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Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has fielded a number ofquestions relating to handheld gaming – competition in particular. Head pastthe break for his comments on what it would take for his company to stop makingdedicated gaming handhelds, the threat of smartphones, how the two platformsdiffer, and more.
Iwataon when Nintendo could potentially stop making dedicated gaming handhelds…
“I think that if we are able to provide experiences onhandheld devices that consumers cannot get on another device, then we willcontinue creating software and hardware going forward, and if it comes to apoint when we’re not able to do that, I think, yeah, you will see portablehandheld gaming devices go the way of the Dodo, I guess.”
Iwataon how the DS offered experiences you couldn’t find on a smartphone and howthis technology is advancing…
“I was asked during the Game Boy Advance period by folkswho said, ‘Hey, now you’re able to play games on mobile phones so maybe thetime of the handheld is done’. Because we understood that, that’s what drove usto create the Nintendo DS. And I believe we were able to offer on the NintendoDS an experience that you could not get on phones that were available at thesame time … after the DS that kind of slowly faded into the background. Thatbeing said, with more smartphones and more tablets being on the market now andbecoming very popular this conversation has risen again. Obviously it’s a factthat smartphone technology is advancing very quickly and the things you can doon a smartphone are much different than what you could do on a regularcellphone back in the day.”
Iwataon having the 3DS and future platforms also being able to provide experiencesyou can’t have on a cellphone…
“It’s just like in the day of the GBA our challenge was toprovide experiences you could not have on a cellphone at that time. In the sameway, we have to look at the Nintendo 3DS and other platforms in our future asbeing able to do the same thing in terms of what smartphones can provide aswell.”
Iwataon those who say the handheld gaming device market is shrinking…
“I think a lot of this discussion is based on the premisethat the handheld gaming device market is shrinking or vanishing and I don’tthink that is true and I’d like to address that. Something that [Nintendo ofAmerica president] Reggie [Fils-Aime] said at E3 was that the Nintendo 3DShardware was selling more or faster than the DS, and I think that’s something..that a lot of people are aware of. But something that Reggie also said is thatthe 3DS software sales were exceeding DS software sales. I think this is proofthat even though we see an increase in smartphones and tablets and whatnot andthere’s obviously a huge flood of games in the market, I think the softwaresales that Reggie alluded to and pointed out really prove that these people,even with this flood of free games and whatnot for these portabledevices—[these] non-game-centric devices—are not keeping people from purchasingsoftware for dedicated hardware.”
“As of last week, 3DS sales in Japan reached seven million,and that’s the 77th week post-launch. If we look at DS and DS Lite which peoplewere saying, ‘oh my gosh this thing is selling like hotcakes, it’s crazy!’ itreached the seven million mark at week 72. And for the Nintendo DS that was twoChristmases. For the 3DS it’s only been one Christmas. And we also had a largeearthquake in Japan. And of course now there’s a smartphone boom in Japan,we’re right in the middle of it. I’m not saying there aren’t people out therewho aren’t going to purchase a dedicated handheld device based on theavailability and the fun factor in their smartphones. The examples you gave arefactual. I’m not saying that that’s not true. I do want to say that there arestill people buying our devices and that is also factual. I don’t think there’snot a bright future for handheld devices but I understand that the competition,again with the rise of smart devices is different, and I do recognize that.Previously we had to think, ok, ‘How are we competing with Sony?, How are wecompeting with Microsoft?, How do we compete with all the other software titlesand all the other publishers out there?’ That environment has changed. And thegames available for smartphones, I’m not saying that none of these are interesting,rich or fun experiences, because I know that there are some. And one way we canensure that there’s a market for handheld gaming devices is by continuing tobring out entertaining and engaging software that will provide usersexperiences that they cannot get on these other devices.”
Iwataimplying that Nintendo’s systems fills the need of those who want deep and richgameplay experiences…
“I think within games you have two needs that people fill.One is the time-filler need. The other is that it’s a very important time forme and I want to have a rich experience. Those are two separate needs, I think.The other thing is how much are consumers willing to pay to play. I think thatconsumers who are willing to pay money for a gaming experience are looking forsomething that is more rich and are willing to spend some of that valuable timeon that experience. I believe that as environments change and as the worldprogresses we’re going to have different ways in which people want to spendtheir time. That being said, I don’t think we’re going to see the desire tohave, again, rich and deep sort of gaming experiences… we’re not going to seethat vanish. That’s not going to go away.”
我认为这个说法并不真实,我要澄清这一点。(任天堂北美总裁)雷吉在E3上说过Nintendo 3DS的硬件与DS相比卖得更多更快,我认为这是很多人都能看到的。但是雷吉也说了3DS的软件销售也超越了NDS。我想这是尽管我们看到了智能手机和平板壮大,市场中显然还有大量的玩家的有力证据,我认为雷吉暗指和明指的软件销售真的证明了这些人,在免费游戏以及对于非以游戏为中心的设备的软件的大潮中,没有被分化,平板与手机没有阻碍人们购买能够推动硬件发展的传统游戏。”