Posse T-shirt: Unlocked when the multiplayer community reaches an unspecified amount of money in The Strike It Rich! Rockstar Challenge.
在多人游戏The Strike It Rich中达到一个不确定的金钱总额后解开
Red Dead Redemption logo T-shirt: Open a chest northwest of Riley's Charge in a burnt down building.
打开位于Riley's Charge西北方烧毁房屋内的宝箱获得
Rockstar Logo T-shirt: Open a chest upstairs in the attic at the Marston Farm house at Beecher's Hope.
打开位于Beecher's Hope中 Marston Farm房屋阁楼内的宝箱获得
Sombrero: Shoot the hat off of an enemy in Expert Aim mode.
Gentleman's Attire: Complete the Rockstar Games Social Club "Skin It To Win It" challenge.
在R星Social Club中完成"Skin It To Win It" 挑战
Lady's Finest: Complete the Rockstar Games Social Club "Skin It To Win It" challenge.
在R星Social Club中完成"Skin It To Win It" 挑战