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Posted Mon, 07 Jan 2013 | 17:00 GMT by Andy Green
A few months back Ukrainian developer 4A, the team behind Metro: Last Light, claimed that it was not impressed with the graphical processing power of Wii U, saying it has a "horrible, slow CPU". This comment naturally sparked off a debate within the industry with many people agreeing with the statement, while others denounced it.
早在几个月前,地铁:最后曙光的开发商 4A就表示 : WiiU让我们最印象深刻的不是它出众的显卡,而是它“慢到想死的CPU。”此发言一出便像燎原之火一样,在业界中彻底点燃了一场争论。
Team Ninja, the developer behind Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, has now jumped to the defence of the Wii U by adding to the ranks that argue the console is "definitely next generation". In an interview with Edge, Yosuke Hayashi, head of Team Ninja and director of Ninja Gaiden 3, dismissed 4A's comments saying many developers use the perceived low power of the CPU as a smokescreen when making simple business decisions.
现在,制作忍龙3的Team Ninja也跳出来捍卫WiiU的机能了,“WiiU绝对属于次时代。”。再一次与Edge的访谈中,小弟驳回了4A对于WiiU机能的指控,并宣称,很多开发商实际上是在用WiiU感觉上很慢的CPU作为掩盖真相的烟雾弹。
“To be completely blunt and honest, there’s no way that the Wii U processor is ‘horrible and slow’ compared to other platforms.”
(“实话实说,对比其他平台,WiiU的 CPU不可能是”慢到想死“的程度。”)
However Hayashi does admit the Wii U hasn't pushed the bar of the previous generation's processor speeds, but insists that the next generation is about more than just beefing up CPUs.
“If you’re basing this simply on processor speed, then it’s not next generation. If you’re basing this on Wii U being a new idea that challenges existing platforms, then it definitely is next generation. It is a console videogame platform that is now independent of the TV. Nobody has done that before.
(“如果你简简单单地就拿CPU来衡量一台主机,那它(WiiU)肯定不不属于次时代主机。但是如果你用新创新***性来对比其他平台,那它(WiiU)毫无疑问早已属于次时代。 要知道WiiU可是一台可以独立运行于电视之外的游戏主机。这真是前无古人呀!)
Players want new innovation that includes the environment in which you play and services you use, rather than just raw processor spec. Nintendo is at the forefront of that innovation. I’m looking forward to seeing what the other platforms come up with in the future.”
(玩家需要的创新,包括新的玩法和新的服务之类的大环境,而不是仅仅局限于更快的硬件。任天堂向来是创新的先行者。当然,我对其他平台在未来的发展同样期待。”) |