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【原创听译】《God of War》剧情对白(欢迎继续补完)


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-15 09:51  ·  辽宁 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

0 Z; A2 [+ V+ f1 M; {# s& q
非常感谢大家大家对这个贴子的关注,根据大家的提议,我又整理了一下原文和翻译,主要是修改了一些错误。翻译要讲求信达雅,偶不是英文专业的,所以偶的翻译只是帮大家理解原文,希望大家提出更好的意见啊。另外,最近越来越忙了,不能及时来更新,还请大家谅解:)  4/22/2005 22:401 [# X4 ^$ S4 \9 m8 z
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 }! @4 _+ n$ I4 i6 E/ r) }' x+ q# ?
共九段,翻译完成,后三段英文有待整理      4/17/2005    1:51# V5 P; g2 \7 ~9 d+ D
4 A4 |: b8 ~) ]2 ]( C2 w% h谢谢大家的关注。又完成了两部分。更新一下。4/16/2005    16:009 ~4 A$ Z! f. b$ D3 H' \
. c6 e6 j5 B% N. T) A由于下午要从学校回家,周日前可能不会更新。前四部分的翻译工作已经完成。恳请大家批评指正。我会继续的做下去的,以后会先放英文再放中文。更新速度会尽量保证,如有速度过慢,还请大家谅解。7 i$ N/ j! V# Q$ l
               4/15/2005      12:00- v8 ]8 u7 ^0 [! @. [0 n  e# K9 e
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d; j2 Y* U& K4 Q6 A5 Y
, D, x' e7 a% n' Q6 U* Y7 q: ?. D  C: {" S% c
franksxf,mik123,zelda64 关于siren的翻译(想想偶真是无知啊……)
: b3 D4 J: Y1 p: cbrian0908提出的若干意见。
0 p& H. e! d- L, g4 V1 Isun_wq 修正并补完pt1 攻城一处; H( l, E( `- i( b! J+ e5 G
yb-008 修正pt1 "wine"一处
0 q+ e3 i1 @1 m+ t3 Usaya 修正pt1 grace --> Greece: N  e4 {2 r8 ~9 M, V
( F2 u8 H7 t% h, f& y事先声明,此帖很有可能变成***贴,因为听写很费时间的……还有就是,本人自听,难免错误,希望大家指正,更希望有达人把***的地方补出来。。这个游戏台词写的很好。
; }9 z# y# c3 |/ c4 ~8 V1 \1 p4 z1 Q1 W& h" n8 \
在玩的时候,并没有觉得太难,但真正坐下来一句一句一词一词的听下去,还真感觉力不从心。实在太喜欢这个游戏,感觉台词也很经典,所以决心做这样一件事情。现在看来,要想做完可能会比较困难(还是水平不济啊)。9 B* n( w: Z0 O0 F2 K
' F. i7 {2 x% a6 |. `" T
现在只听完五部分,第五部有些地方实在是听不明白,而且那部分也比较乱,各种嘈杂声……所以先贴出前四段吧。。。。。。8 X( w) V" o& G- ~# @) I) i4 `
6 r( [9 z4 H& }8 o3 |+ c7 @! W& V
段落是按照“Treasures”中的“In Game Movies”来分的。
8 M/ j( n4 L# {0 f1 ~% X+ Z2 k. V' g
文中的“ *** ”代表没听懂。
7 h1 `4 ~. F' c6 U' V/ H/ G+ a" \4 H- M. T
: S1 M; e% ^, a5 _) E" P
Part 1
( D. M1 t5 y4 s$ w6 c
- N3 x; a! I1 A+ n- U"Now, there is no hope.", p/ _; O2 i7 |3 _  g5 L3 k
“现在,已经没有希望了。”6 L3 ^  G& p5 N) {9 I9 ?: v
+ _5 l3 }6 v5 U: G$ L) c+ \
And Kratos cast himself from highest mountain in all of Greece. After ten years of suffering, ten years of endless nightmares, it would finally come to an end. Death would be his escape from madness. & {  k0 I* P" X# G7 G3 |0 I
Kratos从希腊最高的山峰跳了下去。十年的痛苦、十年的噩梦,终于有了结果。死亡是他逃离疯狂的唯一方法。2 _- k3 _; A. L7 U
Kratos has once been a champion of the gods’.+ |9 W$ E. ]$ s/ r
# H4 o# \/ G/ G( j
Slaughter like animals, the victims lay before him. A reminder of his own past, a past could never escape. His only solace was the sea, endlessly sailing from one harbor to the next in service to the gods of Olympus, of his hopes rest within.
( _% j: t; g  S) sKratos曾经是神的斗士。像野兽一样***,***在他面前一再的倒下。这些都在提醒着他,过去是无法逃避的。他唯一的慰藉,就是海洋。从一个港口到另一个港口永无休止的航行,做好奥林巴斯神的奴役,是他的一切希望。! z- n" ?% w5 f5 I  l7 ^
$ b6 w$ v0 _% \; G
For no matter how much wine he consumed or how many women he took to his bed, nothing on earth could rid him of horrors that plait his mind.* l& s1 R' q5 j4 S
无论他喝了多少酒或者找多少女人(原文为:把多少女人放在自己床上),他都无法摒弃那些折磨着他的恐惧(原文为:把他的思想象绳子一样拧起来的恐惧)。: @6 W. p: y" f2 R  A' q5 m" P

