutches it)


(S*** has boarded the WIG)

Eva: Ready to go, S***?
Eva: 准备好走了吗,S***?

(She fires up the engines but S*** does not respond)

Eva: Are you OK? S***?
Eva: 你没事吧?S***?

S***: Yeah... (he opens his hand and the red petal flies away, turning white)
S***: 没事...

Eva: I told you, you could trusts me.
Eva: 我说过,你可以信任我。

(S*** smiles and removes the belt with his equipment. However, one of the engines is hit by a gunshot. Ocelot flies by in one of the hovering vehicles)

Ocelot: S***!
Ocelot: S***!

S***: Ocelot!
S***: Ocelot!

Ocelot: We're not done yet!
Ocelot: 我们还没完呢!

(Ocelot pulls up to the side and busts the hatch open. He jumps inside as his vehicle crashes into the ground. Ocelot picks up S***'s belt and throws it out the hatch. Ocelot and S*** fight but Ocelot has learned form his past mistakes; neither of the two are able to get the better of the other)

Eva: We're too heavy!
Eva: 太重了!

(S*** and Ocelot prepare to fight again)

Boss: (voice) S***, try to remember some of the basics of CQC...
Boss: (画外音)S***,试着回忆CQC的一些基本技能...

Eva: Not good! (the WIG is approaching some mountains)
Eva: 不好!(飞机直奔山体而去)

Ocelot: I've picked up a few new moves!
Ocelot: 我学了不少新招!

(He pulls out a revolver)

Ocelot: It doesn't feel right to shoot an unarmed man... but I'll get over it.
Ocelot: 向没有武器的人射击是不对的...可我已经想通了。

S***: Eva!!
S***: Eva!!

(Eva throws S*** her revolver. S*** and Ocelot aim at each other, pulling their triggers. Neither of them have a loaded revolver. They circle each other. Ocelot pull off his necklace with the single bullet)

Ocelot: What do you say to one last showdown?
Ocelot: 你说我们最后摊一次牌怎样?

S***: Yeah... all right.
S***: 没问题。

(S*** hands his revolver to Ocelot. Ocelot loads the bullet into one of the revolvers and then mixes them up. He places them on the ground, side-by-side)

Ocelot: What's your name?
Ocelot: 你叫什么名字?

S***: S***.
S***: S***。

Ocelot: No, not that name. You're not a s*** and I'm not an ocelot. We're men with names. My name is Adamska. What's yours?
Ocelot: 不,不是这个,你不是蛇我也不是山猫,我们是有名有姓的,我叫Adamska,你呢?

S***: John.
S***: John。

Ocelot: Very well, John... Plain name, but I won't forget it. C'mon!
Ocelot: 很好,John... 普通的名字,不过我不会忘的。开始吧!

(At this point, the player can choose between the left revolver or right. Ocelot and S*** take several paces and then turn and fire. The gun you choose  affects the next sequence of events. If you choose the one on the right, you will not have the loaded revolver. Ocelot fires but it turns out to be a blank)

Ocelot: (laughing) It was a blank! That was fun.
Ocelot: (大笑)那是空弹!真有趣。

(S*** hands over the revolver but Ocelot lets him keep it. He pats S*** on the shoulder)

Ocelot: Till we meet again... John! (jumps out of the plane)
Ocelot: 我们会再见的... John!


(If you chose the revolver on the left, you will have the loaded gun. However, you don't have to shoot Ocelot. If you don't shoot him:)

Ocelot: It looks like your luck has beat mine again. But why didn't you pull the trigger? (no response) ...Ah, well. Till we meet again... John! (jumps out of the plane)
Ocelot: 看来你的运气还是比我好,不过为什么不扣扳机?...嗯,我们会再见的... John!

(If you chose the left revolver and you do elect to shoot Ocelot:)

Ocelot: (laughing) It's a blank. That was fun. (punches S*** lightly on the
chest) Till we meet again... John! (jumps out of the plane)
Ocelot: (大笑)那是空弹!真有趣。我们会再见的... John!


