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发表于 2007-4-17 12:49 · 台湾
下面是引用qq2007于2007-04-17 12:10发表的[PS3/360]《失落的星球》新作登陆X360、PS3?:
据国外媒体报道,一位熟悉Capcom业务的公司内部员工近日对外界透露,Capcom可能即将在近期公布一款名为《失落的星球 战争(Lost Planet Wars)》的游戏,预计将同时登陆次世代主机X360和PS3,但具体详情现在还不得而知。外界推测本作可能是一款以《失落的星球》原作为背景和基本世界观开发的大型多人联机在线游戏,不过Capcom官方并未对此予以证实,看来最终的谜底还是要等官方自己来揭开。
I promised a few surprises last week, so all of you put me on a limb here. Here’s some interesting tidbits, that only the Rumor Reporter… that’s right - your Bruce Kelly - found out over the weekend.
First of all, we know about the success that Lost Planet for the Xbox 360 received, critically and publicly. A friend close to the happenings at Capcom has revealed an upcoming next-generation title that justifies Capcom’s loyalty to this new series. Introducing, Lost Planet Wars. Expected to be coming out for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, nothing yet is much known about the title, other than its ties to the already released Xbox 360 action game. Could it be a strategy title, MMO? I’ll have more details in the coming weeks, but you read it here first.
都过两个月了还近期公布... |