+ h4 c8 M9 n/ [5 ^. o3 K- k! ], F/ U$ V# v
“Athena! Ten years Athena! I have faithfully served the god for ten years! When will you relieve me from this nightmare?”3 U2 F" J5 p; _2 O0 o
0 o& G- |8 i/ v& D! t9 p: v( i! y) j* v
0 i) ]( z$ }7 U “We request one final task of you, Kratos. Your greatest challenge waits in Athens, where even now my brother Ares lays siege “
" y& t9 Z& I4 [4 H5 O& o; X$ w8 m“你还有最后一个任务Kratos,你最大的挑战正在雅典等着你。我的哥哥阿瑞斯正在攻城(雅典)”
6 [2 `3 y" V% X# U( F; f& F) v7 f* r: b. m6 G2 Z9 q
As they speak, Athens is on the verge of destruction. It is the wheal of Ares that make the great city fall. It is the wield of Ares my great city falls. Zeus has forbidden Gods from waging war on each other.
7 {3 N1 n) Y5 _: c+ S6 P: S+ v正如雅典娜所说,雅典已经危在旦夕。宙斯禁止神与神之间互相争斗。' {, U8 P" A6 S0 P" j# \( k

8 B/ c- p4 j  i/ ?' h4 t“That is why it must be you Kratos. Only a mortal trained by a god has a chance of defeating Ares.”+ j1 Y" \- f% `; t9 ^4 z
“这就是为什么必须是你Kratos。只有被神训练的凡人才能打败阿瑞斯!”(迷惑)- v4 n3 L. _7 h
) ^, n, A" J( J4 \' N0 I- q/ b
“And if I am able to do this, to kill a god, in divisions they will end?”
# J; s1 {3 y  N% k* c6 o$ F8 c* ~“如果我能做到这些,杀了一个神,一切都会结束么?”% g. K& M1 [5 A1 a+ V1 v
/ T* b* V: w: [, E
“Complete this final task, and the past consumes you will be forgiven. Have faith Kratos. The gods do not forget those who come to their aid.”% J: E* B4 @8 [
“完成最后的任务,你过去承受的一切都会被(神)原谅。要有信心Kratos!神不会忘记那些在神需要帮助的时候,挺身而出的人们。”; |  J8 {, j" t

1 C  `, s7 a7 d6 kLeaving ***** behind, Kratos set sails once more. His greatest challenge and the freedom of his growing madness lay before him in the ancient city of Athens.
# g/ a2 E! w$ o; _* NKratos再一次踏上征程(原文:扬起了帆,和前面的在海上找到慰藉呼应)。他最大的挑战和他对自由的向往(原文:对正在成长的疯狂解救)指引他奔向雅典古城。5 }* H; [( }' r" [# U7 Y7 ?* K

* d  {- }: b& ~9 S5 IPart 22 O: a6 B, R) w2 e
' `0 N$ N7 J! `  K; b3 H$ U
And without act, Kratos set in motion, *** in his downfall.
0 @7 }6 ?% T0 k/ e3 l* w“Kratos, as Athena herself has fore told. But you’re late, perhaps too late to save Athens. Or is it Athens (that) you have come to save?”& I& t1 e( G! J1 u
:“Kratos,就和雅典娜说的一样。但是你已经晚了,也许太晚了而无法成就雅典,或者,你真的是来拯救雅典的么?”! c8 u/ n/ a& V( y" i: N

" l: U# ], D8 x- q6 W8 |0 ?“#$%^*%#@$^”
* o/ x( X0 E! ]% X! \  f“#$%^*%#@$^”(Kratos痛苦中)5 s/ X& x8 j& Q1 o