Eva: S***! Give me a hand!
Eva: S***!帮我一把!

S***: Pull!
S***: 扳!

Eva: C'mon! Pull up!
Eva: 用力扳!

(WIG grazes the water and then barely manages to clear the mountains. S***
and Eva laugh)

Eva: We made it.
Eva: 成功了。

S***: Yeah, we sure did.
S***: 是的,我们做到了。

Eva: Oh no! MiGs! There's no way out! What are we going to do?
Eva: 哦不!米格!无路可逃!我们该怎么办?

S***: We've come too far to let them stop us now. Those things have got to be armed.
S***: 我们动作太慢了以至于他们有时间来阻止,

Eva: It's no use! There's no way we can outmaneuver them! They're going to shoot us down! We were so close...
Eva: 没用的!我们不可能快过他们!他们要攻击我们了!我们就快成功了..
Pilot: Weapons systems on. Locked on target. I got tone.

S***: You were great Eva.
S***: 你是好样的,Eva。

Eva: Huh?
Eva: 嗯?

S***: Thanks.
S***: 谢谢。

Control: Volk-19, this is Control. Stand by for a direct order from the Chairman. Volk-19 return to base immediately. Do you read me? This is a direct order from Comrade Khrushchev! Return to base immediately. Volk-19! Do you copy?
指挥台: Volk-19,这里是指挥台。遵从***的直接指示,Volk-19立即返回基地。收到了吗?这是***同志的直接指示!立即返回基地!Volk-19!收到了吗?

Pilot: Understood. Aborting mission. RTB.

Eva: Look! The MiGs are turning back!
Eva: 看!米格离开了!

(S*** and Eva are about to kiss when S***'s radio goes off. It's Major Zero)

Zero: Well done, S***!
Zero: 干得好,S***!

S***: The MiGs disengaged...
S***: 米格离开了...

Zero: Most likely under orders from Khrushchev.
Zero: 应该是***的命令。

S***: Was this his way of helping us?
S***: 这就是他们帮助我们的方式?

Zero: Who knows? Maybe he didn't want things to get messier than they already are. Or maybe he just wanted us to owe him one. The important things is, you made it out alive. As long as Khrushchev is with is, I don't think they'll be coming after you. It should be smooth sailing all the way to Alaska. I'm sending someone out to Galena Base to meet you.
Zero: 谁知道?或许是他不想把事情闹大,可能是他想让我们欠他个人情,重要的是你活着出来了。只要有***在,我想他们不会再来追你了。现在可以安稳地向阿拉斯加飞去了,我会派人在Galena(加利纳空军基地)接你的。

S***: To meet me?
S***: 接我?

Zero: The DCI and the President himself are waiting at Langley. Don't keep
them waiting.
Zero: DCI(国防情报局)和总统本人在兰利市等你,别让他们久等了。


(S*** and Eva are drinking wine in a private room. A fire blazes behind them)

S***: So what are you going to do now? Go back to the KGB?
S***: 你下一步打算干什么?回到KGB去吗?

Eva: What do you want me to do?
Eva: 你想我怎么做呢?

S***: Did you ever think about coming back to America?
S***: 没想过回到美国吗?

Eva: I can't go back. I've left America behind me.
Eva: 我不能回去,我已经背弃了美国。

S***: But you saved this country.
S***: 可是你拯救了这个国家。

Eva: I didn't do it alone.
Eva: 我一个人可干不了。

S***: And I still owe you a dinner.
S***: 而且我还欠你一顿晚餐。

Eva: Is that part of your mission, too? Or is it an order? Or is it an invitation? Mmm... or a proposal? I don't take orders from anyone now.
Eva: 那也是你任务的一部分?或者是一个命令?一个邀请?还是一个建议?我现在可是谁的命令也不听。

(S*** won't hear of it. He grabs her and they kiss by the fire. S***'s radio goes off but Eva takes it and throws it in the fire)


(Sometime later, S*** wakes up and finds the room deserted. We hear Eva's voice)

