6小时以前,***的orangepi小组的Stevie Whyte更新了一个漏洞修正版的Retropie for orange pi img。
New Retropie for orange pi img. This is basically a hotfix release. Not too much has been changed.
added :
* Exploit fix for kernel.
* Auto mounting of usb devices
* xbox 360 controller drivers (you will still need to run retropi-setup to enable xboxdrv) You also need to reconnect the xbox controller after every boot for it to register.
*Full desktop with web browser can be launched from the emulationstation menu (see pic). Plus a few cosmetic changes.
user - pi
password - pi
root - admin
Alerino Reis and myself are working on a new version but i thought i would release this to help out some of the users. We will try and keep you guys updated with our progress. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Dh1_wAL84aUE9UMGhtZTVhWTg/view?pref=2&pli=1