# m# [4 P* v. S8 bAnd when the Oracle looked into his soul, she saw a beast as well as a man. Once as a captain in the Spartan’s army, Kratos had become a command with only 55 soldiers, but soon his number of crew***. His tactics were brutal but effective. Drown with power he was feared by all, except one – his wife was the only one to brave his fury.
* t6 b, z9 o' T1 `当Oracle窥探他的灵魂的时候,她看到了一个人同时也看到一个野兽。Kratos曾经是斯巴达人军队的领袖,开始他只有55个部下,但是不久以后,这个数字就达到了上千。他的战术残忍的犹如野兽,但却非常有效。所有的人(原文为力量)都非常惧怕他,除了一个人——他的妻子——唯一一个可以对它狂暴的人。(原文这里有一个形容词fury,比较巧合的是Furies在希腊神话中是复仇女神,看来此处一语双关)
# P* m' T! U6 U% S2 n# K
5 }' {5 h, w. n0 K% @4 t" b“How much is enough, Kratos? When will it end?”
! t4 f0 v7 ^# S/ y+ V* T. I" e/ ~“When the glory of Spartan is none to other word.”
, ]- g3 k5 m7 e& d“什么时候才够,Kratos?几时才是结束?”8 S* b( \  I) `# o
“当斯巴达斯的荣耀高于一切的时候!”, p, B$ F1 c# w& [  ~+ g/ C1 o

8 F+ D: F/ S# p1 r8 e“The glorious Spartan? You did this for yourself.”( k) _% x9 B7 O% q. r
% D' }- x* w8 Y% E4 P9 j# B8 F6 H1 p  `
He desired for conquest in no bonus. But that what’s he desired, it ultimately consumes him.# Q" d) g4 K4 e# }
! {+ J. S! `9 S2 ~8 y) q" p( g- [
. L0 D( A# J2 |" o' o“Oh My gods. Why has Athena chosen one such as you?”. ^3 r1 {5 W+ O2 ?
“神啊!为什么雅典娜选择你这样的一个人?”* f% A3 o* {8 C+ F; \1 Q! ^) }9 D
“Stay out of my head!”
4 v/ l9 s6 C* ~“滚开!”
' z5 Q" a- C3 u; Z# _
% S: K7 O) j# Z$ i5 w" `" S“Choose your enemies wisely Kratos. Your brute strength for alone will not be enough to destroy Ares. Only one item in the world will allow you to defeat the god –Pandora’s Box – which lies far beyond the world of Athens hidden by the god across the desert to the east. But be warned Kratos. Many have gone to search Pandora’s Box, none have returned.”8 K! N; G) x3 r* x3 ?& R# U
“聪明的选择你的敌人,Kratos。你的野兽般的残忍并不足够让你杀掉阿瑞斯。这个世界上只有一样东西能帮助你打败战神——潘多拉魔盒——它被藏在雅典东部沙漠的尽头。要提醒你,Kratos。无数人去寻找潘多拉魔盒,却没有人回来过。$ a9 V$ J1 ?0 N% z: Z

* J* X! M& B+ |Part 3
0 r: W$ u/ L- S5 _) G6 @+ F“Kratos, the journey forward is***, but one you must complete if you are to have any hope of saving Athens.”7 z5 P& b6 Y2 [% B. U
. j. `" U" Y2 {2 I" w: K
8 N' i3 l* M1 g2 O) ?! L“The Oracle spoke of Pandora’s Box, can that be real?”! V" V# q% {* c; m" W
“The Box exists. It is the most powerful weapon a mortal can waled.”
$ V% c( a! K+ m' k7 I6 O- {0 [7 k“And with such a weapon, I could defeat Ares.”3 _3 r0 F8 A/ [: H/ B
“Oracle提到潘多拉魔盒,是真的么?”1 _/ m$ b1 U  b+ v/ B  j( p: ?
“魔盒确实存在,它是凡人可以拥有的最强武器!”$ p$ O' ]6 j; Z
“有了这样的武器,我可以打败阿瑞斯。”: Z5 z. h, L5 }4 g7 d" |1 d
: P1 a4 y( a# S8 D
“With the box, many things become possible. And so it is hidden well, far across the desert of lost souls. Ares save a passage through the deadly sons. But only those hear and follow these Arian’s song would discovery it. You must find these sirens, Kratos. Only they can guide you to Cronus—the Titan.”
; e; _/ u' @- p! w5 V* r7 G3 T“因为这个魔盒,很多事情将会成为可能。所以它被隐藏很深——要穿过死灵沙漠。阿瑞斯保留有一条穿过这些亡灵的通道。但只有能听见并找到阿里乌斯派***的人才能发现(这条通道)。你必须找到这群塞壬。Kratos,只有她们才能引导你找到柯罗诺斯——泰坦”% c$ H+ j4 N* K' X9 r