Eva: Scholars tell us that the first spy in history was the s*** in the Book Genesis. In that story it was Eve who was tempted by the s*** in the garden of Eden. But this time around it was I who tempted the s*** and got away with the forbidden fruit of knowledge. Forgive me, S***.
Eva: 学着告诉我们,历史上第一个间谍是《创世纪》里的蛇,故事里,夏娃被伊甸园里的蛇诱惑。但这次是我诱惑了蛇并带走了知识的禁果,原谅我,S***。

(S*** finds the picture Eva took of him in the cave. On the back are the words "Good-bye." S*** finds a reel of magnetic tape and places it in the player. A message from Eva begins)
(S*** 打开了录音机,Eva声音开始在室内回荡)

Eva: Good morning, S***. I hope you slept well. First of all, I have to apologize. I wasn't sent by Khrushchev. I'm not a KGB spy and I never worked for the NSA. I am an agent of the People's Republic of China... For the General HQ Second Department of the People's Liberation Army. It was all a lie. I tricked you... and I'm sorry. (We see Eva getting a motorcycle ready) The Philosophers still exist in China, too. You see, my mission was to find out where Volgin was hiding the Philosopher's Legacy and steal it. So I infiltrated his base as a KGB spy. The two NSA code breakers who defected in 1960 were actually both men. The real ADAM never showed up at the meeting place, saving me the trouble of having to eliminate him. I sneaked in by pretending I was EVA. And you and Sokolov and Volgin... You all believed me. The Philosopher's Legacy was originally held in common between the US, Soviet Union, and China. We couldn't let the Russians and the Americans take it all for themselves. The Chinese government had its eye on the Legacy, too. I got the film containing the Legacy. And also the nuclear missile launch from the Shagohod. Five years ago, the Soviet Union stopped supplying us with nuclear weapons technology. Since then, China's "Liangdan yixing" - hydrogen bomb and space rocket projects - have fallen behind. But with this data, our country will be able to develop its own nukes. We'll create a deterrent force to rival those of the US and Soviet Union. Everything has gone according to plan, thanks to your help. I, too, am one of the Philosophers. I am an agent of the Philosophers, a graduate of one of their "charm schools." I was raised in a joint US-Soviet-Chinese facility to become a sleeper agent. That was before they war. Back then, they were collecting children from all over the world. As a result, I'm indistinguishable from a native-born American. So it didn't surprise me when you and Volgin couldn't tell the difference. But she knew right from the beginning. She knew because before the war she was at one of the Philosopher's schools, too - as in instructor. The Boss was the only one I couldn't fool. She was the only one who knew I was a fake. She told me everything. Why did she open her heart to me like that? At the time, I couldn't understand it. But now I think I do. S***, she wanted you to know the truth. She chose me to tell you. That's why she saved my life. I've lied to you so many times, but not this time. My orders from the government were to obtain the Legacy and to eliminate everyone who knew the truth about what happened. In other words, I'm supposed to kill you. But I can't do it. Not because we loved each other. And not because you saved my life. But because I made a promise to The Boss... And I intend to keep it. I just wanted you to know. And... you have to live.
Eva: 早上好,S***,希望你睡得好。首先我要向你道歉,因为我骗了你,我不是***派来的,也不是KGB的间谍,我也从没为NSA(国家***)工作过。我是中国的特工...一切全是谎言,我骗了你...我很抱歉。在中国也有“哲学家”存在,我的任务就是查清Volgin把“哲学家的遗产”藏在哪里并偷走它。所以我假扮成KGB的间谍渗透入基地,其实那两个在1960年叛逃的***破译员都是男的,真正的ADAM并没有出现在碰头地点,这也省了我要干掉他的麻烦。我扮成EVA潜入到那里,你、Sokolov还有Volgin...你们都相信了。“哲学家的遗产“本来就是三国所有,我们不能让美苏全部拿走,***也盯着遗产呢。我拿到了包含遗产和Shagohod核弹发射资料的胶片。5年前,苏联停止了对我国核武器技术的支持,此后,中国的“两弹一星”——氢弹和太空火箭计划就搁浅了。但是有了这些数据,我们的国家便能开发自己的核武器,我们就有了能与美苏相抗衡的威慑力量。一切都照计划进行,感谢你的帮助。
我也是“哲学家”中的一员,是他们的特工,毕业于他们的一所“魅力学校”。我成长于美苏中三国的结合部门,以成为匿名特工。这些都是战争之前的事,那时他们在世界各地搜罗小孩子,最终我跟一名土生土长的美国人没有什么两样。所以你和Volgin没有觉察到差异也就不奇怪了。但是她从一开始就知道真相,因为战争之前她也在“哲学家”们的一所学校,作为教师。The Boss是我唯一没能骗过的人,也是唯一知道我是赝品的人。她把一切都告诉了我,为什么要对我敞开心扉?当时我不能理解,但现在我想我知道了,S***,她想让你知道真相。她选择了我来告诉你,所以她救了我。我曾经说过很多谎话,但是这次没有。政府给我的任务是拿到“遗产”并干掉所与知晓此事的人,换句话说我必须要杀了你。但是我做不到,不是因为我们相爱,也不是因为你救过我,而是因为我对The Boss有过承诺...我决定遵守。我只想让你知道这一切。还有...你一定要活下去。

