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Certain Affinity在其网站上宣布,刺客信条系列的重要编剧Corey May加盟其工作室担任叙事总监。Corey May早在2004年就开始参与育碧公司《波斯王子2:武者之心》的编剧工作,是《刺客信条》、《刺客信条2》、《刺客信条3》的首席编剧,同时也是《刺客信条:兄弟会》,《刺客信条:启示录》,《刺客信条4:黑旗》等作编剧团队的重要成员,对刺客信条系列游戏的世界观和剧情有重大贡献。
Certain Affinity公告原文:
Certain Affinity is thrilled to announce the hiring of Corey May as Narrative Director. A recognized film and games industry scriptwriter and producer, May brings deep experience in narrative design and direction for top-tier publishers and film studios. May joins Certain Affinity as the company enters an ambitious new phase of developing AAA games and original IP.
大意:Certain Affinity非常兴奋的(向大家)宣布聘任Corey May担任叙事总监,作为一个倍受认可的电影和游戏产业编剧和出品人,May将在剧情设计以及(成为)顶级发行商和电影工作室方面为我们带来丰富的经验。May在Certain Affinity正准备雄心勃勃开发3A大作和原有IP的时候加入了我们的大家庭。
“I’m thrilled to welcome Corey to Austin and Certain Affinity,” said Max Hoberman, President of Certain Affinity. “This is the first of several new key leadership positions aimed at helping us evolve from a co-developer into a full-blown developer of AAA console and PC games. While multiplayer will continue to be an important part of our DNA and our project portfolio, we’re also intent on becoming experts at single player and cooperative experiences. Best-in-class talent like Corey building and leading our Narrative Department is a huge leap in this direction, and his experience and perspective will be tremendous assets to us.”
“我非常兴奋的欢迎Corey来到奥斯汀(美国德克萨斯州首府)和Certain Affinity,”Certain Affinity总裁Max Hoberman说道“这是第一批旨在帮助我们从合作者变成一个成熟的3A主机和PC游戏开发商的新关键领导职位。虽然多人游戏将继续成为我们的强项和我们的项目组合的重要组成部分,我们也正专注于在单人和合作游戏方面成为专家。像Corey这样的一流的人才建设并领导我们的叙事部门是这方面的一个巨大的飞跃,他的经验和观点将是我们巨大的财富。”
“Joining Certain Affinity as the company’s narrative director is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said Corey May. “The projects are so interesting and intriguing…but it is the entire company team that is the real draw. There’s just so much talent and passion on display here – and it’s infectious.”
“加盟Certain Affinity并担任公司的叙事总监是一个千载难逢的机会,” Corey May说道,“那些项目是如此的有趣和迷人…而整个公司的团队才是最吸引我的地方。这里所展现的是如此的有天赋和激情,而且极富感染力”
May’s game credits include Assassin’s Creed, Army of Two, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, Assassin’s Creed II, Assassin’s Creed; Brotherhood, Assassin’s Creed III and Batman: Arkham Origins. His film credits include The Plague, Sleeping Beauty, The Hunt and Dogs of Babel. May holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Harvard University and a Masters of Fine Arts from the University of Southern California.
May参与过的游戏:刺客信条,男朋友双雄,波斯王子3:王者无双,刺客信条2,刺客信条:兄弟会,刺客信条3和蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆起源。他参与过的电影:《***》,《睡美人》,《The Hunt and Dogs of Babel》。