& c. e$ w1 n# V! |8 a! o“A Titan lives?”! ]' l7 t9 G6 Q/ Z4 ^8 r3 G
“Cronus is the last. It’s used under the command to wander the desert and listening. The temple of Pandora changed to his back onto swelling sand has ripped the very flash from his bones. Stay true to the song of sirens Kratos. Your journey begins here. Pray it leads you back to the Athens with Pandora’s box.”
& A) K( i* E1 a$ G/ P6 S+ X“还有泰坦活着么?”
- W  Z- Q; k* Y8 V+ D“柯罗洛斯是最后一个。他受命在沙漠中游走并倾听。潘多拉之塔变成了他身体的的一部分而‘长’在他的后背上。去找那些阿利乌斯人的歌曲吧,你的旅程刚刚开始。祈祷它指引你带着潘多拉魔盒,重回雅典。”
' X  [6 |4 b7 G3 u8 i' t  q" t% n6 J) A4 e2 y" T
Part 4, d3 U8 ~3 X! V
The racked body of those who were gone in search of Pandora’s Box lay before him. And at once, Kratos knew who was first responsible. For this was not first time he see the ruins of Ares and his meanings has left their wake. Kratos has experienced the first tend years before.
, i# w* `) y- Y  W" |, L“绞刑架上,潘多拉魔盒追随者们的尸体躺在他(Kratos)面前,马上,Kratos明白了是谁,该对着一切负责。这已经不是他第一次看到阿瑞斯的劣迹了。Kratos感受到他很久以前才有过的紧张。
- h9 V8 @' c8 |6 N2 a( ~
% L/ Z, F' m, z+ b6 A5 |The youngest and brutest captain in Spartan Army, Kratos inspired fears’ loyalty in his mind. It has always been enough to carry him through in any battle until this day.! |4 n2 Q9 t2 R& E2 h
The barbarians in the east, number to a thousand. And they sent it to the Spartans without a mercy. The battle lasted in the hours. ****
0 i2 o. T$ \# a作为斯巴达斯军队中最年轻也是最为勇猛的军官,Kratos坚信恐惧对他的忠诚给他带来的灵感(就是说他不怕恐惧,这句太难翻了,原句精彩,很简练的三个词)。这使他不断地向前一次次冲向战场,直到有一天,东部强壮的野蛮人,数以千计的尽压下来……战斗持续了很长时间。
2 t/ o. F. j4 i% C3 L& T" P/ m, V9 q" l, n* `! ^
The soliders faced the macikar, and young captain faced the end of his brilliant career and his life. But to Kratos victory was worth any price even his soul. 2 J  @. K. ^* T7 N1 N5 C  C& Y
“Ares! Destroy my enemies and my life is yours!”
  _) S7 L6 a; SThat *** call for aid would hunt Kratos for all his days." O6 h# B; S7 Z  P
士兵面对了前所未有的恐惧,而年轻的军官则面对了他天才的职业生涯,甚至他生命的尽头。但是对Kratos来说,胜利值得让他牺牲任何的代价,甚至他的灵魂。8 ?9 C, j: _- L+ J
“阿瑞斯!摧毁我的敌人吧!我的生命就是你的了。”- B; Z3 d& @. |2 j! R# W
“这撕心裂肺的呼救将永远的捆绑住Kratos。”* q0 q7 b- B& K. r

& J% }1 C. o2 h% a. y: r+ Z“Oh the gods, what have I become?”9 f3 }0 z7 Y6 p. a  A: g& R# G5 ]
“神啊!我变成了什么样子?”1 p# N; Y+ w9 y: h9 P2 D" w
% i3 Y* E9 T7 q. j6 L: B5 ^! B
; N7 c- F: o# E, R$ M+ B1 g. p4 j