(Eva rides off and the magnetic tape self-destructs. We next see S*** clad in a formal military uniform on his way to meet the president)

Eva: (voice) S***, listen to me. She didn't betray the United States. No... far from it. She was a hero who died for her country. She carried out her mission knowing full well what was going to happen.
Eva: (画外音)S***,听我说,她没有背叛美国,不,完全不是。她是一位为国捐躯的英雄。她明知会发生什么,还是忠于职守。

(The doors open and S*** is greeted with applause. Major Zero, Para-Medic,
and Sigint are there as well)

Eva: Self-sacrifice... because that was her duty.
Eva: 自我牺牲...因为那是她的使命。

(S*** stand before the president. A woman brings a medal to the president. He picks it up)

President: You are above even The Boss. I hereby award you the title of Big Boss. (pins the medal to his shirt)
总统: 你已经超越了The Boss,我因此授予你“Big Boss”称号。

(S***, or more appropriately, Big Boss, salutes the president)

President: You are a true patriot.
President: 你是一个真正的爱国者。

(The president and Big Boss shake hands. The player can also hold R1 and see Ocelot staring at you through the window. Big Boss turns around and stands with the president for pictures. The CIA director approaches and offers his hand but Big Boss walks right past him)

Executive: You know, we could use an infiltration unit like FOX in the army. Someone like him to handle our top-secret sneaking missions for us. A man who combines the qualities of a soldier and an agent.

Eva: The Boss' defection was a ruse set up by the US government. It was all a big drama staged by Washington so they could get their hands on the Philosopher's Legacy.
Eva: Boss的叛变只是美国政府策划的一个骗局,自始至终都是华盛顿当局自编自导的一场戏,为的就是能得到“哲学家的遗产”。

(Big Boss is greeted by Major Zero, Para-Medic, and Sigint but he coldly walks past them and leaves)

