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本帖最后由 ps5battlefield7 于 2019-10-29 03:18 编辑
1. 作为新主机护航,业界画面的标杆,DICE要彻底拿出让人感觉,“我靠,这就是电影啊,我是真一点看不出来这是游戏了”的感叹。想来想去,也只有DICE做个现代战争能达到这样让人为之一振的效果了。这是一个次世代彻底的标杆,占地6的意义绝不是任何游戏能比的,它代表的是人类目前技术水平,到底能把游戏做到多清楚的一个程度。诚然,索尼第一方也有能力,但是,似乎我们不会太多谈论第一方的画质问题,谈论的更多的是第一方剧情问题。
2. 玩家们要求的将会更多,不仅是要求加入海上战斗这么简单了。瑞典军方的枪械录音此前就有,但是这次要更为完全和真实。把一切都要做到最逼真,一切都要达到目前美军实战运用的效果。光想想就知道DICE的压力,这得需要多少素材的堆叠。
3. 你看看PS4现在游戏的画面和当年占地4的画面有差距么?没有吧?占地4当年的画质拿到现在依然是顶级。但是时代变了,光是简单的把画面加HDR,纹理加深,这已经绝对不够了。DICE在明年次世代护航的作品中,要拿出彻底达到电影画质级别的即时演算效果,给整个世界一个交代。
4. 有人会问你凭什么要求一个第三方做这些事?关键它是DICE啊,它的游戏历来代表业界画质最高水平,是极限,这已经和哪个主机,哪个第一方没关系了。说白了,DICE要做的,就是告诉世界,目前游戏的极限在哪,就这么简单。
** 6: 10 Things We Want DICE To Include
Every year, October marks the beginning of the yearly swell of AAA video game titles releasing, particularly for action franchises like Call of Duty and **. While Call of Duty is bringing a new Modern Wa**re title to bear on the holiday season, ** is absent this year. This is hardly surprising, considering that DICE has traditionally kept on a two-year release schedule for its flagship franchise. Still, this hasn't slowed speculation on what they're planning next. Here are a few things we'd love to see in the next installment, considering players' general disappointment with the previous installment, ** V.
A True Campaign
For the last few installments, DICE has opted to include episodic short stories instead of a traditional longer campaign. This is somewhat understandable. As they were dealing with the World Wars, it was likely easier to show the breadth of experiences by relying on shorter segments, as opposed to trying to string together one or two stories that covered all of it. While this approach was understandable, it also meant that it was hard to be emotionally invested in the characters, and each segment ended up feeling more like a tutorial with voice acting than an actual story. Bringing back a true campaign would help it feel much more complete as a game, no matter the setting.
Destructible Environments
This request is one that pretty much everyone can agree on. We understand that destructible environments are diffi** and taxing on game systems. But we also absolutely agree that it would be worth it. Some of the absolute best multiplayer moments in earlier ** games were delivered when a ** burst through the back wall of a house you were hiding behind, or you blasted out a wall to flank your enemies and reach an objective. Though this has been possible to some extent in some of the more recent games, destructibility has, by and large, disappeared from the franchise. It's been one of the most disappointing losses, and we'd all be happy to wait until DICE can make it happen.
AI Enemies In Multiplayer
As a franchise, ** has generally done a great job making its battles feel huge, but that doesn't mean there's no room for improvement. Perhaps the best thing DICE could implement here would be introducing AI-powered enemies in multiplayer modes. They don't have to be very intelligent at all, just serviceable, but they'd provide enough of a threat and enough volume to add an extra level of chaos and scale to firefights. 2017's Battlefront II, from **'s Star Wars sibling franchise, utilized AI-powered sta**ghters over ground battles from launch and has since added AI troops in select ground battles. It's not much, but it's enough to make them feel like the massive clashes from the movies.
Flight-Based Game Modes
One of the few things in which ** has a distinct advantage over its competitors is its vehicles, particularly its aerial ones. Despite this, none of the games have had a significant focus on these modes, instead choosing to relegate it to a near afterthought in larger modes like conquest. While this gameplay is fun, it's rarely advantageous for your team to spend much time in aerial vehicles. They can't capture objectives, and it's usually simple enough to hide from them during strafing or bombing runs.
DICE's multiplayer games have been at their best when they include high levels of verticality in their level design. This doesn't just mean the inclusion of flying vehicles (though we definitely want to see those, too), but verticality in spaces accessible to infantry. Verticality adds an exponential amount of playable area for infantry players, and immediately introduces dozens of tactical and gameplay options. For example, skyscrapers can be used as sniper posts, or they can be used as a starting point for BASE jumps. Hills and mountainous terrain can contain bases and break sightlines but are also perfect for ambushes when made accessible to players. Slight but harsh elevation changes can facilitate both long- and short-range gameplay in the same area, meaning there's something for all styles of players.
Sea-Based Game Modes
One of the greatest ways ** could distinguish itself would be through the introduction of sea-based game modes. Think of it as a grounded version of Battlefront II (2005)'s Space Assault game mode-- players could use sta**ghters and transport ships to either attack capital ships from the outside, or board and disable them from the inside. A similar mode in ** could be immensely fun.
Meaningful Customization
One of the biggest opportunities ** has is the ability to introduce meaningful player customization. Matches in ** are inherently unbalanced on a player-to-player level already. The weapons and items that players begin with are often vastly inferior to later options. The most frustrating element is that of class restrictions-certain weapon types are generally tied to certain classes. It's both a minute barrier to actual imbalance and a massive frustration when weapons and abilities don't line up quite how people want them to. This often leads to some of the most important abilities in the game (medic and vehicle repair) being neglected by those with them, because they have no desire to use them, and vice versa. Break down the barriers. Let people build their own character from the ground up.
Mid-Game Rewards
Taking another cue from Battlefront, one of the best possible additions would be unlockable special units or vehicles that the player can earn within the course of a single online match. The ability to take a short turn as the door gunner for a helicopter, or to direct heavy artillery fire, or even take command of a more skillful AI squad would add much more variety to the matches and would also provide incentive and reward for performance. Hero units wouldn't make much sense, but access to certain weapons or abilities could provide a similar experience for players.
Unique Setting
** always draws comparisons to Call of Duty. It's inevitable. They're the two largest players in a crowded industry. In particular, ** V saw significant comparison to Call of Duty: WWII, and it wasn't favorable. To put it simply, ** has always thrived when it's done its own thing. ** 1 was largely praised, mainly due to its exploration of a conflict that hadn't been utilized in a blockbuster title before.
More Tactical Options
** has always leaned towards more tactical, "realistic" gunfights, at least relative to most other shooters. Still, games like Ubisoft's Rainbow 6 Siege have pushed this to a new level in terms of fun, skill, and competitiveness. ** bringing a similar style of gameplay to a larger scale would be an absolute blast, and help to further differentiate it from its main competition. It would also encourage greater team communication and coordination at both the squad and team levels, which the series has dabbled with anyways. With this, like with previous entries, we hope DICE fully commits to what they're good at, and gives us a new entry worth playing and remembering for years to come.