. Q; K/ P0 s7 m+ d& S# e5 K- Y4 [Part 5# ?# j7 c; ?0 V+ U, S- d5 S
Kratos has been in service to the god long enough to know that the harpy had been sentence a warning, a reminder from his former master of a decision that has cost Kratos everything. Had it been that long since he’d almost met his end by the hands of barbarians, that long since he traded everything to save himself.
. x6 A4 [# L. h, D" O, A2 R" NKratos知道哈耳皮埃(身是女人, 而翅膀、尾巴及爪似鸟的怪物,代表残酷和贪婪)的出现是一种警告,这是(他从前的)主人对他的提醒,要他决定为主人付出任何代价,他们上次的出现是在他差点死在那些野蛮人手里的时候——也就是在他决定为了解救自己而付出一切的时候——那是很久以前的事了。(原文用强调句强调了时间久,并且用了“交换”这个词)$ G# s) A( ~7 p7 |
0 a4 S5 @& k/ _% h
“Ares!”9 @: G; D  y7 X/ _2 g/ {
The sky spitted part, and the God of War stepped through.- v' q. A( i- N  z
*** from Olympus, he saw him making to a god in a mir….  r9 X  R! U6 h/ p" M
Ares saved Kratos. He turned him to a perfect warrior – his servant on earth. Only a simple pleasure loyalty required – “My life is yours, Ares. From this day, I shall carry forth your will.”0 O5 w5 a% a/ Z: Z6 j5 F
“阿瑞斯!”3 v6 |: P. e* C/ Z
天空分开了,战神慢慢走了出来。他看到了来自奥林匹斯山的真正的神。6 L6 k: `  }5 o- t2 c" R
阿瑞斯解救了Kratos。并把Kratos变成了一个强壮的战士——他在人间的仆人。阿瑞斯对他只有一个简单的要求:“我的生命是你的了,阿瑞斯。从今天起,我将遵从你的意愿。)$ j: L& j5 y2 P8 q
! g6 v$ P* ~$ M5 A# ?
And his fate was sealed. As promised, Areas rescued his new psycho. Reinforce the power of a God, destroy those who would slaughter Kratos and his meant. As for Kratos,  *****  a servant to the God of War. The blades of chaos, *****,flash a part of body,*****  in return ultimate power. The rage of Ares exploded from within – assume he could learn to cost to such power, a cost too high even for Kratos to pay. 5 B% i7 s2 F) U  K1 I# u
) Q4 ^) p( [- S6 C! O' Q6 }7 i
+ z5 E; B+ a# B* P“** you beast! I know who is your serve. Return to your master. Tell the God of War I am his no longer. Tell him he will not be safe while I walk the earth. I will find Pandora’s Box. And I will use it to see him trembling fall before me”
) h3 W( |8 [- B% a “滚开你这死鸟!我知道你的主子是谁,滚回去吧!去告诉战神我已经不是他的了。告诉他,当我再踏上这片土地的时候,他就不再安全了!我一定要找到潘多拉魔盒,我要使用它,并看着战神在我面前,跪下来颤抖!”0 f2 K1 J* b7 n& v( i7 G
7 j7 I" p2 w# _( n
Part 61 a' T3 ?9 k: f( K: g, E$ D
The path before Kratos was clear, but still, the memories came rushing back. ****this blades changed his will. Memories of what he done in the name of Ares, memories of how he became a servant to the god of war, a beast. His humanity roped and replaced only with the will to murder. No one was saved. The entire army was failed before Kratos, and the soldiers who followed him on his unending path of conquest only in the name of his master. Those who resist him from any kind *** quickly.
  m  n$ _# I, f前方的道路很清楚,但记忆仍然时时向Kratos涌来——以战神的名义所做的一切,他变成了一个奴隶,一个野兽。混合之刃使他灵魂改变。他的人性已经消亡,他的心中,只有***。每人被拯救,整个军队在Kratos面前溃退,他的士兵,为了他的征服的欲望跟随着他,反对他的只有死亡。$ k, h* u% ?: Q6 o3 s  ?

