| Cockatrice | |
Ride the ***atrice.
| Omni Character | |
Play as every character.
| Turtle Village | |
Choose any character and reach Turtle Village (Stage 3) without dying once.
| Amazon Magic | |
Perform the Level 6 magic attack with the Amazon.
| Dwarf Magic | |
Perform the Level 3 magic attack with the Dwarf.
| Barbarian Magic | |
Perform the Level 4 magic attack with the Barbarian.
| Potion | |
Collect three potions from a thief or party of thieves.
| Survivor | |
Choose any character and reach 'Across the Sea' (Stage 5) without dying once.
| Co-op Win | |
Beat the game in local Co-op mode.
| Online Co-op | |
Complete an online Co-op game.
完成线上合作模式,并不需要通关 |
| Win | |
Beat the game.
| Perfect Win | |
Beat the game without continuing.
| Jack the Builder | |
Put blockades on every door and window in one level. |
| Poo Dance | |
Make ten infected zombies dance at the same time. |
| Nightshift | |
Play five minutes in darkness. |
| All Traps | |
Build every trap and a wood blockade in one level. |
| Bomber | |
Kill twenty zombies with a single bomb trap. |
| Work force | |
Employ 20 construction zombies at the same time. |
| Dead can Dance | |
Activate the Jukebox and make a zombie dance. |
| Cactustime | |
While playing Mike, search four cacti in a row. |
| Quintupel Super Awesome | |
Build five blockades with super awesome finish in a row. |
| Multikill | |
While playing Foxy, kill three zombies with one melee attack. |
| Game Complete | |
Complete all singleplayer levels. |
| Medal Seeker | |
Win all gold medals in all singleplayer levels. |
| Slash Mode | |
Kill 50 enemies in a row in Survival Slice Challenge as the primary player. |
| Legendary Arsenal | |
Unlock all weapons and armor for each of the Legendary Warriors. |
| Legendary General | |
Activate all three General Abilities during a single game of Generals. |
| Legendary Warrior | |
Win 10 online ranked duels. |
| These Dice are Loaded! | |
Lose three consecutive battles at even odds or better during a game of Generals. |
| Six Degrees of Separation | |
Severed every limb from your opponent during a slice mode duel without using a final strike. |
| Dead and Broken | |
Break your opponent's arm and leg by grappling before final striking them in a ranked duel. |
| If anyone Khan, Genghis Khan! | |
Beat arcade mode with Genghis Khan using only the dead fish on Deadliest Diffi***y. |
| Denied! | |
Parry your opponent three times in a row without being hit in a single ranked duel. |
| Marksman | |
Get three consecutive headshots using any long range weapons in a single ranked duel. |
| When Push Comes to Shove | |
After being pushed knock an opponent out of the ring as the primary player. |