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发表于 2006-2-22 11:22 · 江苏
下面是引用37度2于2006-02-21 14:23发表的:
Primary Objective: Protect C-47s
Primary Objective: Intercept Zeros (12 total)
These objectives are really one and the same. Four groups of three zeros will
approach from the East to attack the C-47s that are coming in from the West. In
1. Fly to Taroa
2. Destroy Radar Tower
3. *Destroy 6 bombers on the ground. [SECONDARY OBJECTIVE]
4. Destroy 12 AA guns before C-47s arrive.
5. Defend C-47s [Destroy 12 Zeros]
6. Land, Steal Enemy Zero
7. Return to Carrier [Fly to Waypoint] (回去装载.)
8. Destroy Japanese Ace [J2M7 Raiden](破坏日本人的ACE)
9. Land on the Lexington (在LEXINGTON着陆)
4. By now you should have destroyed the radar tower [or your wingmen have] and you will now be told to destroy 12 AA guns before 2 C-47 transport planes full of US paratroopers arrive.
提示你应该指派你的飞行员去破坏敌人的雷达站。并且在2架C-47 抵达时提前消灭敌人的12AA防空机枪。
The guns are spaced out mostly around the edge of the island, but here is one in the centre near where the runways cross. You'll need to attack these yourself, your wingmen will only be able to get one or two at most. It can be useful to set them on "engage at will" orders as that keeps enemy planes off your back while you take out the AA. You only have a couple of minutes so don't take too long.
5. Callahan's group will head north to attack some zeros that are after theC-47s, after a minute or so you will be ordered south to attack several groups of 2-3 Zeros inbound for them also.
Take your wingmen with you and order them after the objective planes while you also attack. Try not to get too distracted by other zeros that attack you and focus on the target planes, but at the same time, be careful you don't get shot up too much. Try to keep them as far as possible from the C-47s as the Zero scan be deadly, and its a "mission fail" if either C-47 is shot down. Once again, you can distract Zeros by shooting at them and get them to break off from attacking the transports. It is also worth heading south before you are ordered to.
6. Once you've killed the 12 Zeros, and while you are waiting for the
transports to arrive, knock off a few more Zeros to keep your skills up. You'll see a cut scene of the paratroopers landing, and there will be a short fire fight on the ground while they take control of the base. Keep killing Zeros, and eventually you will be told that the ground forces have captured an enemy zero.
Landing rings will appear leading to the NW runway, fly through both of them to land and swap to the Zero. It's an incredibly light and agile planes, armed with 2 x MGs and 2 x 20mm Cannons, but is made of wood and has no armour for the pilot.
7. Once you've taken off, fly W towards the waypoint. If you like, you can practice your gunnery skills on a few Zeros on the way, but try to avoid taking too much damage. Once you enter the waypoint, you will be taken to the next area.