0 D, \7 U+ D2 Z. w7 I" A1 T0 g$ O7 p“Take bill this temple to over praise to Athena. This entire village stands in the front to the lord Ares. Ruin this village, burn it to the ground.”: B0 P. I/ p8 t! D* e7 J; S
Abought by the god of war, Kratos with his army was ruthless, feared throughout the world for its retaliation. All the members took conquest for the name of Kratos, their great leader, who had become near insentient. He feared nothing.0 u! E; }4 y6 I* J
But there’s something about this temple, something forbidden. All his instincts told him should never cross this threshold, never step inside.  
5 \# N9 B' {: u/ V“Be awared, Kratos. The dangers in the temple are greater than you know.”
4 k6 N# s; Z' ?. P; M& WBut the village Oracle’s warning felt on deaf as he is. His ambition would not be denied.
# v' n% D8 R( ^1 h. j先杀到高塔的可以赢取雅典娜的奖赏,我们面前的这个村庄,阿瑞斯神让我们毁坏它,烧光它。为了偿还战神,Kratos和他的军队残忍之极,所到之处充满了恐怖。他们伟大的领袖——Kratos——已经失去了感觉,不知道恐惧。
) W7 f. W! K3 d% ^但是塔钟有一种力量,那里是禁区。Kratos的本能告诉他,他不该跨入这个禁区,一步也不应该。# }* S/ a9 y$ s" G0 c( ?
/ C. l+ N( h6 }* w) q9 `2 B1 PIn that instance, the glory he revealed in turned to horror. The image of his two final victims stayed for him for all his days. Without act, Kratos knew he could no longer serve his master. He had (none) but one calling now in death of Ares. He would murder the god of war.   d' c4 {, H# a. b2 Q1 \
“Ares! You would die for what you did that night.”
% ]7 D6 c+ _  [0 H% E那一刻,他所有的荣耀立刻变成了恐惧。他手中最后两个***(就是他的妻儿)倒下的画面从那一刻开始使他再也挥之不去。那一刻,他第一次狂喊着要阿瑞斯的命,他要杀了战神!
$ |: Z$ Z& x5 g. F! ~+ N2 c“阿瑞斯,你要为今晚所做的一切负责!”" C# ^. o3 ?3 V
; a% Z* _6 q  |
Part 7
6 m3 h% v. o/ ^3 X  Y, g1 \
9 B1 y+ c3 }9 y+ V7 eAfter a thousand years, Pandora’s Box was at last free **** its confines. Kratos had found the means to destroy the God of War. Far away in Athens, Ares knew he has succeeded in his quest.+ {4 ^. \. a0 V1 m
“So, little Spartan, you recovered useless precious box. But you will not live long enough to see it open. I will see to that. Goodbye Spartan.”
* n. v, D" o) ~2 k一千年以后,潘多拉魔盒终于自由的脱离了潘多拉塔的束缚。Kratos找到了毁灭战神的方法。然而在遥远的雅典,阿瑞斯却知道了Kratos他成功的达成了愿望。
3 Z6 u- p! {* Z“那么,小斯巴达人,你找到了这个对你来说珍贵的盒子,但他对你来说毫无用处,你已经等不到看着他打开,而我会看到,再见了,斯巴达人!8 V) f' ?5 P+ J  t& T& R& v/ B
2 m+ u+ |+ M7 }: @
As the life began to leave Kratos, his soul returned to that faithful night. Even in death the memories in visions will not fade, for how could he forget splitting the blood of his own family. A cruel trick *** by the god of war.: g+ w* R, Y, H6 |1 M
“My life, my child, ohhhh”
% }+ I5 |; b# [! d! C- m# q8 x“You are becoming all that you hope to be, Kratos. Now with your wife and child dead, nothing will hold you back. You will become even stronger. You will become death itself.”- E6 o  l1 _6 F8 Z9 J9 N9 u