Eva: And The Boss was the star of the show. They planned it so that they could get the Legacy that Colonel Volgin inherited... and destroy the Shagohod at the same time. Only a legendary hero like The Boss could have earned Volgin's trust. Finding out where the Philosopher's Legacy was hidden was to be her greatest mission. Everything was going according to plan. But then something happened that no one could have predicted. Colonel Volgin fired an American-made nuclear warhead at Sokolov's research facility. Khrushchev demanded that the US government provide proof that it wasn't involved. They couldn't just abort the operation to steal the Legacy. So the operation itself was greatly expanded and revised. The authorities in Washington knew that in order to prove its innocence they'd have to get rid of The Boss... and that one of their own would have to do the job. The public couldn't be allowed to find out about... not ever. This, they concluded, would be the best way to keep the whole thing under wraps. The Boss wouldn't be allowed to come back home alive. And she wouldn't be allowed to kill herself. Her life would be ended by her most beloved disciple... That was the way the government wanted it. That was the mission she was given. And she had no choice but to carry it out. Her death at your hands was duty she had to fulfill. Out of duty, she turned her back on her own comrades. A lesser woman would have been crushed by such a burden.
Eva: 而Boss就是这场戏的主角。他们策划了这一切,这样他们就能得到Volgin上校继承的“遗产“...同时摧毁Shagohod。只有像The Boss这样的传奇英雄才会赢得Volgin的信任。找出“哲学家的遗产”的下落是她最重要的任务。一切都在按照计划进行着,可是发生了一件出人意料的事情,Volgin上校向Sokolov的研究所发射了一枚美国制造的核弹,***要求美国总统拿出证据来证明美国与此事无关。他们不能中断窃取“遗产”的计划,因此计划有了很大的扩展和改动。华盛顿当局很清楚要证明与此事无关,他们必须除掉The Boss...必须要有人来完成这个任务。公众不会知道真相...永远不会。他们认定这是掩盖事实的最好方法。The Boss不能活着回国,也不能***,她将被自己最心爱的门徒了结...那就是政府想要的解决方法,那就是她最后的任务,她除了接受别无选择。死在你的手里是她必须去完成的使命。为了这个使命,她背叛了自己的同志。一个弱女子怎能承受如此的压力。

(Big Boss is walking through a cemetery with s suitcase)

Eva: The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her. In America, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor. And in Russia, as a monster who unleashed a nuclear catastrophe. She will go down in official history as a war criminal. And no one will ever understand her. That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end.
Eva: 耻辱的污点将伴随她入土,后人会唾骂她。在美国,她是一个毫无荣誉可言的可耻叛徒。在苏联,她是一个制造核灾难的妖怪。她将作为战犯被记入正历,没有人会理解她。那...就是她最后的任务。作为一名真正的战士,她自始自终忠于职守。

(Big Boss arrives at The Boss' grave)
(在The Boss的墓前)

Eva: But I think she wanted you of all people to know the truth. She wanted to live on in your memory. Not as a soldier, but as a woman. But she was forbidden to tell you herself. And that's why she told me.
Eva: 但是我想她希望你知道真相,她希望活在你的记忆中,作为一个女人而不是军人。但是她不能亲口告诉你,这就是她要跟我说这一切的原因。

(Big Boss places the Patriot and some flowers on the grave)

Eva: S***, history will never know what she did. No one will ever learn the truth. Her story... her debriefing... will endure only in your heart. Everything she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land. She was a real hero.
Eva: S***,历史将永远不会知道她所做的一切,人们也永远不会获悉真相。她的故事...她的自白...将只会留在你的心中。她所做的一切都是为了国家,为了祖国她牺牲了自己的生命和荣耀。她是真正的英雄。

(The Boss' tombstone reads: "In Memory of a Patriot who Saved the World")
(The Boss墓碑上写着:纪念一名爱国者,她拯救了世界)

Eva: She was a true patriot.
Eva: 她是真正的爱国者。

(Big Boss salutes)


October 15, 1964
Khrushchev is ousted from power.
Brezhnev becomes the First Secretary of the Communist Party, with Kosygin as Premier.

October 16, 1964
China conducts its first successful nuclear test in the Takia Makan desert.

Sigint joins ARPA.
He takes part in the development of the ARPAnet, which would go online in 1969.

The US government conducts a study on emergency medical treatment. The Department of Transportation lays the groundwork for the creation of the EMT system.
美国政府进行了一项关于紧急医疗处理的研究,运输部以此为 EMT 系统的创造奠定了基础。

Eva disappears without a trace in Hanoi.

Para-Medic establishes the nation's first paramedic system in Seattle, Washington.

Major Zero disbands FOX.

The United States accumulates the remainder of the Legacy. The US branch of "Philosophers" changes its name to the "Patriots."

