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本帖最后由 etimes2001 于 2012-3-26 18:09 编辑
y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:41 No.2441101
- Terminator is a post-ending DLC. It's been in production for months. Javik wasoriginally from Terminator, but they bumped him up because they felt that ME3'scast was too small. Terminator is about the party crash landing on a Protheanplanet on the edge of Sol, and then they have to figure out a way to make contactwith the rest of the system and get off of the planet.
- When they do get spaceborne, they return to Earth, which is gripped in a war.Certain species are demanding they be allowed to take the most advanced spaceships out of the system, because Sol cannot support them. There is also mass panicbecause the relay transport system has been destroyed, and Sol's remaining resourcesare going to run out in less than a year.
- Shepard has been found on Earth, but he is badly injured and in a coma. He wasburned badly during atmospheric re-entry, and certain synthetic components of hisbrain were shut down. Chakwas is certain that if he ever awakens, it will be in avegetative state.
- At this point, it is suggested that Shepard's broken synthetic parts could bereplaced with new ones. The party then splits up, and you go to three differentplanets/areas to find synthetic components that may be able to help him.- It is revealed that one of the valid components can be extracted from EDI. Jokerallows them to do so.
y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:42 No.2441128
- Though still badly wounded, after the synthetic pieces are installed, Shepardfinally awakens. He makes a speech at the Spacescraper (a piece of the Citadelthat crash landed on Earth along with Shepard, now used as a center ofoperations) that ends the Sol War. After that, you get a unique cutscene basedon who you did or did not romance in ME3.
- This is not addressed in the Terminator DLC, but from the moment Shepard comesout of the coma, he is the Catalyst. Shepard permanently died during atmosphericre-entry. The characters and the player in Terminator are unaware that it is notthe real Shepard, and this will not be revealed until Mass Shift, the spiritualsuccessor to the Mass Effect series.
- Mass Shift is not Mass Effect 4. Mass Shift will involve the same universe,characters, and story, but it will be more action-oriented. Space flight, forexample, will be as intricate as ME3's combat. In Mass Shift, you will actively flyMurmur, a Reaper that is controlled by the Catalyst. Storyboards have not beendrawn up for exactly how this will work yet, but when we came up with the initialconcept, we were comparing flight to "Gradius III and Kingdom Hearts 2", and therelationship between the Catalyst and Murmur was compared to the one between theboy and the monster in "The Last Guardian".
- Xy was actually going to be a DLC character for Mass Effect 2, but he was axed infavor of Kasumi, who was modeled after the sister of a staff member who kept bakingthe entire staff cookies. They're introducing him in Mass Shift instead.
y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:43 No.2441150
- BioWare has been meaning to introduce a main character suicide plot element for sometime now. They intended to do this with Kaidan/Ashley in Mass Effect 2, wrought withguilt over the death of the other, but this idea was discarded when the director feltthat it would be too forced, and that players would feel as though BioWare simplykilled them off so that they wouldn't have to deal with their character branchesanymore.
- Though the details are very sketchy at this point, Mass Shift revolves aroundthe Catalyst (who now inhabits the body of Shepard), who seeks to prevent thegalaxy from advancing synthetics. This pits the Catalyst against virtually theentire galaxy, which is quickly forgetting about the threat that synthetics pose.The Catalyst, throughout the game, will endure inner turmoil caused byhis "other side" (EDI), who carries the belief that synthetics and organics canpeacefully co-exist.
- Mass Shift will feature more tactical combat, but with less cover. For example,Filbert, while slow on the battlefield, can create a sphere of biotic energy aroundhimself that can repel a certain amount of fire. This will allow party members tostand around him to receive all kinds of interesting "buffs".
- Other minor things have changed. For example, storyboards indicate that AsadGrim, Mass Shift's primary (but not final--he joins your team) antagonist does notwear a typical Volus suit. You will be able to see most of his body.
- Mass Shift takes place about one millennium after the events of ME3.
- Note that branching is the last stage of development. BioWare always begins witha canonical outline, and then adjusts the outline details to accommodate playerchoice in most scenarios.