" B* U) ?0 G5 j- X当生命渐渐离Kratos远去,他的灵魂回到那个难忘的夜晚。甚至死亡,都不能让那记忆中的画面减退,因为无论如何,他都不能忘掉他的家人鲜血四溅的情景。而这一切,都是战神残酷的安排。
* y* k$ ]/ ]6 ^5 m( u“我的妻子,我的孩子,啊啊啊啊!”
5 h2 W" l3 y. r! Y. u9 j/ i  g“你已经成为你一直都想成为的了,Kratos。现在,面临你妻儿的死亡,你已经无路可退。你会变得更加强壮,因为你——就是死亡。”1 G3 v; e2 z4 z6 p, U: p
1 g# T8 ^# P0 l6 n9 W
But as the flame consume the temple, Kratos realized, his true enemy was the god who once saved his life, the same god who have now taken everything from him.
( _( V# m# C' p$ [“Ares!”( Z! ]1 `0 M/ \/ e+ E
“From this night forward, the mark of your terrible deed will visible to all. The ashes of your wife and child will remain fastened to your skin, never to be removed.”! }' c  x8 g) m7 b- F1 P
And with oracle’s curse, all would know him for the beast he had become. His skin white to the ash of his family, the ghost of a Spartan had been evolved. Man in death – he had failed.  + [# `6 R. u8 G3 J& N- [
, M! u" @) H* L" P% w( T2 E5 o
但是随着火焰慢慢吞噬钟塔,Kratos意识到,战神才是他真正的敌人——那个方曾经救了他又把他的一切夺走的战神。+ s+ t# W) w8 ~+ M) t% h8 R- Y% V
- e) E! K2 w' M. m6 |0 U“从这个夜晚开始,你可怕的印记将会被世人所见——你妻儿的灰将会在你的皮肤上染上颜色,永远不会被移掉。”
6 {2 u! F. z7 `5 j所有人都会知道,他已经变成一个野兽,他的皮肤沾染着他妻儿的骨灰,他已经是斯巴达人魔鬼的化身。活死人——他彻底的失败了。
$ r- p$ Y+ E9 p' j9 b5 i7 e
$ \1 }3 X0 o8 [) _As the ** of Ares carried the Pandora’s Box, Kratos had his life faded ****.  ; v4 f1 _# `. }( P' d. h
And Kratos fell into the underworld. ****. the current strong enough to carry even the strongest mortal to his eternal resting place. But Kratos have no intention of resting yet. He intended to live, to return to earth and complete his quest.
1 y0 u+ H  A/ g8 v* e7 {# O“What go for? You will dray me down to that cursed river!”   r5 L# j, V7 N7 Q0 H
“There’s a test left for me above. I will see to complete it.! B+ q7 q( M" C
“You again! Ahhhhh”7 D7 P$ _* v" t0 q  P
随着潘多拉魔盒在他眼里消失,Kratos 的生命也逐渐消亡。Kratos坠入了无间地狱——湍急的流水足以让最强壮的人类得到永远的安息。但Kratos还不打算就此安息。他要活下去,他要返回人间完成他最后的使命!+ o5 _, Q# D: N9 |
/ ?- |% f% P. T# Y. _" \“上面还有一项任务在等着我,我要去完成它。”
; T2 k) e* W( h- v" q“你!啊啊啊啊啊啊!”
7 O! L8 s2 i+ U4 w4 i0 y: i' m. a
" V9 E: [7 |* W3 i" M% VPart 8
- [" p! o4 Z0 l% r+ _8 h+ D; f8 zKratos had traversed the desert of lost souls. *** deadly traps of Pandora’s Temple and escape Hades himself. There was last one task left.
  q  W+ Q! M2 M3 A( F: ~7 U2 I' a“Zeus, do you see what your son can do?”6 r+ s5 y" _5 B) J2 e
“You cast your favor on Athena, but her city lies in ruins before me. And now, even Pandora’s Box is mine. Would you have me use it again to Olympus itself? Kratos, returnees from the underworld. Is this the best you can do, father? You send a broken mortal to defeat me – the God of War?” % n# q; w$ n: `# A7 H+ }. O( f6 I: R
Kratos穿越了亡灵沙漠,找到了潘多拉魔盒,逃出了冥界,现在只剩一项任务在等着他了。7 \/ ~* I9 e. e* N% Q4 G- r# S
3 }" A/ v% l# d1 d3 o" I“你把希望寄托给雅典娜,但她的城却在我面前濒临毁灭。现在,就连潘多拉魔盒也是我的,你要看看我怎么把它用在奥林帕斯山么?Kratos!从冥界回来的人!爸爸,难道这就是你能做的事情吗?派一个死过了的人来来杀了我——战神?”
/ U: d" W' V1 b" s7 T' |  p& N8 X0 v, d, G
After a thousand of years, Pandora’s Box was finally open. The power of the god unleashed.
3 Z' T3 u, I" k" O6 M“You are still just a mortal. Every weaker ****, you’d better save you life.”
+ `$ m* z4 V! \: [) b/ ^# @“I am not the same man you found back. The monster you created has returned to kill you.”1 N" ?- q4 S2 N/ K8 v5 J4 d8 y4 M
“You have no idea what a true monster is, Kratos. Your final lesson is end.”5 Y- y: s' i$ I4 K
一千年后,潘多拉魔盒终于打开了。神的力量被释放了。, [  C% ]* Q; s% h0 q+ C( ]7 o0 x8 C4 B
“你仅仅是一个普通人,还是想想怎么救救你自己吧!”6 }; L1 v; s2 I* V
“我已经不是你就回的那个人了,你创造的怪兽如今回来了——回来杀掉你!”7 c6 q; d  t4 q& z9 b4 K" [
' F  q9 F9 @% a) ~4 D) @9 H" I; C, O3 d6 ~1 I) P

3 J. ^- b% ]/ A9 F6 S/ I4 DPart 96 F( H8 A! k/ I5 f/ n' U, j
“Remember Kratos! It was I who saved you in your time of greatest need.”
7 T0 x# X2 k/ k# {/ E1 x( V! @. O9 O“I haven’t forgotten, Ares, I remembered how you saved me!”
7 z5 ?4 J# u7 N“I was trying to make you a great warrior.”
, O. x& ?2 I: @! a' ?+ b“You succeeded.”( E( E/ j( x. L  f7 X
“%^*()*&^^”+ Z/ k  \; }# _" ]9 L$ w% N1 f
# v0 N/ g( [' R  `! T“我没忘,阿瑞斯,我记得是你救了我。”9 ^- K% L& Z$ q: `) t- p" _
“我一直要把你变成最强的战士。”8 J8 G1 _1 K$ V
2 a' ^$ [5 I. Q0 a1 K4 C' w+ s& M# i“$%^&*”! {, `7 a, j0 l8 I