Carrying on the traditions of Major Zero and his FOX unit, Big Boss establishes FOXHOUND.
继承Zero少校与FOX部队的传统,Big Boss成立FOXHOUND部队。

The "Les Enfants Terribles" project.
The Sons of Big Boss are born.
魔童计划实施,Big Boss之子诞生。


(We see the Metal Gear Solid title. Ocelot is speaking to someone on the phone)

Ocelot: Yes. Groznyj Grad and the Granin research facility have both been wiped out without a trace. I understand, sir. But they were necessary sacrifices. Yes, the CIA has taken care of The Boss themselves. I believe the White House will be satisfied. Khrushchev is finished. Your time has finally arrived. Yes. The American president is relying on us to keep a lid on the whole affair. We've got him by the balls. It should make a valuable trump card in future negotiations. Yes, Chief Director. Of course. I'll keep the KGB informed.
Ocelot: 是的,Groznyj Grad和格兰宁研究所都被不露痕迹的摧毁了。我明白,长官,不过他们是必须要牺牲的。是的,CIA亲手解决了The Boss,我相信白宫会满意的。***完了,您的时代终于到来了。是的,美国总统要依靠我们来掩盖整个事件,我们抓住了他的把柄,这是我们在未来谈判中的最有力的王牌。是的,总指挥,当然了,我会和KGB保持联络的。

(He hangs up and dials another number)

Ocelot: Yes, it's me. The Boss has accomplished her mission. The Philosopher's Legacy is now safely with us... in America's hands. With this money... yes, the Philosophers can finally be revived. The film we handed the Chinese was a fake. Peking must be in an uproar right about now. I'm afraid so. Only half of the money has made it back to the United States. The KGB must still have part of the Legacy. Yes, the weapon has been reduced to ashes. That's right. Groznyj Grad has been obliterated by the Davy Crockett we brought in as well. Yes, that was The Boss' work, too. Speaking of which, I've obtained something from Granin that you might find interesting. It's a revolutionary new nuclear attack system. Perhaps it might just come in handy some day. Yes, we have John - I mean S*** - to thank for that. Khrushchev believed it as well. Yes, they bought our story. I don't think they'll be making a fuss. The secondary alert has been lifted as well. And the Soviets still haven't discovered my true identity. They have no idea that I've been triple-crossing them. I will continue my activities as a contact for the new government. Yes, it appears that no one knew that I was ADAM. Of course. I'm always at the CIA's disposal...
Mr. Director.
Ocelot: 是的,是我。The Boss完成了她的任务。“哲学家地遗产”已经安全地落入了我们手中...在美国政府手上。利用这笔钱...“哲学家”将会最终复兴。我们交给中国的胶片是赝品,北京政府现在一定很恼火。我想是的,只有一半的资金回到了美国,KGB一定还保留了部分“遗产”。是的,那武器已经飞回湮灭了…是的…Groznyj Grad也已被我们带去的Davy Crockett摧毁。是的,那是也The Boss的任务。说到这个,我还从Granin那里找到了一些你可能会感兴趣的东西,那是一种***性的新型核打击系统,也许哪天会派上用场的。是的,我们得向John,我是说S***道声谢,***也深信不疑。是的,他们相信我们的说法,我不认为他们会小题大做。二级警报也已经解除。苏联还没有发现我的真实身份,他们还不知道我把他们全耍了。我会作为新政府的联络员继续行动。是的,没有人知道我就是ADAM,当然,我始终听从CIA的命令..


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发表于 2005-1-31 20:58  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层
下面是引用xyknife于2005-01-31 20:15发表的:

楼主动做好快啊(为什么不等我[s:83] )





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发表于 2005-1-31 21:53  ·  黑龙江 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-31 22:10  ·  浙江 | 显示全部楼层
是重新翻译的 更准确的说法是相当于重新整理了一下吧
不过限于烂烂的中文水平 可能改差了也不一定 表874我


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发表于 2005-1-31 22:22  ·  江苏 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-2-1 09:14  ·  北京 | 显示全部楼层
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