# k' H6 `3 L/ IKratos had done the impossible – a mortal defeated a god. Ares was no more. ; y' b7 _( c+ K, \
The city had been saved and was thrived again. The same could not be set for Kratos. For as he saw to rebuild his soul with the help of gods, the truth was revealed him. “Athena, Relieve me from that memories that hunt me still.”
! z3 z6 e3 G& n“You have done well, Kratos. ***. We promised your sin would be forgiven, and so they are. But we never promised to take away your nightmares. No man, no god could ever forget the terrible deeds you have done.”' G: K. N  L) ]! W) i$ r/ e. S* _
In the end, knowing the vision would never leave him. Kratos made him to the path of the Aegean Sea.
+ @( U( @( k5 t" v“The gods of Olympus have abandoned me.” 8 F2 y' U) w/ |, B! b" Q
# i/ `! @3 Y! F. f/ s# b: ~2 O“雅典娜!让我从那些折磨我的记忆中解脱吧!”
( I9 {7 p- f4 {, |/ u' }“你做得很好Kratos。我们答应过你饶恕你从前的罪过,我们也做到了。但我们却从没答应过你要消除你的噩梦。没有人,能够忘记自己曾经做过的一切。”. ?1 l2 h0 ]1 L$ u9 M
0 w4 t6 t* r9 E$ ]& J# t“奥林巴斯山的众神啊!你们抛弃了我!”
9 A" _& L6 u( H8 Z4 U7 {  \0 s+ J! H7 l! P9 R4 ^
"Now, there is no hope.": i7 E# s7 G/ _) v, {
“现在,已经没有希望了。”& y; n6 X% L; b9 I3 H+ Y" t
And Kratos cast himself from highest mountain in all of Greece. After ten years of suffering, ten years of endless nightmares, it would finally come to an end. Death would be his escape from madness. : \# C  l+ A) L" Q
* J4 }6 x9 U# L* K; _. L, W
' b) x# B7 ~7 d, c2 H4 V  l2 r5 N: k" v$ r% ^; u8 [
The fate of Kratos was not succinct. The gods had other plans.
# P# H* p4 s4 b( ]****like a feather, Kratos found himself risen from the sea and place down on solid earth.
8 r* [! G5 v0 E' E6 Z/ @- d“You will not die this day, Kratos. The gods can’t allow one who has performed such service to punish by his own hands. Ares’ tactics were brutal. His power of destruction has to be stopped. But now there’s a empty through the Olympus and the new god of war is needed. Take these stairs, Kratos. They lead to your ultimate war.”
$ f8 I6 |: B2 C( S" O4 PAnd from that point forward, throughout the rest of time, whenever man road forth to good goals, bad goals or even for evil,they did sile and they were watched by the eyes of a man who had defeat a god. They were driven forward by Kratos – the mortal who had become the new God of War.% P9 H" ?( e; M( B( @# V
然而,Kratos的命运却没有这么简单,因为神有神的安排。2 f0 q3 ^' n& X6 I& x
) y/ S, e- u$ n6 g5 G“你不能这样就死,Kratos。神不能允许那些为神服务的人亲手毁掉自己的生命。阿里斯残忍无比,它的力量理应被消灭。奥林巴斯山需要一个新的战神,走上这些台阶,它将带你找到新的未来。
0 Q5 P$ r6 R1 b( V5 n" X从那时候开始,穿越时间的界限,不管是人们为了好的坏的甚至是邪恶的目的去征战去杀戮的时候,他们总会被一个人默默的注视着——那个人是Kratos,一个击败了神的人。而Kratos,永远激励着这些勇士们前进。
! c! C$ M9 r* @( E5 g  h6 U7 j! W7 c1 W5 S2 t/ ?
- 本文原载于A9VG游戏社区


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发表于 2005-4-15 11:03  ·  江苏 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-15 11:03  ·  辽宁 | 显示全部楼层


= K隆星的RuKiA二等兵 =

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发表于 2005-4-15 11:19  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-4-15 11:20  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层
我记得pt1里面And Kratos cast himself from highest mountain in all of grace这一句的最后一个词应该是Greece,大概是Kratos从希腊最高的山上跳了下去,grace的话...Kratos优雅的跳了下去是不是有点奇怪...


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-15 11:23  ·  辽宁 | 显示全部楼层



= K隆星的RuKiA二等兵 =

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发表于 2005-4-15 11:25  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层
下面是引用saya于2005-04-15 11:20发表的:
  我记得pt1里面And Kratos cast himself from highest mountain in all of grace这一句的最后一个词应该是Greece,大概是Kratos从希腊最高的山上跳了下去,grace的话...Kratos优雅的跳了下去是不是有点奇怪...


嗯。。这个好像是Greece 。。 按照我的零星记忆。。。
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